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  1. Why can't I accept what the doctors say!
  2. Worried about my son
  3. Cracky and stiff joints havn't improved, not getting worse though
  4. twitches subside now feet have hot bursts ?
  5. Waves of breathlessness?
  6. Asking for Positive Thoughts and Prayers
  7. My op is next day worried!
  8. Possible irrational post (bowel related)
  9. Making a list:
  10. heart rate question
  11. feel like all my hard work is ruined :(
  12. Not all there?
  13. Scared my mum has cancer
  14. so scared of lung cancer
  15. Does anxiety have the power to create pain
  16. Diabetes or anxiety or something else
  17. Hello all - Oral papilloma/wart
  18. Anyone out there suffering from esophageal spasms due to anxiety and stress?
  19. Hypertension
  20. FREE Health Anxiety book - Today Only!
  21. MAJORLY PANICING about health
  22. Pains and scared
  23. Very strange symptom - Burning Mouth and Tongue
  24. Today I will listen to my doctor and kick anxiety into touch
  25. Ever had an itchy mole???
  26. worried stomach aches and pains
  27. Not coping today
  28. Bad Night and Morning
  29. Seriously can't believe my doctors
  30. Still worrying about cancer
  31. Do I need to give it a chance?
  32. Heart rate around 85 bpm and always beats faster when due on/on my period
  33. Headache in same spot almost every day
  34. Colon cancer?
  35. Stomach ache while eating, scared!
  36. Keep having disturbing thoughts
  37. NF and CBT
  38. Blood when I wipe and on underwear
  39. Bad day help please
  40. Can a 21 year old get a heart attack?
  41. In a bad place
  42. Night time urination- worried its Kidneys
  43. Dizziness is worse than ever - scared of seizures
  44. In my mind this can only be anxiety or cancer and I fear it is the latter
  45. Major Panic Attack - Need Help
  46. Not in control.. please help
  47. frightening palpitations
  48. Waking up to muscle spasms or Palpitations
  49. Lesson from Home Alone
  50. I'm new, Share stories?
  51. Dobutamine stress echocardiogram
  52. So Scared of Headache - Help!
  53. Strategy and Flexibility
  54. help?!
  55. 'Can't feel legs' feeling?
  56. Brain Aneurysm / Hemorrhage ?
  57. Horribly losing it right now!
  58. What is your feelings about stomach bugs/norovirus?
  59. Worried about sick and dizzy feeling I get a few days once a month :(
  60. Struggling...
  61. BAD Day (and night)
  62. When you don't believe your GP
  63. can,t explain my feelings & sensations.
  64. Urinating often
  65. over doing it!
  66. Health anxiety & GAD meeting in cardiff setup fase.
  67. Do any of you worry about not worrying?
  68. Feel like I have something stuck in my throat/chest
  69. scared of kidney infection complications.
  70. Looking for reassurance about your symptoms?
  71. Lumpy anus
  72. Fear of my heart and climbing stairs...
  73. Worried about throat/mouth cancer
  74. Stomach Virus Ugh!
  75. please help
  76. Growing up with a HA suffering parent
  77. Is Health Anxiety Inherited or Learnt?
  78. Tinnitus
  79. Another believing your doctor thread
  80. My Health Anxiety experiment has badly backfired!!!
  81. Tring Positive Thoughts
  82. Vibrating/shaking eyes and body when snoozing and waking up
  83. Please don't laugh
  84. Aching arms!
  85. Brown raised mole on leg
  86. Don't listen to what you read on internet...
  87. Chest twinges
  88. Does anyone else...
  89. Sick sick sick!
  90. When you recover from HA will you be a better person?
  91. chest pain
  92. this sounds so silly
  93. Upper Back Pain. .. decided to post here and stop googling
  94. Weird
  95. burning sensations
  96. MRI worries
  97. IBS vs Colon Cancer
  98. Left arm pain into shoulder
  99. Weird Smell and general update from Tomuk
  100. Drinking wine.
  101. Do you have any siblings that suffer from HA?
  102. Anxiety
  103. I'm going to get diagnosed soon I know
  104. Winter blues?
  105. It's pretty much gone...but my mind doesn't want to let go?
  106. A Big Old Bag of Health Anxiety
  107. Gilbert syndrome..
  108. Havent had a proper sleep for a week
  109. Quitting smoking effects on HA and depression
  110. sundays
  111. Post lung blood clots am very fearful !!!
  112. Pain under left rib
  113. HA and my worries about melanoma
  114. Something in throat (not a tonsil stone)
  115. Panic attacks while exercising/moving.
  116. Bored Today
  117. Help
  118. Heart issues
  119. brain tumor?!?!
  120. please someone reply
  121. Last trip to the doctors
  122. Heart related health anxiety
  123. Choosing Power Over Pain
  124. Advice on this please.....
  125. Is it bone cancer?! Freaking out.. Please help :(
  126. A little something to consider about HA...
  127. Dizziness warped head for 9 months now
  128. Terrified I am developing Schizophrenia
  129. How much of today have you spent worrying?
  130. Smoking, Drinking and HA
  131. Anyone ever just come to the realization at how hard life can be?
  132. Low blood pressure.
  133. Mole/doctors question
  134. Head injury worry
  135. Advice would be good right now feeling low 😔😔
  136. Brain Tumour fear 19 year olds :/
  137. Indescribable illness.
  138. Mosquitos and Dengue Fever
  139. Meditation?
  140. beta blockers
  141. Lower tummy/pelvic pain
  142. help with relapse
  143. The POSITIVE thread :)
  144. peeling/crusty skin on mole?
  145. Fear, Symptoms, And I Don't Care
  146. PEANUTS
  147. headache after laughter every time
  148. Feeling sick after choking on salad leaf
  149. Heavy dragging feeling
  150. Hernia operation
  151. Blocked nose
  152. Hey guys.. had some bad news yesterday (not me)
  153. A little experiment for you today...
  154. Any tips for posture/core correction?
  155. swollen/achey glands
  156. Jaw clenching!!!!
  157. Reflux?
  158. Road Trip-Out Of My Comfort Zone
  159. Panic attack at work - feel like im dying...
  160. Breast Cancer - Don't read if its your fear!
  161. Cannot cope
  162. Neck symmetry
  163. Peripheral vision issue...
  164. Taking another break.
  165. Liver Problems
  166. Pains in upper back
  167. ribs. advice please!!
  168. Am I doing the right thing by staying away?
  169. lymph node in my jaw
  170. Never ending symptoms
  171. First brain mri
  172. Carrots
  173. Feeling awful and ill from HA, please...
  174. results
  175. Newbie need Advice
  176. having a panic about my stomach again sorry
  177. Foods suitable for IBS?
  178. ok so now i have a new worry
  179. severe panic after taking tablets
  180. Throat!!
  181. Brain tumor question
  182. sharp achey chest pain when leaning over?
  183. Itchy mole on face?
  184. Heart beat
  185. Could do with some help
  186. chest aches and pains constant
  187. Just wondering
  188. twitches anyone else ...?
  189. Health anxiety for a year... feeling hopeless..
  190. Worried about this pain.
  191. Electric shock feeling
  192. I've made myself so ill!
  193. upset need a filling again
  194. am I crazy? feelin down, too many questions.
  195. My story ...
  196. How we use this forum
  197. Took crushed ibuprofen, am I safe? Panicking.
  198. Fathers cancer coming to an end!
  199. dizzy spell, weird burning smell
  200. Couple of weeks off
  201. Lump at back of throat
  202. Stomach problems ..panicking big time
  203. Going out in public.
  204. is normal life over?
  205. Propranolol side effects
  206. On and off pain all day in back of head. Any one ever get this before?
  207. Having a moment, need some kind words.
  208. Feeling so bad. Need help, am desperate :(
  209. Strange sensation
  210. Taken zantac panic help
  211. Still very worried about my health
  212. Tinnitus
  213. head pains - terrified its a brain tumour
  214. A weird one...Chicken panic
  215. Heart beating really hard... help!
  216. What A turn Around
  217. Headaches - Pressure in my Head.
  218. fear of fainting?
  219. Muscles are not working correctly
  220. im inva bad place right now & so very worried plz help
  221. Just a little bit worried!
  222. Tired of hypochondria... -_-
  223. Really not coping, feeling shocking! Brain tumour?
  224. Fed up
  225. Holiday Over And Headed Back Home
  226. why do we google?
  227. im ill and very scared help
  228. Head pains...worried
  229. cervical cancer worries
  230. Lump on back of neck
  231. Neurological / Spinal Concerns
  232. Watching a movie on TV about a person dying,
  233. Freak out over small things?
  234. Extreme anxiety About mom Dying Help!?
  235. Enlarged, fatty liver worried this is the end
  236. something scared me last night...
  237. Eyelid Twitch!!
  238. Enchanced CBT for Health Anxiety
  239. Some anxiety is normal
  240. Christmas with Health Anxiety - some coping tips
  241. HA meet ups?
  242. Jaw/upper neck soreness/burning sensation
  243. Neuro-Linguistic Programming for HA?
  244. Biopsy Today - anxious about procedure and results
  245. Voices??
  246. How much do you cost the NHS?
  247. really worried and scared
  248. heart beat
  249. Severe ear pain after ear syringe
  250. Doctor wants to see me