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  1. Scared witless
  2. now freaking out night sweating
  3. First post in a long time
  4. Feeling awful
  5. Really worried, reassurance please
  6. Tired now of this , ringing ears now
  7. Asthma
  8. Really struggling
  9. heart...really panicking
  10. Will my dr think I'm barking mad?
  11. When will this stop......?
  12. Hodgkin's lymphoma.. so scared please help?
  13. Mates birthday but not sure i am well enough to go
  14. Traumatic Events
  15. worried, tumor, help
  16. Blood drop in underwear
  17. Me....again
  18. I'm a breaking point
  19. Longtime reader, first time poster
  20. does anyone elses anxiety keep them up at night?
  21. Heart related anxiety, anyone else suffer from this?
  22. Just when I thought I was better
  23. Is this health anxiety?
  24. Dimple in armpit...scared of Bc :(
  25. Throat and everything
  26. is anyone elses ah consuming there every waking tnought
  27. Als fear hitting hard
  28. i'm new here
  29. Is it possible to experience anxiety in a different way?
  30. Went to Doc but still not convinced
  31. Gaining weight with anxiety
  32. Anxiety related nausea
  33. New freckle?
  34. 5th day on Celexa!!
  35. Going on a trip, but worry...
  36. I have these symptoms and I'm very worried
  37. Worrying myself
  38. Going out of my mind!
  39. Head pains
  40. new here, struggling with health anxiety :-(
  41. Reassurance please :(
  42. Frequent urination
  43. Herpes/HIV contraction worry
  44. terrified I have an std :-(
  45. Scared of poison
  46. Low grade fever
  47. Doctors and hypochondriacs
  48. I Should Know Better
  49. New and fed up!
  50. Neurology Appt this Thursday
  51. HIV scare, need opinions
  52. ECG and blood test - when will I get the results?
  53. Stomach cancer, GP has worried me to death - endoscopy
  54. Terrified about my son : (
  55. Left pec tightness
  56. dont know what else to do :'(
  57. Indolent v aggressive
  58. Constant symptoms and feeling unwell. I know it's long but please reply if you can x
  59. Angina ?
  60. In pain and scared
  61. Trembles?
  62. losing my mind, tips to calm down please.
  63. Mole - need to get this checked
  64. MS scare stil, i feeel like im loosing control of myself please i have some questions
  65. Health Anxiety Sore Chest - Newbie Please Help
  66. well.... I can't believe it :(
  67. So fed up :( HA out of control!
  68. Is anybody awake for a chat?
  69. Blue nails during panic?!
  70. Prickly sensation around lips and nose?
  71. sinus, allergy, tmj???
  72. completely freaking out
  73. skin tag?
  74. be warned...poo thread
  75. Hey. I'm back! (sadly) vCJD worries
  76. Any lymph node experts?
  77. Dr appointment - referred for ultra sound - complete anxiety meltdown!!
  78. Hit my head!
  79. scared i can still get pregnant with tubes tied
  80. Would you use a Health Anxiety search engine?
  81. Healthy living = annoying changes
  82. SKIPPY 66 Or anyone who's recoverd advise please??
  83. Saw the doctor today
  84. unbearable..... please dont read if you have a phobia of contamination
  85. Chances of cancer under age 30 statistics?
  86. Can CBT Help You
  87. Having Hypos 2 hours after eating- Cant Cope
  88. Symptoms of anxiety without any fear or trigger?
  89. So I went to see the dr... again!
  90. Anxiety over my heart. Sharp pains in neck, chin, and down arms.
  91. Driving myself crazy - Heart problems, diabetes, general
  92. fast heart beat middle of the night
  93. How to cope when anxiety is this bad?
  94. this is crazy i fear feeling well
  95. Serious side effects of citalopram? Help me please?!
  96. :-( had enough
  97. i,ve just felt funny
  98. Serious case of brain fog etc...again
  99. Brain tumour.. so scared please help?
  100. Keep getting waves of sleepiness?
  101. dont want another summer ruined
  102. I'm making myself ill
  103. really sore muscles!
  104. Both ears infected again
  105. Daughter's results :(
  106. Chest discomfort and exhaustion
  107. dentist appointment fine today
  108. Feeling anxious tonight...
  109. is there any relief for VISUAL SNOW ???
  110. So convinced I'm going to die tonight
  111. Have you ever felt like you're going insane?
  112. Simple Partial Seizures
  113. Accidentally hit my eye with my hand :/
  114. Keep getting this pain
  115. Falling sensation when half asleep
  116. Trying to be strong!
  117. Stomach cramps supplements or not
  118. Anxiety and hypochondria advice??
  119. Only in the Evenings...
  120. Neurology appt today - petrified of her looking in eyes!
  121. Getting in a state
  122. My Appointment with Dr. Google
  123. Blood results for stomach pain
  124. Hearbeat
  125. neck tension near and around adams apple
  126. Don't think I'm going to get better
  127. anyone else experience this?
  128. ana test came back positive
  129. Scared :(
  130. More HIV worrying/Overcoming HIV Anxiety
  131. Having brain scan done
  132. knee troubles/DVT fear
  133. trapped gas/wind???
  134. insomnia
  135. It's a blip right?
  136. Happy trip to out of hours dentist
  137. stopped breathing? ??
  138. Blip??
  139. A little bit about myself!
  140. ALS Scare
  141. Heart Fears
  142. Complained about kidney area & got x-rays on spine...?
  143. Accidentally swallowed hair dye whilst rinsing in the bath, help?!
  144. Swollen and sore glands throughout body - glandular fever or the dreaded lymphoma?!
  145. Needing support & encouragement... Trying to hold extreme fear at bay...
  146. Stop breathing when falling asleep
  147. Help me calm down?!
  148. Hot hands
  149. I feel like a prisoner of my own mind
  150. Diagnosed with pneumonia and scared I'm going to die
  151. Scared to Death I have Colon / Rectal Cancer
  152. Getting married tomorrow
  153. leukemia? desperate to find a reason for crippling pain
  154. So down today :(
  155. Brain Tumor worries
  156. parkinsons ...maybe?
  157. Stroke worries:(
  158. awful time atm...trace of blood in urine and lower left back is sore
  159. Could this be anxiety? sciatica??
  160. this is kind of funny....
  161. Ear/hearing issues?
  162. its my birthday and i really didnt want this today anyone experiencd this please???
  163. Nooooo why did i go to GOOGLE???????????
  164. Convinced I have cancer
  165. Reassurance pls Tugging & all over right side pain 😅
  166. Brain ear anxiety
  167. heavy, fuzzy head
  168. ALS fears - tell me it is nothing please
  169. Habit cough, clearing throat... (No response in other thread :/)
  170. Damaged throat
  171. Mole worries
  172. Mirtazapine and increased appetite??
  173. Know that I'm dying
  174. Fear of tetanus, please please help me
  175. crackling ears?
  176. Bloating and sharp pains on right side?
  177. Heart anxiety. Ugh.
  178. roof of my mouth hurt?
  179. Worried I had a nocturnal seizure??
  180. Lost weight after stopping lexapro
  181. Worried, but trying to stay rational...
  182. Anyone else "keep seeing signs"?
  183. Citalopram withdrawal
  184. falling of the not-anxious waggon
  185. Very worried abiut brother :(
  186. Trapped Nerve Problems
  187. do non cancerous moles itch sometimes??
  188. Managed to have a nice easter
  189. Heart worries come back
  190. Have Pneumonia am terrified
  191. Sinusitus and Anxiety
  192. To everyone worried about cancer
  193. Hot flash and racing heart
  194. low body temp - feel warm and normal
  195. pressure in ears
  196. Stomach in agony
  197. I've never felt so scared like i do tonight. I'm sure its lung cancer
  198. suddenly feel very relaxed...its freaking me out!
  199. Opinions please?
  200. I'v been having dream scenes replys? What is this?
  201. Need reassurance!!Two months sick, countless tests and still anxious.
  202. helpful info
  203. Anxiety causing pain or ultrasound missed something?
  204. Lymph nodes.... why can't I believe the doctor
  205. Sharp left abdo pain when I cough
  206. I know i have anxiety, but what i feel has to be SOMETHING! MS??
  207. Having a tough time today
  208. Blind panic about blood results
  209. Throat pain and scared:-(
  210. Buzzing in my chest.
  211. 111
  212. Lymph Nodes in 'Hollow' of the Neck
  213. Nurse didn't wash her hands before blood tests - now I'm in pain
  214. Anxiety is ruining my honeymoon
  215. Headache
  216. Glands in neck. Ears & throat.
  217. Same old chest tightness
  218. I finally made the appointment
  219. Medical mystery - trying to be positive!
  220. HELP =(
  221. Stephen's Story
  222. HELP!!!!!!!!!
  223. Stomach bug?
  224. Herpes scare, not sure what to think.
  225. Hard lump on sternloclavical joint ( neck area)
  226. Why am I never reassured??????
  227. When will this stop??
  228. is anybody want quit smoke wit me start tomorrow
  229. what are your thoughts on this?
  230. jelly legs
  231. mum just told me to 'snap out of it'
  232. on a new medication, real side effects or anxiety?
  233. Almost scared to relax?
  234. Freaking out! Prostate cancer?
  235. anxiety about taking medications (allergic reactions, etc)
  236. What do you want?
  237. Started taking Pregablin today
  238. Some positives
  239. fast heart
  240. Just when I thought I beat it!
  241. Cant stop worrying =(
  242. Became terrified in the last 5 mins!!! :(
  243. flip floppy floo
  244. Help please, family thinks I'm overacting...
  245. A Word on What Health Anxiety Is
  246. weird feeling when laying down
  247. I'm Free
  248. painful lymph node in neck :(
  249. Spina Bifida
  250. Stiff in the morning?