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  1. Amoxicillin for chest infection, more mucus.
  2. Sensitive nerves anyone else get this.
  3. Swollen tongue?
  4. Changing anxiety symptoms - normal?
  5. TMJ
  6. Quick question for shaky people!
  7. pain across whole front under breast
  8. Four years of this sick to the back teeth
  9. Teeth, Anxiety & citlopram?
  10. Sensitive nervous system?
  11. panicking over weight loss
  12. Sleep Problems
  13. Internal Vibrations and Cloudy Urine
  14. worry over tense muscles and now I have high BP
  15. what on earth is wrong with me?
  16. does any one else get so drained of all there energy when been anxoiuse for days
  17. sick of symptoms, scared
  18. Aches and pains
  19. being told i have pressure at back of eyes and seeing floater mire recently scared
  20. Racing , thudding heart all day
  21. Eye Floaters ruining my life :(
  22. scary twinge pain behind breastbone ...
  23. Cold or Flu making anxiety worse!!
  24. Odd bumps/small rash on lower back (pic attached)
  25. Tight abdomen
  26. sick feeling
  27. Panting
  28. the beast grows stronger
  29. Constant head sypmtoms is it possible?
  30. does this sound like fibromyalgia??
  31. does any body wake up feeling angry think they going mad
  32. Help
  33. Brain tumour, I'm worried sick?
  34. angry red rash
  35. Shingles
  36. Symptoms of Anxi?ety present but only in right side of body
  37. floater in eyes making me anxiouse and paniky
  38. floater in eyes making me anxiouse and paniky
  39. Throat/neck/tongue tense
  40. Feeling shaky inside
  41. Sudden strange dizziness - Vertigo??
  42. Paranoia
  43. Are these IBS symptoms?
  44. Morning anxiety
  45. iron levels
  46. Confusion, speech muddling, everything looks unfamiliar
  47. NEED to feel better! prozac & uti
  48. Hip, Back, Groin Pain... Real or imagined?
  49. Sob after eating....anyone plzzzzzzzzzzz
  50. where is the line ?
  51. Can anyone relate?
  52. Jittery.............. Pumping.
  53. svt symptoms
  54. why do i feel so angry am i going mad
  55. feel like gravity is pulling me down muscle twitches
  56. Shaking, nervous feeling
  57. What are your fibromyalgia symptoms?
  58. Disturbed Sleep
  59. Woke, up, right, side, numb!!,
  60. aching joints
  61. out of breathe and heart discomfort
  62. Advice on vision and other symptoms
  63. Chest Pain Party
  64. Help! Weird Symptoms! :(
  65. help vision probs scarey
  66. sick
  67. what the hell was this.
  68. Head Vibration
  69. Lymph node size
  70. Burp
  71. Panic is back! Creeping feeling, jittery and nausea.
  72. DP/DR causing delayed perception?
  73. who is fed up with anxiety and wants a solution, but doesn't know where to start?
  74. I wish it was just anxiety!!!!!!!
  75. Strange dazed ?
  76. Anxiety Symptoms
  77. Flashing Lights/Bright Lines In Vision
  78. Breathing Problems/Tight Chest
  79. Getting myself all worked up
  80. Brain zaps/DR possibly muscular?
  81. Lower tummy pain
  82. nervouse and feel sick
  83. Muffled hearing from a cold
  84. Another Neck Lump Post
  85. Trichotillomania / pulling out hair
  86. head pressure and vision right now
  87. bad morning
  88. relapse after such a good period
  89. 'prominent' axilla lymph nodes
  90. Burping = Pain
  91. Falling feeling
  92. what do you do when yr having a dizzy spell
  93. Glandular Fever
  94. Extreme tiredness & feeling emotional?
  95. very brief pressing/crushing feeling in part of heart
  96. do you guys have these symptoms too?
  97. sleeping tabs
  98. Can anyone help me please?
  99. Quick shooting pain or brain zaps in lower part of skull and head
  100. Vision Problems
  101. zoneing out
  102. symptoms of depression?
  103. Enter the brain fog wall
  104. Mind over matter, very interesting.
  105. my mums aneurysms- after her operation
  106. Setraline symptoms after 4 weeks?
  107. Drooping eyelid
  108. i can't stop shaking!!
  109. Please can some one tell me what I am suffering from please help.
  110. Brain Fog
  111. ME/CFS?
  112. Jaw joint making clicking/cracking noises and sometimes hurts when I open my mouth
  113. chest and left arm pains
  114. Raised white blood count and immunoglobulin arghh!
  115. any ideas
  116. Symptoms still scare me!!!
  117. Is this Migraine?
  118. Pupils
  119. heart pains not going anywhere
  120. Getting more symptoms
  121. HELP....weird feelings on St Johns Wort...is it normal??
  122. cnt breathe
  123. My dizzy zaps - eye flickering
  124. Is this my anxiety and depression?
  125. Worried i have a brain tumour. MRI scan booked
  126. I have sinusitis, can it cause you tooth pain and lower jaw pain?
  127. Vibrating In leg
  128. Stress induced symptoms leading to more stress?
  129. tight throat and restricted neck feelin
  130. heart attack symptoms?
  131. Having a huge amount of symptoms all at once?
  132. Flu like symptoms
  133. Swollen Tailbone!
  134. Spring tiredness
  135. Evenings
  136. Was told I have Labyrinthitis.. Scared it's a brain tumor?
  137. Anyone actually blacked out?
  138. horrible feeling
  139. Muscle twitching and trembling
  140. Sweating at night
  141. Help please!!!!!!!
  142. Morning Back Pain – Should I Spend Money?
  143. Can anxiety mimic symptoms?
  144. Nausea! Ugh.
  145. Right-side of my face feels tighter than the other
  146. Weird Sensation on left side of Torso or Waist Area …
  147. Chin Tingle/Numbness
  148. Pulse in stomach
  149. Multiple Symptoms, Worrying All Day
  150. Return of symptoms pre-menopause
  151. derilization
  152. need help
  153. Ectopic missed beats
  154. keep having to swallow?
  155. reassurance please?
  156. I Feel Disoriented entering a state of deep confusion
  157. Scared about Weight Loss and other symptoms!
  158. is this health anxiety
  159. Insomnia and excessive dreaming.
  160. Vomiting every 5 weeks
  161. Extreme fatigue, Insomnia, muscle aches and pains
  162. Scared
  163. Lymphoma fear
  164. chest and throat
  165. Habbit Cough?
  166. Excessive burping
  167. Anyone had help for hyperventilation ?
  168. loss of appetite, nasuea, some abdominal pain.
  169. Breathing issues
  170. Dizziness/Equilibrium Issues????
  171. Question about blood test results
  172. headaches and brain tumor concern.
  173. concentrating on breathing
  174. Am I being silly, is it really anxiety?
  175. Twitching and tight scalp??....
  176. Stuck being aware of/controlling my breathing. Feels tight and labored.
  177. Continual eye issues, please advise!
  178. Really bad panic attack
  179. Anxiety symptoms for weeks?
  180. Escalators and elevators cause extreme dizziness?
  181. unsure
  182. shaking in sleep
  183. Dry, red, achey eyes?
  184. 4.5 years of terrible tooth pain
  185. Faded Eyesight?
  186. Bruised leg: Fibromyalgia, or...?
  187. Shortness of breath/Reflux
  188. what are your symptoms? I have tons
  189. had enough of this
  190. What medicine? Rapidly pounding heart at night, hypnic jerk
  191. Fatigue, light-headedness, upper back tightness
  192. Please help!!!
  193. Sleep Paralysis ~
  194. deep breaths!!!
  195. Weird Jaw Feeling
  196. not again
  197. Can't sleep, pain when lying on left side
  198. heart burn!!!!
  199. Tingling and tense
  200. Groin Lymph Nodes
  201. Chest pain article
  202. Breathing probs - when it's not anxiety.
  203. tiredness & lightheadedness
  204. Feels like food is stuck in my back!
  205. Facial muscles.
  206. continued headaches
  207. Should I be worried about this?
  208. Palpitations? Skipped beats? Worried.
  209. waking up in panic
  210. Bleeding when going to the loo... Really panicking.
  211. Strange Feeling In Chest. Is it anxiety?
  212. These symptoms are scaring me! Help!
  213. Is this a fever?
  214. Terrible day too much for me
  215. Dispersonalisation in afternoons
  216. Brain Tumor worry and possible symptoms
  217. Confused about these symptoms!
  218. brain tumor and reading issues help
  219. Started Paxil 10mg. Rash on back right side of neck?
  220. Is This Just Me Or....??
  221. swollen feet/ankles
  222. Calcified Nodule Cyst – CT Scan and Ultrasound + More
  223. Pancreatic cancer fear!
  224. Does anyone else get specific muscle tension?
  225. Symptoms help!
  226. Bad pains
  227. mild headaches twitching eye lid and ringing ears.
  228. Food poisoning or appendicitis?
  229. Constant lightheadedness?!
  230. New to forums, scared
  231. Pitted Edema
  232. Worried about Tooth Abcess.
  233. this is beyond embarrassing!!!!
  234. Heart Palpitations or not? Need input
  235. Left Face – Slight Sensation – Eye and Cheek – Allergies?
  236. Last 2 Symptoms – Left Face Sensation and Lower Left Back Torso …
  237. Heart skipping beats
  238. Female Issues
  239. Constant body movement
  240. help plz!!!
  241. Citalopram side effects
  242. Tongue Symptomps - Any Ideas Plesse ?
  243. severe bug now difficulty breathing
  244. Severe Dizzy-ness
  245. Strange floaty feeling
  246. bone like lump back wall of throat
  247. Pains in right/left arm
  248. New here, am seeking help with this symptom
  249. Twitch in stomps
  250. Chronically Lightheaded for 8 Months??