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Thread: Burning sensation during panic

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , USA.

    Burning sensation during panic

    Hi, I am going through another battle of panic. It's alot different than my past experiences. I'm having frequent attacks right after each other. It's not passing - this is all happening at night. I do get attacks during the day, but this awful stuff is at night. I wake up detached, feeling faint, dizzy, anxious, heartbeating, chest pain, (which is all familiar to me) but now, I have this burning sensation in my arms and legs that is rather painful. I have a closed throat and really feel awful. I am new to the area I live in and have seen a dr. I told him of my past exp. but this being different they put me on a light beta blocker due to my heart racing so much and I made an apt. with a physc. but what do you think? I'm jumping out of my skin hear is it panic? Or heart condition causing panic symptoms w/ additional scary - also anyone on meds. I haven't had much luck in the past, but am desperate. Dr. gave me Lexapro (w/ the heart med) nervous to take>>>>

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Jennifer ,

    Yes, it's anxiety this burning . Your large muscles are ready to run and run.
    Try really taking some very vigorous exercise, You're young so unlikely heart issues. Also learn to really relax - progressively.

    Be kind to yourself.

    I don't usually go for this but if you are really having one attack followed by another one repeatedly - a touch of ativan drops in a glass of water and sipped may help enormously until the stressors are identified and you get yourself into a healing mode. You must be truly exhausted.

    If you're used to the racing heart then you may decide not to go with the betablockers.

    But whats causing this - is it your recent move - what other stressor are there ? That's the real thing to work on.

    Keep in touch and let us know how you're doing.


    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , USA.
    Hi, yes the move is the cause. I am homesick and nervous here (moved from Ma to Fla.) I just feel awful. I don't know whether to go on meds. I have a very bad reaction to meds. I feel very strange and increases panic. I can't even take .25 of xanax. Paxil set me off and so did effexor... help I need it.
    What about the Lexapro??? have you heard. I'm on the fence w/ the
    beta blocker it's 10 mlg. and the dr. said it would help. I don't like the racing heart...
    Thanks for your kind words this site is great.
    I feel so alone.
    I am young, happily married, just bought a house and a have a wonderful 18 mos. old who I love...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.


    Ok -so presuming you're there to stay but recognising this has been an issue for you previously - so it's not unexpected is it ?

    Start enjoying it - tell yourself this is a great move and opportunity and will be for the best. Tell yourself this often and again and again.

    Get out- do things - meet people , get involved in community baby things, go to yoga or Tai chi, join a gym/ walking/baking/dance/drama group. Whatever you're interested in Start building your new family life there in the sun !!

    Try not to be so introverted as it's not all new and so scary to you- you can deal with the symptoms. You've been here before and know it will pass.

    Don't take the drugs then. They will not rescue you from the new environment . You will by facing it and getting involved and helping yourself and perhaps others.


    Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
    Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    , , USA.
    Hiya Jennifer,

    I too can confirm that the burning is definitely anxiety, I have the same exact "burning" when I have a panic attack. I think it is interesting that you say yours are worse at night, mine are too, though I do not know why. It is good though that you have an idea of what you might be anxious about, so you can work on these issues. I live in the USA too, but in Maryland. I don`t know how close to the beach you are, but for myself the sound of the water seems to be very calming, maybe you could go to the beach a few days a week and just lay back quietly with your eyes closed and picture yourself in the place you are "PARADISE"!!! forget about everything else for those moments, and relax!!!!. I know you have a wee one , so perhaps you could meet up with another mom and do this together with the little ones, taking turns on the baby watching LOL............. or you could even try a sound machine you know with the white sound, water wave sounds etc. while your wee one is napping you could take a time out for mom and relax, listen to whatever sound you might find soothing and picture yourself anywhere that is soothing to you rather it be home or wherever and just don`t think of anything else, this may help. Just a suggestion, keep coming back to let us know how you are doing. You are not alone, remember that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Take care dear,

    Diana xxx

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    , , .
    Just wanted to say you're not alone. There's thousands, if not millions, of us suffering out here but living happy and full lives too. You'll get through this and find your own way to deal with it. I woke at 4am the other morning, flirting with panic in that half awake, lonely, scared state of mind we have to deal with, and was comforted with the thought of the people on this board struggling somewhere with their demons too. We are definately not alone, and we will definately get through this.


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