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  1. Make a new email Pen Pal
  2. Supporting PenPal Wanted!
  3. Would like some penpals
  4. Hi Everyone
  5. Hi
  6. Hi I would like a pen pal
  7. Really need a penpal
  8. penpal
  9. Snail Mail Pen Pal Would Be Lovely
  10. Snail or email
  11. Anxiety Pen Pal Would Be Welcomed.
  13. pen pal
  14. OCD and secondary depression
  15. Email/snail mail penpal
  16. Penpal with person who's partner suffers from PTSD
  17. Email pen pal wanted
  18. pen pal wanted
  19. E-Mail pen pal
  20. wanna be my frend
  21. pen pal
  22. Aberdeen and Anywhere - Looking For New Friends
  23. Need a friend
  24. 32 female, Anxiety, panic.. need a friend
  25. email friends needed
  27. hi i'm steph from stevenage
  28. Pen Pal Friend?
  29. LIKE MINEDED MATES?.........
  30. penpal/email needed
  31. sothport/ merseyside area
  32. would like a penpal
  33. penpals Wanted
  34. I need a friend that understands
  35. Looking for email pal, m/f any age
  36. Looking for e mail MSN pal
  37. Would be happy to help :)
  38. A friend in need
  39. Looking For pen pal that suffers from ectopic beat
  40. would love anxiety penpal
  41. i need a good friend
  42. message for dave lambert
  43. please get back
  44. Hi I need a friend
  45. penpal needed
  46. Anxious friend required!!! LOL!
  48. online pals wanted!!!
  49. MSN Instant messenger
  50. 21 yr old in need of understanding mates!
  51. Add me to MSN
  52. pen pals
  53. Penpals are welcome
  54. hi
  55. Need some friends
  56. hi i am 57years old and need a pen friend
  57. friends
  58. Looking for friends...
  59. email addy for debs 64
  60. Xmas!!!!
  61. E-mail penpal?
  62. Anyone out there?
  63. HI me again
  64. Penpals
  65. wanna chat?
  66. Hi
  67. pen pal
  68. Friend wanted
  69. Recovered penpal
  70. In need of some pen pals
  71. penpal
  72. panic attacks
  73. penpals needed please
  74. Are you aged 19-26?
  75. newbie
  76. Christian Penpal / Daily bible reader - Wanted
  77. Hey there!
  78. jon from brighton new
  79. wolverhampton/ dudley area
  80. fellow health anxiety sufferer pen pal wanted
  81. pen pal
  82. maz needs a penpal
  83. 19 year old with Panic Disorder
  84. penpal
  85. Anyone In Scotland
  86. looking for fellow mom/dad, teacher, 37, OCD or panic attacks
  87. 28 year old mum with health anxiety.
  88. would love to have a penfriend
  89. Wanna be my *friend*?
  90. 18 year old girl from London.
  91. Pen Pal Please = )
  92. Any Social Phobics looking for penpals?
  93. looking for msn friends
  94. need a penpal
  95. Any pen pals out there?
  96. Bournemouth/Poole
  97. Mom Looking for a Pen Pal
  98. social anxiety/panic attacks
  99. hiya, i would love to meet people who live nearby
  100. mum looking for pen pal
  101. Penpals of all ages
  102. MSN/Yahoo/email buddy with gad and depression wanted for mutual support and chat
  103. Hey =] In need of someone who will always be there..
  104. Anyone want to be my friend? :)
  105. Can you help!
  106. Colchester Essex
  107. Anyone Into The Same Music As Me?
  108. Need Penpal
  109. hiya, anyone wanna hang out? =)
  110. mopart38
  111. Friends
  112. E-mail penpal
  113. friends wanted
  114. anyone like to chat to a "golden oldie"?
  115. Anyone in Scotland
  116. Ne1 wanna hang out?
  117. Anyone want a text / e-mail friend?
  118. Any social anxiety sufferers want to chat?
  119. need a pen friend
  120. wanna talk msn,email,txt
  121. Penpal wanted - Bexhill, East Sussex
  122. Penpal wanted
  123. friends apply plz
  124. Anyboday want a text pal!!! or Email Pal
  125. Superfriends?
  126. Friends In London/South East Area
  127. friends
  128. females
  129. I'd like a pen pal :D
  130. Email pals in Stoke on Trent/Staffordshire area
  131. pen pal
  132. Would like a email/msn/text pal who is also agoraphobic
  133. MSN
  134. Friends wanted !!! xoxox
  135. want a pen pal
  136. Would like to make some new friends!
  137. Anyone else with health anxiety msn/email
  138. any london cyclists?
  139. Support?
  140. want some more friends
  141. New friends
  142. Want some people to talk to
  143. anybody........
  144. Anyone in Cambridge area
  145. a friend
  146. Would like to make some friends!
  147. Make new friends
  148. looking for friends in london
  149. Looking for people to chat to on msn e.t.c.
  150. add me to msn ...
  151. I would really like some people to talk to....
  152. Would like to make some penpal friends!
  153. Msn/Yahoo
  154. new friends
  155. Hello
  156. add me to msn
  157. looking for friends stoke on trent area
  158. i would like an e mail friend
  159. friend wanted! gateshead/newcastle
  160. Anyone in Yorkshire area?
  161. Hi Looking for a penpal!!
  162. Female Snail Mail Penpals Wanted!!!
  163. Looking for a penpal..
  164. Lonely PanicSufferer
  165. agoroaphobia sufferer
  166. looking for friends , herts/north london
  167. Diabetic friends
  168. email friend
  169. Looking for south london members
  170. hiya, sorry for starting another one of these!
  171. Would like a penpal
  172. MSN..pal?
  173. Re: e-mail pals
  174. I would like a friend
  175. Penpals
  176. Borehamwood/London Area
  177. Friends
  178. An email/msn pal who suffers badly with agoraphobia?
  179. pen friend
  180. I am in NY. Would like a pen pal
  181. Friends
  182. Young Friends=)
  183. Other mums with SA in Berkshire
  184. Would like an pen pal in Scotland
  185. Would love a pen pal!
  186. Please would someone be my friend or penpal
  187. hi my name is tracy
  188. Looking for someone to relate to
  189. Myspace anyone??
  190. Would like a penpal...
  191. looking for an bisexual/gay penpal
  192. An email or PM pal would greeeaaaat
  193. Would love a penfriend
  194. Hi from Canada - looking for a friend
  195. Im looking for a penpal!
  196. Penpals wanted!
  197. Feeling Lonely so need a friend
  198. Skyping
  199. msn mates
  200. Anyone want to chat?
  201. msn and facebook buddies
  202. Hello
  203. Pick me Pick me !!!!
  204. Anyone want to chat?
  205. Male looking for female penpals
  206. Looking for Penpal
  207. Wanted Pen Pal!
  208. Would like a penpal
  209. Penpal Wanted
  210. pick me! pick me!
  211. looking to make local friends
  212. Would love pen pals
  213. Is there any 1 from
  214. just popped out from under my umbrella 2
  215. Alone in NH, USA
  216. Pen Pal Wanted
  217. id love apen pal anyone interested?
  218. 41yr old female kiwi
  219. penpals wanted
  220. Would really like a penpal!
  221. msn address if u
  222. Hi, I'm new and looking to make friends.
  223. MSN buddies wanted
  224. Looking to meet new MSN buddies to chat with
  225. Health anxiety penpal please x
  226. social anxiety penpals
  227. MSN - penpals
  228. Would like to make friends
  229. I have no pals.
  230. Hello!
  231. Msn health anxiety penpals wanted
  232. MSN Friends?
  233. I would love a pal!
  234. still lonely! I'm a 23 year old guy in Canterbury =)
  235. Msn People
  236. Hello
  237. msn pals??
  238. Msn support
  239. msn or yahoo pals
  240. MSN Palz (Anyone Who Wants A Chat)
  241. companion
  242. OCD sufferer, 19 Male, MSN buds
  243. I need to chat to someone on MSN
  244. Keen 4 Pals
  245. Anyone want to IM?
  246. plea to all
  247. make my day....
  248. I'm free to chat.
  249. Waiting for a little something better than I have!
  250. Looking other lesbian penpals