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  1. 25/f - e-mail/text/snail mail buddies
  2. 29/f with anxiety looking for penpals (WhatsApp,email,imessage)
  3. 25/m Looking for someone to chat to...
  4. feeling alone would love to chat
  5. hi
  6. Anyone from eastyorkshire??
  7. anxiety penpals??
  8. Looking for an e-pal
  9. I’d like to have a pen pal
  10. Looking for a Penpal
  11. Friends
  12. Looking for a pen pal
  13. Looking for some hope, find a penpal in me :)
  14. Penpal
  15. looking for online friends
  16. Looking for good friendos
  17. Looking for friends
  18. Pen-pal would be nice GAD PTSD and severe depression.
  19. email pal
  20. Looking for someone to connect with and understand each other
  21. Friend/message buddy needed - apply here :)
  22. Looking for a pen pal/friends
  23. Buddy me up, buttercup!
  24. Looking for friends.
  25. New friends
  26. Looking for online friends
  27. Retiree and sufferer of GAD/agoraphobia
  28. hi im andrew
  29. looking for a penpal
  30. Buddies??
  31. Always up for a chat :-)
  32. Love to have a chat :)
  33. Would love a pen pal
  34. Looking for new pen pals!
  35. penpals
  36. Penpals please?
  37. Email Pal wanted, may Do Pen Pal later
  38. In search of a sun in the cloudy world
  39. Looking to help and be helped
  40. Willing to be a Pen Pal
  41. Gay Female with anxiety seeks email / Penpals
  42. Yello. Pen pal desired
  43. New mom seeks pen pal for health anxiety and chronic panic
  44. Hello!
  45. GAD and Looking for Email/PM Pen Pal
  46. Looking for pen pal
  47. Pen pals?
  48. 27 y/o female looking for a pen pal - Anxiety
  49. 54 year old, BiPolar II looking for eMail pal /w/ BiPolar II or GAD
  50. Looking for a pen pal
  51. Looking for someone who understands
  52. Looking for email or PM pal - Anxiety/Health Anziety
  53. Pen Pal
  54. Email/PM pen pal
  55. Social Media Anxiety
  56. Friends, email or phone?
  57. Over 50 and in the UK?
  58. Online Friends.
  59. Penpals
  60. The Chatroom
  61. West Yorkshire - chat buddies?
  62. anxiety is back!
  63. Lonely
  64. Could use a friend.........................
  65. Would love to make new friends
  66. Hi i would like a new friend
  67. Penpals gay female London Surrey
  68. I'm very lonely would love some new friends
  69. WhatsApp chats?
  70. In Need Of An Understanding Friend.
  71. Northern Ireland anxious looking for friends
  72. looking for friends
  73. Looking for someone to chat with.
  74. Whatsapp chat buddy wanted
  75. PM Penpal
  76. Hull - Yorkshire
  77. Bristol UK
  78. Wolverhampton.
  79. West Yorkshire
  80. Looking for someone to have as company and friend
  81. Bordeline Personality Disorder
  82. Whatsapp chat
  83. Asbestos floor tiles
  84. Derby/Derbyshire?
  85. Walking Buddy, Yorkshire?
  86. Pen Pal for Health Anxiety
  87. It's me again.
  88. Hello I'm Andrew
  89. Help Required
  90. Hi, looking for a natter with anybody suffering with or who has beaten agoraphobia
  91. ISO another mom friend
  92. thanet kent looking for someone to chat to
  93. Penpals Female Only Wanted
  94. does anyone want to chat?
  95. Female friends
  96. Looking for a pal.
  97. Female penpal? Real letters and art swaps for mental health?
  98. Guess I'm asking for a pen pal
  99. New friends
  100. Casio FX CG 50 calculator covariance type 1 and type 2 errors
  101. Hello guys
  102. Has anyone had success with their penpals?
  103. Anyone interested in an "older" pen pal?