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Thread: So upset, please help going crazy over this

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Please help, pregnant and intense fear of dvt, I'm miserable

    PLEASE HELP!!! So it all started a little over a month ago, I'm 20 years old, pregnant, don't have any dvt in my family that I know of, but all of a sudden I was just walking and felt a little pain in my right calf, it felt really familiar so I didn't think much about it, didn't hurt anymore, two days later the pain started again, I googled it and of course dvt everywhere, so I rushed myself to the ER, they did some blood work on me, high d dimers but every ob told me this test should not be used during pregnancy since pregnant woman usually have high d dimers due to uterus growth, so I didn't care much about that, but the pain kept getting slightly worse, like a cramp but sometimes sharp pain in my calf, so I went to the ER again where they did a eco doppler on my leg and came back normal, I was releaved but then the pain was still there I started worrying again and found horror stories of people who did the eco doppler, came back normal and still had dvt, so a week later went to the ER again, this time with short breath and chest pain(strongly believe it was due to anxiety as I don't have these anymore) they did another eco doppler on me, came back normal again, they also did a bunch of tests on my lungs and heart, everything normal...they told me it was nerve pain as baby is pressing down the uterus, but I don't see anyone complaining about this as well...I'm on pain medication and I almost have no pain but if I don't take it, I get strong pains on calf, and now it has creeped up my leg, behind the knee and behind the thigh and just today started felling sharp pain in my groin, the pain jumps from place to place, on calf then on foot then on ankle then on outer calf then on thigh and so on...I'm so worried I keep thinking I'm going to die this has taken over my life, I can't even to daily tasks no more, I'm so scared please someone help me I cry all the time because of this which is so bad for the baby, please help me!!!! ( I had dozens of doctors examine my leg, they say is not swollen, red or warm to touch, soft muscles and even felt my pulses) I do think I have a bit of swelling above my ankle though but I think is just me maybe...I feel a lot of tingling on the area as well and twitching...I also have a very bad past of hypochondria but didn't have any problems with it for about a year
    Last edited by Brunamateus; 01-09-17 at 22:01.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Please help, pregnant and intense fear of dvt, I'm miserable

    Ahhh I had terrible anxiety during pregnancy and was convinced I'd die - hormones do a number on us in pregnancy and rational thinking goes out the window. I had issues with my right leg during pregnancy and it would ache in parts, go dead, tingle, feel cold etc. Sometimes I could hardly walk as it was so heavy. It was baby lying on a nerve and she stayed there until I delivered. The hospital wouldn't let a pregnant lady leave if there was the slightest chance of you having something like a blood clot. Have you tried mindfulness for your anxiety? It helped me a bit. There's an app called headspace I really recommend it. Also the mind can play terrible tricks when you're anxious about certain things. I was obsessed with cardiac issues during my pregnancy and had every test under the sun. I would still get breathlessness, chest pains etc. Anxiety is a cruel companion x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: Please help, pregnant and intense fear of dvt, I'm miserable

    Yes I guess the hormones do play a big role on it did you have pain in your calf too?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Please help, pregnant and intense fear of dvt, I'm miserable

    You have been checked thoroughly and they didn't find anything, so you have to find a way to accept that....I remember during pregnancy getting terrible charlie horses, mostly in my sleep, but they were happening every day. Maybe this is a similar process to what is going on with you? HYpochondria can also make the pain appear/persist. JUst a personal expefience...I also had elevated d dimer earlier in the year, and ct found nothing (I am not pregnant). Well, I have been in a terrible state for the past 4-5 months with two separate cancer scares (involving masses and testing, one of them skin which was a basal cel, one of them soft tissue that docs decided was benign by mri). I have also had a persistent cough with some wheezing and, given my mental state, I am all over lung cancer. Haven't had time to get to the doctor yet but yesterday, after I had been thinking about my earlier ct that was clear, I'll be darned if I didn't feel the same pain in my lung that prompted them to test the d-dimer in the first place. I think it was totally my imagination b/c it was gone like 10 mins later. THe really sucky thing for us is that we can't trust what we feel, and that makes knowing what is real and what is no REALLY hard. Is there any way the lingering pain you feel could be imagination? It's so hard to know but I find, sometimes, I am able to focus on a pain and make it go away, making me think it's just the HA talking.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    PLEASE HELP, DVT FEAR, can't handle it anymore, I feel so lost

    Hi guys, please I need some help and some tips as I am extremely depressed and constantly worried about this, I'm 20 years old and currently 32 weeks pregnant and a little over a month ago I felt a little twinge in my right inner calf, I brushed it off and the pain stopped, but then two days later it started again, so I decided to go to the ER, they did a d dimer test which came back elevated (I was told by several ob's not to worry because this test should not be used on pregnant women as they are always elevated) so they said it was nerve pain due to the weight of the belly and just sent me home, the pain got worse so I went to the Er again and they sent me to a vascular surgeon to have a doppler scan, he said I was fine so they sent me home and again said it was nerve pain...I started googling about doppler scans and read horror stories where people had two us done that came back normal but still had DVT, so I panicked and went to the Er again as pain did not stop, they said I had no swelling (even though I notice a little bit of swelling just below the calf) no redness and the leg wasn't warm to touch so I was fine, but they still did the doppler, which came normal again... this week rushed to the Er as I started feeling my leg cramping aswell as my toes and my calf and hamstring felt tight, the did a doppler again and it came back fine, again I was sent home with no explanation for this pain...I also feel twitches where I have the pain and sometimes my leg feels cold, but not to touch...these days later I've also felt pain in groin and inner thigh...I had to come live to my parents house since I can't be alone anymore due to this, I have panic attacks almost every night and I just feel like I'm going to collapse and die, I feel so miserable for doing this to my baby, please someone help me!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Re: PLEASE HELP, DVT FEAR, can't handle it anymore, I feel so lost

    You're are 32 weeks pregnant! The body may be a wonderful thing but god pregnancy is hard on it! My first was 9lb 1oz and second 12lb 1oz. Your body is going to ache until that little baby is out. Just breathe and remember you have that precious littlen inside of you growing and being nurtured. Pregnancy is such a wonderful thing but my god it's hard! Please don't worry, if you do have concerns talk to your midwife. You don't have longneck left now so just relax and enjoy (well as much as you can being pregnant ;D) your time before your little one comes.
    Lots of love xx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    PLEASE HELP, depressed over dvt fear

    Hey, I'm a 20 year old female, 33 weeks pregnant, about two months ago I felt a little pain, very localized in my calf, brushed it off, two days later it was back and it was getting worse, I went to the hospital scared of dvt, had doppler ultrasound done, everything normal, of course I got home and read horror stories about people who had several dopplers done and still had dvt, so since the pain got worse one week later back to the hospital and so the course of these two months, I had three doppler ultrasounds done, two by vascular doctors, all three came normal...the pain was getting worse and progressed to the back of my thigh , the outside of my calf my groin and inner thigh, so desperate my mother took me to an osteopath, she massaged my leg (gave me major anxiety) and I got out of there with no pain whatsoever, like it was never two days later the pain is slowly creeping in again, which I guess it's normal since I wouldn't just be healed from one session...I have no major swelling( just a little between my calf and ankle) nothing major almost not noticeable, no redness, warmth e.t.c. Just the pain...guys is this all in my head? Please I can't sleep I can't eat cause I will vomit because I'm so nervous, I can't to anything but cry cause I'm sure I will be dead before I can deliver this baby, I feel so bad because of all the anxiety I'm putting this baby through but I just can't control it....HELP PLEASE

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: PLEASE HELP, depressed over dvt fear

    It might be worth seeing your doctor with this new information. The thing about going to a hospital scared that you have "x" is that they immediately start looking for "x" in many cases. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you now go to your doc and say that your calf/leg pain was relieved briefly by massage, but is returning, then they might have more to go on.

    There are so many benign things that can cause leg cramps - electrolyte imbalances, fluid retention, stress leading to tension in the muscles, strain on your core from the weight of your baby, etc. You don't really need to jump straight to dvt. But because you are pregnant, it is worth being reasonably cautious - and at the very least relieving your discomfort.

    Also, don't read the horror stories online. Just don't. Yes things go wrong, but you don't know the circumstances that led to those things going wrong. Maybe those people didn't even have dvt until their final doppler? Maybe their symptoms up until that point were muscular or nerve compression?

    Anyway, talk to your doc, but try not to jump to the catastrophic possibilities. There are so many more benign and manageable possibilities before you even get to dvt. Be kind to yourself!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2017

    Re: PLEASE HELP, depressed over dvt fear

    Do you think that the fact that it was relieved by a massage means it isn't a dvt?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: PLEASE HELP, depressed over dvt fear

    Quote Originally Posted by Brunamateus View Post
    Do you think that the fact that it was relieved by a massage means it isn't a dvt?
    Not a doctor but from what I understand about DVTs, massage wouldn't relieve the pain and in fact would hurt like hell!

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    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

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