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  1. Ache legs above knees
  2. Mouth ulcers
  3. Scary Symptom!!!!
  4. Been diagnosed with sciatica.. but not convinced it is that :(
  5. Blue lips and nails
  6. Anxiety Symptoms 101 - Dizziness & Feeling Lightheaded
  7. Cancer
  8. Sinuses?
  9. Long list of symptoms, can this all be anxiety? :( Brain/Heart worry
  10. Insomnia
  11. ALS Fear
  12. Going to the doctors with many symptoms for the first time
  13. Arm pain?
  14. Someone help
  15. Brain Tumour Flight Worries
  16. Migraine with Aura
  17. different levels/stages of anxiety
  18. A list of head symptoms
  19. Red Chest
  20. Water retention in legs
  21. Driving myself crazy (exhausted, headaches, eye strain, depression)
  22. Recurring infection
  23. Feel like I'm loosing my mind?
  24. support please
  25. Dizziness and lightheaded for ages, worried its something bad
  26. Cold breathing
  27. Tons of health issues.. hypochondriac or not??
  28. Lymph Node Worries
  29. odd pains, kinda like someones pulling my muscles?
  30. Humming inside head
  31. New sensation?
  32. Migraines
  33. Constant stomach problems
  34. Red spots on arms or back of hands
  35. Is this normal!!!??Palpitations/weird feeling in chest, when having abdominal cramps!
  36. swallowing problems
  37. ALS Symptoms
  38. What is it.
  39. Swimming
  40. Collarbone lump and panick attacks!!
  41. Breathlessness - normal anxiety symptom?
  42. I'm definitely am a hypochondriac and health worrier.
  43. Headaches non stop
  44. Clarithromycin Side Effects
  45. What I have: STDs or HIV? - waiting for results
  46. Can strep throat cause supraclavicular lymph node swelling?
  47. Something to help your mind, please read.
  48. Eating issues
  49. left index finger twitch
  50. Arm and leg kick on there own
  51. Physical symptoms
  52. Blurry eyes. Anxiety or worse
  53. Lymphoma bloating??
  54. Feeling like I can't breath 24/7
  55. Worried about symptoms
  56. Convinced I have a brain tumour
  57. Doctor contacted me after scan. So worried!!
  58. Can you have Anxiety without knowing it?
  59. rash
  60. My living hell. Anxiety about testicle cancer.
  61. Tongue piercing sore after 20 years!
  62. Really scared I've got a Brain Tumor or mets
  63. My left heel is in a lot of pain... can't walk on it.
  64. Tonsillectomy recovery
  65. Scared about headaches
  66. Scared I might have a stroke or heart attack
  67. Grey/blue knuckles
  68. Are Nose Bleeds a Brain Tumour Symptom?
  69. Freaking out even more than before. I'm 100% sure I've got a Glioblastoma Brain tumor
  70. sinus trouble after flight
  71. Worried about my head
  72. Worthless
  73. Chronic pain and anxiety
  74. Buzzing in feet and legs
  75. Gas after eating
  76. Eye floaters?
  77. Oesophagus cancer
  78. General Anxiety or Concussion?
  79. Any body get this?
  80. Fuzzy/dizzy head
  81. blocked ears and wind sound in them
  82. Blood clot in leg
  83. eye trouble please help!
  84. Is it concerning to have a decrease in smell and taste + Metallic taste for
  85. Acid Reflux?
  86. Brain tumour
  87. Really worried about ovarian cancer.
  88. Neck Tension/Headaches
  89. Panic while falling asleep
  90. poisin ivy remedies??
  91. Muscle/limbs JERKS?!
  92. Is this poison ivy?
  93. Scared and feeling alone
  94. Colon cancer fear.
  95. Broken bones?
  96. I can't sleep
  97. Most common symptoms of anxiety
  98. Hard lump
  99. Fainting since the weekend
  100. Food stuck in throat
  101. Topical Steroid Withdrawal?
  102. Diagnosed with labryhthitis
  103. Lymph node won't go down - please help!!!
  104. left index finger been twitching for 2 weeks
  105. help in a mad panic lymph nodes
  106. Pressure in head
  107. Vertigo
  108. Slight discomfort in upper left quadrant of abdomen for 6 months. What can it be?
  109. Sudden intense hunger like ive not eaten in days, is this anxiety?
  110. Rheumatoid arthritis?
  111. Difficulty breathing and breathless
  112. HELP!
  113. Who else has extreme fear of going to doctor but also has HA?
  114. Bladder anxiety issues please help
  115. Worrying about others
  116. Is itching an anxiety symptom?
  117. Eye symptons
  118. funny turns
  119. Going insane always dizzy
  120. Nasal Cancer? Please help :(
  121. what to do?
  122. Can Anxiety cause all this??
  123. Throat cancer panic...
  124. Stomach issues
  125. Pink stool again, doctor says it's piles - please help
  126. Weird nervous feeling right below chest/above stomach
  127. Hyperglycemic symptoms but not diabetic?
  128. Ear infection. Just finished antibiotics ear still feels muffled
  129. Sinusitus or Allergies?
  130. Tooth Ache or Sinus Pain
  131. Exhaustion
  132. right hand side of my torso
  133. Jaw, neck, shoulder pain. Help
  134. muscle twitching
  135. Dizziness and seeing whiteness after standing up
  136. Scared of ALS
  137. Help!! Asap
  138. Is it possible for one of your lungs to stop working?
  139. flipping out
  140. Lumps under armpit
  141. Terrified of NHL
  142. Symptoms
  143. Panic over rash!
  144. I can't sleep...
  145. Dizziness. Please reply
  146. Burning in centre of chest?
  147. Lump on belly? HELP.
  148. Lower back pain due to lieing down?
  149. High blood pressure caused by anxiety?
  150. Broken bones question.
  151. Racing thoughts when lying in bed.
  152. Freaking out that I've got Lung cancer cough + Weight loss
  153. BLOODS
  154. Closing of the throat
  155. Advice or info needed about panic attacks
  156. Short of breath
  157. Esophageal/Stomach Cancer :/
  158. Can't sleep, anxious and stomach ache
  159. Lower Back Pain & Discharge
  160. Staph infection?
  161. Bad Tinnitus
  162. Indigestion
  163. Anemia
  164. Blood in stool
  165. wind blowing sound in ears
  166. Breathing and heart rate!
  167. Involuntary breath intakes
  168. Super tipsy
  169. costochondritis sufferers
  170. Weird sinking feeling?
  171. Collarbone lump?
  172. Mouth Ulcer - Oral Cancer Fear
  173. Do I have brain cancer?!
  174. Urge to wee all time
  175. Blood in saliva usually in the morning
  176. Moles
  177. What's wrong with my mouth?
  178. Sudden anxious feeling
  179. Bowel concerns.
  180. Constant Blood in Mouth
  181. Stomach issues
  182. Tingling
  183. A symptom that has no name
  184. Tingling/numbness/burning
  185. Loose teeth :(
  186. Really scared reassurance please?
  187. Nipples??
  188. Freaking out pls help!
  189. Swaying like on a boat, dropping sensations, eye floaters, ringing in the ears?
  190. Numb feeling and palpitations/twitching in upper back
  191. Trouble swallowing as I fall asleep
  192. Help, pgad or health anxiety ?
  193. Intrusive thoughts?
  194. Hi New, Melanoma
  195. Pain on left side of body
  196. Lump on back
  197. Probably sick of me but hear me out.
  198. coming off setraline after 8 weeks
  199. has anyone heard of NPDH
  200. Eating or non eating !!
  201. Imodium freak out
  202. Adrenaline Surges like a roller coaster drop, very scared
  203. Symptoms
  204. Any opticians out there?
  205. Cold, so cold
  206. IBS, coeliac or something more serious?
  207. Acid reflux??? (persistent)
  208. Blood test results.
  209. Clicking jaw/jaw tension
  210. Back again :( swollen lymph nodes?
  211. Closed eye hallucinations?
  212. Lumps in arm
  213. Hypothyroidism.
  214. Right Inner Upper Arm Pain
  215. Headaches, headaches..
  216. Could this be a seizure?
  217. Could it be DVT -Help please.
  218. Sleep
  219. Breast cancer worry- back here again
  220. Loss of appetite
  221. Heart stops and feel faint every time I try to get to sleep
  222. Convinced I have lymphoma.
  223. Hey
  224. Does anyone ever get physical symptoms before anxiety?
  225. Womb cancer fear??
  226. Anxiety symptoms
  227. Very anxious now
  228. Sore breast and armpit :(
  229. post nasal drip
  230. Various symptoms - blood test results in the morning
  231. Neck turning really fast
  232. Adult children of parents with paranoid schizophrenia
  233. Really worried
  234. Please help.
  235. Dark circles and puffy under eyes advice
  236. Did I have a small pulmonary embolism?
  237. anxiety like feelings and tense
  238. Stroke symptoms worried
  239. Pain in thighs, and forgetting to breath while falling to sleep
  240. unsure if muscle strain or something more sinister...
  241. Bright red blood on tissue.
  242. Scared about vision
  243. Help!
  244. Absolutely freAking out.
  245. Wake up gasping for air as I fall asleep. Common?
  246. very tight neck , headache ,nerve sensations
  247. Absolutely petrified
  248. Worried about lymphoma
  249. Excess saliva you keep needing to swallow -anyone else?
  250. Weird Vibrations.