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  1. Effects of standing too fast?
  2. breathlessness driving me mad -_-
  3. Can anyone from the UK explain the Daily Mail to me? :)
  4. Head
  5. My new 'C' fear
  6. Feeling at an ultimate low now:( can't deal with this no more
  7. In hospital trying to sleep; afraid i'll stop breathing
  8. Asthma and Anxiety
  9. Feeling in such a bad place
  10. Ahh Oral C
  11. Gagging and Nausea
  12. Armpits sore 2 weeks
  13. Everything gone but this !
  14. Sharp pain behind right eye
  15. Changing hiv results?
  16. I need to take a step back and get things into perspective
  17. Opinions please
  18. Bloating, anyone?
  19. BT scare...really worried :(
  20. pelvic pain
  21. Ciao People
  22. severe leg pain and breathlessness but normal d dimer?
  23. stomach and anxiety cant take much more
  24. high blood pressure, is it brain tumour?
  25. end of my tether
  26. Please help
  27. Weird sensations as falling asleep - anyone else?
  28. Lung cancer scare
  29. worried about my little brother :(
  30. Anyone have lymph nodes that wax and wane?
  31. Acceptance of Anxiety
  32. been to see a haematologist yesterday
  33. See you later all
  34. something really wierd happened today ....
  35. Caffeine?
  36. ok worried about husband been ill for a month
  37. Worried about headaches
  38. Moles, moles, moles everywhere - advice from other mole sufferers?
  39. high blood pressure am i going to die?
  40. Hypotension = Constant lightheadedness?
  41. Really really worried today after ultra sound:(
  42. Weird pain near my nose left side of face? Any ideas?
  43. new here
  44. Should I get a second opinion?! Help!
  45. help needed please
  46. Roof of mouth
  47. Leukemia worries
  48. omg why so anxious
  49. Hot poker through the chest
  50. Just when I think its over...
  51. second negative d dimer but still not convinced.
  52. Some encouragement to chest pain sufferers
  53. What could cause these types of headaches?
  54. Coming down off cocaine for the first time
  55. Red lump in armpit
  56. Typical! :( TMI
  57. Spine
  58. Insanely cracky and stiff joints are driving me insane!
  59. This is rubbish. Oral cancer worry is driving me mad.
  60. small fatty lump behind back of leg
  61. Rang Drs today re scan!
  62. Elongated brown spot not symmetric
  63. Melanoma
  64. horrible taste in mouth
  65. obsessed with blood pressure!
  66. The buzzing has driven me crazy today just having a v bad day!
  67. Glands or something
  68. worried about going for a small op
  69. Help. At the end of my rope.
  70. Tips for overcoming your health worries!
  71. so scared about dvt - sorry for posting again :(
  72. spitting blood?
  73. At the end of my tether
  74. anxiety/feeling ill all the time.
  75. Feeling poorly :( strange dreams
  76. Feel like I had a mental break this morning....
  77. has anybody got over an aneurysm fear?
  78. marijuana peoples views-does it help ?
  79. epidural
  80. So dizzy :( help!
  81. ribs
  82. Think I've got a false black widow bite.
  83. Sharp pain in left breast..need help
  84. HELP!
  85. Left chest pain
  86. Got letter today from GP to go and see gynaecologist:( HA really really bad today!
  87. ovaries
  88. The difference between an anxiety attack and a real heart issue
  89. why am i like this?
  90. feeling out of breath and exhausted
  91. Pcos?
  92. When will this end
  93. Here I am again
  94. Weird pressure sensation on chest
  95. involuntary movements!!
  96. I have a small patch of skin on the inside of my knee that's very sore - no mark
  97. Anxiety about my heath
  98. Citalopram not working yet?
  99. Every single day~
  100. Black seed in stool
  101. Eyelid spasm, tickling face. Right side. Scared
  102. :( I'm so scared
  103. One thing goes and another thing appears...
  104. terrified again
  105. behind eye pain - great. new aneurysm fear!
  106. Funny feeling in chest under heart
  107. Heart worries...again!
  108. MS worries again
  109. So many bugs :(
  110. Skin pain and anxiety
  111. scared of brain tumor
  112. low blood pressure?
  114. Opticians appointment tomorrow.
  115. okay this is serious
  116. Help needed, tonsil or throat!
  117. STD Fear - Irrational?
  118. Please help me!!
  119. Things seem a bit better
  120. Physical (mainly neurological) affects of anxiety?
  121. Throat
  122. Seen Dr....a bit worried now:(
  123. Skin cancer
  124. Super anxious and feeling odd
  125. Does anyone else have this?
  126. Need to get this off my chest Christmas is coming :(
  127. has the doctor missed a brain tumour?
  128. Has anyone ever paid for private tests?
  129. Very Weird Symptoms, does anyone else have these?
  130. I want to ask something even though I'm afraid of the answer
  131. Food gets stuck, please help :-(
  132. Swollen Lymph Nodes in Groin - Results
  133. health anxiety about mole
  134. Can't even take Ativan now :(
  135. Another worry. Silica Sand
  136. Very scarer right now ;(
  137. Here I go again - heart this time
  138. Opticians yesterday - got to make a appointment again in 3 months.
  139. Help is all I need.
  140. Please help this is serious
  141. advice please
  142. Operation and worry
  143. Cut finger, worried about infection
  144. Further Investigations! - Letter from GP
  145. food poisioning
  146. Got the dreaded stomach virus
  147. Big time setback
  148. Hoping for some support and vice versa
  149. Scared I will die from literally anything!
  150. ENT referal - TERRIFIED
  151. Hands go red
  152. Can't take these symptoms any more
  153. Have I completely lost it now
  154. Can anyone relate? (Frequent Urination, no UTI) - severe worries.
  155. Ever feel afraid to let go of anxiety?
  156. Super scared help me!!!
  157. Pulsating tinnitus and mri scan
  158. Avoiding MRI scan
  159. Scared to take antibiotics
  160. Moles on face
  161. Ticking the procedures off the list
  162. Must post for my own sanity!! HELP!!
  163. Lost Will
  164. Chest twinges
  165. peeing way too frequently!
  166. Can't cope :(
  167. Symptoms BETTER when stressed? :o
  168. low blood pressure. worried!
  169. left arm pain - annoyed and scared
  170. someone help
  171. Really worried about confidentiality
  172. Boil - MRSA?
  173. calming activities anyone?
  174. Health Anxiety after tapered off xanax
  175. Need a diagnosis!!!!!!!!!!!
  176. Having a huge panic attack right now
  177. worried again about cancer - bone cancer specifically
  178. Mornings are awful
  179. Heart or stomach
  180. Any advice about my toe please?
  181. So I have health anxiety ...
  182. SLIGHT BUZZING in thumb
  183. Worried again about brain tumour anxiety :(
  184. General aches and pains
  185. Anyone had this?!
  186. Strained throat?
  187. Worst day ever - waiting for mole biopsies
  188. What if....
  189. Is it just me?
  190. Why can't i do it?
  191. Spots
  192. eye/socket and head pains.
  193. Waking up in the night in a complete panic:( Cant face Tuesdays appt!
  194. chest/neck/throat tightness/pain
  195. terrible health anxiety. please help.
  196. Chest pain
  197. Vision problems - trapped nerve?
  198. Feel like I'm coming down with something can't breathe - Hodgkins lymphoma
  199. How do you stop yourself requesting tests?
  200. Wine and Anxiety?
  201. Does anyone else have fear of toothache
  202. Have HA? That's what you're ill with
  203. I haven't needed this site for 6 months...
  204. Indigestion and sharp pains..
  205. Is it normal to bleed there?!
  206. Palpitations after a night of drinking and lack of sleep
  207. Going crazy....
  208. Not just all in my head.... and thank you!
  209. Please please help!
  210. Obsessional health worries about someone else?
  211. Past life regression
  212. Pneumonia jab
  213. Constant panic attacks today :(
  214. middle back/spine pain no injury
  215. jaw ache
  216. Why Do Mornings Suck
  217. Any advice please?
  218. Want to scratch my skin off !!
  219. Need help to stop worrying about lymph nodes please!
  220. Does anyone stay in a relationship that doesn't work, because they need HA support?
  221. I don't know what to do :(
  222. Looking for some advice!
  223. Update on my recovery (and me giving my unasked for opinion to you all)
  224. Brain tumor/cancer scare
  225. Low Ferritin level - all other iron related results normal
  226. Waiting for ovarian cyst surgery, scared!
  227. Not well anxious
  228. Twitch obsession
  229. Please read!
  230. lump right in bottom of mouth..
  231. With a little help from my friends
  232. How much gas is normal?
  233. Eating normally but still cant put lost weight back on
  234. scared by scan results
  235. Really scared right now!!
  236. What have you done today?
  237. Has medication helped anyone's HA?
  238. anyone awake please help me
  239. Severe hypochondria for ten years, at the end of my rope
  240. Liver Scan and abdo problems
  241. Nose bleed
  242. Do you ever feel like life is just suffering??
  243. Getting rid of physical symptoms of HA
  244. Just been to Doc, feeling really scared about Mole
  245. Just out of curiosity why do most HA sufferers think of a brain tumour as THE illness
  246. Health anxiety
  247. Sensitive to medication/stimulation
  248. New to this forum - This is about me
  249. labrynthitis
  250. heart attack fear