- I wrote another poem.
- One for the ladies!
- Feeling Depressed? You wont after looking here!!
- my drivin ....??
- One for the Men
- Come Fly with Me?
- Count yourselves lucky............
- Seems Like i'm the only canadian here!
- PLEASE COME BACK AUNT SU!!! aka sunomates
- So Getting to Know You
- Football Joke
- Joke: Two Wishes
- A poem
- If Only...
- smear
- Hey fellow panickers - please read!
- OCD cat! lol
- Mainly for women
- Please Read - dave316 is eminem lol
- Marriage
- please read - dave is eminem again - another spoof
- Classes for Men
- "The nomorepanic maneaters"
- Dave is for one day only, snow, heres informer
- The Senility Prayer
- Another 43 years?
- Funny Phobias
- A Poem for all you sufferers
- i did a Funny hehehe
- Funny lip-sync
- This is unbelieveably bad!
- Please read - its a 'Hard Knock Life'
- Idea for new NoMorePanic service :-)
- Kind words to you all
- You can be the man of your house!!!
- my philosophy on panic
- Joke Time.
- alzheimers test
- try this to pass time
- FW: Divorce Humour
- NMP Daily Quiz - just for fun!
- Beyond Desire lies Panic
- Golden Oldies from Tommy Cooper
- My version of Spandau Ballets 'True'
- Joke
- Onions & Christmas Trees.
- Christmas Cake Recipe!
- The disappearing wedding ring
- 50 Dark Movies hidden in a painting
- anyone struggling with their diet?
- Adoption
- A Story to tell
- Dreading Sprouts at Christmas ! try this !
- some tips from mick
- Groan! Groan!
- joke
- Things to ponder
- This Might Explain A Few Things
- Try this - very strange
- Just when you thought it was really bad....
- Jim and Edna
- Can you spot it???? anxiety sufferers beware!!!!
- This just made me laugh ...
- I laughed!
- Top Ten Reasons to go to work Naked!
- Are we all normal & everyone else crazy!!!
- Funny quotes
- Kind Of Amusing - Made Me Chuckle
- chinese proverbs
- They stole my freaking Kidney!
- Time for a chat?
- The Idiot Test
- How True
- wee joke
- For all those people that hate Brussell Sprouts
- Ebay Song
- Just A Daft Wee Poem
- Intrusive thoughts...help please!!
- Politically correct Twas the Night B-4 Christmas
- Barbie's letter to Santa
- One for the Girls lol
- merry xmas!
- Tracking Santa
- Christmas Quotes
- Grumpy Old Men
- Christmas Presents
- First Letter/Last Letter game
- Word Association
- Word Morph
- Chinese Menu funny but slightly offensive
- Bizarre Warning Labels!
- funny story: Ducks
- This is a great joke...
- Watch this it will cheer you up
- Sleeping Companions
- a wee joke
- Zen....
- Life begins when you want it to!....
- Men - warning don't fart in bed
- New Employees
- The Princess & The Frog
- Computer program (especially for the guys)
- One day...
- Tell me why I don't like Mondays?
- Duck hunting...
- Post A Funny Picture
- Timeout on games
- Little Tale!!!
- a riddle for you to figure out
- These ones made me laugh
- working hard
- Irishman applies for hi-tech job
- for cat and dog owners
- blonde joke (do not read if offended)
- The Computer Swallowed Grandma
- joke for the ladies - mood swings
- My Birthday surprise ......
- chess
- One for the boys, and the girls
- The Really Bad Joke Thread
- Nellswood Argus
- St. Patty's Day Quiz!!
- marriage in 5 parts
- pacman
- How many NMP Members does it take to change a light bulb?
- To the Girls !!
- A Test for Smart People
- crime puzzle
- if you really need a luagh watch this !!!
- crime puzzle
- things i hate about people (mind the language)
- 3 new games added today!
- Hint and Tips for Games
- a wee joke! (rude)
- Classic PC Funnies
- You Could Be A Redneck If...
- Think before you speak.....
- new tower game
- wacky word wizz
- Poll on non-sufferers playing the games.
- The Hormone Warning
- I got cut off
- Was emailed this earlier thought it was funny....
- wow
- Google's way to London
- Leaderboard
- Wot I learnt at Skool
- Kids are not so daft....
- Games
- Female Wisdom
- More fun in the arcade!
- Well they made GG laff!!........
- London Underground....
- Why we like the British
- Do you need a vacation????????
- A blonds yearly diary!
- one for the Ladies
- No spekah de english..
- Read Me Everyone
- never take a man shopping!!!!!
- T.Rex ate coconuts!!
- Tattoo gone wrong. Oh dear lol
- Football pitch for the "mentally challenged"
- *You know you're from Devon when....*
- The wooden bowl
- *Fruity Humour!*
- go placidly
- Cutty Sark
- Aww, Kittens !
- Say Something Nice About The Person Who Will Post Next
- One For Piglet Pinklet Pringle X X X X
- sound
- Milton Sterilising fluid
- Apologies for thread I posted earlier
- Ladies take note...!
- you know you are spending too much time online when......
- Achnos Energizer
- have a laugh on me xx/a warning to motorcyclists
- Kinky German
- The Photographer
- How does your mouse work?
- Could our Jack be the cleverest dog in the world?
- panic pause/humour
- Photoshop anyone?
- Ahh. Silly billies. You work it out :)
- Emo Bulb
- Chances of a man winning an argument.
- one for ladies
- An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman...
- *Happy 777 Day!*
- Thanks for the new games
- Funny incidents
- This Made Me Chuckle!
- So, is this where Piglet lives?
- Virtual Haircut
- The things kids say........
- pacman
- New Game...This or That
- guys u gotta see this video
- Guess who's back with a brand new rap!
- My latest song lyrics
- Howdy
- A wonderful time
- wee joke
- more jokes....I'm on a roll!
- LOL!!!!
- Got to keep the bad jokes coming!
- right ....last joke of today!!!
- A Song For Laura
- Regional Jokes
- I Love This Doctor!
- Help Wth new Quiz
- Sensible Observations
- The No More Panic Badger
- 9 words women use
- 10 years younger..
- Island Mini-Golf Tournament
- who is nibbles
- guy who witness and accident- funny
- Buy a husband or wife Joke
- would you rather?
- Ladies Loo
- confused
- combo card game
- Global Warming
- i know, i know...
- *Did you know?*.......
- Rugby World Cup 2007
- how we were
- ye old phrases
- can't sleep........
- Clockwise or anticlockwise??
- just an amusing question.
- Model Puss Cats
- glenn Harrold is cheating on me......
- Nine words
- new golf game
- Quiz Prizes - suggestions please?
- joke