View Full Version : Panic Pause/Humour/Games & Quizzes

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  1. I wrote another poem.
  2. One for the ladies!
  3. Feeling Depressed? You wont after looking here!!
  4. WORRY!!
  5. my drivin ....??
  6. One for the Men
  7. Come Fly with Me?
  8. Count yourselves lucky............
  9. Seems Like i'm the only canadian here!
  10. PLEASE COME BACK AUNT SU!!! aka sunomates
  12. So Getting to Know You
  13. Football Joke
  14. Joke: Two Wishes
  15. A poem
  16. If Only...
  17. smear
  19. Hey fellow panickers - please read!
  20. OCD cat! lol
  21. Mainly for women
  22. Please Read - dave316 is eminem lol
  23. Marriage
  24. please read - dave is eminem again - another spoof
  25. Classes for Men
  26. "The nomorepanic maneaters"
  27. Dave is for one day only, snow, heres informer
  28. The Senility Prayer
  29. Another 43 years?
  30. Funny Phobias
  31. A Poem for all you sufferers
  32. i did a Funny hehehe
  33. Funny lip-sync
  34. This is unbelieveably bad!
  35. Please read - its a 'Hard Knock Life'
  36. Idea for new NoMorePanic service :-)
  37. Kind words to you all
  38. You can be the man of your house!!!
  39. my philosophy on panic
  40. Joke Time.
  41. alzheimers test
  42. try this to pass time
  43. FW: Divorce Humour
  44. NMP Daily Quiz - just for fun!
  45. Beyond Desire lies Panic
  46. Golden Oldies from Tommy Cooper
  47. My version of Spandau Ballets 'True'
  48. Joke
  49. Onions & Christmas Trees.
  50. Christmas Cake Recipe!
  51. The disappearing wedding ring
  52. 50 Dark Movies hidden in a painting
  53. anyone struggling with their diet?
  54. Adoption
  55. A Story to tell
  56. Dreading Sprouts at Christmas ! try this !
  58. some tips from mick
  59. Groan! Groan!
  60. joke
  61. Things to ponder
  62. This Might Explain A Few Things
  63. Try this - very strange
  64. Just when you thought it was really bad....
  65. Jim and Edna
  66. Can you spot it???? anxiety sufferers beware!!!!
  67. This just made me laugh ...
  68. I laughed!
  69. Top Ten Reasons to go to work Naked!
  70. Are we all normal & everyone else crazy!!!
  71. Funny quotes
  73. Kind Of Amusing - Made Me Chuckle
  74. chinese proverbs
  75. They stole my freaking Kidney!
  76. Time for a chat?
  77. The Idiot Test
  78. How True
  79. wee joke
  82. For all those people that hate Brussell Sprouts
  83. Ebay Song
  84. Just A Daft Wee Poem
  86. Intrusive thoughts...help please!!
  87. Politically correct Twas the Night B-4 Christmas
  88. Barbie's letter to Santa
  89. One for the Girls lol
  90. merry xmas!
  91. Tracking Santa
  92. Christmas Quotes
  93. Grumpy Old Men
  94. Christmas Presents
  95. First Letter/Last Letter game
  96. Word Association
  97. Word Morph
  98. Chinese Menu funny but slightly offensive
  99. Bizarre Warning Labels!
  100. funny story: Ducks
  101. This is a great joke...
  102. Watch this it will cheer you up
  103. Sleeping Companions
  104. a wee joke
  105. MORNING POEM :) lol
  106. Zen....
  107. Life begins when you want it to!....
  108. Men - warning don't fart in bed
  109. New Employees
  110. The Princess & The Frog
  111. Computer program (especially for the guys)
  112. One day...
  113. Tell me why I don't like Mondays?
  114. Duck hunting...
  115. Post A Funny Picture
  116. Timeout on games
  117. Little Tale!!!
  118. a riddle for you to figure out
  119. These ones made me laugh
  120. working hard
  121. Irishman applies for hi-tech job
  122. for cat and dog owners
  123. blonde joke (do not read if offended)
  124. The Computer Swallowed Grandma
  125. joke for the ladies - mood swings
  126. My Birthday surprise ......
  127. chess
  128. One for the boys, and the girls
  129. The Really Bad Joke Thread
  130. Nellswood Argus
  131. St. Patty's Day Quiz!!
  132. marriage in 5 parts
  133. pacman
  134. How many NMP Members does it take to change a light bulb?
  135. To the Girls !!
  136. A Test for Smart People
  137. crime puzzle
  138. if you really need a luagh watch this !!!
  139. crime puzzle
  140. things i hate about people (mind the language)
  141. 3 new games added today!
  142. Hint and Tips for Games
  143. a wee joke! (rude)
  144. Classic PC Funnies
  145. You Could Be A Redneck If...
  146. Think before you speak.....
  147. new tower game
  148. wacky word wizz
  149. Poll on non-sufferers playing the games.
  150. The Hormone Warning
  151. I got cut off
  152. Was emailed this earlier thought it was funny....
  153. wow
  154. Google's way to London
  155. Leaderboard
  156. Wot I learnt at Skool
  157. Kids are not so daft....
  158. Games
  159. Female Wisdom
  160. More fun in the arcade!
  161. Well they made GG laff!!........
  162. London Underground....
  163. Why we like the British
  164. Do you need a vacation????????
  165. A blonds yearly diary!
  166. one for the Ladies
  167. No spekah de english..
  168. THE CAT
  169. Read Me Everyone
  170. never take a man shopping!!!!!
  171. T.Rex ate coconuts!!
  172. Tattoo gone wrong. Oh dear lol
  173. Football pitch for the "mentally challenged"
  174. *You know you're from Devon when....*
  175. The wooden bowl
  176. *Fruity Humour!*
  177. go placidly
  178. Cutty Sark
  179. Aww, Kittens !
  180. Say Something Nice About The Person Who Will Post Next
  181. One For Piglet Pinklet Pringle X X X X
  182. sound
  183. Milton Sterilising fluid
  184. Apologies for thread I posted earlier
  186. Ladies take note...!
  187. you know you are spending too much time online when......
  188. Achnos Energizer
  189. have a laugh on me xx/a warning to motorcyclists
  190. Kinky German
  191. The Photographer
  192. How does your mouse work?
  193. Could our Jack be the cleverest dog in the world?
  194. panic pause/humour
  195. Photoshop anyone?
  196. Ahh. Silly billies. You work it out :)
  197. Emo Bulb
  198. Chances of a man winning an argument.
  199. one for ladies
  200. An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman...
  201. *Happy 777 Day!*
  202. Thanks for the new games
  203. Funny incidents
  204. This Made Me Chuckle!
  205. So, is this where Piglet lives?
  206. Virtual Haircut
  207. The things kids say........
  208. pacman
  209. New Game...This or That
  210. guys u gotta see this video
  211. Guess who's back with a brand new rap!
  212. My latest song lyrics
  213. Howdy
  214. A wonderful time
  215. wee joke
  216. more jokes....I'm on a roll!
  217. LOL!!!!
  218. Got to keep the bad jokes coming!
  219. right ....last joke of today!!!
  220. A Song For Laura
  221. Regional Jokes
  222. I Love This Doctor!
  223. Help Wth new Quiz
  224. Sensible Observations
  225. The No More Panic Badger
  226. 9 words women use
  227. 10 years younger..
  228. Island Mini-Golf Tournament
  229. who is nibbles
  230. guy who witness and accident- funny
  231. Buy a husband or wife Joke
  232. would you rather?
  233. Ladies Loo
  234. confused
  235. combo card game
  236. Global Warming
  237. i know, i know...
  238. *Did you know?*.......
  239. Rugby World Cup 2007
  240. how we were
  241. ye old phrases
  242. can't sleep........
  243. Clockwise or anticlockwise??
  244. just an amusing question.
  245. Model Puss Cats
  246. glenn Harrold is cheating on me......
  247. Nine words
  248. new golf game
  249. Quiz Prizes - suggestions please?
  250. joke