View Full Version : Depression from Panic/Anxiety

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  1. Depression
  2. How do I cope
  3. Worst week of my life
  4. Thanks Nic!
  5. its sooo silly!!!
  6. Depression / Anxiety and Thoughts Link
  7. Do you think this is true?
  8. you're the first ones to know
  9. I am not sure what is going on
  10. Why cant i be happy???
  11. Its been a while
  12. Exercise to combat depression
  13. Given Up On My Life
  14. Why do people make me depressed
  15. BOOK
  16. So far forward, but its all gone wrong
  17. Work making me ill
  18. Am i depressed?
  19. This is making me depressed
  20. lonely
  22. Trying to Overcome Depression
  23. Cant Take Much More
  24. Can't see a way out
  25. eating disorder
  26. The Starwork System
  27. Is this normal?
  28. Getting Better - in response to Is This Normal?
  29. Having awful day
  30. Suffering Depression?
  31. Wrong Diagnosis??
  32. i need help and advice please
  33. So low, I'm falling apart.
  34. confused, depressed, lonely
  35. being reffered
  36. Anti-d's and husband
  37. I think I have depression :(
  38. seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
  39. Just a happier note
  40. Depression
  41. Not Being Me
  42. Beating it.
  43. Will the pain ever go
  44. should i go???????
  45. Continuing struggle with depression
  46. How?
  47. I lost my new job after 3 days!!!
  48. Suicidal thoughts
  49. Not very well today :( Makes me more depressed !
  50. Advice needed
  51. Not a good day (WED).Thurs - feeling positive
  52. Not happy
  53. scared
  54. How do I distract myself?
  55. Wrapped up in cotton wool
  56. feeling down..
  57. Feeling so tired all the time
  58. Feeling back at square one
  60. Dont know what to do
  61. Everything going to hell...
  62. why can't i be happy'!?!?!?
  63. Hi - I'm new here.
  64. Hello
  65. Self Harm
  66. So very down
  67. Can't cope with life anymore
  68. The Feelings have come back
  69. I've had enough
  70. I want to end it all
  71. live or die
  72. Is it possible to change?
  73. Warning feeling sorry for myself day
  74. never say why me!!!
  75. LIVING IN THE PAST !!!!!!
  76. Feeling low
  77. Bad Day-Reduced to tears by Consultant -UPDATED
  79. feeling like there is nothing to live for!
  80. Dwelling on Yesterday
  81. I just want to die.
  82. BAD DAY
  83. up and down!!! grrrr!!!
  84. Feel Like Hell
  85. Feeling Bogged Down....
  86. Another crisis
  87. I Want To Die
  88. AGAIN
  89. My first post hehe - how exciting!
  90. STRESS!!!!!!!
  91. Failure....
  92. Cant Get Help from NHS
  93. How do I cope with Dad?
  94. Need Some help - ASAP
  95. Can you cry?
  96. Flashbacks
  97. Too Depressed to care
  98. need help urgently
  100. my new friends
  101. Is this depression?
  102. so lonely today
  103. why is nite time worseHi again
  104. Tired - can't face anything!
  105. i think im winning slowly
  106. so much for things getting better!!!
  107. one step back
  108. real hard night
  109. why
  110. Help- At last!
  111. you all helped again
  112. my friend
  113. not feeling right
  114. Have i done right
  115. a bit down :-(
  116. feel betrayed
  117. can i have a hug
  118. real struggle
  119. i always here for you
  120. having a really bad day
  121. compulsive eating problems
  122. noone there
  123. miss u all
  124. cant sleep
  125. great weekend
  126. im bad girl
  127. bad night last night
  128. been to docs
  129. got through nite
  130. Need Advice
  131. feel like giving up
  132. i dont have depression?
  133. still not good
  134. think i did wrong thing
  135. fluoxetine
  136. feeling a tad lonely :-(
  137. hi advice please
  138. Depression again
  139. unsure if right thing!!
  140. oh dear
  141. So depressed
  142. Blurgh
  143. missing my dad
  144. counselling
  145. Hospital
  146. a start....
  147. Help me please
  148. Depression
  149. Can I be myself again?
  150. help please
  151. Phsyciatric Evaluation
  152. YOur advice please
  153. was telling dad the right thing?!
  154. Down day
  155. Can't do this anymore
  156. lonely this birthday
  157. in panic
  158. bad day tomorrow
  159. Can somebody tell me that it will be okay?
  160. I've ruined everything
  161. It's getting bleaker
  162. Not the only one
  163. Waves of depression
  164. Feelin Low
  165. out of hospital
  166. Why?
  167. Could do with some reassurance and advice
  168. thoughts
  169. Good news for a change!
  170. I am so Confused and Scared
  171. New here and wondering...
  172. Problem
  173. life can be rubbish
  174. Anorexia
  175. Morbid thoughts
  176. im so sorry
  177. which med??
  178. Morbid Thoughts2
  179. Totally distraught
  180. media
  181. Food Issue
  182. It's all about me...
  183. Feeling so different
  184. Feeding sheep causes depression
  185. Omega 3 & Depression
  186. winter depression
  187. total lack of confidence
  188. hello
  189. Enough
  190. confused
  191. why is life such a b****
  192. so unfair
  193. HELP Please
  194. Suggestions??
  195. Tough love?
  196. Anorexia Crisis
  197. update
  199. feel like depression is always here
  200. lump in throat/gonna cry
  201. Bad few days
  202. new site
  203. So selfish I am in need of a slap!
  204. How do you pick yourself up from a rotten day?
  205. Panicking
  206. Continually crying
  207. depression lifting, panic not
  208. dont want fall back into depression.
  209. If it's not anxiety, it's depression
  210. I got depression
  211. Very Distressed
  212. Feeling so low today
  213. Slipping back into depression
  214. How bad am I
  215. bit of a bad session
  216. Thoughts that go me through depression
  217. Burnt out
  218. dilemas, dilemas
  219. back to square one
  220. Scared
  221. ? Depression
  222. why
  223. SAD?
  224. Can supressing your feelings make you depressed??
  226. whats the Difference
  227. Feel terrible
  228. Depression
  229. recurrent depressive disorder
  230. Human Nature
  231. Its back fokes!
  232. Feeling lonely
  233. am feeling so low
  234. Bereavement/Socialising
  235. where to turn???
  236. need to see a shrink - what can I expect??
  238. why do i feel so lonely?
  239. my head is in bits.........AGAIN
  240. I just can't cope any more!
  241. Anorexia
  242. am i just being needy?
  243. i'm crying!!
  244. i just want to sleep all the time! help
  245. I can't cope
  246. How s**t can life be
  247. Panicking about feeling depressed!
  248. any ideas
  249. Cutting Myself!
  250. Depression rearing it's ugly head