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Thread: im confused and dont know what to do..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Exclamation im confused and dont know what to do..

    my marriage isnt good and i been seen a counsellor, im horrible person to be with and i get angry and swear at my wife and very easily angered by my son who wont do as he is told.... she threaten to leave me and take the kids, but my mind doesnt seem to care as is there a wall in the way stop stop me caring.....

    i hate myself and even considered harming myself as im not very nice person at times and feel i should punish my self for hurting everyone around me esp my family, i got low few months ago and i found summit blunt and scored bad dad along the inside of my arms...........

    is 40mg daily dose hiding me away from caring and actually being human as nothing seems to make me wanna be a better person.............

    im not violent and dont harm my family, but because i shout alot my son is being looked after by the care teams at his school so he can speak to someone.....but i thing they made it bigger than it was and make me out to be a bas*ard......

    i only want to be a good husband, father and happy..........
    ....just too many dam things going on in my head to deal with.....................................

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: im confused and dont know what to do..

    Speak with your GP mate. Will be able to offer opinion on dosage. It may be too much, too little or right dose. Be open and honest with him/her to help get ya out of this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: im confused and dont know what to do..

    These drugs can cause Apathy and feelings of Anger .You need to go and spk to your Dr .Sometimes a little tweak in dosage or a combination of meds can help greatly .If not there are other SSRI s you can try without feeling like this .For the meantime ,try to take a back seat with the diciplining of your children .It is a stressful time for all of you and cant be easy for your children to understand .I hope you manage to get thing back on track for all of you .Seeing someone self harm is very upsetting so please try not to beat youself up like you are doing .You are not well at the moment .Doesnt mean you will always be like this tho .If we cant forgive ourselves how do we expect others to forgive us ? T/C sue x

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