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  1. Different symptoms every day - driving me crazy
  2. Non visible blood in urine
  3. Found paper in my granola bar. Help!
  4. Worried ultrasound missed breast cancer
  5. Frequent urination and high volume every time
  6. Cold feet
  7. Ectopic heartbeat and suddenly feel like I can’t breathe?
  8. Heart? Cancer? Arteries? I don't know anymore!
  9. Anyone else on their 2 week referal wait?
  10. Pelvic Cramps
  11. Bladder/Urinary Problems
  12. Small moveable lump near bottom of leg
  13. Lightheadedness and Vision Worries : Advice Appreciated
  14. Tingling/parasthesia pin prick sensation in chest?
  15. Lymph Node or Ingrown/Cyst??
  16. Funny taste in mouth
  17. Astigmatism & Vision Issues
  18. White patch in nose for a year. I’m so frightened
  19. Lots of blood in spit in morning
  20. Blurry eyes
  21. Pink skin spot won’t go away. Please help!
  22. Help me! Weakness, numbness, dizziness etc
  23. Eyes vibrating???
  24. Possible new mole
  25. swollen neck on one side
  26. Saying wrong words and mistakes
  27. Nasal Cancer Worries
  28. What the heck is happening to me?
  29. Partially popped small blood blister on finger. Is this serious?
  30. dentist question
  31. Hard lump under jaw
  32. Burning, red tip of tongue, enlarged tastebuds papillae 3 weeks (not burnt tongue)
  33. Myocarditis worry
  34. Please help. Fear over change in stool
  35. HA bouncing from one topic to the next, currently...
  36. Worried smell is toxic
  37. Arthritis symptoms, bumps and pains.
  38. I could really do with some calming down if possible, lymph node
  39. Constant Numbness/Weakness on one side of body.
  40. Constant viruses ( non covid)
  41. Flashing circle in line of vision
  42. Disappointed in myself
  43. Lump on back of neck...what's going on?
  44. Bruise not going away 2 weeks
  45. Husband getting nausea now with more frequent headaches
  46. Front neck pain - anyone else?
  47. Dream/nightmare about disease!!
  48. Mouth ulcer to mouth cancer
  49. Worried About Tooth Extraction or Root Canal?
  50. itchy skin
  51. Worried about bruises
  52. Stuck down the colorectal cancer rabbit hole (no pun intended)
  53. Advice on symptoms
  54. night sweats
  55. Left side throat pain and Spitting up Blood
  56. Does your GP do this?
  57. In a panic.. Woozing when taking deep breaths
  58. Scared
  59. Tension and pressure headache keeps moving around
  60. Worried about stroke
  61. Ear
  62. Anal cancer worry
  63. Colon cancer worry
  64. Is something wrong? Fatigue and dizzy
  65. Tooth infection higher heart rate
  66. Too much energy/jittery feeling??
  67. Fed up of anxiety. It makes me feel awful.
  68. Lung cancer fears back again
  69. Seeing GP has made me panic more!
  70. Back pain worries
  71. Shaky Arms
  72. Pulsatile tinnitus when I wake up in the morning, getting worried
  73. Anyone have experience with gallstones/gallbladder removal, etc?
  74. Angular cheilitis??
  75. Mouth concerns
  76. Terry's nails
  77. Lower back pain. Does this sound muscular?
  78. finding it hard to cope with anhedonia (emotional numbness)
  79. Short fuse - anger and irritable - Help
  80. Coughing, acid feeling and general reflux
  81. Dizziness - am I imagining it?
  82. Visual disturbances
  83. Dermagraphia and hives
  84. Possible gum abscess (unsure)
  85. Hard lump on temporomandibular joint
  86. Unintentional Weight Loss - Petrified It's Cancer
  87. 🚨 COVID-19 and lymph nodes
  88. Facial Sagging After Tooth Extraction? Does It Happen?
  89. advice regarding dealing with a kidney stone
  90. Lumps from old injuries?
  91. A Little Relief
  92. I don't know what this pain is
  93. Sinusitis one sided worries- plus lump on roof of mouth
  94. Sore joints
  95. Ants Pants
  96. Irritability-short fuse
  97. Urine dribbling
  98. Physical symptoms after 3-4 weeks of anxiety.
  99. Horrible Back Pain
  100. White spot/lump on tonsil
  101. Language problems? Help! Freaking out.
  102. Red spot inside lower eyelid
  103. ARLD - Decompensated Alcoholic Liver disease
  104. Does excess adrenaline have after effects?
  105. Pulmonary embolism??
  106. Anybody else experience stomach/digestive issues?
  107. Hepatitis fears (particularly B)
  108. Feeling like a rabbit in headlights. Lights too bright?
  109. Inflammatory breast cancer
  110. Back of head dizziness
  111. Oral Cancer Fears....Need advice!
  112. Pin prick pains all around breast area left to right
  113. Red patch on tongue
  114. Muscle Weakness and COVID
  115. Blood Clot?
  116. Waiting is so hard, cancer fears
  117. Heart flutter feeling. Any reassurance please.
  118. Terrible Dream
  119. Blocked feeling in my throat everyday for months. Very fed up. Help me please :(
  120. Chest gas bubbles. Fluttering
  121. Gallbladder
  122. Suspect I have Athlete's Foot. Is it serious?
  123. Muscle pain/instability/stiffness.
  124. Groin lump
  125. Pain on carotid artery
  126. Tap Water Anxiety
  127. Breathing problems
  128. Tingly right side of face and hand
  129. High blood pressure- what actually works?
  130. Help reassure me
  131. Double vision - reassurance that this is normal?
  132. Ate aluminum foil
  133. Tongue ulcer and ear and throat pain
  134. Involuntary sharp intake of breath, paradoxical breathing
  135. Foamy Urine kidney fear
  136. High blood pressure reading + other symptoms.
  137. Catastrophizing Husband's Kidney Issues
  138. Arm/shoulder pain for 8 months. Boney mets?
  139. "Mystery" Symptoms for Months
  140. Rectal prolapse anxiety coming back
  141. Bach ache in morning
  142. Worried about cdiff
  143. Think I caused my acid reflux
  144. Streaks of blood in phelgm
  145. Drank Too Much Water?
  146. The truth about foamy urine
  147. Stress triggering racing mind / dreams??
  148. Low Blood Pressure worries
  149. Pulsatile Tinnitus
  150. Memory worries
  151. Unsettling "Dizziness" Sinking forward, drunk sensations.
  152. Brown patch on finger
  153. Headache lasting a few days
  154. Brain symptoms scared
  155. Possible piles?
  156. Blood with yellow mucus /reflux, sinus issues /hay-fever
  157. Argumentative, rude behaviour followed by incoherent / black out
  158. Do your symptoms continue even after you thought you were feeling better?
  159. Had a mini panic attack in the heat
  160. Strange circles of darker skin
  161. Foot Itches in Same Spot
  162. Mole has got bigger over time?
  163. Weird toe
  164. Is this acid reflux or something more sinister slightly yellow stools.
  165. Lymph Nodes in Child
  166. Skin cancer convinced
  167. Is it normal to feel constipation after taking Imodium?
  168. Back to square one
  169. Feel ill today
  170. Sudden blackening of vision for 4-5 seconds then back to normal.
  171. Raised ALT Levels (Liver)
  172. Stabbing ache and burning stomach
  173. One tonsil bigger then the other!
  174. My oxygen levels
  175. Crazy tongue symptoms + blood tests
  176. Please help! Can't stop hyperventilating!
  177. Weird sudden jaw/toothache since hairdresser visit
  178. Dentist told husband of abnormality in roof of mouth and to return in 2 weeks...
  179. Headache not going away
  180. Sock indents on one leg
  181. Woke up and my chin hurts
  182. Vision going black
  183. Leg Lump
  184. Air hunger all in my head??!
  185. hand pain when pressure is applied
  186. Lump inside anus not hemerroid please chat with me so scared
  187. Worried about stomach cancer...
  188. Itching lymph nodes - Lymphoma fears
  189. Back after 2 years…
  190. Gripping things in sleep
  191. health anxiety panic attack numbness
  192. For Ladies. Breast pain
  193. Fast heart rate at rest. Scared.
  194. Dizziness out of the blue
  195. Worried about tongue cancer
  196. Over last week I've started to choke on my own saliva when lying in bed on my back...
  197. Exhaustion after anxiety making me anxious
  198. Eye Flashes and other weird symptoms
  199. Doctor says I have a Vitamin B12 deficiency. Should I worry?
  200. Vertigo? Swaying and loss of balance
  201. Buttock pain. (Don't think it's sciatica as no leg pain involved) Anyone?
  202. Child recurring illnesses
  203. Common hand warts
  204. Microscopic haematuria
  205. Tingling Hands
  206. Anyone know about Thyroids?
  207. Constant tickle in throat bad cough ive tried everything but still coughing!
  208. Weird head pain
  209. Scared to death EMG
  210. Early onset Alzheimer’s worry
  211. Breathing - 2 Issues
  212. Trapped Gas in... head
  213. Lung disease
  214. Health Anxiety taking over my life
  215. Visual disturbances post retina detachment.
  216. ALT levels high. Worried.
  217. Brain felt far away and detached from me
  218. Itchiness all over body all of a sudden. Worried!!
  219. Waking in the night with pulsations in head
  220. Burning tongue
  221. Terrified and health anxiety is out of control
  222. Constant panic! Again!
  223. Strange sense of eyes catching up to movement
  224. Abdominal lump
  225. SVT NSVT VT worry
  226. Anyone out there?
  227. Tomato or blood? 🍅
  228. Labyrinthitis
  229. Tinnitus relief?
  230. Sore throat and bruising
  231. Microscopic blood in urine
  232. Child CT Scan Incidental Findings
  233. Post traumatic anxiety?
  234. Health anxiety
  235. Leukaemia worries
  236. Nonstop dull headache/heat sensation left side - please help.
  237. Dull ache in arm days after blood test?
  238. Pulsatile Tinnitus - worried re aneurysm
  239. Constant Need To Pee!
  240. Child immunity worries
  241. Feeling like I am going to choke- sick of everything now
  242. Supplements - long term concern
  243. Spiralling. Need a hand.
  244. This time of year again...spiralling with brain tumour fears
  245. Pulsatile Tinnitus
  246. Is my thumb pain due to nerve damage from a recent blood test?
  247. Body Buzzing, MS fears and anxiety relapse :(
  248. Dizzziness gone bad?
  249. Pain in windpipe
  250. GAD or OCD symptoms