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  1. Pain under left rib into shoulder
  2. Head pressure with no pain
  3. Does anyone else get bursts of panic that last a second?
  4. My anxious thought for the day
  5. Didn't realize the fear of brain tumors is so common!
  6. Numb feelings on scalp!
  7. Head pressure during storms
  8. Long projection under tongue
  9. major anxiety or something worse
  10. Major panic with my mole! Please help!!
  11. Concerned by muscle weakness - possible ALS/MND
  12. Does this sound like a tension headache?
  13. St. John's Wort
  14. slow progress
  15. pain every day.... Help
  16. Panic attacks with muscle weakness, fatigue
  17. hard tender bump on ulna near elbow
  18. uneven bone under my collar
  19. Head cancer
  20. weird head feeling
  21. worried
  22. worried sick
  23. Tingles/burns...docs not worried, I'm on brink of insanity
  24. Long Term Antibiotics
  25. memory and reality
  26. Muscle Spasms
  27. Fat Fingers
  28. Sudden sharp pain in back under scapula
  29. Creaky feeling in stomach???
  30. Help please im desperate
  31. Not sure if I'm having an allergic reaction
  32. neck pain,jaw disconfort and pain, stress
  33. i can't seem to shake this off :(
  34. constant sick feeling and horrid taste in my mouth
  35. Can anyone relate? Shaking.
  36. Burning on left side of face
  37. my turn :(
  38. Please help! Symptoms of anxiety or something worse? Unreality!
  39. Now I'm freaking out please help!
  40. Earlobe Creases
  41. First post, found a lump and very scared.
  42. Dreaming of Urination and Bed wetting
  43. Alcohol Withdrawal - How long will symptoms last?
  44. Spinal cancer?? :(
  45. Chronic muscle pains over body
  46. Poison?Dizzy/trouble breathing/ringing in ears/feeling odd
  47. First post: Found lump in underarm
  48. question of concern?
  49. Mole mega paranoid!! Please respond
  50. DVT or ?
  51. New to this. Please help.
  52. Having a miserable time.
  53. Epilepsy
  54. worrie neck or brain tumor
  55. Could it be a blood clot/DVT
  56. head rush/right side of neck pressure, lightheaded
  57. Muscle twitching & tremors
  58. I felt a swollen bump in the front of my neck.
  59. Keep going on internet for symptoms
  60. death and anxiety
  61. Sinus..Cheek Puffiness
  62. My anxiety
  63. First Hi! But I have red (non itchy) patches on my Solomon my chest and stomach area
  64. Sharp pain in head and neck
  65. My life feels ruined
  66. feeling better... paranoia
  67. seeing floaters and flashes
  68. right side of neck vein bulge
  69. weird head and face sensations
  70. how my anxiety has changed
  71. Lymphoma Cancer in Groin (Female)
  72. Floaters
  73. Has anyone ever had Colitis?
  74. Bone lump in finger?!
  75. Mouth symptoms obsession
  76. a cry for help
  77. swelling in groin?
  78. Is it haemorrhoids?
  79. Mint sensation in mouth
  80. So poorly
  81. Scared! Coughed up Blood!
  82. EXTRA ringing in ears
  83. Tight band of pressure behind one ear?
  84. Freaking out AGAIN: tingling, numb, twtichy, shaking, nervous
  85. Awful week - twitching, dizziness...
  86. Constant head pressure
  87. Worried about possible brain aneurysm
  88. Lump Back of Neck
  89. Worrying Chest Symptoms
  90. anxiety
  91. MS fear??? :(((((
  92. Just woke up and now heart is beating fast
  93. How do you know?
  94. Heart goes crazy after simple excercise
  95. Low heart rate = anxiety??
  96. Mole panic ! Please help
  97. Acid reflux or sleep apnoea?
  98. Symptoms changing?
  99. Worried - blood in toilet bowl
  100. Weird genital related symptoms.. Scared
  101. Fuzzy head?
  102. Just anxiety or actual illness?
  103. Lower tummy pain like period cramp - still!
  104. Low self esteem and confidence
  105. random symptoms at certain times
  106. Lymph nodes
  107. Memory worry m.e/Cfs/fibro
  108. Neck pain
  109. eyes
  110. Dizzeness
  111. Bony lump on skull
  112. neck pain and severe migraine.- anuerysm???
  113. Brain chatter and loud noises make my head feel like it's going to explode
  114. What else could these symptoms be if not what I am scared of?
  115. Light-headedness as a symptom
  116. Weird Smells
  117. Want to get this clear, Can anxiety cause ANY SYMPTOM?
  118. Tongue Worry.
  119. Symptoms - seems to be anxiety really kicking in...
  120. Unexplained leg pain/cramps
  121. Weird head rush...panicking
  122. Lung worries ( oh joy)
  123. Still the same, if not worse
  124. A bunch of unexplained (mostly chest) symptoms...
  125. Eyes and head! Worried 😔
  126. Stroke Worry
  127. Weird Sensation in arms and legs.
  128. Is anxiety the explanation? HELP
  129. I can't sleep
  130. alcohol sensitivity/bad anxiety
  131. Body is over it, brain hasnt caught up yet.
  132. Leg issues... Blood clot?????
  133. Lightheaded when standing up
  134. Aching arm after blood test
  135. Floor of mouth pain. Oral cancer?
  136. Tingling fingertips
  137. How to tell if you have bipolar.
  138. Throat sensation is now starting to really unnerve me
  139. Where do you feel your anxiety aches and pains?
  140. Anxiety and overthinking it or something else?
  141. Is it just a boil?
  142. Why do I always think im going to have a heard attack!?
  143. Tiny pin prick red spots
  144. Jelly legs!!
  145. exploding head syndrome
  146. Paranoid!! I hope
  147. Anxiety symptoms? or something else?
  148. both ears blocked..what to do?
  149. ?????
  150. Need help please
  151. Low heart rate, but doctors say everything's fine with my heart?
  152. My story so far.. 4 months
  153. Worried this is oral cancer or pre stages
  154. Shaking
  155. Terrified I have melanoma
  156. Headaches
  157. Feels like someones pinching at my throat and chest?
  158. Groin Lump - Lymph Node? Panic!
  159. breathing problems
  160. Salt level is high and skin is itchy
  161. Twitching Under Eye
  162. swollen lymph nodes neck and armpit
  163. Anxiety burning a hole in my chest
  164. Hair loss
  165. Body vibrations?
  166. Skin cancer looking like a pimple?
  167. Morning anxiety
  168. Tight sternum causing breathlessness
  169. Feel like i am swaying!!
  170. Help I feel like I am going crazy!
  171. Help with symptoms please.
  172. Breathing bothering me
  173. Swollen Groin Lymph Node..... Really Worried
  174. Knee Feels Awkward, ALS Fear at a maximum
  175. Worrying myself sick
  176. Anyone get new and changing symptoms with IBS/Stomach issues please?
  177. Horrendous night sweats! Sertraline?
  178. Aching/bruised feeling
  179. Anyone else have an ALS/MS fear?
  180. Obsessed with lymph nodes, driving self crazy.
  181. Painful lump between jaw and neck
  182. frequent urination. can anyone give some advice?
  183. 2cm submandibular lump - lipoma or lymphoma??
  184. Weird Symptoms
  185. Abdominal discomfort, giddiness and unsteady walk
  186. Chest pain heart lung or anxiety
  187. Drug use..after effects on body
  188. Arm pain
  189. Scalp
  190. Rapid muscle fatigue during stress
  191. pulsation need reassurance
  192. leukemia?
  193. Wisdom teeth please help
  194. Tongue twitching
  195. itchy lumps??
  196. Can't Shake the MS Fear
  197. numb sensations in face
  198. Anticipatory anxiety
  199. Itching - kidney failure?
  200. Does everyone else get these symptoms with acid reflux?
  201. Please help, scared of DVT (blood clot)
  202. Itching below my left rib
  203. Scared Beyond
  204. Sore testicle w/groin-leg pain... IBS related?
  205. Tension Headaches
  206. Nasopharyngeal cancer Fear
  207. Internal vibration - anxiety? does anyone else have this symptom
  208. Worried about Dad's symptoms :(
  209. Vertigo and nausea :(
  210. help please
  211. Aching/heavy eyes and headaches - can this be sinus related?
  212. Gallstones
  213. Feeling like I'm going crazy and going to have a breakdown because I can't shut down!
  214. Anybody Else Have A Sunken Temporomandibular Joint
  215. Myoclonus
  216. Constant throat mucus (with bits?)
  217. Chron's, IBD, UC, what's the difference please?
  218. 20 palpitations a minute and miserable
  219. Inflamed Minor salivary gland or tumor
  220. Worried about injury from the bus - internal bleeding?
  221. Eyes!
  222. Feeling like I'm about to go crazy
  223. Pins and needles
  224. Any tablets or methods out there to stop self making symptoms ?
  225. Gallstone and Full Blood Count
  226. My eye hurts, help
  227. Forearm/Shin pains
  228. It's happening again!
  229. Stress induced physical anxiety?
  230. No air!
  231. Overdose
  232. Fear of Pancreatic cancer
  233. Sharp Pain and soreness in left breast and armpit
  234. son being sick at night
  235. Please help!!
  236. Adrenaline overload?
  237. Sick with worry - breast lump
  238. Help with specific associated panic
  239. Paranoid about pregnancy D:
  240. please help severe reflux/panic attacks
  241. Halos in vision
  242. eye problem
  243. Enlarged lymph node in neck - to worry or not to worry?
  244. Constantly weak/achey arms and legs
  245. Inner eyelid discomfort
  246. Could this be hernia? Really panicking
  247. Enlarged lymph node in armpit.
  248. Sinus Problem
  249. Iron tablets causing smelly urine?
  250. feeling strange