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  1. unbearable pains in my head
  2. Symptoms
  3. does a death start an attack off?
  4. Sensitivity to heat
  5. Face spasms
  6. help!!
  7. leg pains
  8. tight muscles
  9. pains without being anxious
  10. Chest pulses to heart beat?
  11. what tests has everyone had??
  12. how long will these pains last??
  14. New Comer
  17. Other Symptoms
  18. Hiatus Hernia
  19. Advice need for a 9 Year old,please
  20. leg pains
  21. thyroid
  22. hot sweats
  23. thumb twitching
  24. heart tests
  25. panic attacks
  26. where are your chest pains?
  27. FEAR
  28. Quuestion re: 9year old
  30. Panic attacks and migraines
  31. Positive outcome from the Doctors.....
  32. a little embarrasing
  33. Does this sound like anxiety?
  34. Help Me Please
  35. Constant Nausea
  36. Lucky I need your advice
  37. help me.
  38. Panic/Anxiety?
  40. Tingling in my mouth
  41. Head Noises
  42. fast pulse
  43. Feeling sick and no appetite
  44. Why do we think this way?
  45. Bobbing Head........
  46. feeling like u canny breath.
  47. feel like im my memory is going
  48. Heart Rates
  49. Exercise
  50. high blood pressure.
  51. funny vision
  53. mini "head rushes"
  54. looks.
  55. when im nervous i.......
  56. muscle twitches and shakky?
  57. whats yours.
  58. im in pain and id really like it if boys dont read
  59. Fluttering Sensations
  60. strange feelings in head
  61. Fast Pulse
  62. pulse is bpm?
  63. teenager kinda worried
  64. Healthy Heart
  65. My Panic Symptoms
  66. Breathing problems
  67. holding my breath
  68. does anyone else get angry????
  69. Calling all woman for advice!!!
  70. tight middle chest.
  71. Violent head movement
  72. Red, itchy patch of skin
  73. My long list of symptoms
  74. my symptoms...
  75. Could it be something else???
  76. Fainting
  77. Wierd Wee .....
  78. fearing the worst
  79. really strange sleeping pattern
  80. HORRIBLE headaches!!
  81. Exausted all the time
  82. Dizzy going down stairs
  83. Horrible back pain
  84. Blurred Vision
  85. Large throb in chest??
  86. questions about being sick
  87. cutters....
  88. Front and back pain?
  89. Pins and needles in fingers and toes
  90. Too Sensitive?
  91. Feeling Lightheaded
  92. opinions needed.....
  93. scared
  94. scared out of my wits
  95. REALLY shaky,ams feel numb and limp
  97. Severe aches an pains
  98. Is intergestion a symptom of panic?
  99. tingling
  100. Cant get any air in
  101. waking up Soaking wet
  102. head pains
  103. women please, NO MEN
  104. Pain in leg
  105. Heartburn or Chest pains?
  106. bottle of water
  107. Appreciate it if only women read please
  108. hangover
  109. tingly lips
  110. Sensations on the head like touching,
  111. difficulty swallowing
  112. nose bleed
  113. anyone..
  114. difficulty swallowing
  115. Can Someone Please Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  116. Symptoms that keep coming back
  117. Red, hot face and ears....
  118. Phantom water drops?
  119. HAVE YOU,,
  120. General muscle pain
  121. tingling
  122. shaking from head to toe
  123. Twitching eyes and seeing dots
  124. Pain down my left arm
  125. Overbreathing
  126. what i would call "overswallowing"
  127. jolting
  128. Fear
  129. burning
  130. heart jumping
  131. Dizziness in Supermarkets!
  132. All Alone
  133. Videogames
  134. Fuuny sensations
  135. Waking
  136. What the hell is wrong with me?!?!
  137. driving and intense feelings of unreality
  138. "Water numbitis"
  139. Bad Day
  140. Really bad Dizziness
  141. Hot Flashes
  142. New member - old panic!
  143. what is up with me
  144. Slow pulse or low blood pressure
  145. Feeling Strange
  146. Going Mad
  148. Sleep Disturbance
  149. Any1 like me?
  150. can anyone help?
  151. hi all
  152. immune system
  153. Bound to be over-reacting but,whats this now??
  154. hi all
  155. O NO ACID REFLUX????????
  156. D/P and D/R
  157. that morning feeling
  158. Numbness in the face
  159. Back Pain caused by indigestion
  160. tummy pains- Girls only pls. thank you.
  161. Chest pains but not panicking
  162. Are these normal feelings?
  163. Tummy ache still...
  164. sleeping
  165. Is there a woodpecker in my ear?
  166. Teeth Clenching/Grinding
  167. Embarrassing Symptom
  168. numbness in wrist
  169. Looking at Deaths Notices
  170. Why do I do this to myself?
  171. Pins and needles
  172. Nervous symptoms to anxiety?
  173. Sciatica/shingles
  174. Visual problems
  175. Breathlessness
  176. I think I experienced my first panic attack but...
  177. getting worse again
  178. Worrying about posting
  179. cant control my tummy
  180. Heart issue .....I think??
  181. Another mysterious symptom?
  182. Could my friend be right?
  183. Pins and Needles in Feet / Back of Legs
  184. Anxiety/Depression??
  185. Something wrong with my lungs? (Breathing probs)
  186. Aches And Pains/Shaking
  187. Is This All Normal?
  188. Diet/Excercise/Relaxation
  189. Heartbeat
  190. weird symptoms
  191. can you help me put my mind at ease?
  192. New Symptoms
  193. In a pickle
  194. Think i'm going to die.....
  195. Advice please,........ anyone......
  196. why won't these chest pains go away???
  197. smell in my nose
  198. Other New Symptoms
  199. Suffering
  200. Weird Things
  201. Hands
  202. Appetite
  203. anyone get this
  204. Nerve Probs?
  205. What Happens
  206. Reassurance about my symptoms
  207. Worrying About Some Symptoms
  208. Weird Movements
  209. Jumping
  210. Possible Relapse
  211. what is your trigger ?
  212. All These Things
  213. Hello
  214. Heart concerns, I just can't shake off
  215. I am so scared, any advice pleeease?
  216. Tingeling in my arm
  217. Feeling Really Bad
  218. Excercise/Relaxation
  219. Muscle Excercises
  220. Ladies, some personal questions.....
  221. Temporary paralysis
  222. Chest feels tight
  223. Ouch! I bruise like a grape.
  224. Dizzy spells
  225. Pins and needles in hands and feet!
  226. PCOS
  227. vibrating ear????
  228. weak hands
  229. connection with other people
  230. Video Games and balance issues
  231. Under the skin Shakes
  232. How to let go??
  233. hello
  234. tightness in the neck
  235. Mind bending
  236. tightness in the head
  237. am I going mad?
  238. Back Pain
  239. Thankyou for advice
  240. Aches in my arm
  241. It is like a switch being flipped
  242. help...
  243. Pins and Needles & Tingling
  244. Hi, new here! Need some advice please.
  245. Distortions in my peripheral vision
  246. Memory???? Please Help
  247. new symptoms
  248. Is this a anxiety/panic symptom or something else?
  249. Fatigue
  250. Burping fits to breathe