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  1. am I loosing it???
  2. Lip/Chin buzzing tingly
  3. Any other tinnitus sufferers out there?
  4. Worried about lymphoma
  5. Shaking/Vibrating/Jittering/Whole body moving with heartbeat
  6. Constant lightheaded feeling that gets worse when thinking about it
  7. Ocular migraine related??
  8. Diabetes Worry
  9. Tension headaches
  10. Worried about Fiancee (thyroid related)
  11. White patches side of tongue
  12. Hoping it's just cubital tunnel.
  13. Concussion?
  14. Extreme anxiety over my eyes! Please help
  15. Anyone have skin sensation localized ?
  16. Routine visit to dentist
  17. Weight loss and anxiety (or cancer?)
  18. Dr wants a chest xray done
  19. Here's a fun one - Smells that trigger brain fog/confusion/dizziness?
  20. Can anyone help me
  21. Stroke or TIA - dizziness, brain fog behind eyes, mild headaches...STRESSING AGAIN
  22. Non-stop dizziness/lightheadedness please help
  23. Dizzy when tired?
  24. Headache everyday for 3 months
  25. Mole worry
  26. Irrational Heart Attack Fears
  27. Right side chest pain for a long time (especially when bending head forward)
  28. Lump on hamstring
  29. Zig zaggy and fuzzy lines/circle in eye. What is this?
  30. How to disassociate immanent danger with symptoms?
  31. Seizure/stroke fear
  32. My mouth is so dry!
  33. Random head pressure
  34. Constant headache for a week
  35. Did I have a seizure in my sleep?
  36. thread merging
  37. New worry, oral cancer
  38. It is ‘just’ anxiety!
  39. Leukaemia fear -
  40. Do any of you experience this?
  41. Living like this
  42. Lightheadedness - is it in my head?
  43. New Mole Appearance
  44. Tightness in lower left back??
  45. Eye Floaters
  46. Suicidal obsessions...
  47. Foamy urine - to all of those concerned
  48. Frequent urge to urinate...Anxiety?
  49. Question I Should know the answer to
  50. Thumping heart when laying down
  51. Side/back aches and pains.
  52. how are symptoms there constantly??
  53. Right-sided neck tension with ear and eye involvement
  54. Whooshing in ears
  55. Fast steady heartbeat
  56. Sticky? butt and weight loss. Worried about colon cancer
  57. High Bp
  58. Can anyone else relate? Anxiety or something else!?
  59. New Symptoms
  60. Last hurdle - swallowing and burping symptoms
  61. Corned beef legs
  62. Pain in knee
  63. Brown spot on sole of foot. Melanoma?
  64. Here we go again
  65. Symptoms after anxiety
  66. Been here before....
  67. Weight loss question
  68. Tooth pain, need a root canal
  69. Watery Saliva
  70. Bright lights causing more panic/anxiety!?
  71. Strange symptoms - not getting much help from doctors
  72. Long haul flight dvt fear
  73. Lightheaded!!
  74. Hope this is in the right place - Stomach issues, worried.
  75. Scary thoughts about death lately...
  76. probably irrational fear-fear of lead dust/anthrax or asbestess poisoned ebay item?
  77. Heartbeat in left ear
  78. Been getting muscle spasms/twitching, is this harmless?
  79. Fear of macular degeneration
  80. Heat Sensation in chest and rapid heart rate upon waking.
  81. Family Worries
  82. Vestibular neuritis
  83. Left Index finger has been twitching all morning
  84. Right sided chest pain when bending neck forward.
  85. For anyone concerned about pain in the rib area
  86. Really scared!!
  87. Anemia
  88. Weird feelings in head and hands
  89. Strange symptoms freaking me out
  90. My bladder is playing up!
  91. Mosquito Bite
  92. Headaches
  93. Collecting other people's symptoms
  94. Breathing
  95. Eyesight duller/darker/dimmer than normal?
  96. Achy legs
  97. headaches following headbutt from dog
  98. Dentist appointment not until 1st may. Painless lump behind tonsil
  99. Scared of DVT. D dimer test negative.
  100. Neck/Jaw tightness or weakness?
  101. Brain Swelling? Dehydration?Too Much Water?
  102. Mole with weird growths on it
  103. Down the rabbit hole again....
  104. feaking out, i bunged my shoulder
  105. Collarbone lump?
  106. Skin cancer
  107. Weight Loss
  108. 1.5 years of ALS fear/symptoms
  109. Weird Heartburn/Hunger Issue
  110. Random Chest Pains
  111. Has anyone mistaken fat/other tissue for a lymph node?
  112. 19 Physical Tolls You Didn't Realize Anxiety Can Take On Your Body
  113. Twitching and falling sensations
  114. 2 lumps in neck - scared!
  115. Knee Cracking
  116. Suffocating sensation
  117. Terrified of MS Symptoms - Just Health Anxiety?
  118. Chest tightness
  119. Eating fear
  120. Sleep paralysis or a dream?
  121. Breathing feels strange
  122. Pale stools - getting anxious
  123. Scared I have pancreatitis
  124. Tics
  125. Experiencing fleeting headaches daily that last a few seconds - Very worried!
  126. Pain in hands and elbows, lots of anxiety
  127. Face tension ? Anxiety high
  128. Tremor in left hand
  129. Strange feeling through body
  130. Paralysis Fear Ongoing Issues Not Coping
  131. Near constant headache for a month
  132. Random Images of dreams or memories
  133. Hip pain
  134. Had a funny turn it’s always all or nothing.
  135. Mole bleeding
  136. Liver pain? Worried...
  137. Eye Twitching driving me CRAZY!
  138. Hot Flushes
  139. Ingrown toenail redness not going away
  140. Hard lump on top of head, it's cancer?
  141. Don't know if the symtons are anxiety related
  142. Shaking
  143. Questions about pancreas/liver
  144. No quality of life
  145. Body vibration
  146. Brain zap feeling ?
  147. Is it normal to experience breathlessness occasionally?
  148. I Accidentally Took My Hypothyroid Medication Twice What Will Happen?
  149. Don’t think I’m overreacting on this one?
  150. Brain Tumor Fears
  151. Panic upon waking up
  152. eye preasure and heavy mid forehead
  153. High white blood count (eosinophils) and trusting your doctor!
  154. Anxiety has come back again and I'm very anxious everyday. How to get over this?
  155. Hypertensive Retinopathy - Eye exam showed Retinal Eye hemorrhages
  156. Blocked ear
  157. Anxiety is ruining my life at the moment. Need some advice.
  158. Acid reflux not helped with meds.
  159. Is cutting a mole an issue?
  160. Pain in bladder really really frightened
  161. Why is my rectum twitching?
  162. Insomnia
  163. Achy and weak/tired legs. Is this normal?
  164. Dermatologist Appointment
  165. Strange symptoms that come and go
  166. Internal Vibrations, Pulses & Strange body sensations
  167. Cold finger tips and toes since taking medication.
  168. I know this sounds silly but...
  169. Brain bubbling sensation
  170. Crazy blood pressure values
  171. Numb toe for weeks, please help
  172. Lump next to ankle bone
  173. Worried about my Brain :/
  174. Left arm pain
  175. No appetite since Friday and gassy
  176. Sharp/Stabbing pain in ribs and under chest
  177. Abdominal ultrasound
  178. Kidney worries
  179. Funny bone feeling in arm for 2 months ( MS?)
  180. Dizzy...
  181. Lymph node fear :(
  182. No appetite for a week now and worried.
  183. Son’s eyelid drooping- help!
  184. Stomach pain - terrified
  185. Nose tingling
  186. pelvic floor dysfunction
  187. Boil and Swollen Lymph Node
  188. iron deficiency or MS?
  189. Single Hive while taking antibiotic
  190. Anyone Having Physical Symptoms 24/7
  191. Tender spot behind the ear
  192. Problem with my appetite – hopefully due to anxiety!
  193. Skipped beats/flutters exercise
  194. Diagnosed with BFS, now I'm unsure. (Leg, Hand, Speech "Symptoms")
  195. Why do new symptoms come when I get over old ones
  196. Had 1 cheek lump, now I have 2? :( Anyone have these?
  197. MS worry
  198. What does normal feel like?!
  199. Symptoms since new baby
  200. Do you get tingling feeling in the fingers while doing these?
  201. Blood in urine-positivity desperately needed!!
  202. Tightness/ache in center of chest
  203. Ongoing skin sensitivity / pain - help!
  204. Ridiculous blood pressure
  205. Tired all the time and worried
  206. Gastritis/Burning Stomach - Anyone going through it right now?
  207. Just don't know what's wrong anymore
  208. Sarcoma panic
  209. Doctor Mistakenly Lanced a Lymph node Thinking it was a Boil... NOW WHAT???
  210. strange vision issue for a month so far. Any ideas?
  211. DVLA & BiPolar Disorder
  212. HUGE MS Worry, please, any advice helps
  213. skin cancer symptoms??
  214. Is this anxiety?
  215. Terry's nails? Please look at mine
  216. Little growth on child's arm
  217. Shaking Fingers On Right Hand
  218. Mum's Elbow is painful, swollen and she can't move it, what is it?
  219. Tongue issues
  220. Weird feeling when sitting down on both sides slightly under rib cage
  221. Accidentally swallowed bits from prepacked food
  222. Breathing difficulties. I know it's anxiety!
  223. Low Ferritin but normal iron
  224. Internal vibration at night ???
  225. Dizzy, heart palps
  226. Breathing
  227. Headache comes and goes 3 weeks now, feels like pressure, very worried.
  228. Help Me Please!
  229. Just sinking in anxiety: hypnic jerks, fast heart rate
  230. Weird mental stuff HELP
  231. Kidney problem? (Worried)
  232. Swollen gum
  233. strange pain over blood vessels, absolutely terrified
  234. Nerve Pain, yet again.
  235. Flushed Face
  236. Tiredness
  237. Ate a raw buger - what do I do now?!
  238. ALS fear going stronger than ever - Suicidal
  239. One Arm Feels Weak/Disconnected
  240. Hi! Very worried about my mum! (She is constantly constipated and bloated)
  241. A wedding, a neck lump, and backsliding
  242. Numb on nose, cheeks, and mouth?
  243. Dark red blood when wiping
  244. Symptoms when you remember them
  245. Sick and scared
  246. Shortness of breath
  247. Dizziness and Nausea
  248. Ketogenic diet issues?
  249. Hairs on body feel electric
  250. Physical anxiety