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  1. Back on citalopram
  2. memory affected?
  3. Here I am again .......
  4. sick
  5. Tightness, pain and can't breathe
  6. Weird cough feeling
  7. unsure
  8. Anyone any idea how to get over als dragon ?
  9. Sore chest
  10. constant hunger, Head pressure & foggy brain
  11. That 'Christmas morning' feeling.
  12. Blood in Phlegm
  13. Head pain & clicking in neck when head tilted to left side
  14. Shoulder pain
  15. body shaking
  16. weird head sensations
  17. shaking inside
  18. Solving leg pains caused by Anxiety
  19. Hip pain, tender thigh, ankle pain
  20. Bright/artificial light and lightheadedness?
  21. Yellow fluid from nose after cold.
  22. bit of an update
  23. What are your main anxiety symptoms
  24. Bad day again
  25. melanoma fears!
  26. Asthma and panic
  27. Constant Hand Tremors
  28. Is this really just anxiety??? :-/
  29. Right side of face numbness & pain around eye bones
  30. how do you know if it's symptoms of something else?
  31. is this muscle tension? it feels like someone is holding my upper arm in a grip
  32. Carpopedal Spasms!?
  33. lung
  34. help plz concerning heart
  35. Symptoms symptoms symptoms.
  36. I can't do this anymore.
  37. Pain/exhaustion/heat issues - no diagnosis
  38. Is this all concussion? Can anybody help, I don't know what to do.
  39. Chest pain/back pain
  40. Chest murmur and left are numbness - Help!
  41. Anxiety? Lung cancer? Withdrawl? Please help.
  42. ALS Symtoms or Anxiety
  43. So anxious, worse after having a baby?
  44. Psychological symptoms fading or gone, physical symptoms sticking around???
  45. Bipolar.....
  46. Can see pulse/veins in vision
  47. fleshy lump in throat near tonsils .. could this be cancer?
  48. Off balance shakey and sweaty
  49. Angry and HATE myself
  50. Tinnitus aural fullness and sound sensitivity
  51. Throat and cough symptoms .......need help
  52. Sharp pain in chest sometimes.
  53. Hallucinations
  54. help aware of tingling snsation in my legs scared now
  55. Worried about everything
  56. Nausea.. What does it feel like?
  57. Brain cramps
  58. Tingling/pins & needles
  59. constant dizziness
  60. My Symptoms
  61. Chest tightness everyday normal? Help!
  62. will my anxiety stay forever? its killing me.
  63. Crippling Headache
  64. could not get blood out my arm worried now
  65. The gift that keeps on giving....
  66. Why o why
  67. Light Headedness
  68. Can anxiety cause nausea
  69. Massages cure or curse??
  70. How to gain weight
  71. Confused re physical symptoms - vicious circle
  72. Nausea and dreams
  73. Twitching calf muscles
  74. Head Pressure / Visual Disturbances On Rising
  75. A multitude of issues
  76. I feel like I peed myself a lot of times but I don't.
  77. Achey arms and legs
  78. pian it abdomin
  79. New symptoms all the time
  80. Tingling/stiff hands feet and mouth
  81. Bad day today :(
  82. new here...some advice please?
  83. Pressure around my head, dizziness, imbalance?
  84. Do you suffer LPR?
  85. Twitches/Tingling
  86. If I'm not currently anxious would my symptoms still 'hang around'
  87. Vision Symptoms
  88. Anxiety Symptoms Changing????
  89. Post Nasal Drip
  90. Pleurisy, blood clot or gallbladder?
  91. Lump on hard palette
  92. Pain by ear/jaw
  93. New to This
  94. Spontaneous cerebrospinal fluid leak??
  95. Symptoms again out of the blue
  96. No sense of smell at night
  97. audible hallucinations in the elderly
  98. Holding breath without realising!
  99. I have had so many symptoms...
  100. i realy don,t feel normal
  101. Dizzy tingly head
  102. can someone give me an opinion
  103. woke up feeling trembly and like i can feel every nerve ending edgy please? anyone
  104. Small Lump Under Tongue?
  105. Alcohol Withdrawl symptoms
  106. Constantly dizzy, especially when standing still!
  107. sinus headache
  108. Symptoms changing?
  109. Weakness/Stiffness
  110. Nausea
  111. Horrible head feelings all day
  112. Stomach Pulses/ Paranoia paranoia and more paranoia!
  113. Ache in Upper Chest Area/ Sharp Pains that Radiate at Random Times/
  114. does coming on here make me loose hope
  115. Numbness in Arms then legs and very weak
  116. MS, Anxiety or B12
  117. Slowing feeling when going off to sleep
  118. Anxiety, Zoloft, and physical activity
  119. horrible back pains
  120. Thyroid info-please read
  121. Woke up with terrible vertigo
  122. so many symptoms!
  123. Sudden spasm in ribs this morning - sent me into panic
  124. Overproduction of Mucus
  125. Optic Neuritis?
  126. Succumb to fatigue?
  127. really panicking over tingly face
  128. Metal taste in mouth
  129. Sever anxiety chest pains and constipation?
  130. Waking up feeling incredibly sick
  131. Adrenaline head/brain zaps like a sudden wave of dizziness
  132. So Many Symptoms !
  133. Brain tumor fear continues
  134. Excessive Burping
  135. cant breath
  136. anxicety and vomiting
  137. Appendix? Help!
  138. Concern over my son (lymph nodes)
  139. Flatulence
  140. Pain on left side
  141. dizziness
  142. Almost constant burning sensation?
  143. tight knots in. stomach
  144. Chest Pain, post panic/anxiety attack vs heart
  145. ouch my head
  146. siatica
  147. Feel spaced out, unsteady and emotional
  148. how long have your physical symptoms lasted
  149. Can physical symptoms come on suddenly?
  150. Motivation and procrastination: the voices in my head
  151. attention deficit
  152. Burning/Numbess Internal shakiness/tremor/ MS?
  153. Orthostatic Intolerance or Anxiety?!
  154. Is this migraine?
  155. Muscle soreness, exhausted, anxious
  156. Problems with my breathing tonight!
  157. ever feel as your dozing off you feel like your heaet slowing wake up gasping
  158. Please can you tell me if this could be anxiety or not
  159. My Legs and Face wont stop.
  160. Pale lips a symptom of anxiety?
  161. Is this the pattern of Peripheral Neuropathy?
  162. Strange sensation / tightness in chest and upper throat
  163. B12 Injections
  164. Adrenaline Surge? Slight rushes?
  165. New Symptoms!
  166. Dizzy and lightheaded during exercise
  167. citlopram and memory loss
  168. Sinus infection, or more than that?
  169. Very Tired But Sleeping?
  170. Muscle spasms and hormones
  171. Heart scares have came back - please help
  172. Possible dehydration...?
  173. Twitches at rest
  174. Physical anxiety symptoms hitting me all at once?
  175. Sinus Bradycardia... IS THIS DANGEROUS??
  176. Peripheral neuropathy?
  177. getting worse
  178. Heavy Eyelids, Exhausted and Dizzy
  179. symptons
  180. Arms falling asleep easily, pins and needles
  181. No fever, but very cold.
  182. Breathing!
  183. I think I have glandular fever..
  184. another day of nothingness is the only way i can dicribe it
  185. Head worries. Help!
  186. Twitching for 2 weeks
  187. Can't breathe during sleep? Throat relax?
  188. does any one feel sertaline makes them feel emotionless
  189. Headaches
  190. Woke up twitching
  191. Cant Breathe?
  192. New Head Pain Worry
  193. Bradycardia.. 43bpm awake.
  194. extreme dizziness
  195. Why won't the docs test?
  196. I think I developed a lazy eye?
  197. does anyone else feel like they are constantly on edge
  198. ecg
  199. Anyone get daily headaches?
  200. please help me is this a side effect
  201. good dtreak BUT
  202. Dizzy, spaced out, neck, posture causing majority of symptoms, any advice?
  203. not chest pain
  204. Anxiety symptoms when not anxious??
  205. Worried:/
  206. omg sweating and its making me panick
  207. Feeling like your brain has been "fried"
  208. help
  209. Can anyone reassure me?
  210. Burning Stomach when taking paracetamol
  211. heavy horrible geeling above navel
  212. Chest Pains, Laboured Breathing.... Afraid!!
  213. pain plz go away
  214. Does Anxiety affect Memory?
  215. Really sick of this now please help
  216. Tingling/dizziness/tired/neck pain
  217. any one on sertaline and propanol advice need please
  218. how do explain yor symptoms when having a panick attack
  219. Compulsive behaviour whilst anxious
  220. Bad hangovers
  221. meds making me more recluse than i was
  222. remron and seroxat stopped suddenly
  223. back and neck pain, depression, cancer phobia, doctor phobia, dont know what to do!
  224. Fatigue
  225. symptoms come and gone
  226. Struggling to Accept Physical Symptoms
  227. Yawning
  228. docs tomorrow
  229. pricking feeling all over really worried any ideas please
  230. General Death Anxiety
  231. Mixing up symptoms!
  232. drained
  233. Help needed....
  234. bloody keep sweating is it my med
  235. The persistence of physical symptoms
  236. given antibiotics but no chest infection?
  237. Bottlenecks in the intestines
  238. Dry eyes and mouth
  239. Vibration Sensation in Body,
  240. how can you know is real symptoms or anxiety symptoms
  241. neurological symptoms taking over my life
  242. Really scared
  243. abnormal bloods
  244. constant joint pain?
  245. Face and jaw pain
  246. neck lymph nodes again :(
  247. help please is this aanxiety or is illness
  248. head symptoms anyone?
  249. Twitching muscles again
  250. Mind fudge/memory issues