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  1. Continous shortness of breath
  2. Nosebleeds
  3. Vagina lint?
  4. Strange sensations all over?
  5. Frequent Urination. Anxiety?
  6. Petichae on feet leukemia?
  7. Edema. How much is 'normal'?
  8. scared tumor/head neck cancer! Intermittent painfull spot turned to lumps huge burns!
  9. Balance issues?
  10. actinic keratosis (Scared )
  11. arrg! day ruined once again. Worried sick about ruptured chest artery! bumped chest!
  12. SCARY event today!
  13. Please Help Air Hunger
  14. Did my mum just have a seizure?
  15. Breathlessness, wheezing, cough
  16. Weird head rushes.....Anyone else had these!?!?
  17. Twitch in calf for days
  18. Feeling breathless and "blocked" feeling in chest. Is this just anxiety?
  19. Both eyelids itchy and red
  20. really worried about mole/freckle
  21. Annual Physical in a Week. Nervous!
  22. Depression and physical symptoms
  23. My 98 year old friend.
  24. Enlarged Lymph Nodes - Don't know what to do!
  25. Can you give yourself symptoms?.
  26. Chronic dry eyes caused by prolonged anxiety.
  27. Small, moveable bumps under tongue?
  28. Pain in leg/knee
  29. Pain on left side by ribs
  30. Reaching out for support
  31. Strange symptoms
  32. Can’t stop worrying about lymphoma & breast cancer
  33. Yep worried I have a bug in my ear
  34. Bump on back of thighs
  35. Weird ‘mole’?
  36. Weird crumple/creaky feeling occasionally when I breathe in?
  37. Adrenaline surges
  38. Weird on going chest symptom
  39. Weird pain when urinating
  40. Resources - Use them!
  41. Frequent urination - ovarian cancer?
  42. POLL: How is your anxiety in the morning?
  43. Ocular migraine symptoms twice in the space of a 90 mins, now I'm worried. Help.
  44. Breathing problems and anxiety
  45. Blood spots/petechiae
  46. Does anyone else have this?
  47. Bladder troubles
  48. bit freaked out by nurse at surgery
  49. Burning in the throat
  50. I swear I have every symptom of ms
  51. Help scared of spewing/pooing from anxiety
  52. Getting worse at math - can this be caused by anxiety?
  53. Worried about heart issues.
  54. Lump on leg, mind is running wild
  55. Scared - Acoustic Neuroma - Tumour - Symptoms
  56. Swollen pelvic bone
  57. Swollen nodes
  58. Had enough now...
  59. Can someone please explain the difference between perceived weakness and true weaknes
  60. I'm losing the plot .... ms????
  61. Red lump in drink...FREAKING OUT
  62. Dizziness/ feeling faint
  63. Left shoulder bubble feeling
  64. Strange feelings at night- epilepsy or anxiety?
  65. Just when I thought I’d turned a corner.....
  66. Referral for knee
  67. Do I have a serious digestive issue or something simple like reflux?
  68. Does anyone get like a bitter tease *HELP*
  69. Bleeding gums for no reason
  70. 11 year old with blood in poop
  71. I Think I Have Jaundice
  72. Weird new sensation -here I go again.
  73. Anus pain
  74. Worst one yet
  75. Cluster of bumps on shoulder
  76. One side of lip swollen for 2.5 months
  77. Dizziness/Drunk feeling in my head.....hard to describe
  78. Breathing stuff
  79. night sweats?
  80. Phantom Smells?
  81. Dizziness upon standing and waking up sleepy
  82. Subungual melanoma fears
  83. Whooshing when standing
  84. Feel like I can't get a "satisfying" deep breath - anxiety?
  85. Ingrown Hair/Pimple on Neck & Lymph Node
  86. Right arm twitch
  87. Freaking out pancreas
  88. Can a pupil dilation exam cause vascular problems?
  89. Hit a new all time low - please don't be like me
  90. Hand muscle twitching ;/
  91. Lightheaded, tired when standing up for a bit - not when initially standing up
  92. Can somebody please tell me if they’ve every had this....
  93. Anxiety symptoms
  94. Accidentally got some bathroom clearner in my eye.
  95. Spiralling - vision
  96. Stabbed under thumbnail - scared of infection (sepsis/ TSS)
  97. Clicking in head/throat when straining???
  98. Weird adrenaline rushes in chest like going in a roller coaster
  99. New to panic attacks and HA
  100. Dizziness/Swaying/On a boat feeling....when will it end!?!?
  101. Worrying spots on my chest?
  102. Random pressure with panic attack
  103. Panic attack over heart/air hunger
  104. cold AND flu?
  105. Decreased urination - kidney failure
  106. Cancer fear
  107. Im convinced I have pancreatic cancer.
  108. I'm back, :(
  109. after exercise, muscle twitching in lower buttock/upper thigh area
  110. Random spells of dizziness
  111. I'm descending down a hole of cancer madness (let's try this again)
  112. Panic attacks waking me up
  113. Sensation under right rib 😔
  114. Bruising and Leg Pain- Anxiety in overdrive!
  115. Dry mouth since early July 2019. Freaking out!
  116. Spent the day with Dr. Google
  117. Terrified I have Cirrhosis
  118. Chest and upper back pain?!
  119. Small cut wont heal - could it be sinister
  120. Headaches and twitching - Brain!?
  121. A Red Rash Behind My Knee? Any Idea?
  122. Anxiety related injuries
  123. Touch anit cancer meds cytotoxic
  124. Stitches and sepsis
  125. Surroundings or room rushing towards me
  126. 1 Year of Twitching
  127. Can you feel your lymph nodes?
  128. Knee pain
  129. Back pain
  130. Feel weak.....can anyone else relate?
  131. Toothache AFTER Filling?
  132. Describe your muscle tension
  133. Worried about lungs and digestive issues (pancreas?)
  134. Bladder problems
  135. Tingle/ itch thing at end of nose
  136. Bullseye Rash
  137. Chest arm and jaw pain soo scared
  138. Fed up of worrying but had three different things wrong with me in 2 weeks
  139. Dizziness that goes when eating
  140. Something wrong with Head/Brain?
  141. Upper back.
  142. Heavy Breathing/Yawning/Tight Throat
  143. Muscle twitches - HELP!
  144. Out of breath feeling/ short of breath
  145. Question for jaw pain sufferers
  146. Costochondritis how many have it?
  147. Has anyone had upper and lower digestive issues at the same time?
  148. Light chestedness for first time in life
  149. Breathing Issue
  150. Brain shaking/internal twitching?
  151. Toes/ foot twitching
  152. Skin discolouration on back not going away
  153. Neck Lump
  154. Back pain and muscle tension?
  155. Do your anxiety headaches extend beyond the normal bands of tension headaches
  156. I'm really struggling with this rash ...
  157. Lump and painful nodes in groin area
  158. Worried about lymphoma/breast cancer
  159. Peeing in the morning
  160. Doc said my Creatine Kinase was slightly elevated, now I'm in panic mode
  161. Completely and utterly fed up
  162. Aching pain in armpit, groin and behind ears. Worried.
  163. Melanoma/skin cancer worries
  164. Does this sound like a panic attack?
  165. Opinions please....Lyme Disease
  166. Could be pulled muscle, could be appendicitis yay.
  167. Excessive yawning
  168. Shortness of breath for months
  169. So Fed Up, Please Help
  170. Bleeding gums
  171. Worried sick - wife nightmare after injury
  172. Diarrhea all night with fever
  173. Paratoid Lymph Node Swollen and painful
  174. Fainting/seizures, not sure what causes them, reassurance leading up to tests
  175. Can anxiety reappear before a sickness?
  176. Here we go again.... melanoma? :(
  177. Scared it could be something more??
  178. I am terrified to go on holiday - bad tooth
  179. Help - Bad Wisdom Tooth Again
  180. Finally went out but felt awful......
  181. Is it just anxiety?
  182. Waking up at night with a feeling like being poked in the eye?
  183. Twitching after walking please help me I feel very nervous
  184. Rising sensation in head/brain!!
  185. Alcohol and Cholesterol Meds
  186. Pain in hip, groin and back
  187. Scared I have Bowel Cancer.
  188. Scared something is wrong
  189. My stomach moves with my heartbeat
  190. Liver Issues High ALT and B12
  191. Possible Blood in Urine/Kidney Cancer Fear
  192. Slightly raised Lipase levels ... very worried.
  193. Odd Upper Back Pain
  194. Looking for advice on lower back pain
  195. cyanide..
  196. Headaches/Pressure & Pain Around Eyes/Heavy Head For Years
  197. Tongue pain
  198. Swollen glands
  199. Foot Falling Asleep???
  200. Left upper quadrant abdominal pain
  201. Can’t put weight on
  202. Permanent hearing damage from infection?
  203. Anaphylaxis?
  204. Doctor wouldn’t help
  205. Neck Crack/Stroke Fear
  206. Low iron causing anxiety?
  207. This ones bad (Brain Hypochondria)
  208. Pulmonologist doesn't think I have asthma, but isn't 100% - question about "wheeze"
  209. Bathroom germs on my face!
  210. Can You Get Sepsis or Serious Infection From A House Cat?
  211. Teeth pain anyone else? Don’t want to google :)
  212. Mole has darker edge?
  213. Infected toenail?
  214. Dizzy weird feeling
  215. Question Regarding Propranolol and Blood Pressure?
  216. Migraine aura... scared!
  217. Lumps and bumps inside lips - recurring and random!
  218. Anxiety dreams
  219. Problems Breathing
  220. Ultrasound on swollen lymph node finds NOTHING?!
  221. Worried I injured my brain or spine
  222. Picked a freckle!
  223. Psychosomatic Reactions
  224. gait
  225. Mass in lower right quadrant
  226. Star-like thing in vision
  227. Help - on holiday and panicking
  228. Still Worried About Red Rash Behind Left Knee?
  229. Swollen lymph node in neck
  230. carotid artery
  231. Hyoid Bone?
  232. Pressure like a clamp around my head with the odd sharp pain
  233. Tongue bumps?
  234. Relapse + Finger tingling
  235. Pain Behind Ear
  236. Fobbed off repeatedly by GP
  237. Worried sick about dents on my ankles
  238. Throat issues/convinced I'm dying
  239. Help, extreme feeling in head
  240. Weird collection of symptoms
  241. Dull chest ache/pain - only when taking a deep breath
  242. Eyes keep going out of focus
  243. Worried about lymphoma again :/
  244. Head and neck pain
  245. Weird rash on both knees?
  246. Irritability?
  247. Are new symptoms normal? (Hair loss)
  248. Nose sore that won’t go away
  249. Pain in right side of ribs/ lower back
  250. Clonazepam