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  1. Terrified of my heart.
  2. Is compulsion a sign of HA/anxiety???
  3. blood in poop
  4. Night sweats, swollen glands, aches and pains.
  5. Red leicester grated nutty cheese...
  6. Lymph Nodes UPDATE!
  7. Food is getting stuck, hard to breath
  8. might go hospital ?
  9. Ouch-muscle pain I'm guessing
  10. New to the group (waves)
  11. Amusing Doctor visit
  12. Terrified about these constant symptoms, doctor says it's anxiety?
  13. Small lump on shoulder
  14. Mole freakout - keep me off google image search!
  15. bowel cancer diagnosis-petriffied please. help
  16. Upper back
  17. Going to see neurologist
  18. Worried about blood clot in leg, need opinions.
  19. I'm going to the dr in the morning
  20. Constant headaches ... Anxiety?
  21. Is it possible to have lymphoma and have no symptoms? Biopsy Tomorrow :(
  22. Seriously freaking out!!!!
  23. Anyone awake? I'm scared
  24. Can't do this anymore ... someone please help. Ovarian Cancer
  25. Drs insisting I go on Anti Depressants
  26. opinions please :'(
  27. they won't give me an endoscopy
  28. UPDATE: Need to make 'routine appointment' after blood, stool and urine tests
  29. Putting life on hold due to HA
  30. Still very concerned about my health
  31. I'm really sorry, I know I'm posting too much but I'm scared I'll harm myself-!
  32. Sleeping Problems and Unable to Breathe
  33. worried about dust exposure
  34. has anybody experienced this
  35. lingering cough
  36. I had an awful night sweat!
  37. Read the Daily Mail - idiot!!
  38. ulcer in mouth :(
  39. Constant urge to cough for no reason!
  40. Constant headache
  41. Eye movement nausea, watching TV hurts my eyes a little can it be anxiety related??
  42. Nauseous chest pain; one of my scariest symptoms
  43. Ocd or health anxiety
  44. Tingling
  45. Blood Clot worries - AGAIN
  46. Advice /reassurance please
  47. Mistakenly used an alcohol wipe to clean a wound, it's red and raw. Scared.
  48. Please not cancer again :(
  49. sobbing and scared
  50. Scared of HIV
  51. Health anxiety/thryoid problem (Sorry,it's long and could disturb HA sufferers))
  52. HIV fear - scared to get tested :(
  53. Really scared of getting Vitiligo?
  54. Neck, head and chest pain
  55. Weird chest pains going up into neck
  56. Real health worries
  57. Anyone ever come off Inderal after taking them for a long time?
  58. Super scared?
  59. Need some support.. :(
  60. Worried About Heart
  61. Struggling with sleep
  62. Terrified, no idea what's happening
  63. scared i will just drop dead in any second
  64. silly little problem
  65. Pain left upper back
  66. Depression - my new "symptom"
  67. NEWBIE reassurance needed!/constant chest pain & headaches
  68. Ear Problem causing great anxiety
  69. Everything is getting stuck when I eat, including water
  70. Heart Rate - Thought it would be a good idea to buy a Polar Heart Rate Monitor Watch
  71. Health Anxiety flaring up again just as I was starting to beat it...
  72. How much water?
  73. hypersensitivity to noise and light
  74. Baking soda inhaled.
  75. Don't know if I can do it?!
  76. Urgh I was doing so well.... :(
  77. When did we become so anxious?
  78. Uncontrollable rushes of adrenaline that makes my heart beat irregularly/ectopics
  79. neck!!!
  80. Please can someone help, pregnant & scared
  81. Toothache - Abscess
  82. been doctors diagnosed anxiety ocd
  83. Low white blood cell count
  84. I need reassurance...
  85. What physical symptoms does your anxiety produce?
  86. Hoping for some answers
  87. Just went to my local..that's doctor not pub!!
  88. HA Relapse after nearly two years
  89. someone please help!!!!!
  90. Amoxicillin? (Antibiotic)
  91. lymphoma questions PLEASE respond.
  92. small update
  93. Achey chest neck arms and back
  94. Really bad pain!
  95. Can't work it out LYMPH NODES!!!
  96. Are lymph nodes attached to skin?
  97. High blood pressure...
  98. Suffering , pains and weird sensations all on left side of body all
  99. weird head feeling
  100. Not what I expected :( help!
  101. conversations at the doctor's office
  102. i think i could have stomach cancer?
  103. I'm a heavy drinker and despite having a LFT and KFT I cant stop worrying!!!
  104. Mouth worries
  105. Been to docs freaking out about new freckle..
  106. leg pains
  107. Worried about lung cancer now
  108. Aching Shoulder Blades/Back/Ribs
  109. The problem with Lymphoma
  110. Blood in urine and now kidney pain :(
  111. Afraid after seeing doctor
  112. Lump on hip bone
  113. Smoking..
  114. Why are we all scared of lymph nodes!
  115. Lump behind my ear
  116. So worried! Advice please?
  117. Acid Reflux
  118. Can someone help me calm down pls??
  119. Don't know how to get through the day
  120. vision issues, brain tumor?
  121. scared i might have stomach cancer? :(
  122. Has anyone been diagnosed with anxiety by a doctor?
  123. Tooth abscess... Brain abscess?
  124. Talk me down please
  125. Well I'm back
  126. Junk food
  127. Why do I keep having set backs
  128. can anybody help me through this blip?
  129. Stopped smoking, HA flare up again
  130. Bone pain?
  131. On the ledge - trying not to panic
  132. Really Breathless
  133. Pulsation in my vision.
  134. Ludwig Angina - can't sleep help!
  135. Is it a blood clot? Leg pain
  136. Lymph nodes or wisdom teeth?
  137. Don't know who else to ask please help!! Desperate!!
  138. Does your googling/worrying create obbsessions??
  139. Lower Back Pain
  140. Mega freak out. Should I pay for therapy?
  141. Husband
  142. Anemia
  143. Me again - Fluey symptoms
  144. Sick of walking around like this!
  145. Oven pride oven cleaner
  146. help nauseous
  147. For Those With Chronic Pain
  148. Burning Chest
  149. struggling tonight
  150. Gas type symptoms ! VERY ANXIOUS!
  151. Narrow carotid arteries
  152. worry about my glands
  153. Im new, I have a swollen gland / lymph node, im scared :-(
  154. Panicking big time!!!!
  155. Back ache for two years
  156. The Exception
  157. Freaking out :(
  158. Ultrasound date
  159. Someone to talk to
  160. I wonder
  161. Holiday tomorrow, woohoo. Slight worry
  162. Lying it's so wrong but it works :(
  163. Had enough of this now
  164. thyroid
  165. Appointment on Tuesday, extremely scared
  166. Nose cauterisation can someone please help me
  167. Weak legs
  168. Feelings of guilt are main cause of HA
  169. General mental health concern - input welcome
  170. Different kind of HA
  171. Ovary pain!! Panic attack help!
  172. Anyone else afraid to start living?
  173. Foam/bubbles in urine
  174. headache / jaw/neck nauseous in a panic
  175. I'm REALLY scared of appendicitis
  176. Lump at back right-side of neck.
  177. Freaking out about DVT please help me
  178. high heart rate after eating?
  179. Should I run to the doctor? Advice, please!
  180. pain behind jaw and ear pain
  181. Newbie, looking for some honest advice/reassurance
  182. just my fingers and hands now
  183. NHS Strikes Again!
  184. Shooting pain from pelvic area to belly button, scared!!
  185. Why aren't I normal ?? Why me :(
  186. Seen my DR
  187. Newbie/Health Anxiety Maniac!
  188. Hot fingertip?
  189. Blood Pressure and Anxiety
  190. Terrified my teeth are going to fall out.
  191. tyroid bone deviation
  192. Been on the MS Website and future is looking bleek
  193. Back ache?
  194. Health Anxiety Support Network - Thoughts?
  195. Armpit lump - scan - so so scared!
  196. red specks in poo
  197. Having constant panic attacks over "imaginary" appendicitis
  198. Can you cough up blood with GERD?
  199. Leukaemia?
  200. Tingling sensation on left arm
  201. Shotty lymph node doubled in size
  202. Have the flu I think... Cue return of anxiety
  203. Really worried high risk hpv :(
  204. How are you feeling today?
  205. MS. So worried. Don't know what to do.
  206. Paranoid I have another UTI :(
  207. I was doing so well!...
  208. B12 deficiency after a past of genuine medical problems: Much panic - quite lost.
  209. Left Side Feeling Funny :-(
  210. holiday
  211. Low rumble in ears?
  212. Health anxiety very high :(
  213. Chest pain out of the blue in a 20 year old
  214. Eek help please?!
  215. Am I going crazy??
  216. Why Do I Have So Much Fear Of Dying Or Being Ill
  217. headaches, on holiday scared
  218. My anxiety is so high because of ringing ears
  219. Hypochondria - Is it funny?
  220. Has tucking my belly in messed up my breathing?
  221. Leukemia fear, all real symptoms
  222. why always left side of my body
  223. Olfactory Hallucinations
  224. Odd feelings in face making anxiety high
  225. overhydration?
  226. angina pains DR won't listen
  227. MS symptoms or anxiety?
  228. Pinworms!
  229. Please help me :((
  230. Dark circles/fatigue
  231. How do you cope with catastrophizing?
  232. Gross question about hemorrhoids - warning TMI
  233. heartburn and weight loss...worried
  234. one eyelid feels heavy
  235. is it possible to rupture the veins/arteries in your arm through blunt force? scared
  236. Worried about lung cancer or esophagus cancer
  237. bad health anxiety and mental hospitals
  238. Panic attacks and self harm
  239. brain tumor symptoms?
  240. Stiff Jaw
  241. Lump phobia
  242. Is this normal
  243. Scared!
  244. Banged my head very worried
  245. 4head stick - poisoned?
  246. Gas type symptoms
  247. scared I have oral hpv.. someone please talk to me
  248. I'm back with a new fear :(
  249. But if a panic-breath catching
  250. Cramping in Leg - DVT?