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  1. Scared making plans
  2. Got a presentation...eeek
  3. alone,isolated,dosnt get out
  4. Relationship Anxiety
  5. I hate that anxiety stop from from attending job interviews
  6. another not good day :(
  7. wedding nerves ...!!
  8. Suicidal thoughts on daily basis.
  9. Hi... new here...
  10. Telephone friends
  11. Derren Brown
  12. Social anxiety around family
  13. Advice please?
  14. Need someone to talk to.
  15. Havent done this in a long time.
  16. wow wow wow
  17. Bad day with my apperance again and feeling very low
  18. In the Eye
  19. pushed myself to go to first works meal!
  20. Commitment, Relationship and Social Tension
  21. ESA50 Question 15 Going out
  22. Endless, Unchanging Years
  23. friend meet up
  24. Am I developing social anxiety?
  25. I think I have developed social anxiety:-(
  26. Anyone have anticipation fear but fine when they're there?
  27. paranoid android
  28. venlafaxine diazpam
  29. legs turn to jelly feeling
  30. Simply facing the world
  31. Am I suffering with agraphobia?
  32. Social anxiety (i think). Almost 3 years :(
  33. have tried everything!
  34. Homosexuality, family issues
  35. Socially Anxious at College
  36. running out of things to say on date
  37. Can't Get Myself to go to School
  38. I've been diagnosed:(
  39. There is hope ....
  40. Christmas party blues
  41. Feeling happier
  42. what has been the best remedy for your sa?
  43. Newbie
  44. SA and family
  45. Trouble with eye contact?
  46. how my xmas went
  47. Are you Scottish and socially anxious?
  48. Anyone else think they'll never be in a relationship?
  49. familly anxiety advice
  50. Who's Staying at Home Tomorrow?
  51. Two best man speeches!
  52. Suddenly scared of cardiac arrest
  53. relationship anxiety?
  54. Torturing Myself over a Girl!
  55. what's happening to me?
  56. Annoyed with myself today
  57. What's a girl to do??!
  58. Nervous before work everyday
  59. No life is lived in vain
  60. Help is this social anxiety or is something wrong with my brain
  61. My story. Need some advice.
  62. Crippling Anxeity
  63. just to let u know i got on yesterday
  64. Feeling increasingly isolated & losing motivation
  65. inferiority complex and self doubt
  66. How to get back out there and make changes?
  67. wedding anxiety
  68. embarassed about my stutter
  69. Meeting an online friend tomorrow - HELP!
  70. Lack self confidence, feel like social anxiety is cause of unattractiveness
  71. Social Anxiety, now I am stuck in my room...
  72. I feel like everyone can't stand me
  73. butlins break
  74. buses
  75. this is how my day went yesterday
  76. Torturing myself over a guy.....
  77. dizzy and lightheaded when out with people
  78. Here I go again
  79. Anyone else used to get bullied and was alone in school?
  80. Crush triggers my anxiety & panic attacks?
  81. Just joined.very lonely, stuck in life due to problems
  82. Shakey hands in the lab
  83. Feel like you have nothing to say ??
  84. Paranoid, paranoid, paranoid!
  85. anxious about the 12th of feb
  86. Hate my self so much and don't like leaving the house
  87. The Inconsistency of Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety
  88. mixed feelings
  89. son is 40 tomorrow
  90. Coping skills for a rare night out
  91. Could this be SA?
  92. Don't feel like I am getting better
  93. Trouble taking part in group conversations and social anxiety
  94. Is it not enough that I just do my job??
  95. Social Anxiety?
  96. Over-analyzing & social anxiety
  97. Agoraphobia/social anxiety
  98. scared of my housemates, don't know what to do
  99. panicking today!!!
  100. this is how i got on in poole
  101. i actually did it
  102. I need help
  103. Socialising at friends house
  104. Social situations causing depression and some anxiety
  105. please give me advice/tips on this fear from 20 yrs ago/41 yrs old
  106. Cannot socialise with poeple face to face
  107. Panic, blushing & sweating in social situations
  108. blushing/social phobia
  109. Started panicking again after 12 yrs :(
  110. How can I get over this straight girl?.. :/
  111. Socializing in situations involving alcohol?
  112. Went out for lunch
  113. How to stop acting on impulse
  114. Anxiety/panic whilst with people you know
  115. Super nervous and awkward when around my crush?
  116. Just did a little job for a friend and feeling quite anxious now
  117. how to 'let people in'
  118. Panic in Crowds or Just in Town
  119. Blushing/flushing
  120. Alone!
  121. Listen to your voice when talking?
  122. back to work
  123. Problems with colleagues at work
  124. Social anxiety dating forum
  125. A lonely day ahead
  126. Do you struggle to use people's names?
  127. Job interview tomorrow
  128. Assuming the worst
  129. Avoiding Friends
  130. For anyone struggling with their appearance & self-esteem
  131. Might get spoken about in a meeting in front of everyone and I have a blushing proble
  132. I prefer staying at home than going out. What's the problem?
  133. Dentist visit humiliation
  134. Social Anxiety Ruining my buisness
  135. Re;off work sick with anxiety
  136. Jobs
  137. Does anybody get extremely irritable due to "going out"?
  138. Not keen on hugging or physical contact generally
  139. the gossiping starts at work.
  140. got the feeling people think i'm just arrogant
  141. Saying no to an invitation
  142. Work problems
  143. your thoughts please;(
  144. Acne scars?
  145. Emetophobia linked to Social Anxiety?
  146. anxiety when left alone/ at home by my self
  147. Shopping success story
  148. Strange problem :(
  149. How do you make yourself go out when you feel anxious?
  150. Scared of talking to girls and feel like everyone is judging me.
  151. fear of embarrassment, public humiliation
  152. brothers bday tomorrow
  153. Strange I seem to be happiest when I have lots of personal space!
  154. live in womens refuge now, please read i need some feedback
  155. Do I have social phobia?
  156. Why do random people stare?????
  157. please tell me what you think of me
  158. lookin into peoples eyes troubles
  159. uncomfortable in my own skin
  160. getting ready for a night out, really nervous!
  161. Anticipatory anxiety
  162. feels like i.m going crazy
  163. Life experiences
  164. What is it that I go through
  165. Help to deal with 20 kids
  166. Association
  167. Problems with saying 'I love you'?
  168. Tightness in throat when anxious?
  169. majorly anxious about facing work colleagues
  170. Worried what everyone will think
  171. Can't talk to anyone around my age (im 16)
  172. I'm sure I have social anxiety
  173. I have found CBT to be very helpful
  174. Can't carry on like this . I need to do something!
  175. Have terrible social anxiety
  176. Need to stand up to someone but it scares me
  177. staying in on a hot day
  178. Everyone always seems to think i look scary
  179. Anxiety - Speaking Slow
  180. I feel guilty for even writing this
  181. Crush
  182. To face them or not to face them?
  183. Update: To face them or not to face them?
  184. Watched my own party through the window!
  185. Adult Attachment Disorder
  186. Weird problem I have.. Is this normal?
  187. Success!
  188. Dealing with the loneliness...
  189. starting college soon...
  190. went for a day out yesterday
  191. Why do I feel like this?
  192. I feel like I'm turning reclusive
  193. Facebook and Anxiety
  194. family around
  195. Assualt has heightened social anxiety
  196. Relationship anxiety/Trust issues
  197. Why do I analyse every conversation?
  198. Avoiding people..
  199. SA & GAD?
  200. Uni worries
  201. Festival crowds
  202. Self esteem
  203. Jobs for someone with bad social anxiety?
  204. Commitment Anxiety and Social Anxiety..
  205. social anxiety
  206. Eye contact
  207. Lack of social contact might be causing my anxiety
  208. Drink + SA + rubbish friends = ?
  209. went out 29th & 31st august
  210. MAJOR trust issues and anxious about people being behind me
  211. I feel like my father is making me become a horrible person and it brings me down.
  212. How many people do you talk to in a day
  213. How can I stop drinking/anxiety afterwards?
  214. went to porthcawl
  215. went in!!!! :)
  216. sleepless nights
  217. First day back at university. Bad social anxiety attack
  218. just can't seem to be really anxious around people
  219. People you cut off ot fall out with
  220. How do you meet girls in clubs and bars?
  221. Do I have social anxiety?
  222. My Story.....
  223. I have a day off tomorrow
  224. arm question cant goggle
  225. Why are people talking about me
  226. went to port talbot
  227. New on here
  228. Best treatment for social anxiety?
  229. Fears of going to a friend's wedding
  230. Not knowing what to say or when to say it
  231. Agoraphobia or Social Anxiety?
  232. partners graduation
  233. My boyfriends gets attached to fictional characters
  234. Spotted Fear
  235. Always self employed due to SA
  236. Why do i feel I am a numpty ?
  237. Had a bad day
  238. Really cross with myself!
  239. My Mums wedding and Christmas :-(
  240. Worried about always being around mentally unstable people
  241. Eating Out Tomorrow - First Time In Over A Year
  242. feeling extremely nervous around boys, men, anything male lol
  243. Terrified to tell boss I feel ill?
  244. My miserable life :(
  245. Duty at Daughters Playgroup.
  246. xmas fears of being on my own
  247. Social mistakes clinical psychology study
  248. So scared to go to my first high shcool party?
  249. Constantly need toilet.
  250. Don't know what to do/need advice!