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  1. Internal hemorrhoids question
  2. Breakthrough? Hopefully
  3. Stomach acid causing weird mental state only when sleeping
  4. uneven pupils and pupil not centred
  5. Matchstick Sulfur worries
  6. Feeling sick (possibly mucus related) advice needed
  7. DVT?
  8. Spinal tumour
  9. Constant aching left shoulder blade area
  10. Brain tumor worries
  11. Sudden zaps electric shock in brain
  12. Feeling lymph nodes? Terrified of lymphoma
  13. Ovarian cancer scare
  14. bruises... scared of leukemia
  15. Advice
  16. Hemangioma
  18. I wnna to find a partner
  19. Sharp tingly pains where liver is...is this anxiety? Again? :(
  20. Dizzy on edge feeling
  21. guys plz help disbalalnce problem
  22. chest pain
  23. Pain in the butt
  24. Bony lumps...could it be cancer
  25. Long time reader. First time poster!! Any advice appreciated.
  26. Physical symptoms
  27. Very worried about muscle/limb jerks
  28. Lightheaded after exercise, really getting me down!
  29. Neck worries
  30. Pain below left breast when drinking water
  31. IBS? Palps? In my head? On sertaline
  32. Neck lump
  33. Started having some odd reactions to alcohol...
  34. Insomnia for months
  35. Chronic fatigue Syndrome panic
  36. Brain Fog/Can’t Concentrate
  37. Head pressure
  38. How long does it take for digestive problems to go away?
  39. Tingling/Hot Flash when falling asleep
  40. Brain scanning....
  41. Lower lip twitch
  42. Not a good day.
  43. How fast do cancerous lymph nodes/tumors grow?
  44. Has Anyone Recovered from Brain Symptoms / Derealization?
  45. Episodes where I'm momentarily unable to read
  46. Vibrating/ buzzing leg
  47. Adrenaline in the morning
  48. Breathing
  49. PLEASE help with these symptoms!
  50. Can a virus just be nausea, fatigue and dizziness?
  51. Do you get Chills?
  52. Worried about lungs and no healthcare
  53. Anyone ever experienced anything similar?
  54. Night sweat again...
  55. Breathing Problems
  56. Itching skin!
  57. Strep throat and supraclavical left lymph node enlargment
  58. Inner ear? Dizzy and feeling off
  59. headaches again, anxiety is causing depression
  60. numbness is left side and down side of thigh
  61. Is fear a symptom?
  62. old symptoms popping back up
  63. Describe what YOUR dizziness feels like??
  64. Cinnamon and liver
  65. Cinnamon and liver FREAKING OUT
  66. Me again LOL ear symptoms!
  67. Please answer really panicking
  68. Hot Epsom Salt Bath Reaction ugh
  69. Chest Pain Questions
  70. Lack of sleep
  71. Sharp pain behind right eye!!!
  72. Eyebrow Hair Loss
  73. Sciatica?
  74. Flu & Night Sweat
  75. Hands/fingers constant trembling/shaking/tremor
  76. Mass deep blow the jaw bone around my jaw corner makes me crazy
  77. I can hear my heartbeat from my mouth when I breath deeply
  78. ITCHING!
  79. Worried about possible sarcoma that doctor thinks is cyst
  80. What is BFS/twitching truly?
  81. Queezy stomach for 4.5 weeks
  82. Broken big toe
  83. Anyone deal with eczema?
  84. Epsom Salt Bath, Skin Burning Sensation
  85. Swollen bone behind ear.
  86. Sepsis fear
  87. Lump in muscle under arm, sarcoma?
  88. I feel like I am going crazy. Chronic dizziness and no answers.
  89. Lingering Post Cold Cough
  90. Acid reflux
  91. Ear pain
  92. Scared about bacterial infection or flu after seeing doctor
  93. Question for the fellow dizziness sufferers!
  94. Hemmorhoids, fissure, blood, cancer????
  95. Toe nail
  96. Somatic Symptom Disorder
  97. Dizziness, unbalanced
  98. Vision problems in new mom
  99. Any tips for raising BP?
  100. Overactive bladder :(
  101. Enlarged lymph node in neck?
  102. Stuffed up ear driving me nuts
  103. Obsessed over headaches and anxiety
  104. Adrenaline rushes
  105. Jaw and ear pain
  106. trouble speaking/brain fog issue
  107. Lymph node in neck
  108. Terrified of all the changes in my body
  109. Banged my head in the night! Help to put my mind at rest.
  110. stabbing pain in stomach
  111. Worried about my child
  112. sleep apnea scaring me
  113. Why does anxiety cause so much gas?
  114. Constricted breathing-please help!
  115. Results came back fine, still have night sweats
  116. salivary gland tumor? freaking out
  117. Tight throat, worried about cancer (please reply)
  118. Woke up feeling tingly and dizzy
  119. Tired Eyes
  120. Pain all over abdomen
  121. Need to know if this is familiar to any of you?
  122. This time it's definitely oral cancer
  123. Worried about lung/throat cancer
  124. Toothache in morning
  125. Calcium spots on brain
  126. quick onset of hunger/shakiness
  127. hardened veins and bruising
  128. Some wedding advice needed!
  129. Hurt back, worried it could be serious
  130. Massive abdominal pains for the last 2 days...
  131. Huge Tonsils/ ENT Visit / Terrified
  132. weird neck stiffness erratic wake up
  133. My brain is misreading words completely
  134. Chest Pain When Breathing
  135. Head pressure
  136. Anxiety is back full tilt
  137. immobilizing physical symptoms
  138. Atypical Anorexia - Fear of dying
  139. Visual Disturbances after motion?
  140. Worried about aussie flu.
  141. Is this normal? So scared :(
  142. Hypoglycemia
  143. Scared I have lung cancer
  144. Urine
  145. New worry... I feel like my skull's a weird shape?
  146. Overcoming Cancer Fear
  147. Does it look like my throat is normal or cancer? terrified
  148. Is this bloating
  149. Terrified of SJS (Steven Johnson’s syndrome)
  150. Neuropathy, Hives, and Anxiety Worries
  151. Upper Abdominal Discomfort
  152. And two steps back, meltdown! Please help if you can.
  153. Drowning feeling
  154. erratic sleeping patterns - middle of the night insomnia?
  155. Swallowing and eating difficulty
  156. Heavy body feeling and dizziness
  157. Feeling of food getting stuck
  158. Repetitive sounds getting 'stuck' in head?
  159. Worried about Possible Stomach Cancer
  160. Concerned about ALS...or is it BFS?
  161. Obsessing
  162. GERD flareup
  163. Life taken over by Lymphoma worries
  164. Convinced I Have MS, Please Please Help
  165. Eye Twitch
  166. Anxious gagging
  167. A place to vent
  168. Worried about chronic GERD symptoms since it's been a few months now diet change.
  169. Upper abdominal pain
  170. Forehead pain for few days
  171. Some lump, or whatever, on my back
  172. bloated feeling
  173. Irritation at anal opening
  174. Please read concerned??!!!
  175. White small spots in tongue
  176. Possible heart affection...please advice!
  177. Struggles with fear
  178. Coughing up blood in morning
  179. Flu like symptoms
  180. i set the fire alarm off!
  181. Anxiety overwhelming me
  182. Odd sleeping sensation
  183. Breathing While Running
  184. Sharp pain in rib/possibly lung every now and then
  185. Scared and Terrified: Brain Tumour anxiety
  186. Nights sweats because of virus - normal?
  187. Worrying with eye/ head pain
  188. Weakness right hand. Head pressure/dizziness, popping ears & balance issues.
  189. Worried about bats in bushes...
  190. Neck Spasm When Yawning? I Could Not Breath!!
  191. Health anxiety and als symptoms
  192. Pressure in head
  193. Convinced I have Oral Cancer (lump on palate, neck, and ear ache)
  194. Help, Anxiety is off the scale.
  195. Headaches behind eyes - Brain Tumour v Hypochondria
  196. Could TMJ be causing my neurological / psycological symptoms?
  197. Worried about jaw pain
  198. Finding multiple lumps on my rib cage under the skin
  199. Pelvis area discomfort
  200. Really bad time at the moment. Sinus and eye pain
  201. Minor Cut/Scrape Near Wrist/Hand
  202. Chills or a cold dotting weird sensation in head
  203. Overnight Weight Gain
  204. Pain/discomfort in my stomach and back
  205. Is this just part of anxiety?!
  206. Weightlifting with pinched nerves?
  207. Throat pain please read
  208. Being told you look ill
  209. Non Urgent Advice on Symptoms
  210. Rheumatoid Arthiritis Fears
  211. Wake up gasping for air
  212. Blood in tissue
  213. Persistent feeling that I need to take a deep breath?
  214. Can adult ADHD/ADD contribute to anxiety?
  215. Going off certain foods
  216. Hard fixed lump behind my ear
  217. Swollen lump in cheek
  218. Swollen lump in cheek
  219. Lymph node back of neck :(
  220. Buzzing/Vibration in torso
  221. Anxiety or Interstital Cystitis?
  222. Lightheaded Spells at Night
  223. Blood pressure and anxiety symptoms
  224. Dizziness, shortness of breath, abdominal pains, locking jaw
  225. is this possible??
  226. Headache constant, massive muscle and weightloss
  227. Testicle tube pain
  228. Blood pressure white coat syndrome
  229. Fear of stomach cancer! Help!!
  230. Streak of blood in mucus
  231. Finger twitching.
  232. Night Sweating
  233. Does this sound like Anxiety?
  234. Why did I google lung c
  235. Tingling Up and Down Spine, Anyone?
  236. Bad pain in lower abdomen?
  237. 25 year old male with a suspicious malignant mole on back
  238. Muscle twitching in legs arms since drinking
  239. handling symptoms poorly
  240. Coughing Up Blood
  241. Is it anxiety or am I actually ill?
  242. Teenager swollen groin lymph nodes:(
  243. Mild discomfort on lower left side.
  244. Pain in throat when swallowing saliva only (on and off) throat cancer fear
  245. Reddish/Orange Chunks In stool?
  246. May Have Answer To My Anxiety
  247. Head pain
  248. 10 days after teeth extraction, an anxiety nightmare since!
  249. Strange developing symptoms/Brain Tumor fears
  250. Sinusitis/Head Lumps/Lymph Node Worries.