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  1. GERD
  2. Blood on stool!
  3. help
  4. Dry heaving in the mornings
  5. Diagnosed with Gastritis - not convinced (worried its my liver)
  6. Flu like symptoms!
  7. Health Anxiety Really Affecting Life
  8. dent in top of arm starting to ache again
  9. Anxiety about experiencing health anxiety...
  10. Blastocystis anyone have it, cured it???
  11. Convinced I have bowel cancer
  12. Vision problems...brain tumour?
  13. Desperatly need help xx
  14. Sudden Death Syndrome
  15. broken tibia?
  16. A reality check
  17. mild headaches again but TERRIFIED. PLEASE RESPOND
  18. Ha and worried about re-heating food.
  19. Throbbing in thigh, worried of dvt
  20. Please advise!
  21. Get it checked out !
  22. It's back - skin cancer fear
  23. I think you know
  24. Experience with anti-anxiety medication?
  25. Top of head headache
  26. Terrified. Convinced i have breast cancer
  27. Just been discharged from hospital- scary day
  28. Me again, need a slap i think.
  29. Scratched eye
  30. eye worries!
  31. anxiety killing me
  32. Terrified and tormented that I have melanoma
  33. mustle wastage and twitches ....fear of impending death .
  34. Strange pain...
  35. little black dots in poo
  36. Cystitis - everthing is a trigger! :(
  37. Leukemia Worries
  38. Blood clot in stool
  39. New a kick in the toosh
  40. Having really hard time - need to vent. Worried about wife
  41. Eczema Herpeticum
  42. jolt like gasp of air when falling asleep
  43. My story
  44. It's starting again the panic, crying health anxiety
  45. Why does it pop out of no where?
  46. worrid again!
  47. Terrified I have MM
  48. Scared waiting for BFs blood results
  49. Early morning panicking and associated symptoms
  50. Freaking out now blood in mouth every morning
  51. Multi Vitamins / Advice, Feedback Needed
  52. nabothian cyst
  53. Google!!
  54. Derealisation and Off balance
  55. Norovirus Panic - desperate :(
  56. Sore under armpit :(
  57. Weird sertraline side effects
  58. Help with new medication?
  59. choked on acid reflux...now I'm worried about my lungs?
  60. Poop thread, what does yours look like? Need HELP! please
  61. Normal to see veins through skin?
  62. just help please
  63. disorienartion and crazy thoughts in the night
  64. feel alone and scared
  65. vibrating sensation in nose - very scared
  66. Health Anxiety that I can't get over
  67. HA At Slightest Mention of Heath Issue
  68. How long would you wait?
  69. Ever had low potassium?
  70. Got my nails did
  71. Lack of sleep and Vertigo
  72. white cells in wee with no infection
  73. Merry Christmas and a challenge
  74. Are these red dots normal?
  75. Appendicitis fear
  76. Tough Christmas
  77. Can't think rationally!
  78. Christmas panic
  79. weight loss
  80. Merry Christmas 🎅
  81. health anxiety
  82. Hit head when drunk last Friday..am i ok?
  83. my problems
  84. Fear of sleeping due to health anxiety
  85. Something positive...
  86. Day to day changes in ''symptoms''
  87. Nasal cancer, very frightened.
  88. Stabbing pain in right side of throat
  89. running
  90. ovarian cancer
  91. REALLY worried
  92. Curious chest pain on the right...
  93. Kidney cyst
  94. Is this a bullseye rash? Worried about Lyme Disease.
  95. Feel abit stupid
  96. Colonscopy in 4 days
  97. poop time
  98. Sleep deprivation!!!
  99. Blood in my mouth every morning
  100. Feeling shaky and nervous with tight chest, help :(
  101. eye anxiety
  102. Anxiety moving from one thing to another
  103. Lower Left rib pain..
  104. Blood in phlegm help please
  105. How I stopped Worrying About My Health
  106. Help please
  107. Pulse of 97, anxious and scared
  108. how many of us feeling worse during the xmas.
  109. Time-sensitive: Tongue higher on one side... Help please!
  110. What's the best hospital in London?
  111. Back pain
  112. breathing.
  113. Angry with myself...
  114. I need advice, quickly!!
  115. Can I move on ?
  116. HIV Anxiety. Just when all was good.
  117. Trimethoprim ?
  118. heart anxiety... please help...
  119. Freaking out about weeks of stomach pain
  120. feeling hot and cold
  121. Mice! Worried about Hantavirus etc
  122. breast worries
  123. Lymph node question
  124. Haven't been here for a while :(
  125. Hate this feeling..... Really want to put a positive thread on one day!
  126. Peeing a lot in the morning and diarrhea!!
  127. Hi newbie feel dreadful
  128. For those who worry about brain aneuryisms.
  129. Something I've experienced before... advice?
  130. Misdiagnosed right-sided stomach pain. The full story
  131. Eye problem?
  132. mornings
  133. Had diarrhea woke anyone up before from anxiety :(((
  134. syphilis
  135. my feelings at the moment!
  136. Serious sleep disorder or just vivid nightmares?
  137. fears back again
  138. I just find it hard to believe the doctors and my peers that this is JUST anxiety
  139. Brain tumor fear, please help!!
  140. anxiety
  141. Panic Disorder/Generalized Anxiety Disorder led to Health Anxiety?
  142. breast discomfort
  143. Drs again.
  144. Dropping platelet count. Scared.
  145. Ebola :(
  146. My body feels very heavy.
  147. Really worried about throat cancer...
  148. Upset stomach woke me up trying not to panic
  149. What do you guys think?
  150. why cant i shake this fear
  151. bruise gone found a lump
  152. Swallowing 'jumps' 'startles'
  153. Anxiety over HIV possiblity
  154. Headache
  155. health anxiety
  156. Terrified I have breast cancer
  157. Stitch under left rib and panic is taking over
  158. drs
  159. Is there something wrong with me? Scared! :(
  160. Hyper-sensitive
  161. breast cancer (IBC) scared and terrified
  162. in pain!!!!
  163. Hello is anyone out there ..... In a lot of pain
  164. Where did my thread go Admin?
  165. feeling really bad
  166. stretch marks
  167. sertraline normal?
  168. Freaking out
  169. SSRI damage
  170. Breast cancer fear yet again, terrified, anxious
  171. Anxious, fast heart rate, I can't do this anymore
  172. im back.
  173. distortion
  174. Juice Fasting
  175. me again
  176. Moving forward
  177. Stomach ulcer - panic
  178. How do you manage your anxiety?
  179. pain in shoulder & back
  180. HPV positive and worried sick.
  181. Stomach pain 3 days in a row
  182. learning to reassure yourself
  183. Health Anxiety and feeling things that 'aren't there'
  184. Palpitations ... Feel different.
  185. Shoulder blade.
  186. Not Sure
  187. chest aches/discomfort
  188. I did it!!!
  189. Dripping
  190. Scratchy Throat on one side, mercury taste in mouth?
  191. One tonsil larger than the other
  192. flutter in throat
  193. Heart vs Head
  194. Pulmonary function tests
  195. Tension headaches
  196. went to the hospital with severe chest pains...
  197. media
  198. Cold and flu
  199. Worried about Olbas oil
  200. me again
  201. Anorexia and anxiety
  202. Can this all be anxiety??
  203. im so sick of shortness of breath
  204. new problem
  205. anxiety attacks or something else
  206. What physical symptoms do you have during a flight?
  207. So scared HA will come back
  208. persitent cold and swollen glands!
  209. anxiety you are really pushing me
  210. Still here
  211. hot tea went down the wrong way...worried I might have damaged my lungs?
  212. Scared of going blind :(
  213. less anxious
  214. persistent cold symptoms and son operation tomorrow
  215. Constantly panicking about boyfriend
  216. glass sliver in finger...Will I die?
  217. Partner has to have c section and i have health anxiety
  218. copper toxicity
  219. Health anxiety game.
  220. so scared
  221. Does flying with braces on hurts?
  222. Acid reflux.
  223. anyone with gallbladder problems
  224. Need help quick! :)
  225. Are skull symmetrical?
  226. hellllllp
  227. I really need help = cant breath....
  228. Little bother... Don't want it to turn big
  229. Eyes - convinced im going blind!
  230. Almost choked
  231. About the HIV test
  232. Weird pain?! Help?
  233. Old feelings returning
  234. Blood
  235. in a massive panic again
  236. trapped nerve in neck/shoulder
  237. Hard lump in lip
  238. Anyone experience globus sensation on one side of throat? Soreness?
  239. 21 year old male worried about ms
  240. I hope this will HELP some people feel relaxed..
  241. Brain tumor help!!!
  242. Think I have pancreatic cancer anyone else?
  243. a few questions (please come by)
  244. Mid panic attack please help
  245. Back again...! (Slight trigger warning for DVT worriers)
  246. Blocked tear duct brain tumor HELP
  247. Worried sick about son
  248. ct and radiation HELP !!!
  249. I'm terrorizing myself over long qt syndrome :( help pls!!
  250. worried about PE