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  1. Anyone's symptoms just get worse the more you focus on the problem?
  2. Armpit pain
  3. Can't take it.. but I'm trying..
  4. If it is anxiety and I have accepted it,then why is it still present??
  5. Cancer? Please read
  6. Sertraline - fatigue and 'bedroom problems' - don't know what to do
  7. How does your dizzyness feel?
  8. Strange thoughts that pop up in head? Not scary just..odd
  9. Constant hunger?
  10. I cant stop subvocalizing every thought.
  11. EARS
  12. Please help, spiraling :(
  13. Need help/advice
  14. If anyone is about need some support please?
  15. Neck pain
  16. Anxiety is taking over my life!
  17. Stomach and bowel issues
  18. I think I have Oesophagus/throat cancer
  19. Please tell me this is anxiety? Not slept at all
  20. Strange head feeling and spaced out
  21. Constipation that seems never ending :( need help
  22. Goitre (sp)
  23. Skin cancer? Lymphoma? Cyst? Boil?
  24. Constant Dizziness
  25. Strange feeling in my head.
  26. Back Stiffness & Tension Advice Please.
  27. New Anxiety ... keep thinking i have cancer
  28. Help! Low oxygen sats!
  29. Chronic/recurrent tonsillitis anyone?
  30. possible arsenic poisoning??
  31. AFib and MVP
  32. Does severe anxiety cause random anxious thoughts for no reason?
  33. Red "splatter" rash on hands plus more.
  34. Face numb!?
  35. Been docs twice this week still struggling
  36. Please help me
  37. Neck Ultrasound - wait
  38. Mirtazapine withdrawal?
  39. Starting to get worked up again
  40. Bone Pains
  41. Can anyone identify with these symptoms?
  42. Anxiety and tingling foot, panicking out of control
  43. Itching
  44. Lower stomach vibration, extreme tightness and now lower back? Help!
  45. Quick testicle cancer question please respond
  46. Cannot stay asleep and constant dizziness
  47. Freaking out can someone help please
  48. Anyone Else Feel Their Heartbeat Rocking Their Body
  49. Lost the ability to dream, will it return?
  50. twitchingand trouble speaking
  51. SLEEP!!! DESPERATE - Adrenaline rush and weird feelings
  52. Anxiety and Dread for no reason, all day?
  53. Can all this be anxiety
  54. 24/7 Dizziness - HELP!!!
  55. pain and tingling in hands and feet (anxiety)
  56. brain aneurysm
  57. Lost my mind on Citalopram, cant get over it.
  58. Dim lighting
  59. Feeling Miserable And Worried
  60. One pupil dilates larger than other - help
  61. Anxiety or Lyme Disease?
  62. If you could not breathe?
  63. Head pressure - has anyone had this?
  64. Mind blank, no thoughts?
  65. Help....is this anxiety??!!
  66. How do u get rid of the feeling of anxious for your thought
  67. Pls reply - Limbs don't feel like they belong to me & feeling of weakness
  68. Throat weird feeling
  69. Elevated cortisol the issue here?
  70. Constant Gnawing & knotting in stomach!!
  71. Throat Cancer Questions?
  72. Random memories and dreams
  73. Post nasal drip?
  74. Is it natural to feel like wanting to urinate after drinking water?
  75. Testicle cancer question ! Please answer !
  76. Some advice reg meds please
  77. 1 second rush
  78. Rest leg feeling but in big toes. Feel twitchy
  79. Can alcohol reduce Diazepam withdrawal symptoms?
  80. Tired, drained, weak and hungry
  81. Strange thinking
  82. Twitching toes
  83. Tight throat
  84. Thighs so Heavy! And Hot Flashes!
  85. Can swaying be part of anxiety ?
  86. Just as I think I'm getting better - new symptoms
  87. Persistent muscle fatigue, pain, weirdness.
  88. How does anxiety cause dizziness?
  89. Bipolar?
  90. Freckle on Palm????
  91. Stuffed nose for as long as I can remember
  92. TMD/TMJ sufferers
  93. Constant neck tension
  94. Two Questions
  95. Got hit in the head with a basketball
  96. Could a long term anxiety suffer confirm my symptoms?
  97. Ears pressure, funny reactions please help
  98. Combating constant tiredness
  99. Need some help
  100. Feels like I have cobwebs on my face? Anyone else?
  101. Dull ache comes and goes in scrotum
  102. Liver ALP
  103. Cramps in one calf, certain i'm going to die of a blood clot
  104. Left eye twitching - is this normal?
  105. Headache/blurry vision
  106. Completely lost it and freaking out again! :(
  107. Tight throat & chest, slightly dizzy
  108. please help, body vibrating
  109. Lower abdominal pain
  110. Whole left side aches
  111. Would the MRI have shown an aneurysm?
  112. Swollen area in left arm
  113. Breast lump/cyst
  114. Tingling on left side of head (above eyebrow)
  115. The Flat Effect/ Lack of feeling
  116. Worried about health and symptoms
  117. Weight loss - cancer?
  118. Has anxiety affected your appearance?
  119. cold/tingling sensations all over body
  120. Health scare about pupils
  121. Vertigo? Anxiety? Please help!
  122. Jelly Legs and Robotic Voice
  123. Is this stiff neck brain related?
  124. weird blobs in eyes
  125. Constantly shaking foot
  126. Worried that something is wrong with my brain.
  127. Help
  128. Aching
  129. Tinnitus & SSRIs
  130. Eye discharge with a cold
  131. Worried about cancer
  132. CSF Leak?
  133. Tender breasts, frequent urination, fatigue, and..
  134. Worried about Petechiae
  135. Dizziness, light headedness, off balance
  136. now another, i have a lump on lower left part of neck?
  137. Lump in neck, freaking out around exams
  138. Lightheadedness
  139. Anyone suffer/suffered from nightmares?
  140. Can sleep problems cause night sweats?
  141. feeling and thinkin the world is spinning etc
  142. Loosing sight
  143. Light at the end of the tunnel....
  144. Muscle tension and inflexibility
  145. Cystic Fibrosis?
  146. whats going on...
  147. Calves aching constantly with twitching
  148. Is uncontrollable worry/thoughts a normal anxiety symptom?
  149. anxiety about vision is driving me mad
  150. Stomach problems making me very anxious
  151. Vertigo
  152. Am I depressed?
  153. Itchy rash
  154. Is this a stye?
  155. Pimple or blood clot?
  156. Pains in legs -anyone else?
  157. Dreadful dizziness
  158. sensitive ears(pulsating/blood pressure)
  159. Please help me think getting lock jaw think I'm dying
  160. Toxic shock syndrome??
  161. Lump on gum.
  162. Heart questions
  163. Gum lumps
  164. Irrational worry
  165. Sertraline
  166. Does lack of sleep or a mental condition cause dizzyness?
  167. Am I worrying over nothing?
  168. Having a huge panic attack
  169. 24/7 Vision issues - Anxiety or even derealization?
  170. Insomnia again!!!!
  171. It's been going on for 14 years, I need answers!
  172. Worried about STD
  173. Cancer Fear
  174. Achey Chest.
  175. Urine leakage
  176. Headache issues continuing...
  177. Flashes in corner of right eye
  178. any advice please
  179. vertigo or something else ?
  180. Sudafed/psuedoephedrine triggering anxiety
  181. sharp pain in left side of head
  182. Feeling alone and scared.
  183. Gums
  184. Throat problems
  185. Feel like I can't breathe properly
  186. Doctor says I have an Ulcer... Should I be scared?
  187. is this just anxiety
  188. typing issues
  189. Just a question
  190. Terrified
  191. Lip cancer?
  192. Issues with citalopram?
  193. left side weakness?
  194. Constant headache 7 weeks
  195. just had anxiety/panic attack
  196. Swollen tongue/cough
  197. Constant pain
  198. Question for those with acid reflux
  199. Explosion like rush when trying to go sleep
  200. Terrified, had a headache for 4 weeks.
  201. Underlying issue
  202. sleep problems
  203. Sudden indigestion
  204. lump
  205. Lung cancer
  206. vision
  207. 24 hour urine sample, heart palpitations
  208. headaches constant
  209. Retina detachment surgery
  210. DVT Fear
  211. Crunching neck getting worse! :(
  212. Worrying about appendicitis
  213. terrified of death and dying
  214. FFs next fear tc one little pimple under epididymis on left and right feels firmer?
  215. Pressure headaches?
  216. Disturbing symptoms during the night, every night...
  217. What chest sensation am I having?
  218. Constant headaches
  219. Intense Head Pain during sleep paralysis. Thought i was dying
  220. calves aching ,burning, twitching 2 months now
  221. Male problem: reduction in ejaculation amount, congealed semen
  222. Sudden severe RLS. Could it be something real or just anxiety?
  223. Propanalol now asthma.
  224. Heat - Trapped Feeling...
  225. Blood clot, sciatica or what?
  226. tingling, shaking feeling inside
  227. severe headaches
  228. Thyroid/ Glands/ Goitre issues
  229. Constant sweating
  230. Is this anxiety?
  231. is abdo causing leg pains
  232. The worst part
  233. lumps in neck
  234. Confusion
  235. flashes
  236. So ill and not sure what to do!
  237. Headache sore spots
  238. Nausea
  239. Really weird
  240. Smells
  241. Weird feeling on face??
  242. Low tempature
  243. Back/ abdominal pain.. So scared its cancer
  244. Bladder weakness
  245. Are daily headaches normal?
  246. Anxiety and body temperature
  247. leg symptoms are they anxiety
  248. personal- b.o.
  249. Brain Tumor, Ms anxiety
  250. Thought it was anxiety, turned out to be possible GBS (Guillain Barré Syndrome)