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  1. Visable twitch under right eye
  2. HA and list of tests I have had, feel I need more
  3. Very sore lump just above earlobe, outsidd of ear
  4. good books or reading material for health anxiety.
  5. Read a heart thing that really freaked me out
  6. Upper left arm pain
  7. My story! Xxx
  8. Anxiety Smyptoms
  9. Does the dark cloud hanging over us ever go?
  10. No one seems to know what's wrong - cancer?
  11. so tired,lathargic and feel weired
  12. a cold in july.
  13. Ongoing hair dye anxiety
  14. sensation in my lip is ruining my life
  15. Started a new job and CBT therapist says they only do sessions Mon - Fri 9am - 5pm?
  16. My Blood Pressure is 143/73 when i last checked, normal for anxiety sufferers?
  17. Scared to death I have bone cancer/leukemia
  18. disturbed by something i've seen, cant calm my worries now...
  19. Is This Purpura? And Is It Serious?
  20. Facial pain, been occuring around the time of this heatwave
  21. Palpitations again
  22. Hard mass under right rib cage
  23. Am I a psychopath!?
  24. Starting CBT group therapy tomorrow. So nervous! :(
  25. pain/fullness below bottom of ribs
  26. extremely scary situation woke me up from sleep help
  27. Chest pain
  28. Having such a bad week and its only Monday!!!!
  29. Feeling or dying :/
  30. Weakness/Tightness in calves and quads
  31. Is it just me that visits cancer forums?
  32. Major Anxiety about Leukemia or Bone Cancer
  33. Anyone ever get pain in their upper middle back directly on the spine?
  34. Chest/arm/back pains today
  35. 7 weeks until referral appointment! i could be dead by then!!
  36. Anexiety
  37. worried about extreme memory issues now!
  38. Start of my recovery path today! :)
  39. Having my hair done tomorrow will someone hold my hand?
  40. Little cloud of doom hanging over head
  41. strange feelings in legs!!!!
  42. Red Spots in stool
  43. Can't believe what I have done!
  44. Health Anxiety - False Alarms.
  45. Oh gosh... How are fellow HA's feeling with this heat???
  46. These symps are so hard to take
  47. Back from the eye doctor!!!!!!! :(
  48. Scanxiety
  49. Always hungry but putting on weight, help!
  50. Was this a panic attack?
  51. newbie here - anxiety taking over my life.
  52. Death would be so much easier than living a life with swollen eye
  53. Acupunture yesterday
  54. It seems like whenever i see anything regarding health related death...
  55. Anyone try GABA before? Does it work?
  56. First time health anxiety so sick of this please help me get my life back!!!!,
  57. Hurt back while karting.
  58. throat clearing worry :/
  59. Night sweats??
  60. Death of a friend
  61. Aching veiny hands
  62. if you slouch over at your desk do you....?
  63. Anyone know anything about rashes?
  64. Advice desperately needed please
  65. Open sore/lump in my mouth... help please!!
  66. Anyone mess and prod at stuff on their body?
  67. Squashing chest
  68. Eyes water a lot, particularly in bright sunlight, worried this could be serious
  69. Did I get bit by a spider!!
  70. Muscular vs Organ pain
  71. Abdominal pain and pancreatic cancer fears
  72. Hate evenings/nights ...
  73. Heart yet again
  74. Mouth feels burnt?
  75. Brain Tumor or anxiety?
  76. After seeing docs about constipation
  77. I hear music in my head every night at the same time?
  78. Sharp shooting left arm pain... AND chest pain when I lay down
  79. Warm feeling in chest while on the way to school
  80. Family history, inherited problems
  81. Contemplating going to A&E
  82. Anxious in this heat:-(
  83. Dizzy Jolts / Zaps
  84. health anxiety trying to come back !
  85. Worried about tetanus, should I go to a&e?
  86. Tingling sensation on my lips
  87. From nothing to full blown health anxiety in 2 weeks.
  88. help post
  89. So scared of testicular cancer! Please help!!
  90. Had appointment today...
  91. Health anxiety - i think i have it.
  92. I want his attitude to health!!
  93. First thing in the morning....
  94. health anxiety getting so much better but few more questions!!!!
  95. chest and back pain.
  96. If you have this help me coop.
  97. What is the 'normal' for health anxiety?
  98. Scared about blood clots... thought I was over this.
  99. Does anyone's health anxiety focus more on there kids?
  100. DVT... PE...Colon Cancer... Does it ever stop?
  101. face spasms
  102. parkinsons or other neuro disease.help please
  103. Worrying about these palps. :( haven't slept.
  104. scared of leukemia amongst other things
  105. Even more convinced now
  106. Anyone ever woken up gasping for air?
  107. Back problems
  108. white patch on tonsil
  109. Numb face, lip, jaw, chin, one side
  110. So that's it then no more hope
  111. Gurgling in chest, heard it when using a stethoscope
  112. X-ray results waiting
  113. Still worried about Tetanus! Help :(
  114. i'm passing away in my mind
  115. Going through awful brain tumour fear
  116. Please please help
  117. help burning hands!
  118. How I suppressed my HA
  119. Lymph nodes in groin teen, 18 years old
  120. Sleepless night
  121. Hate this feeling :(
  122. Exhausted after 9 hours sleep.
  123. am I skinny!
  124. Palpitation and heart beat skipping
  125. Nausea after eating--IBS?
  126. Sudden deep chest pain
  127. bump on roof of mouth?
  128. A Remedy for Anxiety
  129. Chest pain
  130. Multiple fears have taken my life away.
  131. Bubbling/welling
  132. Annoying cough won't go
  133. help! hiv?
  134. help i think i'm having a stroke or brain tumor
  135. HA Coming back with a Vengeance?! Please help :(
  136. hypoglycemia worry
  137. Looking back
  138. Tongue cancer treatment 4 months on
  139. Same pain at two different points of the body at once.
  140. Left side chest and stomach pain
  141. Heart failure??
  142. Different sized pupils?
  143. kik messenger
  144. constant worry there is something wrong
  145. some words of wisdom to help everyone out
  146. Can anyone relate/help? Really sick :(
  147. Tense chest muscles or organ issues?!
  148. health anxiety vs fear of tests!
  149. Slight Scare
  150. neck and shoulder pain is it stress related
  151. Could someone please read my sons bone scan report and give opinion
  152. imiquimod
  153. Okay, im worried...
  154. Scan tomorrow
  155. Sleep issues and anxiety.
  156. Anxiety symptoms this may help
  157. I feel like I have cancer all the time. Constant worrying.
  158. should i go for this xray?
  159. Unbelievable morning!!!!!
  160. Ridiculous HA vicious circle...
  161. Eye test fears
  162. Dizziness
  163. Constant feeling of dread despite not having any pain
  164. Am I doing this to myself?
  165. Male breast cancer??? Or health anxiety gone too far?
  166. Please stop me before I consult dr google!
  167. High pulse or hyper aware?
  168. Shame about Dr. Visits
  169. what about a rash?
  170. Panic, HA...
  171. Pressure headache.
  172. Beyond tired
  173. Frightened by shakiness in night
  174. Had my scan
  175. I feel like i am on the bottom of a black pit
  176. Just Introducing Myself- I have awful Health Anxiety and I'm scared I have ALS
  177. Woke up last night with heart racing
  178. What are you most afraid of?
  179. Any sinus sufferers out there?
  180. Blood pressure anyone ?
  181. Pulmonary embolism/aneurysms and everything else fears
  182. Anxiety due to high blood pressure?
  183. palpitations really scaring me
  184. Still really worried :(
  185. Insect bite
  186. face pain arm pain and more
  187. Scared about new furniture smell AGAIN!
  188. More fatigue
  189. So fed up
  190. Vibrating head when waking and head pressure - so scared!
  191. Someone help! Going mad at work - feeling so dizzy scared to move :-(
  192. Does anyone else get this?
  193. NHS Health check
  194. A useful insight...
  195. Head goes hot and numb
  196. tingling/ buzzing in hand/foot
  197. Scratched by a cat!
  198. Glands in arm feel swollen and VERY tender
  199. iron burn worry
  200. Pain when swallowing - help!
  201. 31 weeks pregnant
  202. I,v finaly done it...but teriffied.
  203. Tightness in front of neck, chest area and right collar bone
  204. Heatwave
  205. Lost my voice starting to worry!!
  206. Back pain when standing
  207. Fear of stroke strikes again... With a vengeance
  208. Feeling so low again.
  209. Am I doomed to die young because of inherited disease? Help!
  210. Dvt/Pe panic attacks-
  211. Weird Electric Shock feeling
  212. My cat is scaring me :(
  213. referral appointment- next week!
  214. Need some practical advice.
  215. Me again, tonsil cancer scare!! Please help!!
  216. fear of brain tumour
  217. Head knock anyone?
  218. My first dermatology appointment...at last.
  219. Feeling sick to my stomach, nauseas and dizzy?
  220. lymph node
  221. Worried I've got skin cancer :(
  222. Moved onto new worries now
  223. Pregnancy scare! Please help
  224. Health anxiety the cause of sedentary lifestyle
  225. I dyed and survived!
  226. Allergic reaction to plant
  227. PLEASE HELP - I hit my head
  228. wells test for DVT
  229. Male breast cancer or testicular cancer that has spread? Or is it all in my head???
  230. In a dark place - has anyone got any advice.
  231. My current successes with health anxiety, but my associated with FATIGUE!
  232. Anyone ever tried the "Hu Technique"?
  233. metallic taste going on?
  234. My health problems are endless and I'm only 15! I fear cancer
  235. Would you consider health anxiety to be a form of OCD?
  236. everyday is this normal? help!
  237. Scared to get ears pierced
  238. any one no meds at all
  239. Does This Sound Like POTS or not?
  240. Extremely worried about Stomach cancer (TMI).
  241. Yellow line in white bit of eye
  242. slipped back into Ha a little
  243. Please Help... Sweats, cough, body aching, extreme fatigue :-(
  244. groin and leg pain
  245. Cyst history and a little nervous
  246. Need a bit of help here.
  247. Health Anxiety? Must be worse this time!
  248. ms
  249. neck tightness
  250. HA back and ruining me.