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  1. Claustrophobia
  2. agateophobia
  3. Social Phobia
  4. Food phobia anyone??
  5. Communal Living
  6. Fear of death
  7. a symptom of anxiety?
  8. Suriphobia (fear of mice)
  9. Pharmacophobia (fear of medication )
  10. Fear of getting sick?
  11. Stormphobia - Fear of weather
  12. having a bath
  13. Aracnephobia - spiders, ahhhhhhhhhh
  14. Alone
  15. The good, bad and ugly
  16. do i have aichmophobia
  17. some my fears...............
  18. Aichmophobia- Felicia
  19. A delicate question for the ladies
  20. Night time phobia
  21. I've developed a new fear
  22. hodophobia
  23. Someone help me!!!
  24. Im scared
  25. Zyrtec
  26. Belonephobia
  27. Speech problems
  28. Pnigophobia - a fear of being smothered
  29. Fear of flying (sort of)
  30. aracnaphobia (is that how u spell it??)
  31. Emetaphobia sufferers?
  32. phobia of medication
  33. am i losing the plot
  34. Though filed therapy?
  35. Needles and blood
  36. im really worried...
  37. is this totally irrational?
  38. getting better
  39. Self Help?
  41. Afraid of the Dentist?
  42. Batophobia/Acrophobia?
  43. Severe Emetophobic
  44. fear of death and illness
  45. hospitals
  46. fear of flyng insects
  47. feel sick- eeek
  48. what happens ?
  50. SO EMBARRASSING but is there a name 4 my fear?
  51. I dont know what to do anymore
  52. what now?
  53. really embarrassing question...
  54. my blinking is betting no better...
  55. Emetophobic info
  56. panic
  57. Anyone have social phobia?
  58. any success with cognitive behavioural therapy?
  59. Driving Fear in making me crazy!!
  60. Haven't been here for a while, Tara.
  61. Anyone Overcome a Driving Fear?
  62. WASPS
  63. Hello im new :) i have agrophobia and anxiety :(
  64. im so sorry
  65. Photography project
  66. Phobia
  67. Group Therpay?
  68. Afraid
  69. Anyone Afraid to Drive? Please Post
  70. agraphobia
  71. agraphobia
  72. Fear of Loud Bangs
  73. Have been putting it off
  74. deja vu
  75. My Worst Fear
  76. scared of cryin
  77. Social Phobia / Social Anxiety
  78. hello people im new! is ne1 here like me?...
  79. feeding the fear...
  80. Advice
  81. does anyone know...[?]
  82. feel like there's no escape
  83. Not sure if this is a phobia or not
  84. life destroying phobia...
  85. can someone please help me?
  86. Health Anxiety
  87. happy valentines day...
  88. Afraid of the infinity above
  89. claustrophobia
  90. embarrasing problem
  92. Illness everywhere!
  93. is he just a fussy eater?
  94. fear of flying
  95. horrible fear
  96. Phobias and panic attacks
  98. afraid of being alone at night
  99. someone has been sick :(
  100. Death
  101. question!
  102. Driving
  103. sleep
  104. Bad fear of Flying
  105. Fear of travelling
  106. phobia
  107. re hi
  108. Fear of Speed
  109. re prozac vs rescue remedy
  110. re another fear
  111. has anyone experienced this
  112. needles and docs
  113. fear is back
  114. Fear of fags and coffee!
  115. A Fear of the Weather!
  116. last day :(
  117. What do you fear the most ?
  118. spiders :-(
  120. Claustrophobic
  121. body hair...phobia?
  122. fear of snakes
  124. fear of job interviews
  125. falling in sleep
  126. Fear of the dentist
  127. Philophobia, fear of love
  128. Shaking
  129. Fear of death
  130. fear of losing ppl
  131. fear that its going to happen again......
  132. Fear of
  133. too scared to live my life
  134. i'm not sure what this should go under..
  135. scared of touch
  136. Fear of breathing in warm or hot air.
  137. Exposure Therapy - how much/often?
  138. the sky
  139. Agraphobic/panic attacks advice needed
  140. help needed am i mental
  141. morbid thoughts
  142. arachnophobia
  143. Anyone else scared of the tube?
  144. Social Phobia
  145. fear of commitment
  146. Moth's I hate them i freak out big time
  147. Training Course and I'm Petrified
  148. Agorophobia
  149. Claustrophobia/Trains
  150. phobia experiment
  151. please help me
  152. Tocophobia - fear of being pregnant!
  153. Scared of the Dark
  154. Scared to Sleep
  155. Agorophobia and panic attacks are ruining my life
  156. Agoraphobic - how did that happen?
  157. Fear Of Being...
  158. Fear of meds
  159. Fear of wetting oneself!
  160. Emetaphobia 101
  161. Huge Massive Fear of Workplace - suggestions plz
  162. agateophobia makes me feel insane
  163. please read
  164. developing new phobias
  165. standing on the roof
  166. Agrophobia - Its stealing my life and others
  167. death anxiety
  168. lots of things
  169. Phobia of balloons and basically loud bangs!
  170. hi im new
  171. strange phobias and there triggers
  172. Mother non understanding
  173. help, i'm in a sick house
  174. I fit this topic to a TEE!
  175. Carcinophobia
  176. Fear of needles
  177. Motorways / Driving
  178. Vomiting Bug
  179. Going for Hypnosis today.
  180. So terrified. Having to go into hospital.
  181. phobia list
  182. DENTAL PHOBIA!!!! appointment approaching..help!!
  183. Scared of being sick
  184. phobia of taking any thing stimulating,esp alcohol
  185. fear and panic going to doctors
  186. what YOU can do for YOURSELF! a bit of help
  187. Fear of needles
  188. Certain types of shops
  189. flying phobia
  190. OMG!! How will i manage this??
  191. my vomiting phobia hell,,
  192. Flight
  193. Help me please
  194. Eating infront of others
  195. Monophobia
  196. Fear of taking meds
  197. Pokey things which i hate...
  198. why does this happen
  199. Fear / Phobia - Is there a difference? &I have?
  200. Hi i am new to this site and an emetaphobe!
  201. Being sick- help
  202. drinking
  203. wasps
  204. getting better?
  205. fear of driving
  206. face my fear of driving - i got a puncture
  207. fear of choking
  208. fear of changing rooms
  209. fears and phobias
  210. Scared of being sick on the plane
  211. Fear of thunder and lightning
  212. Fear of the dark etc.
  213. Canals, especially LOCKS!
  214. Flying
  215. Infinity phobia
  216. My fear of being sick...
  218. please can someone help
  219. fear of roads -traffic
  220. The Lady who Loves Swans
  221. HELP! Don't Know if I Can Do it?!?!
  222. Dentist :(
  223. bad day
  224. i did it!
  225. Bad day too
  226. Agorophobia and Phobias
  227. epistaxiophobia
  228. Feel the same too!
  229. Cant go back to work
  230. Confused/Frightened. A phobia out of the blue
  231. flight to oz
  232. Agoraohobia poll
  233. To All Emetaphobia Sufferers!
  234. Death phobia
  235. Would be my pleasure to help! :)
  237. emetophobiasupport.com
  238. choking phobia
  239. orange juice
  240. how long you ever been housebound?
  241. dog phobia
  242. Online doctors ,presciptions ,,Legit anyone?
  243. silly obsession??
  244. does anyone have a fear of balloons?
  245. Out of scale and jerky movements
  246. Lift phobia!!!
  247. Driving (sweaty at the thought)
  248. coping with a child with a phobia
  249. Hello
  250. Emetaphobia