View Full Version : Depression from Panic/Anxiety

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  1. Struggling
  2. 16 and don't know what to do.
  3. Do i work on the depression or the panic/anxiety?
  4. Feeling empty and that nothing matters
  5. Anyone tried light boxes or similar for winter depression?
  6. Advice to creating a diversion
  7. Fear, sadness and depression. Constantly worried!
  8. Does Medicine really fix anxiety?
  9. Mood Diaries
  10. Sleep Hygiene
  11. really depressed
  12. Feeling really down
  13. Do some clothes or colours you wear make you feel more depressed?
  14. Work stress - trapped - what to do?
  15. Navigation through Depression,Anxiety with BiPolar type 2
  16. Don't Think I Can Deal with This Much Longer
  17. anyone else sick of hiding their problems?
  18. Don't feel the same as I did before...
  19. Antenatal depression
  20. Bad day just venting
  21. Never look forward to anything
  22. Depression after health anxiety scare.
  23. I'm not happy anymore.(vent/cry)
  24. accepting/ being content with life?. thoughts/ tips?
  25. Really struggling, don't know what to do
  26. Feeling tearful
  27. feeling low new on here
  28. Anxiety/ depression worse of different days?
  29. need help!!
  30. Holiday tomorrow Help
  31. Mental Health Day Hospital
  32. It's so difficult
  33. depressed
  34. Bah-Humbug Christmas moan
  35. My story and my road to recovery just started
  36. PMS Support Thread
  37. Accepting depression
  38. My partner is struggling.....
  39. end of job and ?
  40. Anyone else get told how happy they are?
  41. Returning back to normalcy....
  42. Just not being myself
  43. So tired and feeling low
  44. My Rode To Recovery part 2
  45. Interesting read
  46. Is there self help for depression
  47. My Rode To Recovery part 3
  48. I think I am now developing depression and I can't afford it
  49. Discovering Depression
  50. My girlfriend break up with me temporary due to her suspected anxiety.
  51. Driving anxiety
  52. Worried anxiety could lead to depression...
  53. Felt like committing suicide
  54. The Madness Of A Mind
  55. Hangover depression
  56. Why do I always mess up
  57. Feeling Depressed
  58. My Road To Recovery Part 4
  59. Existential Anxiety/OCD/Depression or whatever it is
  60. My family are in denial/think I am pathetic
  61. emotional detatchment - any treatment??
  62. feeling down and alone
  63. Going from depression to anxiety and vice versa in a heartbeat!! No pun intended
  64. My Rode To Recovery part 5
  65. This is really getting me down
  66. Tonsil stone paranoia causing unbearable fright and panic
  67. Anxiety/mood swings are ruining my working life
  68. Am I being Selfish? Feel like I'm being torn apart inside
  69. How to accept that maybe it's not all going to work out how I want it to?
  70. Feel like this is it for me!
  71. Convinced
  72. Medication
  73. Sick and tired of everyday routine
  74. Citalapram
  75. first Doctor consultation
  76. depression
  77. medications
  78. Can depression/anxiety make someone do this?
  79. Need help asap
  80. PA's / Health Anxiety / No Job / No Support :(
  81. don't know how much more i can take.
  82. Feeling really tired and sad
  83. feeling very depressed and anxious
  84. I cannot cope with this any more :'(
  85. Found an old coping skill
  86. Frustration leads to depression
  87. What depression REALLY looks like for most people. Empowering. Spread the word.
  88. Massive anhedonia (lack of funny) and insomnia
  89. sleeping
  90. Stop Depression
  91. Any depressed parents Really struggling with their children?
  92. Why is it like this?
  93. Really, really depressed :( feel like just ending it
  94. falling back
  95. For believers only. Not trying to start an arguement
  96. depreshion, anxiety and parenoia
  97. Depression facts
  98. Make changes to be a better person
  99. How is your concentration?
  100. I cant do this anymore! just want it all to be over..
  101. Life is sad.
  102. feeling down and alone
  103. I feel like I have nobody
  104. So desperate
  105. ? Depression lifting ?
  106. Severe unrelenting depression
  107. i hate everyone.
  108. Zopiclone and other sleeping aids
  109. :(
  110. My self-confidence is abysmal.
  111. sleeping aids
  112. My Road To Recovery 5. I'm nearly there.
  113. Hopeless and despair
  114. Depression
  115. Suicidal thoughts
  116. Feeling incredible angry
  117. Depression increasing with upping meds
  118. Depression/anxiety and Sleep
  119. New to No More Panic
  120. ....
  121. Okay, new thread: anxiety AND depression
  122. Dysthymia - chronic depression
  123. it just feels hopeless sometimes
  124. Anxious about upcoming trip to Europe
  125. Unable to open up and talk
  126. Emotional Blunting/Apathy?
  127. Having a blip
  128. Worried about Progress
  129. Retreating into a fantasy world
  130. Discouraged so easily
  131. Experiences of Therapies: Our different experiences
  132. Strange feeling
  133. Ex with Anxiety and Depression
  134. How to overcome depression when your life is making you depressed
  135. life making me depressed
  136. Cannot work through anxiety and its causing depression
  137. Giving up
  138. Advice/clarification on sick notes & holiday
  139. Is this an addiction or just me being silly
  140. Should be happy - but feel the opposite
  141. what else can i do
  142. Starting Anitdepressants
  143. aaarrrgggggghhhhhh!!!!!
  144. Seeing psychiatrist
  145. Anxiety is about to end my relationship
  146. Recently
  147. Getting clean and staying that way...but how ?
  148. Trivial comment snowballed into deep depression
  149. New here but not new to Anxiety and Depression
  150. This is the most depressed I've ever been!!
  151. Do you get relief from these thoughts
  152. Mirtazapine- depression
  153. Haven't posted in quite some time
  154. Feel like an alien on this planet.
  155. Extremely Depressed
  156. Feeling very hurt, sinking into depressive episode
  157. Psyching myself up
  158. I'm constantly afraid of being found out.
  159. Really struggling with my child. Don't know who to turn to.
  160. I really feel like a human disater
  161. my dads passed away :(
  162. Anxiety affecting loving relationship
  163. parenting issues
  164. Random thoughts of suicide
  165. My husband is depressed and I don't understand depression....Please help!
  166. Living a selfless lie
  167. Depression recovery and reduced appetite?
  168. Not a good few days
  169. your day to day coping mechanisms
  170. Can't cope with the pain
  171. Could this be pnd
  172. I really need help
  173. Really feeling low.
  174. Feeling really low
  175. No one to talk to
  176. Im 61 And Shouldn't Feel Like This
  177. The black dog won't go away
  178. Can we actually recover
  179. Recently overdosed and feeling very depressed
  180. Stress and Adrenal Exhaustion.
  181. How to get out of this rut of feeling like a failure
  182. Newby needing help
  183. Down and relationship issues
  184. New Member - Same Debilitating Problems
  185. Anxiety help
  186. Feeling a bit stuck
  187. I feel like such a pathetic loser
  188. I Too Feel Down And Alone Although I Am Not Alone I Feel Alone.
  189. Obsession causing me panic and depression
  190. Why does no one ever like me
  191. Stressed and Frustrated
  192. Anxiety
  193. How do I get a doctors note
  194. New and wanting advice GAD
  195. How long did your depression last?
  196. antihistamine worsened depression?
  197. Feeling so down
  198. My Road To Recovery part 6. I Made It.
  199. Feel like I failed at being a mom
  200. can't seem to cope!
  201. Re: Online Issue Anxiety
  202. Feeling isolated
  203. How to help stop ruminating
  204. help. i need advice.
  205. Depressed and lots of stressors going on, how do I cope
  206. Struggling?hopefully a little pick me up
  207. really depressed and need advice on something to do with a friend :(
  208. I feel overwhelmed with shame/guilt
  209. Two selves?
  210. Dealing with family issues, or not
  211. Returning to work
  212. I've lost all faith in humanity, its putting me back in a rut
  213. Constant negative unwanted thoughts. Anxiety or Depression?
  214. Living in a chaotic and looking for a way out
  215. Will power
  216. Depression and anxiety simultaneously?
  217. Back to work tomorrow!!
  218. Really cannot face going back to work
  219. panic attacks over eyesight
  220. Feeling alone
  221. Some questions about depression
  222. Health anxiety leading to depression
  223. Wishing bad things on yourself? Health anxiety
  224. Relapsing
  225. As bad as before
  226. Cancelling Holiday
  227. Coming off Citralopram for Panic. Found depression
  228. Losing a parent and regrets
  229. Really struggling
  230. does any find alachol make your anxiety worse
  231. Having a bad day
  232. Perspective/perception is everything
  233. Accessing a psychiatrist
  234. Please help me to help my mother...
  235. Depression linked to illness?
  236. Need advice
  237. Supporting my partner and struggling myself
  238. My partner is becoming 'distant' with me
  239. Partner away for 6 months is causing me panic attacks and low mood
  240. Manic episode question?
  241. Help please!!!!!!
  242. Anybody know of any good depression forums/websites?
  243. Slipping back
  244. Worried I may have anxiety/depression
  245. Struggling to Cope
  246. Really scared about how I'm feeling
  247. Addicted to depression?
  248. Scared for the future.
  249. Just never want to leave the house
  250. Does people have panic attacks in there sleep with symthoms