- Depression
- How do I cope
- Worst week of my life
- Thanks Nic!
- its sooo silly!!!
- Depression / Anxiety and Thoughts Link
- Do you think this is true?
- you're the first ones to know
- I am not sure what is going on
- Why cant i be happy???
- Its been a while
- Exercise to combat depression
- Given Up On My Life
- Why do people make me depressed
- So far forward, but its all gone wrong
- Work making me ill
- Am i depressed?
- This is making me depressed
- lonely
- Trying to Overcome Depression
- Cant Take Much More
- Can't see a way out
- eating disorder
- The Starwork System
- Is this normal?
- Getting Better - in response to Is This Normal?
- Having awful day
- Suffering Depression?
- Wrong Diagnosis??
- i need help and advice please
- So low, I'm falling apart.
- confused, depressed, lonely
- being reffered
- Anti-d's and husband
- I think I have depression :(
- seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
- Just a happier note
- Depression
- Not Being Me
- Beating it.
- Will the pain ever go
- should i go???????
- Continuing struggle with depression
- How?
- I lost my new job after 3 days!!!
- Suicidal thoughts
- Not very well today :( Makes me more depressed !
- Advice needed
- Not a good day (WED).Thurs - feeling positive
- Not happy
- scared
- How do I distract myself?
- Wrapped up in cotton wool
- feeling down..
- Feeling so tired all the time
- Feeling back at square one
- Dont know what to do
- Everything going to hell...
- why can't i be happy'!?!?!?
- Hi - I'm new here.
- Hello
- Self Harm
- So very down
- Can't cope with life anymore
- The Feelings have come back
- I've had enough
- I want to end it all
- live or die
- Is it possible to change?
- Warning feeling sorry for myself day
- never say why me!!!
- Feeling low
- Bad Day-Reduced to tears by Consultant -UPDATED
- feeling like there is nothing to live for!
- Dwelling on Yesterday
- I just want to die.
- up and down!!! grrrr!!!
- Feel Like Hell
- Feeling Bogged Down....
- Another crisis
- I Want To Die
- My first post hehe - how exciting!
- STRESS!!!!!!!
- Failure....
- Cant Get Help from NHS
- How do I cope with Dad?
- Need Some help - ASAP
- Can you cry?
- Flashbacks
- Too Depressed to care
- need help urgently
- my new friends
- Is this depression?
- so lonely today
- why is nite time worseHi again
- Tired - can't face anything!
- i think im winning slowly
- so much for things getting better!!!
- one step back
- real hard night
- why
- Help- At last!
- you all helped again
- my friend
- not feeling right
- Have i done right
- a bit down :-(
- feel betrayed
- can i have a hug
- real struggle
- i always here for you
- having a really bad day
- compulsive eating problems
- noone there
- miss u all
- cant sleep
- great weekend
- im bad girl
- bad night last night
- been to docs
- got through nite
- Need Advice
- feel like giving up
- i dont have depression?
- still not good
- think i did wrong thing
- fluoxetine
- feeling a tad lonely :-(
- hi advice please
- Depression again
- unsure if right thing!!
- oh dear
- So depressed
- Blurgh
- missing my dad
- counselling
- Hospital
- a start....
- Help me please
- Depression
- Can I be myself again?
- help please
- Phsyciatric Evaluation
- YOur advice please
- was telling dad the right thing?!
- Down day
- Can't do this anymore
- lonely this birthday
- in panic
- bad day tomorrow
- Can somebody tell me that it will be okay?
- I've ruined everything
- It's getting bleaker
- Not the only one
- Waves of depression
- Feelin Low
- out of hospital
- Why?
- Could do with some reassurance and advice
- thoughts
- Good news for a change!
- I am so Confused and Scared
- New here and wondering...
- Problem
- life can be rubbish
- Anorexia
- Morbid thoughts
- im so sorry
- which med??
- Morbid Thoughts2
- Totally distraught
- media
- Food Issue
- It's all about me...
- Feeling so different
- Feeding sheep causes depression
- Omega 3 & Depression
- winter depression
- total lack of confidence
- hello
- Enough
- confused
- why is life such a b****
- so unfair
- HELP Please
- Suggestions??
- Tough love?
- Anorexia Crisis
- update
- feel like depression is always here
- lump in throat/gonna cry
- Bad few days
- new site
- So selfish I am in need of a slap!
- How do you pick yourself up from a rotten day?
- Panicking
- Continually crying
- depression lifting, panic not
- dont want fall back into depression.
- If it's not anxiety, it's depression
- I got depression
- Very Distressed
- Feeling so low today
- Slipping back into depression
- How bad am I
- bit of a bad session
- Thoughts that go me through depression
- Burnt out
- dilemas, dilemas
- back to square one
- Scared
- ? Depression
- why
- SAD?
- Can supressing your feelings make you depressed??
- whats the Difference
- Feel terrible
- Depression
- recurrent depressive disorder
- Human Nature
- Its back fokes!
- Feeling lonely
- am feeling so low
- Bereavement/Socialising
- where to turn???
- need to see a shrink - what can I expect??
- why do i feel so lonely?
- my head is in bits.........AGAIN
- I just can't cope any more!
- Anorexia
- am i just being needy?
- i'm crying!!
- i just want to sleep all the time! help
- I can't cope
- How s**t can life be
- Panicking about feeling depressed!
- any ideas
- Cutting Myself!
- Depression rearing it's ugly head