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Thread: A review of Mirtazapine 15mg, 30mg and 45mg. Dreams!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Question A review of Mirtazapine 15mg, 30mg and 45mg. Dreams!

    Hello there people

    I take one Mirtazapine 30mg tablet in an evening and have been doing for the past few months. I also take one 80mg Propranolol slow release capsule in the mornings to help me with the physical symptons of anxiety.

    A brief review

    Firstly we have to bear in mind that everyone is different and although experiences will be similar, there are not set guidlines for text book reactions that fit everybody!


    This was my starting dose of Mirtazipine. The first few days I started taking it I did feel quite drowsy, but this was a good thing as my GP had specifically prescribed an antidepressant with sedation qualities as I was going insane from insomnia!

    within 20 minutes of taking the 15mg tablet I was away to the land of nod and felt very relaxed the following mornings. The initial drowsiness I experienced was gone after a few days but unfortunately the sedation effect seemed to wear off a little too after a few weeks. Also at this low dose I wasn't feeling the effect of the antidepressants so the GP bumped me up to 30mg.


    This is my current dose and I must say I think it is perfect. I have two reasons for this. Firstly it gives me just the right amount of sedation without being a complete zombie in the mornings! And secondly; THE DREAMS!

    It is like a theatre screen playing in my head whilst I sleep. The most vivid and believable dreams I have had in my entire life. I even look forward to falling asleep now as it is so entertaining. I can't explain just how bizarre (in a wonderful way!) they are, but I have read many, many forum posts with people who have the same experience as me so I'm glad others are getting to enjoy it too!


    Good luck getting out of bed on time if you take this dose! I found it nightmarish to be honest, I was so tired after taking it. I had a bad period of depression a few months into the 30mg stage and the GP upped my dose to this and it wasn't pleasant. I came back to 30mg pretty sharpish. The dreams stopped and I was just so drowsy all the time. Maybe after a few weeks your body would accomodate the change and get used to the dose, but I don't think I could have stayed on it any longer to find out.

    Side effects

    Other than the initial few days of drowsiness I can't say I noticed any side effects at all and I tend to be very over sensitive and look out for every slight possible side effect in case! It's interaction with alcohol is very tolerabe for me too.


    One of the best medications I have been prescribed in years. Very tolerable and it is definitely lightening my mood and general outlook.

    Best of all, BRILLIANT for anyone suffering with insomnia and anyone who wants to have the most beautiful, believable and lucid dreams of their life!

    Thanks for reading, I hope this will help a few of you


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: A review of Mirtazapine 15mg, 30mg and 45mg. Dreams!

    Thanks for the feedback Babikins. I am also finding Mirtazapine to be the best medication I have ever been prescribed.

    I still get bad days, for example today I'm feeling a bit low but I guess everyone has them - you can't always blame it on the depression.

    I haven't had a panic attack since I've been on these meds though, which is fantastic.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: A review of Mirtazapine 15mg, 30mg and 45mg. Dreams!

    Hi Babikins,

    Brilliant feedback on mirtazipine that others will find very useful.

    I too think this is the best medication I have taken (I take 7.5mg currently with pregabalin).


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: A review of Mirtazapine 15mg, 30mg and 45mg. Dreams!

    Hello guys!

    Yes Mirtazapine has been wonderful. I am actually ever-so-slightly bitter that my GP didn't prescribe me this a long time ago! That being said everyone is different and I suppose he wasn't to know it would be the right one for me.

    So have either of you experienced the vivid dreams with Mirt?



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: A review of Mirtazapine 15mg, 30mg and 45mg. Dreams!

    Oh and Mono,

    Yes my dear, I have bad days on it too and I think it is just something we have to learn to live with for now, until a miracle cure for depression is unconvered by some pharmecutical genius

    Hopefully it will wear off and you will wake up tomorrow ready to face the day!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: A review of Mirtazapine 15mg, 30mg and 45mg. Dreams!

    Hi babikins,

    Yes have the dreams!!! Wierd!!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: A review of Mirtazapine 15mg, 30mg and 45mg. Dreams!

    Hi Babikins I am currently taking mirtazapine 45mg and have not noticed any sedative side effects. My Father died recently and I have needed to take zopiclone as well as the mirt in order to get off to sleep!. I am also taking lithium 1,000mg. I am currently stable and well on my meds. EJ.
    Last edited by ElizabethJane; 25-07-11 at 17:27.

  8. #8

    Re: A review of Mirtazapine 15mg, 30mg and 45mg. Dreams!

    Hi Babikins - I completely understand what you mean about the dreams. In a way, they are comforting because I seem to be able to control them, to an extent. Before starting Mirt, I always dreamt, but my dreams were always about things that were out of my control. Often a panic attack would start inside of a dream, if that makes sense, and I would wake up with my heart racing and then the panic would immediately set in.

    With Mirt, its like a storyboard - I can see the dream unfolding, but it is within my control and I seem to know what's going to happen next, or feel like I dictate what will happen next.

    The strange thing is this; I will remember a dream throughout the day as if it was a real event or news story. I found myself saying to the kids today about the dream last night as if it was on Sky news - they looked at me...I was convinced what I had dreamed was real. Only when I realised it wasn't, I seemed to remember it as a dream. It still seems incredibly vivid, safe and actually a bit better than reality.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: A review of Mirtazapine 15mg, 30mg and 45mg. Dreams!

    That's a great way of describing how the dreams are when on Mirt!

    Thank you

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: A review of Mirtazapine 15mg, 30mg and 45mg. Dreams!

    Me too, I think it's a brilliant medication and I'm still on 15mg.

    The amazing dreams only lasted a short while for me, I'm back to "normal" dreams now. But they were incredible, not just dreams, but dreams within dreams, so vivid they were like films.

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