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Thread: Could it really just be anxiety?

  1. #1

    Could it really just be anxiety?

    Hi all.

    Long story made short.

    Im a 21 year old male, A year ago, I went into A&E with a heavy feeling in my chest that I'd never felt before, following a normal ECG, normal blood tests & normal X-rays I was discharged. The symptoms persisted though and always seemed to coincide with exercising, my doctor referred me to see a cardiologist, he performed an ECG, an echocardiogram & a stress test, all of which came back normal. Since then my symptoms have worsened, now along with the heavy feeling in my chest, I get a shooting pain in my left arm & numbness in the left side of my jaw, as well as the feeling that my heart is clanging and bashing in my chest, I've been into A&E 7 times in the last year (mostly recently last week), and every time my tests (ECG, bloods and X-ray) have been normal. My cardiologist is performing a CT coronary angiogram next week to try and categorically rule our heart trouble.

    I'm terrified of having heart disease because my symptoms match the description so perfectly, and I also have a strong family history. Numerous doctors have tried to reassure me my heart is fine but my body tells me otherwise. If my angiogram next week comes back as being normal, what then? I know the symptoms won't go away and I know I'll probably end up in A&E again sometime soon.

    I've never had any problems with anxiety or depression or anyothing like that, but am I just going to have to try and come to terms with that's what it is?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2

    Re: Could it really just be anxiety?

    Quote Originally Posted by heartfreaked View Post
    Hi all.

    Long story made short.

    Im a 21 year old male, A year ago, I went into A&E with a heavy feeling in my chest that I'd never felt before, following a normal ECG, normal blood tests & normal X-rays I was discharged. The symptoms persisted though and always seemed to coincide with exercising, my doctor referred me to see a cardiologist, he performed an ECG, an echocardiogram & a stress test, all of which came back normal. Since then my symptoms have worsened, now along with the heavy feeling in my chest, I get a shooting pain in my left arm & numbness in the left side of my jaw, as well as the feeling that my heart is clanging and bashing in my chest, I've been into A&E 7 times in the last year (mostly recently last week), and every time my tests (ECG, bloods and X-ray) have been normal. My cardiologist is performing a CT coronary angiogram next week to try and categorically rule our heart trouble.

    I'm terrified of having heart disease because my symptoms match the description so perfectly, and I also have a strong family history. Numerous doctors have tried to reassure me my heart is fine but my body tells me otherwise. If my angiogram next week comes back as being normal, what then? I know the symptoms won't go away and I know I'll probably end up in A&E again sometime soon.

    I've never had any problems with anxiety or depression or anyothing like that, but am I just going to have to try and come to terms with that's what it is?

    Thanks in advance!
    The symptoms that you are describing are classic symptoms of Anxiety. You dont have to feel anxious to have Anxiety either.

  3. #3

    Re: Could it really just be anxiety?

    Thank you for your reply.

    I suppose it just frightens me because it happens with exercise, when I'm perfectly happy etc and then it just comes on.

    Life is torture at the moment, a year ago I was fit as a fiddle and extremely active, now, I struggle to even walk to work.

  4. #4

    Re: Could it really just be anxiety?

    Quote Originally Posted by heartfreaked View Post
    Thank you for your reply.

    I suppose it just frightens me because it happens with exercise, when I'm perfectly happy etc and then it just comes on.

    Life is torture at the moment, a year ago I was fit as a fiddle and extremely active, now, I struggle to even walk to work.
    I know how difficult it is and its hard to stop worrying.

    Subconsciously Anxiety makes our muscles tense up and exercise even more so.

    Hopefully, this CT Scan should put your mind at rest.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Could it really just be anxiety?

    I'm a two time heart attack, triple bypass, stent survivor. You're 21 and several medical professionals have given you the all clear. Soon to be another and I have a "Told ya so" all ready.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Could it really just be anxiety?

    Quote Originally Posted by MissRobron View Post
    You dont have to feel anxious to have anxiety either.
    This should be a sticky.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.

    “I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman


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