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  1. Front tooth fell out
  2. Anxiety and panic are really bad ..HELP
  3. overactive bladder
  4. Citalopram side effects help?
  5. Body ache feeling
  6. 15mg mirtazapine psychosis
  7. Help, beta blockers side effects
  8. Loud ringing and brief deafness
  9. Waking up with heart racing
  10. 2 white spots on front top right of gums ! Please someone help me
  11. Really short of breath sooo scared :(
  12. Ovary Cancer Worries
  13. Throat/mouth issue - sigh this again
  14. Terrified I have Diabetes
  15. Feel like i am leaning!!
  16. Hard, big lump in the cartilage of a rib
  17. Deep breath Urge
  18. Light headed for 25 days straight
  19. Restless Legs Syndrome/Periodic Limb Movement Disorder
  20. Akathisia, drug induced anxiety other problems. Will this last forever?
  21. somebody pls help em im terrified of meneires or something!!!!!
  22. Sound Sensitive
  23. horrible chest pain please read need help asap
  24. Lumps in Groin
  25. Funny taste
  26. Insomnia is driving me mad!
  27. What are your physical symptoms of anxiety
  28. i am very angry for no reason, when i should be relaxed and happy
  29. What Do Floaters Look Like?
  30. Pins and needles
  31. Lump on nick
  32. Bottom left part lip numb
  33. Someone please help! Anxiety is ruining my life
  34. anxious about a few day ago solar plexus(abonmen) injury
  35. Horrendous headaches... what is it
  36. Are intrusive thoughts a regular symptom of high anxiety?
  37. Sleep debt
  38. Hyperacusis
  39. 5HTP Side Effects? Help!
  40. Ear Clicking/Tinnitus
  41. ice cold feeling on bottom of leg
  42. struggles
  43. wet sensation on ankle only its dry
  44. Nasty horrible symtoms Carnt cope plz read
  45. Anyone suffering from sciatica?
  46. Can Things Change In Seven Months
  47. Is it normal to get sore throats on one side only?
  48. Am i imagining things?
  49. Sore hands and feet
  50. Virus - Headache, clicking etc.
  51. tingle/vibrations on head making me feel dizzy!!
  52. Right eye blurry
  53. Vision, please read?
  54. Petechiae On Breast
  55. Constant state of panic, desparately need help please.
  56. Concerning lump?
  57. am i dreaming or not?
  58. Pain under ribs
  59. Hazy vision
  60. Blurred vision
  61. Desperately need help
  62. New mole at 32?
  63. Enlarged lymph node in neck
  64. Muscle Pain
  65. Swollen lymph nodes, tendon pain and more
  66. Please help :/
  67. Chronic symptoms - GAD / Panic / Heath Anxiety? Please help
  68. Question for the wiser here
  69. Ears..
  70. Uneven Pupils (Anisocoria)
  71. Are These Persistent Symptoms Really Caused By GAD?
  72. Heart anxiety is back
  73. Film of mist over my eyes
  74. Numb big toes
  75. I feel like something is wrong. Strange symptoms.
  76. Mouth Ulcer Help Me Please
  77. Bowel obssesion
  78. Numb mouth 😭
  79. Pulsing /twitching muscle side of head?
  80. Petachie or goosebumps?
  81. How Do You Know If You Are Truly Out Of Breath Or Just Anxiety ?
  82. blood clot fears please help
  83. Any Ladies advice much appreciated
  84. Anyone had problems with stiff neck and looking up to the sides ?
  85. Please can someone help?
  86. Help
  87. poor circulation in left leg??
  88. Anyone Else Hear This Or Feel It?
  89. Breathing causing panic
  90. Something strange....
  91. is this really anxiety???
  92. ANXIETY?
  93. I need help please
  94. Help
  95. throat irritation for months and everything then strep throat now this
  96. Weight loss? I'm scared
  97. Swollen pinky finger, any suggestions?
  98. Scary chest pains last night
  99. Tired at the same time daily.
  100. Painful testicle .... Cancer ?
  101. Lower back issue's.
  102. Poorly child
  103. If you had a real medical problem would it come and go?
  104. If you have any of these symptoms ,It might be from TMJ
  105. Hard to breath when jaw is tight
  106. Something moves under right front rib!
  107. symptoms
  108. Can You Feel Your Blood Pressure?
  109. sharp pain in artery in neck??
  110. Lumps in jaw
  111. Pale stool. Freaking out.
  112. Unsure about going to the doctor
  113. Taking Omeprazole Extended Release Side Effects?
  114. Family changes personality, behaviour.
  115. Bump in Mouth
  116. Can feel gland in chest
  117. pulsating neck/palpitations/head rush feeeling(help me!)
  118. Itchy rings under skin on palms of hands and soles of feet
  119. Camera down throat
  120. Flu??
  121. BP & amitryptline
  122. Sinus arrhythmia?
  123. Still dizzy after blood test??
  124. Detached, Spacey, Dizzy feeling
  125. Sudden weight loss
  126. 37celsius temperature?
  127. Am I losing my mind???
  128. Unable to swallow or breathe
  129. Scared of nodular melanoma
  130. Numb Face
  131. Lower back, leg and groin pain and bloodin urine help
  132. Purply hands in hot water
  133. Sex, exercise, anything that gets blood flowingsets off symptoms
  134. Tension headache
  135. Bouncy feeling on floor when i walk help
  136. Breathlessness, sighing - Could this be IBS?
  137. weird feeling in left eye/ear
  138. Does anxiety make it hard to think and feel closed in?
  139. Females - can a tampon full of chlorine water cause damage
  140. I feel like I am dying....
  141. Sudden onset HA
  142. Burning, sensitive skin- anxiety?
  143. One symptom to another but worried about same thing
  144. Waking up at night and can't breathe?
  145. is this anxiety?
  146. can't cope....
  147. Does this sound like a migraine aura???
  148. Success but still feeling not quite right
  149. Twitching face for months...scared its MS??!!
  150. constantly worried about Brain Tumour
  151. Sharp pinching type pain in upper back
  152. lumps on my stomach
  153. Right side of face and right arm asleep
  154. scared to death of clots
  155. Separation anxiety help
  156. Unsteady when walking
  157. Is this normal high anxiety or Citalopram withdrawal?
  158. Run down, exhausted and bad immune system or something else?
  159. still having anxiety.
  160. On The Road Traveling And Having Issues Please Help?
  161. Fibromyalgia or Anxiety/Stress???
  162. Tingling left shoulder blade
  163. I'm really worried for my eyes?!
  164. could I have tetanus??
  165. Can you get so many symptoms one after another
  166. Swollen, full feeling on left side of abdomen
  167. Anyone ever get a rocking motion with their heart? Especially after eating?
  168. Is snoring normal?
  169. buzzing/vibrating feeling
  170. Anxiety or Tinnitus
  171. pregnant help
  172. Red painful blotches on inner part of thigh, just stopped birth control
  173. Not sure whether to believe the doctor!
  174. Getting a bit panicky - throat clearing and hoarsness
  175. sleep
  176. Hello! New here and would like some reassurance on symptoms...
  177. Cognition issues. Anxiety, withdrawal, or something sinister?
  178. Coughing a lot- stomach pain- pulled muscle?
  179. Petechia and bleeding gums?
  180. Light Flickering, PLEASE HELP :(
  181. worried about possible pheochromocytoma
  182. Anxiety among the famous
  183. Stupid worry about subdural hematoma. Help?
  184. Extreme anxiety over symptoms
  185. White tongue & weird taste with Sertraline?
  186. speech/typing problems
  187. Extreme dizziness when not feeling anxious
  188. Driving me insane!
  189. Tachycardia with diagnosis as stress?
  190. Diagnosed high blood pressure
  191. Pulmonary embolism fear is driving me mad
  192. Forehead Sensitive To The Touch And Hurting The Last Few Days. Brain Swelling?
  193. Anxiety over ruminating?
  194. leg/muscle issue
  195. Pain when swallowing (right side)
  196. how bad is your anxiety?
  197. Tingling/pins and needles/numbness back to the doctors or not?
  198. Do you obsess over 'resting' heart rate.
  199. Chest cold - bronchitis/pneumonia?
  200. Please help quickly!
  201. Water retention in the neck?
  202. High blood pressure
  203. Mirtazapine for anxiety sole of foot numb
  204. Lump on face, worried
  205. Muscle knot??
  206. No scared i have bowel cancer, god i'm terrified :(
  207. Severe anxiety, cant seem to cope.
  208. Unexplained Weight Loss
  209. Someone please help
  210. Scared I have colon cancer
  211. Burning Face anxiety\?
  212. Does constant introspection and meta thinking when anxiety does?
  213. Offering help and advice as a former high anxiety/panic sufferer
  214. Propanorol and Alcohol
  215. Can't take it anymore - feeling more down than ever
  216. Back pains, fear of cancer, unable to function
  217. burning eyes and lids
  218. What is wrong with my vision???
  219. Please help so tired of this 😔
  220. sereve anxiety!
  221. Approaching rock bottom at a rapid rate
  222. Sinus infection... or is it a tumor?
  223. Fading mole
  224. Night sweats and itchy skin?
  225. Exercise Anxiety
  226. pharyngitis from seven months straight
  227. walking on boat feeling
  228. Spasms
  229. Is this anxiety burn out?
  230. Extreme 24/7 anxiety, need advice.
  231. horrible tetanus fears
  232. Anyone get this?
  233. Swollen lymph node, weight loss
  234. throat infections from kissing partner who smokes?
  235. Swollen lymph nodes
  236. Citalopram Withdrawal Symptoms?
  237. Anyone else have anxious thinking as an anxiety trigger?
  238. feel chesty and short of breath
  239. Nausea from anxiety?
  240. Mouth cancer
  241. Having a rough time
  242. Issues with throat, scared of lung cancer etc.
  243. Feeling bad again
  244. Face Muscle Pulling And Lump Under Jaw Swollen And Other Worries
  245. Constant pins and needles
  246. body buzzing/vibrating
  247. what i am doing to beat anxiety
  248. Freezing after workout!
  249. terrified of having stroke
  250. I went to my GP but I'm still worried. Help please.