Pretty steady day today mood wise. Probably because I'm exhausted from last night's melt down. In the light of day I re-examined the little bump/cyst...
You have helped me no end Carnation and as you can see from my reply to fishmanpa I am definitely getting more help from the interaction rather than...
As someone who has been on the forum for over a decade, I'd like to offer my opinion on that statement. NMP and other anxiety forums are the same in...
Thank you so much my friend, I hope you know how much help you're giving me right now. I've just had him reading a few of the postings on here and he...
To start with, im 33. I've had a history of health anxiety, but I also have some real things. I have a hiatal hernia which causes many symptoms, I've...
That can be the case Andrew. You can be in such a state that the breathing exercises can appear scary or you just can't do them. Nostril breathing is...