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Thread: Racing Pulse

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Racing Pulse

    I have found myself getting better every day but today seem to have flicked the panic switch and am not sure how to switch it off again so any advice on this one (or just reassurance) would be greatfully received.

    I think I overfaced myself today, I had my second therapist appointment at 10 and planned to pick up Millie from school (never comfortable doing this anyway) then going on to activity world with agroup of mums for a couple of hours, then cinema this evening with my eldest daughter and my sister.

    Was really on edge as soon as I opened my eyes, got a toothache in a back tooth with a hole in it:( (obviously I don't do dentists so feel if the worst comes to the worst I will have to extract it myself[:O]), took paracetamol, they felt stuck in my throat. Had a powercut so could not dry my hair before school.

    I managed somehow to get myself to the therapist who said I am doing well and did manage to get me very deeply hypnotised which was relaxing. Got home and decided in my calm state to walk to the village post office....WRONG move, got there with a raging pulse, very shaky and scared. Managed to get home playing distraction games with my daughter but have been on high allert ever since. My breathing is fine, tooth sore (nother 2 paracetamol now feel like they are stuck in my chest:() but pulse is racing away anfd causing heavy and palpatation beats. Tried everything to calm down but have know cancelled activity world and the cinema. In this state I know it will lead to a full blown attack.

    Tried some Yoga which helped a bit but am now sitting here in a state of high alert which is making my tooth throb more.

    Any ideas guys[?]

    I know it is just a blip, but I am scared[V]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Angie
    Sorry its been a bad day, but like you said you know its just a blip. Have to admit i've been feeling a bit on edge last couple of days and dunno why [Duh!].
    Toothache makes everyone miserable at the best of times, have you tried taking co-codramol instead, when i had abscess it worked wonders.
    All i can suggest is try and relax as much as possible and take some deep breaths, or get into a book or something to try and distract your mind. Sorry not much help really, i never know what to do when i get like it either.
    Take care

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Maybe you could try some relaxing essential oils? Hope you feel better soon!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Sorry you are having a bad day. blame the tooth! I'm fighting a little anxiety blip too. stick with it....Remind yourself how well you have been doing lately and don't get too upset.

    I dont get racing pulse myself but supposedly you can slow it down by breathing slower, not sure how easy that is!

    Take care

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi sorry your not having a too good day but it wont last forever maybe you got too much on for one day so its hard to can buy at the chemist some thing not sure what its caled but you puit it in the hole in your tooth like a filling as a temporary measure maybe that will help with the pain or dab clove oil on it but try not get it on your gums.........
    just try get some time to relax and try get your breathing under control that should then have a knock on effect at calming you down

    fan x

    "dont wait for the light at the end of the tunnel..........stride down there and light the bl**dy thing yourself!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Well - I picked Millie up from school and she was sooo excited about activity world that I felt awful - what kind of a C!xp mother am I.

    I decided to take her and called my hubby who said he would leave early and come and meet me at the centre so I could go home, he could stay and Millie would not miss out. Anyhow, when I got there I called him and said, i'd take her and call him if I needed him. As it turned out I was fine. No panic, toothache or pulse but just a bit anxious - not too bad at all really.

    I felt so pleased with myself that I had done it. The drive home was a bit tense but not awful and just have a sort of delicate tension headache which I know will go soon.

    I am getting better, I know I am

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    *Well done* for forcing yourself to go, it always feels better afterwards than feeling guilty for backing out. You must feel really good now.

    Keep up the positive attitude


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Just read this and from the first frantic post to the last one there was such a big smile on my face. I was getting ready to tell you to be positive and hang in there and then there is a post saying you did it all anyway!!

    Well done you for coping so well and carrying on with the plans. Don't you feel better for that?

    Gargling with aspirin will help the tooth. Hope it gets better soon.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Angie,
    My goodness, just read all of this, what a day you've had, a very successful one i might add, you've done more in a day than i do most weeks you're probably exhausted now, but well done keep the positive attitude going and keep in touch, you've worn me out by just reading this good luck xx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    'what an achievement' you clever person! I bet you feel really proud of yourself...... I know exactly what you mean by racing pulse/ heavy pulse etc but it's great when you can push through that fear and prove to yourself you can do it. I am on 3rd day of cipralex and can't believe how much better I am than Sunday - even been to Tescos this afternoon - couldn't even go to toilet by myself on Sunday! I can empathise with both the bad days and also the wonderful moments of achievement - Well Done. Love Dawn x

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