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  1. Worried about sepsis
  2. Anxiety dizzyness/lightheadedness.
  3. Sore gland on neck
  4. Please help
  5. I feel weird when I take supplements. Please help.
  6. Heat? Or is it just me?
  7. Dizzy, ringing in ears, nausea, cough
  8. Brain tumor. Dead Convinced.:(
  9. Reoccurring Depression, please help
  10. Feel like i cant breath
  11. Limb seizure
  12. Menningitis!?!?
  13. Pain Behind Knee?
  14. I'm sick of this
  15. So I went to the GP today
  16. I've missed my Citalopram for 4 1/2 days
  17. Bleach
  18. Tongue awareness
  19. Veins
  20. Metallic taste and tight throat please help
  21. Disconnected from loved ones. Please help.
  22. Is this still Anxiety?
  23. Feel like I can't breath again
  24. Help anyone??
  25. Tingly tongue and mouth
  26. Cold and shivery for no reason.
  27. Brain tumour fear
  28. Twitching muscles / Troubles falling asleep - psychedelic dreams and fear of death
  29. Super embarasing problem :( help
  30. Help with chest tightness vs allergies?
  31. Burning ache in back in early hours
  32. Watering and nose running only on one side???
  33. Kidney Failure ?
  34. Spontaneous goosebump sensation in head! Strange
  35. Anyone feel pulsing or pressure changes in head?
  36. Face twitching/tingling
  37. Will the anxiety ever go away?
  38. Is it anxiety, or what?
  39. How should I be breathing
  40. Please help me
  41. Symptoms worse after years of being under control - scared
  42. worried and need reassurance
  43. severe head pressue.. suggestions??
  44. Can this all be anxiety?
  45. feel like i'm holding my breath in sleep
  46. Could this all be Anxiety?
  47. Sharp pains in right temple
  48. Seeing Black Spots... Terrified high blood pressure
  49. day 5 headache should i be worried?
  50. Weird sensations on lower body/scrotum area, possible cancer?
  51. Lower Left Abdominal Pain - Really Worried!!!
  52. Anxity symptoms or not????? Please help!
  53. Numb leg/foot
  54. Bashed my head before christmas
  55. Heartburn?
  56. Anyone here get breathing problems with anxiety
  57. Stress/Anxiety and Bladder Urgency
  58. Soap got in my mouth acidently swallowed it
  59. 3rd time round.... is this the way my life is always going to be?
  60. Physical symptoms of anxiety only!??
  61. Swollen lymph node near breast underarm
  62. what are these?
  63. Anxiety Dizziness/Lightheadedness
  64. I banged my head again twice today
  65. Gastritis and tremors
  66. weird head rush :((
  67. Scared to eat
  68. What Could Have Happen To Me?
  69. Making progress now crashed... Symptoms !
  70. Could it be gallbladder or thyroid
  71. I'm scared
  72. I Can Hear My Heartbeat But That Isn't The Problem
  73. Panic or what?!
  74. FED UP!!
  75. weird head pressure n fuzziness
  76. stomach issues still!!!
  77. Just a little question
  78. Is this bfs or als?!!!
  79. My eyes
  80. Feeling Scared & Free Floating Anxiety
  81. Wake in the morning feeling scared and nervous.
  82. Scared please help?
  83. Painful skin to touch on my shin, no rash just pain and heat. Worried it's MS
  84. Nausea / Acid / Breathlessness
  85. scared
  86. Guess there will be no response like my others but feels better to post anyway
  87. Kidney worries
  88. My Story so far...
  89. emotional
  90. Could it be diabetes?
  91. Last question ever
  92. brain tumor/cancer anxiety
  93. Permanent Swollen lymph nodes???
  94. Could I be going through the change?
  95. Feel like I am loosing it :( help
  96. So scared please help!!
  97. Bleed at the back of my Eye
  98. d dimmer
  99. Skipping peripheral vision???
  100. Cancer Scare.. now can't stop thinking...
  101. Breakup trigger :(
  102. Newbie
  103. REALLY Need Some Help...
  104. New Anxiety Symptoms????
  105. falling asleep during the day
  106. Bubbling stomach, Inositol
  107. Headaches
  108. Feeling helpless
  109. Sharp pain in back of knee
  110. help with fluxotine
  111. Upper right leg vibrating
  112. Colitis or just ibs ??
  113. how to deal with constant urge to poop with anxiety
  114. can anxiety cause swelling gland
  115. Twitching / Speech Issues
  116. Why Out Of The Blue?
  117. Involuntary leg movement
  118. Weak left arm after workout!!
  119. So I Took The Online Crazy Test
  120. So How Do You Know If You Are Mentally Impaired or Not
  121. Anybody else have trouble standing?
  122. Pins and needles or crawling in legs and feet
  123. So Many Types Of Seizures Im Scared
  124. Freak Out ! Lymph Node Up And Down During Day And Evening
  125. feeling desperate
  126. re loss of pheriferal vision
  127. Terrified of psychosis
  128. I can't determine what's reasonable anymore
  129. Really severe heartburn
  130. spacey feeling
  131. Chest pain and strained breathing 4 months and still going
  132. Chest pains always on left
  133. What if they're wrong? ???
  134. physical symptoms progression
  135. odd rash on arm
  136. Tingling and tightness in chest after eating
  137. Eye pain and headaches
  138. Sore spot in head
  139. Jolting when drifting off to sleep
  140. MRI scan - what does this mean
  141. all these symtomsthe past few days
  142. Face electric shocks with cough
  143. is there ANY ONE ???
  144. Sensation of numbness in side of face
  145. Buzzing feet or toes?
  146. Actual visible results of physical anxiety
  147. Blooming anxiety!!!!!!!
  148. Weird head sensations/brain movement (Brain tumor fear)
  149. Just Dont Know What Is Happening.Salivary Gland Issue Or Lymph Node?
  150. Trying to understand chest tightness/breathing difficulty.
  151. Please Help!!! New symptom or something else!!!
  152. Skin cancer fear please help.
  153. Is it really anxiety?
  154. how can i stop looking for symptoms
  155. Medical induced panic attacks and anxiety.. Please help.
  156. Could Antibiotics Reduce Swelling Of A Lymph Node If Its Cancereous?
  157. Really cold fingers anxiety?
  158. Weak arms. Please reassure?
  159. Post gastroenteritis...worries :-(
  160. migraines
  161. Blocked nose yet again
  162. Meltdowns?
  163. Please respond..what does borderline urine test mean???
  164. Head pressure
  165. Heart rate higher upon standing/walking and shortness of breath?
  166. Is this bowel cancer? SCARED
  167. is this mild dissociation?
  168. Heart worries...
  169. Help heart palpitations and feel foggy in mind
  170. Sinus pressure without other symptoms? Scared
  171. Lump on Rib Cage Where Bra Strap Would Rest
  172. Muscle tension in arms, head and legs
  173. ocd and csr
  174. Derealisation / Depersonalisation
  175. Heart attack
  176. Health Anxiety
  177. Help with symptoms -speaking to people hurts
  178. Nails?
  179. Temple, jaw, ear pain with face numbness... Anyone?
  180. Please Help - Can't Pee!!
  181. Had IAPT assessment - anyone have any experience
  182. citalopram 10 mg
  183. Question....
  184. Drug abuse and Anixety
  185. Can someone give me some advice on adrenaline?
  186. New Symptoms
  187. Swollen lymph node in neck for 6 months
  188. green stool scared
  189. waking up !?
  190. Pins and needles/twitching/numb
  191. Lower left rib cage protruding :( please help
  192. headache so sore
  193. Age 17 and really worried
  194. Fear of melanoma
  195. Shoulder pain but worried....
  196. Head pressure - neck tension?
  197. Can you feel some of your lymph nodes??
  198. Upper throat itching. Rash? What is this?
  199. Tiny red skin spots
  200. One need not be actively anxious to feel the pain
  201. Right sides pain
  202. Scared of this tonsilitis :(
  203. Does A Swollen Lymph Node Or Salivary Gland Swell At Night?
  204. How often do you go to your gp?
  205. Pain in calf. Can you get a blood clot at age 15?!?
  206. Insominia Please Respond getting no sleep
  207. Feel like i cant breath again
  208. Is this IBS?
  209. Brain tumor worries
  210. Muscle tension,muscle twitches neck ache, leg weakness
  211. help?
  212. Can You Have A Bad Infection Or Cancer With No Fever
  213. dry throat
  214. feel sick all the time
  215. Neurological symptoms
  216. Soft stools
  217. Not a specific symptom
  218. Would An Internist Know The Difference?
  219. who know the different between bone, muscle,and nerve pain
  220. worried about weird symotoms
  221. Breathlessness and being aware of one's breath.
  222. Temple headaches
  223. what is this feeling?
  224. neurological HELP!!
  225. heart constantly racing day and night
  226. Adrenaline!!!
  227. Feel something in throat
  228. Possible brain tumour
  229. Enlarging Lymph Node
  230. Pain in rib cage.
  231. Ongoing tingling in left leg and arm
  232. Really Needing Help!
  233. Muscle tension, twitching etc.
  234. tingling, burning, numbness, pain..help!
  235. Can't get enough air, been awake all night!
  236. Question for people who work out
  237. Leg aches
  238. Muscle Twitching - again
  239. Bleeding Gums? When I don't brush for a while. Why?
  240. Anyone had Positional vertigo?
  241. leg part gave way!..worried its a stroke/brain tumor
  242. If You Have no teeth upper and lower is it normal for your inside cheeks to bulge
  243. I was In The Hospital Four Months Ago And They Did Extensive Blood Test
  244. blood in dip stick test
  245. I just want to feel normal again >_<
  246. Freckle on back of eye
  247. Went to the ent today to check
  248. Rash!
  249. Worried about cystic fibrosis
  250. Asthma - clear sticky mucus?!