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  1. looking for med advice interaction with omeprazole
  2. Rumbling Belly
  3. Aches n Pains!
  4. Norovirus
  5. Cut in nose that won't heal
  6. Help, terrified!
  7. weight loss and cancer phobia, really fed up and need advice please :(
  8. Yellow tinge in corner of eyes
  9. Rik Mayall
  10. Feels like heart beats once, really scared
  11. panicked when relaxed...
  12. Eyes and Visual Disturbance
  13. Self harm and health anxiety
  14. evening all
  15. Palpatations for no reason?
  16. Health anxiety medication? Help!
  17. Ssri for health anxiety?
  18. Food and anxiety
  19. Itchy palms
  20. bruise
  22. MRI scan results - possible rheumatoid arthritis!
  23. been the doctors
  24. accepting(please read)
  25. Read this if your in "the pit" of health anxiety.
  26. once again worried
  27. Going for my Pelvic Ultrasound tomorrow
  28. Vertigo is back, what is this, SICK!
  29. New to the forum and needing help
  30. HIV test Result
  31. new symtoms everyday
  32. adivce
  33. Anxiety & Strange Jolts - anyone experienced this? Please help.
  34. The first step is the hardest
  35. fear
  36. Air hunger
  37. Cyberchondria, nice article about ha and today's devices
  38. faulty gene
  39. help
  40. Does anyone know how brain tumor symptoms work?
  41. Is there medication to take the edge off?? Not ssri
  42. Mental Health Anxiety
  43. That Age
  44. Arms and legs tensing up! Like there flexing?
  45. Terrified or having to take antibiotics
  46. shaky legs when waking down stairs
  47. scared to go to doctors but scared about brain bleed
  48. worried I might have a skin cancer on the top of my foot
  49. Scared I have bladder cancer and FED UP of contstantly obsessing over symptoms :(
  50. Frightening experience and just don't know what to think.
  51. Aargh! Having a blip and cross with myself.
  52. hit a wall
  53. On the verge of taking a fist of sleeping pills....
  54. Happy little blip!
  55. Not really sure
  56. 11 yr old fainting and dizzy...worried
  57. One breast bigger than other.. Anxious?
  58. Itchy skin and achy everywhere
  59. Itching my leg has caused terrible bruising :(
  60. Pancreas worries
  61. Amitriptyline and red blood spots
  62. bad gateway
  63. constant dizziness and worry!
  64. Health anxiety and anxiety over having to take birth control for the first time...
  65. good day today still with problems
  66. Sinus cancer????
  67. heal wearers
  68. Paralysed with fear over white patches in mouth
  69. Symptoms of anxiety
  70. Toothache in several areas? with a bit of earache blocked up ear and headache
  71. bad day !!!!
  72. The ongoing symptoms of anxiety and HA - your input please!
  73. Scared about HA while I travel.
  74. Adhd and anxiety, which one to treat ? Help!!
  75. flu fever
  76. How are we all doing? :)
  77. Help please blood in toilet!!
  78. Can a cracked molar be in the middle of the tooth, it could actually be a cavity :/
  79. Constantly zoning out.
  80. Face sensations?
  81. Relief…..ish
  82. Weeing still :(
  83. So scared blood test done without gloves
  84. One nostril is always more blocked?
  85. Blood - help
  86. Wishing for an instant fix!
  87. Labrynthitis or Brain Tumour
  88. Pain behind ribs - c word fear AGAIN :(
  89. boob question again(sorry)
  90. poop
  91. Itchy skin and lump in groin (lymphoma fears)
  92. Blood Pressure
  93. pancreatis
  94. Skin cancer fears
  95. New worry... Another blip :(
  96. arsenic and rice?
  97. Is it as simple as positive thinking
  98. Please help. Worried about tingling in left elbow :(
  99. leg lumps
  100. small white spot on back of tongue
  101. How do I 'ignore' symptoms and sensations?
  102. Numb parts on by body
  103. Anxiety is destroying me
  104. still fretting
  105. dental anxiety
  106. Sinus/Allergy issues, anyone can offer advice?
  107. New fears! When will it end?
  108. Hi im new here and would like to share what im going through.
  109. here we go again
  110. Scared to take new medication,PLS help!!
  111. Went to the doctor for blurred vision.
  112. stop thinking and start living
  113. Eye test/brain tumour fear
  114. Day 7 of not smoking - feeling mentally exhausted
  115. Healthy minds
  116. sore underarm
  117. Is it normal to be scared of the actual state like me ?
  118. muscle spasms/twitchs HELP
  119. diarrhea, nausea and vomiting for 2 days
  120. Tongue twitching constantly at rest.
  121. likelihood of dying?
  122. Done With HIV scare
  123. follow up to armpit soreness
  124. bad day
  125. In a complete mess, worries over vulvar cancer AND bf :(
  126. Is this severe anxiety? It feels like more...
  127. Okay, tongue ulcers ~ I googled, now I wish I hadn't.
  128. Back to appendicitis fear..
  129. I have a lump in my neck help please
  130. I am new. obviously dying of my 20th cancer this year!
  131. ocd fibro health anxiety gad? anyone connect this?
  132. Pelvic/groin pain worry
  133. Has anyone actually had their fear come true? Ie a cancer fear ect
  134. Swollen lymph nodes for years help!!!!
  135. Ovarian /cervical cancer- you have probably read this a million times but....
  136. Need Help, High Anxiety
  137. cant believe it
  138. Convinced I have lymphoma
  139. Horrible health anxiety
  140. Im 23 and worry all the time
  141. leukemia fear back in bloody force
  142. accidentally injested some kind of chemical...but not sure what? :/
  143. so scared
  144. IBS or something worse
  145. Relief for me but still looking for advice from others
  146. fibromyalgia
  147. ALS fear at it's worst now
  148. Alcohol make it worse sometimes?
  149. another private scan booked. I have no strength! please help. I will end up bankrupt!
  150. Migraine Aura - experiences
  151. Brain tumor
  152. Throbbing when standing up
  153. New here. Terrified of petechiae
  154. Me again - MS Now
  155. Chest pains really getting me down now
  156. Scared, swollen glands, legs...
  157. follow on from 11yr old fainting...so worried
  158. New symptoms making my throat cancer fear worse...
  159. Update and false hope...
  160. Can biting my cheek lead to this?
  161. Cold tingling sensation in back of head
  162. Genuinely feel like this is how I'm going to die now. Scared.
  163. 24 7 symptoms
  164. Everyone posting here should read this
  165. Tight chest, chest pain while walking
  166. Palpitations
  167. Anxiety worse after big meals, worried I have something rare
  168. Help me
  169. Alcohol/sedative-hypnotic addiction, does anyone understand?
  170. Large lump in right side of stomach
  171. Heart - scared
  172. Have I got bladder cancer?
  173. Urghent help needed
  174. Please
  175. Does anxiety cause all this
  176. Gallstone??
  177. Scared
  178. Neck muscle, artery, or vein question
  179. Constant nasty smelling burps and gases
  180. Various symptoms ....... Falling apart
  181. High Platelet Count
  182. burning throat ear head pressure
  183. Relaxed mind... physical symptoms remain. How long?
  184. Fear of Bipolar/Schiz
  185. white area on tongue
  186. Fatty Liver is taking over my brain ?
  187. Clumps of Hair Falling Out in Shower?
  188. Globus sensation, need to swallow twice
  189. So I guess I have HA?
  190. HA is slowly taking over me :( Won´t it ever get better?
  191. Scratched top off of a mole... Panicking
  192. Afraid I'm pregnant with copper IUD
  193. I'm having a bad morning
  194. Bad couple of days
  195. a dry cough over 3 weeks now
  196. Now a mess :(
  197. Pulling
  198. broken
  199. Swishing in ears
  200. Lower back pain and stomach
  201. Terrible
  202. Here again....
  203. Swollen lymphnodes after insect bites panic setting in
  204. actual anxiety feeling a bit better... but loads of symptoms worrying me!
  205. vulva cancer
  206. Update on my son
  207. New symptoms worrying me :( (brain tumour anxiety)
  208. Pain behind sternum after endoscopy yesterday. Help!
  209. Brilliant podcast!
  210. lumps bottom of spine- lymph nodes?
  211. advice please? :(
  212. It's back! Leukemia
  213. Here I am again :-(
  214. Pregnant with health anxiety
  215. electrocuted by outlet, please help!
  216. Ophthalmologist.
  217. Enlarged, hard lymph nodes?? Really scared!!
  218. 2014 was tough, now facing new lymph node symptoms
  219. Anxiety over tiredness!
  220. Whirlwind of health anxiety, never ending
  221. Too scared to book my wedding....
  222. Feel like something is in my throat
  223. 2 months of severe anxiety-getting in the way of life.
  224. Flu Virus, or Anxiety!? OR BOTH!?
  225. acid reflux - is it in my head??
  226. HELP
  227. Is this normal?
  228. swolen groin lymph node scan today..POSITIVE:)
  229. Brain tumor to Melanoma
  230. CURE
  231. A very helpful book so far
  232. Flu-season wont let go of me!
  233. Constant Illness
  234. As bad as it gets...rock bottom
  235. I think I have fatel insomnia
  236. Pretty much "accepted" that this must be cervical cancer...
  237. Bad day with c-word fears - advice and support needed :(
  238. Medication problems not being solved :(
  239. First time drinking Alcohol!
  240. One (very) small step...
  241. How can I overcome fear of psychosis
  242. tonsillitis
  243. Is this pneumonia?
  244. borderline rheumatoid factor and fear of further tests :(
  245. Dr told me today I have a 'RED FLAG' sympton for Cancer
  246. Itching mouth! Panic
  247. Drooling
  248. MRI acoustic neuroma
  249. backward fall PANICKING ME
  250. having panic attack - need help