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  1. headaches changed
  2. Please help :-( could I have ovarian or pancreatic cancer?!?!?
  3. Blood stained shirt - Hep C/HIV Risk?
  4. Health Anxiety - Ending my life
  5. Is something wrong
  6. Discomfort in chest
  7. Today's a good day!
  8. Abcsess worry
  9. Having one of those nights..
  10. I'm in the ER
  11. No idea where to post this
  12. Bowel Cancer / IBD Fear
  13. Fear I will get mesothelioma
  14. sedation
  15. Teeth grinding and sore tongue?
  16. Three times a day
  17. Very worried about heart vibration feeling
  18. Dreaded lumps on daughter
  19. Back at doctors yesterday - medication
  20. Friday 16 May - National 'No Googling Symptoms' Day
  21. Heart Anxiety as a result of other anxieties
  22. PM question
  23. sinus/allergies
  24. its never gonna get better
  25. Cant Sleep
  26. Help Would Be Appreciated =(
  27. Red spot/blister on floor of mouth
  28. Its happening again
  29. Health worries - Fluoxetine induced?
  30. Floating kidney
  31. HA for son's health is taking over
  32. indentation in the top of left arm
  33. Just fell off the 'Dr Google' wagon :-(
  34. what problems can poor posture cause??
  35. HIV paranoia still present
  36. Falling for it again and again
  37. I sound pathetic cough cold anxiety?
  38. How often do normal visit the doctors ?
  39. Just went into hospital.
  40. symptomless symptoms
  41. So worried!! dental abcsess/heart question
  42. Cold+Exams= Major panic :(
  43. I don't know what to do
  44. Left side
  45. Asbestos worry
  46. Persistent Cough
  47. Going doctors and I'm petrified
  48. Colon cancer
  49. Is indigestion normal??
  50. Does this make anyone else's HA worse...diet.
  51. Naproxen
  52. Has anyone got health anxiety cantering around mental health?
  53. Blood pressure....
  54. Illnesses from smells
  55. not jumping the gun but so i dont i could use a bit of info please...
  56. Black spider web in vision, Jolted awake
  57. Stiff,painful, dead, tingley hands and feet
  58. More and more worries!!!
  59. I'm sorry everyone!!
  60. Newby Neck Lump
  61. HIV Paranoia/Anxiety
  62. Does this happen to anyone else?
  63. Freaking out about blood test result
  64. Attitude is Everything!
  65. If I can get better so can you!
  66. Now I'm panicking about my eye
  67. Internet and health anxiety
  68. Want to help
  69. New to the Website, have been reading for a while so i though i would tell my story
  70. CT scans-A lifetime of worries
  71. tingling face/heartburn..help
  72. Bumps on the head??
  73. How do you stop over reacting
  74. I need help,advice, positivity and people to talk too...
  75. Can anxiety give me chest pains
  76. Health anxiety means my symptoms get ignored!
  77. Made myself chuckle
  78. I'm new and have Health Anxiety!!
  79. Im me again! here to listen to anybody who needs a chat xx
  80. prickly skin
  81. BP high - How long before I can expect it to normalise?
  82. Sharing something that works!
  83. Giving up smoking
  84. Please advice on liver, PLEASE PLEASE HELP
  85. mind chatter
  86. im scared it,s cancer.
  87. worried over my son.
  88. Will going the gym affect my blood test
  89. Heart flip flops.
  90. victim of health anxiety
  91. An Interesting and Helpful Conversation
  92. gastro referral - now going to be JUNE
  93. Keep getting new symptoms... anyone else??
  94. Lymph Gland - painful but not swollen
  95. Ran into this great article !!
  96. Help! Feels as if brain is swelling
  97. so scared of bowel cancer
  98. Can anxiety cause dizziness , change in vision and weakness
  99. I feel hopeless
  100. drs appointment for arm dent
  101. terrified I have lymphoma, feel like crying
  102. So close to cancelling holiday because of this :(
  103. Pain in left arm pins n needles in fingers
  104. Nocturnal Seizure
  105. No idea what this night issue is
  106. Blood test today
  107. Not sure what happened
  108. Vision Changes
  109. It gets better!
  110. itching is driving me mad
  111. Does anyone else hate the doctors waiting room
  112. Pap smear result hpv
  113. gastroenterology appointment
  114. To trust your doctor or not to trust doctor ??? R
  115. If anyone can help me please! I need words of encouragement now!
  116. White patch/sore in mouth
  117. Still worried about heart....
  118. Sharp pain down back of throat
  119. pain in chest
  120. What a day
  121. That persistent dragon
  122. Had my Bupa health assessment today.....
  123. Tingling, dizziness, and anxiety
  124. Need help/advice from veteran Health Anxiety sufferers.
  125. Scary!!!
  126. Majority freaking out! meningitis??? help!!
  127. Help please
  128. what do you think actually happens??
  129. in a bad way
  130. Sharp pains in wrist vein
  131. What is wrong with my left eye :((((((((((
  132. Liver help please!!
  133. Total Urinary Incontinence due to Anxiety?
  134. question about tastebuds
  135. I screwed everything up....as usual
  136. Weird sensations in legs
  137. Stiff neck hard to keep my head up
  138. sinus/nasal cancer fear - im really scared
  139. Horrible mid-back pain
  140. MRI Results: What the heck is this thing?!!
  141. Heart rate
  142. Blood Results, Diabetes Type 2..?
  143. Child's Lymph Node
  144. gums hurt after dentist appt
  145. Plagued with heart fears again
  146. Reassurance please, pretty please
  147. Hypnic Jerks intense !!!!!!
  148. Panic right now and hangover
  149. Swimmers ear/ear infection
  150. If you knew the date you were going to die...
  151. Has anyone ever accidentally swallowed hair dye?
  152. No Sleep!!!
  153. HIV hysteria. Please help me.
  154. am I going to stop breathing???
  155. Chlorine Gas after swimming?
  156. Does your health anxiety affect what food you eat?!
  157. Underactive thyroid/Thyroxine pills
  158. Lung cancer worry!
  159. Afraid of my own body.... What is real and what is fake?
  160. Is it possible to make yourself die
  161. worried :(
  162. health anxiety about daughter :-(
  163. Poo Thread
  164. Pelvic scan
  165. real or worry
  166. Stomach pain/SNRI withdrawal
  167. Alcohol and heart rate
  168. Why do you think you developed a Health Anxiety?
  169. Hard to explain
  170. Biggest challenges to my HA in a while
  171. Attack
  172. Being grabbed by the throat! :'(
  173. ultrasound results -more worries:(
  174. Anyone feel there heartbeating?
  175. More HIV worrying.... Blood on toilet paper
  176. what does fibromyalgia feel like?
  177. i feel so strange all of a sudden
  178. Blood tests results
  179. Am I having a panic attack??
  180. muscles muscles muscles !!!!!
  181. Went for a 5 min walk..
  182. Someone help, weird balloon feeling behind chest
  183. Epigastric Hell Continued
  184. Bowel cancer worry
  185. =( i just don't know anymore!!!
  186. Food poisoning from chocolate?!
  187. earwax and ear pain with a fever - im very anxious
  188. Scared to go asleep/head pains
  189. Scheduled For A Nuclear Stress Test And I'm Worried
  190. I had a dream
  191. Fallen off the wagon of HA
  192. New to the forum but not to anxiety
  193. Holiday and anxiety
  194. My two year old son = lymph node (or nodes)
  195. Some harsh truths about health anxiety
  196. CBT starts tomorrow...what to expect?
  197. Scared of bi polar.
  198. Been fine all day but then........
  199. sharp eye pain
  200. Heart rate obsession
  201. Diabetes worry, anyone with any knowledge able to help?
  202. look at how evil Google is...
  203. So sure I have cancer....
  204. Triggers
  205. heart rate
  206. what is a lipoma
  207. Found a used plaster in laundrette's washing machine
  208. Does this forum help? Or make things worse?
  209. Feeling well :)
  210. MS Fears Returned
  211. Horrible Jaw feeling
  212. Post your first ever post
  213. Can anxiety/stress kill you?
  214. Scared.
  215. Been dentist
  216. Pancreas Blood Test
  217. how low can you go....
  218. A question about swallowing
  219. More worry
  220. Fell off the blood pressure wagon
  221. Can anxiety effect your speech
  222. More money problems - or rather, what's on my money
  223. eye floaters
  224. Terrified I have Cancer
  225. Really awful treatment from gp :(
  226. So stressed going to Doctor about blood on toilet paper.
  227. accidentally ingested bleach D:
  228. Inconclusive Ultrasound of Lump in Leg?
  229. Costochondritis Worries
  230. Petrified
  231. Having a little panic attack right now
  232. anxious
  233. What are you to do today to try to forget about your HA?
  234. Stresseeeeeed!!
  235. tetanus?
  236. Did you get over your HA and how long did it take, what did it take to do it?
  237. Consuming my life! please help me
  238. Swollen spleen, someone please
  239. Just waiting
  240. So scared please help me
  241. Gastrografin
  242. Base of skull. ...help!!
  243. Booked my appointment
  244. Blood clots...argh :(
  245. Infection in Toenail - Loose and Painful
  246. Therapy :)
  247. Scared im losing touch with reality and going crazy
  248. update sons lymph node
  249. Need To Get A Grip
  250. Please help me :(