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  1. Supplements - long term concern
  2. Spiralling. Need a hand.
  3. This time of year again...spiralling with brain tumour fears
  4. Pulsatile Tinnitus
  5. Is my thumb pain due to nerve damage from a recent blood test?
  6. Body Buzzing, MS fears and anxiety relapse :(
  7. Dizzziness gone bad?
  8. Pain in windpipe
  9. GAD or OCD symptoms
  10. Concerned about alcoholism!
  11. Bladder/Prostate worry
  12. Very very tired
  13. Right sided back pain-so scared
  14. Asthma
  15. Chest concerns
  16. Odd feeling in back of neck
  17. Please help! Stool worries 💩
  18. Child facial asymmetry
  19. Worries I’ve been misdiagnosed
  20. Worried about blocked nostril
  21. Stomach Ache for 6 Days
  22. Obsessing Over Blood-Sugar and Diabetes
  23. Coping with Covid breathlessness
  25. Pain in larynx
  26. Hearing/ Ear Damage - Sudden Loud Noise - Advice?
  27. Stomach cancer fears
  28. Fear of Hypertension please respond
  29. Sweating at Night
  30. Oh. A random black eye!
  31. 3 swollen neck/head nodes. Lymphoma?! Please help.
  32. Neck spasm in sleep
  33. Neuropathy after gestational diabetes?
  34. Anal C fears...please can anyone reassure me
  35. Whooshing in ear goes away when I press neck
  36. Blood on toilet paper. HELP! 🩸
  37. Lymph node question?
  38. Little blood in stool. Worried!!
  39. Weight loss - obvious cause!
  40. Mini Stroke or Panic Attack..struggling
  41. Dvt anxiety
  42. Upper back pain
  43. Newbie… please help 🙏🏾 Fever
  44. Continual churning tummy
  45. Neck pain
  46. Heart worries and chest pressure unsure what to do
  47. Can’t accept that it’s just anxiety
  48. Constantly dizzy off balance. Need a brain MRI??
  49. Painful Lymph Node in Groin?
  50. Anxiety making symptoms worse??
  51. Tingles and Aches concerned about brain tumor
  52. Fear of travelling by car
  53. Cloudy Eyes
  54. Bowel Cancer Fear
  55. Blurred vision when pressing on eyes - freaking out
  56. Skin Cancer Scare - Doctor Worried Me
  57. Hot showers: numbness, tingling and pins and needles in extremities
  58. Constant Shortness of Breath- Fear of Pulmonary Embolism
  59. Dark discolouration on my big toenail
  60. Constantly Tense Legs
  61. Anger. Depression. AI.
  62. Worried about stomach issues and other anxiety
  63. Help with feet going asleep and parasthesia
  64. I need some reassurance on my issues being anxiety related. Please.
  65. Constant Headache
  66. Bottom lip chin twitch I'm panicking about it
  67. Sinus congestion mimics anxiety
  68. Blood in urine again
  69. Sweating and night and blood test results – trying keep my HA under control!
  70. Weird spot in vision that comes and goes. Going insane.
  71. Sinus cancer panic
  72. Two Random Numb Patches on either Leg
  73. HELP! HURRY HELP! Worried i have Endocarditis!!! or Lymphoma or Luekemia..
  74. Pain under ribs when lying down
  75. Nasal problem and anxiety creeping back
  76. Absolutely Terrified please help
  77. Lichen sclerosus? Please help
  78. Bump/skin in nose - feeling doomed
  79. Brain fog
  80. Can't seem to cope with anything anymore
  81. Head is woozy and tense
  82. Bug bites, maybe
  83. Epigastric pain, trapped burps, ?hpylori
  84. Breathing/dvt
  85. Really worried about “vibrating” vision
  86. New mole has me terrified
  87. Eye spasms/twitching
  88. Help! Panicking about nail issue
  89. sleep issues
  90. I feel like my brain doesn't work properly due to my anxiety. Any advice?
  91. Acid reflux and other stomach issues
  92. Stomach, right side chest and side of back pain and IBS
  93. Chest pains and bloating?🥺😢
  94. MS hug? Extreme chest tightness, fatigue
  95. Constant burping
  96. Chest Tightness / Reflux
  97. Tetanus question
  98. Stomaches diarrhea almost everyday
  99. How common is it to have side effects from antibiotics?
  100. Returning after a long time..
  101. My dvt fears 😥
  102. Still getting brain fog
  103. Cold every few weeks.
  104. Weird tongue feeling & bumps/redness as the back
  105. Help! Does anyone think acid in the throat is caused by stress,
  106. Always thinking I have throat cancer.
  107. My Life is Falling Apart. Please Help Me! Seriously …
  108. 24/7 anxiety ruining my life
  109. Bloating and gas
  110. salmonella fears
  111. Kidney Infection + terrified of something worse escalating
  112. A lump (maybe) on my inner thigh
  113. Health anxiety continues- now brain tumor worries
  114. Pulsatile tinnitus and headaches - worried sick
  115. Blood tests tomorrow and anemia
  116. Just accumulated effects of anxiety or something sinister
  117. Am I going mad
  118. Nausea
  119. Visible fixed lymph node
  120. Small thin blackish line middle of thumb nail
  121. Loss of sense of smell for over two weeks
  122. Blood in poo 💩
  123. Constant twitching and Elevated Iron Levels
  124. Blood test results panic
  125. Submandibular Lymph Nodes - For 1.5 months
  126. Dvt fear ruining life
  127. Heartburn Day After Large Meal
  128. Is this a migraine?
  129. Weird and scary head feeling
  130. Can't pronounce words clearly in my head
  131. Terrified this is my life forever - Double ear infection , tonsillitis and tinnitus
  132. Seven year old has shoulder/neck pain
  133. Do gallstones cause gas?
  134. Night sweats
  135. Leukoplakia on my vocal cord
  136. Nosebleed
  137. Painful red spot on rib under the breast
  138. Waking every morning with anxiety’rush”
  139. Hard lump on foot
  140. Blood clot DVT worries
  141. MY stomach has been in bits since breaking up
  142. Dizziness from antihistamines
  143. Anyone else get moments of feeling sad /tearful for no particular reason?
  144. Tailbone pain
  145. Cold and cough for 4 weeks!!
  146. Colon cancer symptoms
  147. Tingling, numbness, heavy feeling etc
  148. Tinnitus, aching balls, double ear infection, penile thrust, sciatica at age 23??
  149. Bowel cancer worries
  150. Water leaking from right size of nose
  151. Drain Cleaner Nervous
  152. ANOTHER Setback (Kidney anxiety)
  153. Grainy teeth?
  154. Worried about bone cancer now
  155. Tired, Malaise feeling
  156. Hard lump under earlobe
  157. Hand cramp and bulbar ALS worries
  158. Buzzing sensation in feet and fingers and cold feet - MS?
  159. I recovered easily from COVID-19. Does that mean I'm fine?
  160. Light Sensitivity in One Eye, freaking out :(
  161. Panicking - twitching is back .
  162. Worried about lumpy breasts
  163. Sertraline side effects
  164. Weird nerve sensation on right side inner lip when I touch an area of my chin.
  165. White pattern/patch under tongue
  166. Having the worst time - insect bite not going away
  167. Chest pains - how do you not panic?
  168. Pounding heart, sensation of super rapid heartbeat - please help
  169. Sudden balanitis
  170. Wretched summer cold - something going round?
  171. Twitching, twitching and more twitching
  172. Sudden intense throbbing lasting few seconds
  173. Postural hypotension sufferers, a question..
  174. Bone spur on side of knee?
  175. Tongue cancer worries
  176. My symptoms don't make sense at all...
  177. Vertigo
  178. Excessive Saliva
  179. Tingling in Both Pinkies
  180. Daughter has had cough for over 6 weeks. Really panicking.
  181. Hip numbness and pain
  182. Blurred vision right eye
  183. Always worries about eyes / retina
  184. Moveable bump on back of head. Help!
  185. Anemia/Bowel cancer fears
  186. Anyone had tongue biting while talking?
  187. Worried I have MS
  188. Low respiratory rate
  189. Swallowing anxiety
  190. Panicking About Nail Melanoma
  191. Physical symptoms without feeling anxious?
  192. Scared to death! (Biopsy needed)
  193. Balance issues
  194. Feeling very weird - heavy head bit woozy
  195. Newly Diagnosed T1 diabetic terrified of pancreatic cancer
  196. Possible Torn Hip Labrum. MRI Clear. Very Painful. Been Months. Please Help!
  197. Why do I feel like this
  198. Really weird head symptom!!! Help needed
  199. Petrified I have nasal cancer
  200. Lump on shin
  201. Basal Cell or something else!?
  202. Labrum Augmentation vs Labrum Reconstruction! Allograft vs Autograft? Pro's/Con's?
  203. Abdominal twitching.
  204. Abdominal/kidney issues
  205. Jelly legs ?
  206. Tongue looks bigger on one side and feels weird
  207. Eye / vision issues
  208. Collarbone lymph nodes
  209. Is This a Brain Tumour?
  210. The past 5 nights, I've had completely sleepless nights for 3 of them
  211. Chemical exposure?
  212. I have my annual physical this week! Very nervous
  213. Panic mode
  214. Sore back muscle. Pulled it I think.
  215. Raw chicken in cut
  216. Low back pain and calf pain
  217. Swelling to my optic nerves - convinced it's a tumour
  218. Brain Tumor Fear
  219. Sounds in left ear
  220. Insomnia fear please help
  221. Shortness of breath for about 3 weeks
  222. having a blip,,,
  223. Vestibular migraine? Head pressure, Heavy eyes and nausea after
  224. Intermittent tingling in fingers/hands
  225. Microscopic blood in urine
  226. Been doing good for a while.. now terrified of lung cancer.p
  227. Weird symptoms - very worried
  228. UTI?
  229. Chest Infection fears
  230. MS Fears
  231. Very strange symptoms
  232. is compulsive swallowing a thing?
  233. Paranoid due to thyroid nodule, weight loss and night sweats...
  234. How to stop checking
  235. Cough for a few weeks
  236. Breathing issues 😮*💨
  237. So many things are wrongÂ…blood in urine test, gyno issues, pins & needles, spasms
  238. Left ear occasionally makes a ringing sound and pops when yawning
  239. Burning scalp - Sertraline side effect????
  240. Anterior Pain in Right Knee
  241. Labyrinthitis or middle ear infection?!! Help!!
  242. Banged head twice in 3 days worry
  243. Swallowing without asking to!!!!
  244. Vertigo/sickness
  245. On and off sharp pain at the back of head
  246. Coughing up green yellow mucus
  247. Skin infection
  248. Night sweats - doctor sending me to rapid diagnosis clinic
  249. TMJ or lymph nodes? HA going crazy :/
  250. Scab on scalp, panicking