View Full Version : Duloxetine / Cymbalta

  2. duloxetine
  3. Cymbalta - anyone have any experiences on this?
  4. Anyone taking Duloxetine.
  5. Cymbalta
  6. Duloxetine
  7. cymbalta/duloxetine
  8. Duloxetine (cymbalta)
  9. cymbalta not sure what to do
  10. Cymbalta 6omg
  11. cymbalta(duloxetine)
  12. Cymbalta any good?
  13. Insomnia from Cymbalta/Duloxetine
  14. 2 weeks off Duloxetine - now the tears are hitting hard
  15. duloxetine or escitalopram
  16. Anyone else tried duloxetine , worried after epsiode on seroxat months ago
  17. Cymbalta ( duloxetine)
  18. Duloxetine questions
  19. Duloxetine questions
  20. New to Duloxetine
  21. First day on duloxetine
  22. cymbalta anyone?
  23. Ill from duloxetine
  24. duloxetine
  25. Mirtazipine/Cymbalta
  26. duloxetine
  27. duloxetine withdrawal
  28. Duloxetine Withdrawal-Experience, Please?
  29. First days on Duloxetine
  30. Coming of duloxetine
  31. Duloxetine and migraines.
  32. Just been prescribed Duloxetine
  33. switch over from duloxetine to venlafaxine
  34. Just been prescribed DULOXETINE, scared to take it !
  35. 3rd day on cymbalta / duloxetine and feeling awful ...
  36. xeristar/duloxetine
  37. Duloxetine / Cymbalta
  38. Duloxetine - new user
  39. duloxetine, advise pls
  40. Duloxetine
  41. Duloxetine and suicidal thoughts advice wanted please.
  42. doc gave me no choice. duloxetine.
  43. duloxetine diairy
  44. Cymbalta - duloxetine
  45. from Trazodone to Duloxetine
  46. From Trazodone to Duloxetine
  47. duloxetine
  48. Duloxetine
  49. Cymbalta, not a good experience.
  50. Duloxetine. What have I done?
  51. Is it the Duloxetine???
  52. duloxetine
  53. Duloxetine
  54. Cymbalta withdraw symtom
  55. Duloxetine.
  56. Duloxitine / cymbalta
  57. is anyone on cymbalta?
  58. Duloxetine / Cymbalta diary 2012
  59. Anyone heard of Duloxetine?
  60. Duloxetine and Pregnancy?
  61. Starting Duloxetine
  62. Loss of appetite on Duloxetine
  63. Withdrawing cold turkey
  64. cold turkey time
  65. just starting after years of just getting bye
  66. not sure
  67. doluxatine
  68. starting cymbalta today
  69. feeling I am going to lose control.
  70. Withdrawal problems
  71. Duloxetine - How Long Till The Side Effects Go
  72. Anybody experienced this after starting or upping cymbalta/duloxetine meds
  73. Side Effects
  74. Ugh Cymbalta!
  75. Stopped Duloxetine / Cymbalta this week, it's been fine.
  76. Switching to duloxetine - any advice?
  77. mirt to duloxatine-does this sound extreme?
  78. Duloxotine tiredness
  79. Duloxetine / Cymbalta Diary 2013
  80. Weight gain or loss
  81. Changing meds...again
  82. I'm stressing!
  83. Painkillers and Duloxetine.
  84. Worsening Depression.
  85. could this be withdrawal or what
  86. Bad (but not awful) health news
  87. taking cymbalta for two weeks now
  88. Delayed side effects?
  89. No appetite!
  90. Not working any more?
  91. Vertigo?
  92. I don't want to be on medication anymore...
  93. Goodbye Duloxetine (at least for now anyway).
  94. Wearing off fast...
  95. New To Cymbalta 60mg
  96. Nearly a month off.
  97. Cymbalta from Cipralex
  98. Lightheaded And Dizzy
  99. Switch from fluoxetine to cymbalta..any insight?
  100. stomach ache
  101. anxiety on cymbalta
  102. Feel more anxious on duloxetine at first?
  103. Cipralex and Cymbalta
  104. I'm back on Duloxetine again.
  105. Duloxetine really helping
  106. Hello cymbalta!
  107. Is this same type as mitrazapine?
  108. Doctor Wished to prescribe Duloxetin
  109. has anyone here been on cymbalta long term?
  110. Duloxetine advice please.
  111. Advice about duloxetine side effects
  112. Experiences with Cymbalta
  113. Reduced Duloxetine to 30mg.
  114. Anyone who has stopped Cymbalta then succesfully restarted later?
  115. Please help!
  116. Coming off Duloxetine
  117. Day 8 on Cymbalta Diary
  118. Duloxetine/Mirtazapine
  119. New on duloxetine
  120. Increasing duloxetine 30mg to 60mg
  121. Duloxetine Dosage?
  122. Starting Cymbalta?
  123. Cymbalta and magnesium..
  124. So the doctor suggested......
  125. Different brands.
  126. 120mg
  127. Anxiety from alcohol
  128. Hey guys , advice please
  129. Swapping to Cymbalta from Citalopram
  130. My Duloxetine Diary
  131. Dosage Increase
  132. Cymbalta
  133. Duloxetine
  134. Switched from Fetzima to Cymbalta
  135. Best time to take Duloxetine to avoid insomnia
  136. Coming off
  137. starting duloxetine
  138. Duloxetine with quetiapine
  139. day 8 of duloxetine, does the flat feeling pass?
  140. duloxetine insomnia
  141. Any ood
  142. lyrica to cymbalta
  143. cymbalta gross taper
  144. Day 5 Duloxetine
  145. Gone from 60 to 90 to 120
  146. 60mg to 90mg
  147. different forums different answers
  148. I dont get cymbalta ??????????
  149. is this a problem
  150. moved up mixed up
  151. CYMBALTA is a weird med
  152. Have you come off Duloxetine??
  153. Duloxetine - Generic v's Brand
  154. My psychiatrist wants to switch me to Duloxetine
  155. Trapped wind
  156. duloxetine for panic dissorders
  157. has this worked for anyone?
  158. Scared of going to the dentist- please help
  159. My Duloxetine/Cymbalta Diary 2018
  160. Anyone found this helpful for fibromyalgia pain?
  161. Does anyone on here use this ?
  162. Withdrawal symptoms WITHOUT changing dose???
  163. Anyone else take 120
  164. Best to take morning or night?
  165. New to Cymbalta...horrible first night
  166. Duloxetine day 1
  167. day 35 and day 18 on 60mg
  168. Stomach pain after brief time on Cymbalta
  169. day 39 and day 22 on 60mg
  170. 11weeks on Duloxetine still struggling
  171. Starting Duloxetine
  172. Escitralopram to Duloxetine
  173. I feel at rock bottom
  174. Starting with Duloxetine
  175. Escitalopram to duloxetine