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  1. My body is slowly moving backwords
  2. Blood blisters in mouth
  3. mole fears again
  4. Twitching muscles
  5. Is this just anxiety?
  6. Anxiety or real problems?
  7. Possible swollen thyroid
  8. Acid Reflux - Tips for Relief
  9. Low Back/Hip/Leg Pain/Urine Tract Issues
  10. leg cramp - scared about DVT
  11. Warm face at afternoon/night
  12. Muscle twitching
  13. Symptoms - Health Anxiety getting the better of me
  14. 3 bloody noses a day..
  15. I don’t feel organized with myself.
  16. Constant thinking and symptoms
  17. Terrified of ovarian cancer
  18. Lower back/buttock/hip and leg pain
  19. Am I going mad (struggling to cope)
  20. worried about lymphoma rash
  21. How amazing is the brain?
  22. Slow heart beat and light headedness
  23. All in my head ! Really?
  24. Mom
  25. Urge to cry .. HELP PLEASE
  26. Sudden Extreme Fatigue
  27. Heart/Chest symptoms
  28. Pressure and tingling brain...no pain
  29. Muscle Pain?
  30. Scared of mycotoxins/mold
  31. Swollen lymph node after infection
  32. Hip pain for months...cancer worries?
  33. Lightheaded ALL THE TIME
  34. Bruise under toe nail?
  35. Ergh
  36. Sticky Issue... (Sorry TMI)
  37. My throat is bleeding, help.
  38. Describe breathlessness caused by anxiety?
  39. Anxiety and Alcohol - advice needed.
  40. So much better, but one thing still lingers...
  41. Insomnia
  42. Normal anxiety symptom or something I should worry about?
  43. SERTRALINE - worried i have serotonin syndrome please help
  44. Please help
  45. Terrified and need some advice
  46. guess who's back! with...chest pains?
  47. Multiple Low Blood Sugar Feelings Per Day (Blood Sugar Levels Normal)
  48. Jerking awake with a racing heart.
  49. here we go again.....
  50. Negative thoughts DURING naps/sleep - increased anxiety...
  51. Abdominal Aneurysm panic
  52. acral melanoma fear
  53. Doctor found elevated calcium after routine blood test. Freaking out!
  54. Stitch type feeling that won’t go away
  55. Low sats
  56. Please Help, Alone, In pain, So scared
  57. Pretty sure I have a systemic disease
  58. Winter bug
  59. Hospital Stay
  60. Not again... Can this be anxiety too?
  61. Too many symptoms for it to be anxiety
  62. Strange abdominal pain on waist level
  63. Bloody hell....
  64. Heavy feeling after having alcohol
  65. Never posted here...
  66. perineum strain anyone?
  67. Exhaustion and more
  68. Weird back of head vibration involving eye movement
  69. Change in symptoms of panic attacks
  70. Uneven pupils, one bigger than other- zoloft/sertraline
  71. Tooth infection for a year, did I doom myself
  72. Lightheaded and disoriented after a nap
  73. Pinched Nerve or Neuro Disorder
  74. Blocked Ear and Tinitus for nearly 2 month now.
  75. Excessive sweating and burning in arms
  76. Chronic anxiety/stress
  77. Wisdom Tooth Infection?
  78. Bright red spots
  79. Mole
  80. MD disease fear
  81. How to rest your nervous system?
  82. Back Pain After Golf
  83. I don’t know where I’m headed.
  84. Something weird is happening to me
  85. Face - is this normal?
  86. What is this? Dizziness/Depersonalization/something else?
  87. Vision problems
  88. rash on throat, panicking
  89. Worried about muscle pains and fibromyalgia
  90. I feel like jumping out of a window. I cant handle this feeling
  91. Can anxiety and stress cause this?
  92. Bump on anus! - Doctor Worthy?
  93. 6 months of symptoms
  94. Struggling a bit....here for some moral support
  95. How severe has anxiety affected YOUR memory?
  96. Flat stool and weight loss 3-5lbs in weeks
  97. Feeling really ill, not sure why
  98. Anybody else get sore eyes with anxiety?
  99. Seriously what is happening with my bladder??
  100. Still ill and now feel really scared
  101. Anxiety chest pains going on for 7 months??
  102. Felt like the start of a panic attack
  103. High Blood Pressure concerns
  104. Red rashy nipple (Male)
  105. Chin trembling/ quiver
  106. Electric shock sensations in head!!
  107. Sleep!
  108. Chest pain when breathing in
  109. Hoarse voice esp in the morning
  110. Does anybody else constantly think negatively or worry about something?
  111. Red hands and soles of feet
  112. Muscle cramps
  113. Gallbladder? Anyone have a HIDA scan?
  114. My HA's returning again with these weird sharp headaches...
  115. Why do we still get symptoms when we’re calm?
  116. Update and Need advice.
  117. Smoking
  118. Blurry eyes
  119. Woke up tingly everywhere
  120. D-dimer test was twice the normal limit. Shouldn't I be rushing to ER? Freaking out!
  121. Fuzziness in left eye when overly anxious. Anybody else experienced similar?
  122. Burning tops of legs
  123. So worried about my eye twitching, is it something bad?
  124. Barrage of symptoms. Anxiety or lack of sleep?
  125. Sleeping issues
  126. Splinter hemorraghes and weird little brown spots under skin on finger
  127. Major Health anxiety and have developed Afterimages, slight trails
  128. Is constantly falling asleep during a fever normal?
  129. help?? prolapse or nothing serious??
  130. Cholesteatoma?
  131. Does anybody still get anxiety symptoms despite feeling relaxed?
  132. Weird new symptom...
  133. Fishmanpa sensible advice needed
  134. Never ending cough
  135. Dental troubles
  136. Anxiety symptoms
  137. Internal vibrations/shaking
  138. Randomly bleeding gums.. scared.
  139. Feeling Strange/Adrenaline rush
  140. Read this if you have bad brain zaps!
  141. red patch on tongue
  142. Cold and cough turned in to Laryingitis
  143. In limbo for the next 2 weeks! Please help!
  144. Tingling in fingers when I hit arm
  145. Strange cold pinprick sensations randomly all over body. Is this anxiety?
  146. Chest pain and light head Ness
  147. Twitching/burning eye
  148. How do I overcome this anxiety!? Looking for tips!
  149. Shortness of breath for the past two days. What could it be?
  150. My list of symptoms try to put my mind to rest
  151. severe chest pain...muscle strain or PE?
  152. Tight chest
  153. Mouth/tooth worries - can gingivitis cause 'cuts' on inner cheek?
  154. Anxiety related circulation problems?
  155. Dizziness/woozy and blurry eyes? Anyone else?
  156. Help needed
  157. Migraine with aura
  158. abdominal breathing - feel worse
  159. Lightheadedness and lack of sleep. Really bothering me now.
  160. I sIept in a weird/wrong position on my neck/head.
  161. Can tight muscles in neck and trapezius cause pain behind and between eyes?
  162. Scared I have oesophichal cancer
  163. Chills without fever
  164. Crawling feeling on skin.
  165. Anybody else experience symptoms with nose, ears and throat when anxious?
  166. Sick of feeling sick!
  167. Feeling dizzy, slightly nauseous
  168. water intoxication
  169. Slight numbness in both arms, heavy legs, tingling in feet, hands, legs etc.
  170. Armpit lump. Please help
  171. Disoriented?
  172. i have basal cell carcinoma??
  173. Health anxiety since bereavement - now it's 'lung cancer'?
  174. Health Anxiety Symptoms
  175. How long does it take for our bodies to become "normal" again?
  176. Forgetting how to swallow
  177. I actually think I might have ALS- PANICKED
  178. Continued bleeding from gums and blood in stool.
  179. Scared i am might get adult chicken poxs
  180. Sinus and ear congestion. Can anxiety cause ear/nose infections or imbalances?
  181. Song stuck on repeat in head?
  182. Master of all diagnosed with none!
  183. Nervous Tic
  184. Frequent urination
  185. Lump in mouth
  186. I have felt a lot better the past couple days, but on edge it won't continue.
  187. Scared
  188. Sensation/spasm feeling in right temple area.. heat feeling in face, comes and goes..
  189. Freaking out about scleroderma.
  190. What have I got please?
  191. Weight loss
  192. Tingling in face for a week
  193. New Relationship, Weight Loss Cancer Fears
  194. Brain seems confused
  195. Hacking cough but no pleghm
  196. Shoulder pains
  197. I am not home for a couple days and have forgot my meds. Will I be okay?
  198. Can anyone help me convince myself that these symptoms are anxiety?!
  199. Night Sweats Anyone Else
  200. Fever for 2 days?!
  201. Symptoms of anxiety ?
  202. Slow hard heartbeat upon standing up?
  203. back to back infections
  204. Anyone’s anxiety started in a similar way?
  205. Help
  206. White patches on side of tongue
  207. Hurt my elbow
  208. Head shaking/tremor
  209. Flipping out again. Red finger tips?
  210. Few things going on and just need some advice and support
  211. Struggling with rib/chest pain
  212. Feeling "weird"?
  213. tingling lower teeth
  214. Persistant weeing
  215. Hit head and saw a flash of white light?
  216. Heart Attack Anxiety
  217. Itchy i can not scratch
  218. Dizziness when knelt down
  219. Bubbly/popping sensation
  220. Anyone has a hard lump on their palate ?
  221. Tingling/cramping on left side
  222. Light with movement of eye
  223. Update on mother
  224. Breathing
  225. Extreme fatigue/flu like body aches
  226. Low grade fever with no other symptoms - really worried
  227. Brain zaps, can’t sleep
  228. Large tender bump on back of head - Worried about cancer
  229. Meningitis?
  230. Worrying about itching all over
  231. Bad insomnia and torso shaking
  232. Could this be related to anxiety?
  233. Is this anxiety or something else?
  234. Back and pelvic pain
  236. Fatigue induced anxiety
  237. Do you visually hallucinate if awake in the middle of the night
  238. Neck advice
  239. Subclinical hypothyroidism
  240. Hard lump in neck, reoccurring flu. Please help!
  241. Rib pain on the left after eating please help!
  242. Stabbing Pain All Over That Comes & Goes - Please Help :(
  243. my doctor has scared me to death
  244. What is this sensation?
  245. Muscle tension in limbs...
  246. Please Help. Hopeless
  247. Burning face and eyes
  248. Face & Head numbness help
  249. how long does it take to get sick from mince? scared
  250. am I loosing it???