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  1. Hair loss and anxiety
  2. Headaches and visual snow
  3. me again sorry :(
  4. cracked my neck, stroke?
  5. Feeling really run down
  6. Throbbing heartbeat feeling in back of head
  7. Can't breathe, chest pain
  8. Is this all anxiety?
  9. Lymph node in neck
  10. In agony with shoulder/neck
  11. Advice needed
  12. different hearing in each ear?
  13. Lower back pinched nerve
  14. Flushing in face
  15. What is this tiny spot on the tip of my middle finger? (Photo attached)
  16. Constant anxious feeling.. 'stronger' panic attacks.. feeling of losing control..
  17. I’m freaking out! Patch on eye?
  18. Feel like I cant cope with this fear anymore.
  19. Anyone had this on brain MRI?
  20. Speech issues
  21. Mole itched so much I scratched it away.
  22. Black spot appeared on lip :/
  23. Feel like I have a head cold. Does anybody get this?
  24. ear congestion
  25. Dizziness/disequilibrium.. what is your experience?
  26. Exposed to someone sick
  27. Hey.
  28. Headaches again
  29. Twitching constant in bag under eye!
  30. Bbq gone wrong
  31. Mosquito bite.. fever 😳
  32. What do I do
  33. Flu shot reactions?
  34. Tingling sensation in mole
  35. Pain behind ear
  36. Burning Cheeks
  37. Lump near pelvis
  38. Scared of headache and eye test
  39. Double Vision / Astigmatism
  40. Cauda Equina?
  41. My Anxiety...
  42. Chest feels weird
  43. Fatigue in muscles and breathlessness on only a little exercise??
  44. Incontinence, urgency to urinate and frequent weeing
  45. Scared I might have c diff
  46. Head Pressure and dizziness for 5/6 weeks
  47. Neck Stiffness/Headaches
  48. Hey.
  49. Any diabetics on here please 😀 Type 2 or pre diabetics!
  50. Question about Gerd
  51. Headaches
  52. Male breast lump, advice appreciated.
  53. Can’t Sleep Won’t Sleep
  54. Granuloma or skin cancer.
  55. Chronically missing a step when walking upstairs
  56. Worried about Esophageal, Pancreas, or Stomach Problems
  57. Scratched mole on neck. Now bleeding. Melanoma risk later on?
  58. Could I have a tumor under my belly button?
  59. Rhinitis and GERD together = not fun
  60. Anal Pain
  61. Carcinoid
  62. Mole changed...
  63. Can’t sleep - internal vibrating, shaking
  64. Ear ache
  65. Chest
  66. Strange feeling in shoulder/neck
  67. Kids lymph nodes
  68. Lung Fears
  69. Mild Spleen Enlargement
  70. Sore skin on inner thighs
  71. Brain cancer fear :-(
  72. In Grown Hair Cyst or Mole??
  73. Not sure if it's anxiety related, but it's making me stressed.
  74. Pain in head
  75. New here and struggling. Muscle twitches
  76. Ulcer on Gum?
  77. Granuloma removal
  78. Feeling VERY disoriented after a nap
  79. Mri Results
  80. Tips for getting over fear of doctors? (Tingling in leg)
  81. Multiple gallbladder polyps, terrified
  82. Weight Loss!
  83. Tummy issues
  84. Genital warts? Scared
  85. Two Sore Lumps Behind Left Ear/Neck?
  86. Hair salon
  87. Internal Piles
  88. Is this an ocular migraine?
  89. Vertigo for a week
  90. Feel So Bad
  91. Lung pain and rapid weight loss
  92. Pain when breathing. Trapped wind or GERD?
  93. lip/mouth twitch anyone
  94. Lump on face
  95. Lump not showing on ultrasound or ct
  96. Tension headache and nausea
  97. Pain in front/right neck
  98. Intermittent Diarrhoea, hot flushes, tender groin
  99. Shakey fingers and hands
  100. Is it normal for anxiety to give you gut problems?
  101. Red spots on arms
  102. Gallbladder
  103. I have high health anxiety and now having bladder issues
  104. Worried about Mum.
  105. Husband is sick again.
  106. Genuinely can't go through this anymore - swollen lymph nodes
  107. Dog nipped/tiny bite on shin on left leg!!
  108. breakdown - too many sympton
  109. Brain fog panic
  110. Chest Anxiety
  111. left limbs severe tension - Right limbs floaty scared
  112. Reoccurring Mouth Ulcers!!
  113. too much dizziness and anxiety to cope
  114. Painful Bicep
  115. really struggling body and movement feel in slow motion
  116. 3 nosebleeds in 1 week, freaking out!
  117. Increased smell taste
  118. Brain tumour worries
  119. Teeth chattering
  120. Afraid of pancreas issues
  121. Cluster headache?
  122. Metallic taste in mouth?
  123. Can I talk myself into UTI symptoms?
  124. Me again
  125. Itchy feet
  126. Taste & Tongue - not Covid
  127. Pulsing in arm
  128. Is this a blood blister?
  129. Nausea but also feeling hungry
  130. Just not feeling well
  131. Very Concerned About My Wife
  132. Waking up unable to breathe very scary
  133. Tell me about your headaches
  134. Weird brain zaps?
  135. lump on finger?
  136. Over active bladder at night causing insomnia
  137. Twitching jolts legs and arms
  138. Pain deep in one side of neck and behind ear - glasses related??
  139. sharp pain in side of head - panic
  140. Constant twitch in Eye bag area
  141. Vision/eye spasm? Vision jitters!
  142. can’t stop panicking over bruise that won’t heal
  143. Burning sensation on arms and back
  144. Weird chest pain thing
  145. Massive HA spike after dr's appointment - bowels
  146. Almost certain my test results point to bowel cancer
  147. Back Symptoms
  148. Breathing worry/sometimes feels like I can’t take a deep breath.
  149. Temple and cheekbone area sore to touch?
  150. Occasional night sweats.
  151. Pain in hand
  152. Itching, weight loss, cough and cancer worries :(
  153. Weird breath issues
  154. Speech Issue
  155. Please help quickly - What do you do when you can't cope?
  156. Brain Tumour Worries
  157. Night Sweats - Confused
  158. Red mark on breast
  159. Glasses
  160. Struggling with anxiety again- Shortness of breath
  161. Tiredness and the pandemic
  162. White spots on tonsils
  163. Feel "off". Not seriously ill but like something is off.
  164. Lightning crotch
  165. arm & leg twitches / flexing?
  166. Husband's sick....again
  167. Pains in chest
  168. Upper back pain / soreness
  169. Petichae dot on finger after injury.
  170. Can all these things be anxiety?!
  171. Sleep issues
  172. Could all this be anxiety???
  173. Motion Sensitivity
  174. Sudden pin prick/sting/bite feeling on skin. Nothing there. Anybody else?
  175. Mouth Cancer Worries - So Many Ulcers
  176. Recurrent UTI's, IBS, pelvic floor dysfunction...?
  177. hi! having pressure in nose
  178. Light-headed, trouble thinking, feelings of unreality, and 'sticky' emotions.
  179. Eyelid twitching
  180. Low heart rate!
  181. Anxiety?
  182. Canker Sore/Ulcer near Uvula - Advice
  183. Lumps below collarbone
  184. List of symptoms- anyone relate?
  185. Sharp Shooting Pain In Left Ear?
  186. Sore hands & feet
  187. wart on ear
  188. Terrys nails
  189. Flashing in eye
  190. Left eye is blurry, brain cancer fear :(
  191. blood in saliva
  192. Terrified about possible lymphoma
  193. Bloody mucus anxiety checking stool
  194. Weird sensation in head
  195. I'm Worried About My Temperature And Heart? Feeling Scared.
  196. Bubbling/Popping Noise in my Left Chest Area upon Exhalation (Lung Cancer Fears)
  197. Help, I am so worried
  198. How long does your racing heart last?
  199. "Fluttering" feeling in throat
  200. Have annual skin cancer screening in two weeks. Nervous!
  201. Small lump on helix of ear - think it's a cyst - advice on visiting doctors atm
  202. So fed up
  203. Freaking out with symptoms
  204. Nose cancer fears
  205. Pancreatic Cancer Fear
  206. Feeling of impending death?
  207. Swollen Node Under Jaw/Neck Area
  208. How to cope with Lightheadedness from anxiety?
  209. Hard swollen lump in neck - please please someone help
  210. Random swollen lip
  211. Small pupil on one side
  212. Visual Disturnances and tinnitus caused by anxiety/Positive stories please
  213. Lymph nodes pain
  214. Visual Disturnances and tinnitus caused by anxiety/Positive stories please
  215. head pressure? help :(
  216. Blood in stool age 30 year old male...
  217. Armpit pain
  218. Stroke fear
  219. Tinnitus and anxiety after hearing test
  220. Legs felt numb when waking up and walking to bathroom?
  221. Unequal pupils
  222. Lump in groin
  223. Worried I have Marfan Syndrome
  224. Weird tickly scratchy tight pain around front of neck, really scared
  225. How to deal with the anxiety of having to get an MRI?
  226. OK here I go again ..brain tumour!
  227. jaw/chin pain
  228. Lump on Side of neck? Lymphoma?
  229. Does this sound like a brain tumor?
  230. Brain cancer fears, waking up with numb left arm and foot
  231. Feel like can’t get a full breath when bending or leaning over
  232. Worried about covid vaccine tomorrow and palpitations
  233. Is it possible to damage your heart (via the esophagus) by eating hot food/drinks?
  234. Swollen lymph node on left collar bone. Absolutely terrified.
  235. Pelvic pain/Muscle soreness?
  236. Stiff neck in same spot every morning
  237. Strange pulsing in the bottom of my back.
  238. Kidney disease fear....
  239. Burning/pain sensation when urinating
  240. So scared!
  241. Skin Cancer Worry!
  242. Anxiety changed from heart Issues to dizziness
  243. Constipation/Frequent Peeing/Pelvic Discomfort
  244. Pressure behind head and tension headache
  245. Red blood in stool. Freaking out.
  246. IBC Fear/ Rash Under Breast
  247. Sore lump inside bottom lip
  248. Headache or Tumour (I know, I know!)
  249. Levator ani Syndrome
  250. (Please try this out for me guys) Retinal detachment worries.