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  1. so scared
  2. sick of coincidences
  3. soo angry and dissapointed
  4. chest xray
  5. Painful Lump after Blood Test?
  6. 3000 heart attacks but still alive
  7. Head Rushes / Fatigue
  8. Chemical taste in mouth.
  9. Dizzy. Can someone explain this please? (moved post from female issues)
  10. Eye Probs
  11. Scared stiff!!
  12. Just got a Nasal Endscopy for My Throat. Feel Weird?
  13. Frightened
  14. Anyone get PVC triplet????
  15. Tingling in one leg..?
  16. coughing up blood
  17. Sounds like a hernia
  18. I need help
  19. Ddcoo tongue cancer, Week 2 of radiation
  20. pressure in neck?? freaking out!
  21. Can anyone traslate medicalese?!
  22. Blood poisoning
  23. Constant fear of heart attack :( I'm 23
  24. googled something harmless and now I'm in panic mode
  25. Hello (and Aaaargh)
  26. Back again
  27. Infection in umbilicus - scared
  28. Anxiety of Anxiety?
  29. Really need advice! Please!
  30. Right sided pain terrible anxiety
  31. Little white spots
  32. so scared,upset ect..................
  33. Really scared help
  34. Stomach problems, please help!
  35. Sunburn feeling on parts of body...
  36. I finally realized when it all started
  37. Flying with a cold and chesty cough
  38. Why breathing properly is so important.
  39. Going blind! My right eye has unusually prominent red veins! Panicking
  40. health anxiety for 3 months - pyschiatrist wants me to take month off work
  41. Slow Brain Bleed or Tumour? PLEASE help me! x
  42. pain between shoulder blades and vomiting
  43. Bloods!
  44. Alcohol
  45. Smear Test first one
  46. Chest problems again
  47. Worried again :(
  48. Left Shoulder pain what if?
  49. gagging ?
  50. From one thing to another... lump in mouth?
  51. Just been docs
  52. Headache and gas??
  53. Tension
  54. Abdominal pain
  55. Question for everyone!
  56. my food is digesting too slowly and gives me bad chest pain?
  57. Liver scan results
  58. Something new when you're feeling better !!!
  59. Want to go to the doctors but too scared/embarrased.
  60. I suffer alone
  61. Struggling again!
  62. Swollen arm after blood test
  63. Bringing on symptoms
  64. why do i get scared when feeling ill?
  65. Burning?
  66. Anxiety at work today
  67. Surprise echocardiogram!!
  68. at my other job & still got my anxietys. who elses anxietys last all day.
  69. does any1 else feel this!
  70. Cervical cancer worry
  71. feel kind of manic or something :(
  72. Feed up constant head colds
  73. ok so i read this and im very worried
  74. Ddcoo updates
  75. Eek! What was that?
  76. Is this a good sign?
  77. been feeling bad for weeks
  78. Bad Lightheadiness/Dizziness for over 4 weeks now
  79. Social life
  80. all different feelings need help
  81. ugghh, darn heart rate
  82. How do I get through this?
  83. Do you trust GP's you're not familiar with ?
  84. Emergency Brain CT scan - and still not happy
  85. Chance of cervical cancer at 25
  86. Neck/Throat problems.. Worried :(
  87. Feeling so overwhelmed. I need any help I can get.
  88. HELP! I feel like there is liquid sitting in my throat and its starting to scare me
  89. So scared about this new symptom. One goes, another pops up! :(
  90. coccyx pain
  91. Has anyone ever done this ?
  92. New symptom-creeping sensation
  93. any one feel like this
  94. Panicking about abdominal aortic aneurysm
  95. Head ache :( worried
  96. Sore scalp and bump[s]
  97. Constantly feeling heart beats
  98. Im back again ..... This time its my neck/thyroid/throat :(
  99. Could not face work today!? Now scared of getting the sack.
  100. My current dilemma would appreciate advice
  101. PLEASE can someone help - terrible fear of C that has spread to my bone
  102. Ct brain scan?
  103. Neck ache
  104. Scared- lymphoma. X-ray tomorrow
  105. Feeling like I'm going to die
  106. Is my heart rate normal????
  107. Post Nasal Drip
  108. help
  109. Headaches won't go away
  110. Prostatitis or something worse?
  111. Is there a virus going round at the moment feeling awful
  112. Fear of being poisoned/drugged ?
  113. scared the chiropractor has caused internal bleeding
  114. Swollen glands in neck :(
  115. Shoulder/arm pain
  116. Absolutely terrified that I might be having a heart attack.
  117. Over stimulated nervous system
  118. dermatology appointment today
  119. Health Anxiety Grip..just wanna get out
  120. Terrified of pancreatic cancer & more!!
  121. Liver?
  122. Heart rate going too high when tidying the house?!!!
  123. Full Blood Count - Would lymphoma show up on this??
  124. Worried about my heart:((
  125. Bit of my tooth broke off
  126. ct scan Monday. terrified
  127. constant fear of death
  128. Head Worries :/
  129. need a hand :(
  130. Struggling ms and palpitations
  131. Dr. Google
  132. I'm terrified :'(
  133. Hypnotherapy
  134. Completely freaking out about co poisoning??
  135. If only I could get through this latest scare...
  136. Very worried.. Kidneys
  137. Ddcoo tongue cancer week 3 of radiotherapy
  138. Pressure in head & throbbing
  139. CBT or Hypnotherapy?
  140. rash on arms, elbow and neck!
  141. Breathing.
  142. New here advice about anxiety
  143. Worried about cancer all the time
  144. Swollen around tattoo?
  145. Melanoma fears all the time
  146. Diseases scare me
  147. To trust or not to trust..?
  148. What happened to me?!
  149. Bruising still there after a wk!
  150. nerve compression, Pins and needles?
  151. Double-Ouch!!
  152. Cancer worries
  153. Health Anxiety
  154. Anyone else too scared too exert themselves
  155. Worried about bloods.
  156. So scared
  157. has anyone had ct with contrast?
  158. Weird knot feeling in lower abdomen (contains scary health stories)
  159. Really scared
  160. Am i going mad?
  161. got it booked
  162. the question we all have
  163. Leukaemia, lymphoma, cancer scared
  164. Horrible coughing and mucus every morning :(
  165. Weird feeling under left boob, feels like a heart attack!
  166. Barium swallow today!
  167. Reflux, gallstones or something worse - help please
  168. 'No More Panic' Really Helps
  169. fluoxtine first week
  170. set back
  171. Trying to think rationally...
  172. Faint & driving.....
  173. I've Been There...
  174. Bleeding, flat stool, gas: NOT colon cancer
  175. scared to swallow food
  176. Strange crawling sensation..
  177. Health anxiety?
  178. Sore throat on and off
  179. So sick of this, is it threadworms please help me (TMI)??
  180. Difficulty swallowing
  181. 100 years from now...
  182. So worried.
  183. newbie here- dont know whats wrong with me :(
  184. Been called back to the doctor - SCARED
  185. Symptoms while sleeping
  186. for crying out loud - MS fears return
  187. hate waiting for results....can now feel lymph nodes in neck
  188. Breathlessness and random heart palps
  189. Ultra sound scan tomorrow : (
  190. Anyone else feel listless ?
  191. Terrified of Fatal Familial Insomnia. Please help :(!!!
  192. Full of gas
  193. Health anxiety
  194. Dr weeks on mp3
  195. Ongoing fear - terrified that my son has aspergers.
  196. this is a joke !
  197. inconclusive ultrasound and biopsy on breast lump
  198. when did you realise you suffered with health anxiety?
  199. Lump on back of neck
  200. My 15 year old has a yellow tinge in the whites of his eyes
  201. scared I have cancer.
  202. One arm bigger than the other?
  203. Pain in right hip, lower back - help
  204. Just had ultrasound scan
  205. Abnormal bloods.
  206. Sinus or Tension Headache ?
  207. First panic attack :(
  208. Having a terrible day - need help PLEASE!
  209. E coli worry
  210. Diabetes worries
  211. New with stomach issues.
  212. Left hand tingling, I'm going mad!
  213. Bleeding sex worried its cervical cancer
  214. Ulcer back of the throat?
  215. Doctors tomorow :(
  216. Think I swallowed cleaning product or bleach
  217. I overate last night and until now my stomach feels very full
  218. More abdominal pain
  219. Purpuric Spots, Thrush, High ESR
  220. Anyone have health anxiety dreams?
  221. What is your occupation?
  222. Nose problems.
  223. IBS issues
  224. Getting in a state
  225. I'm stuck in HA hell and I can't get out
  226. Another Symptom Worrying Me (Mouth Tightness)
  227. I can't read..
  228. Mixture of symptoms and anxiety is sky high
  229. Is it me, or am I dead!
  230. How can I overcome my hypochondriacizm
  231. Major Heart problem... please Im afraid to go to bed :(
  232. lung nodules
  233. Pain in the middle of chest
  234. Bad news on sons blood tests
  235. Now my doc wants HIV and hepatitis tests
  236. IBS Question
  237. Hi
  238. Fear of flossing
  239. Awaiting scan results
  240. Starting to feel messed up again, looking for some advice
  241. Just looked inside our kettle?
  242. Too anxious to have another child
  243. Something scary I read about Heart failure :(
  244. Just had appendix removed
  245. Does anyone else suffer with under/over active thyroid and experience breathnless, or
  246. I Really think Anxiety and dreaming are strongly connected
  247. really need some reassurance please
  248. went to dr today..started new med..worried about taking it
  249. Ibs flare in right side/right ovary area?
  250. Link between anxiety and thyroid?