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  1. A&E again...massive MS fears.
  2. Lung cancer!!!
  3. What do you think caused your HA? Your first HA experience? (possibly triggering)
  4. I'm terrified !!!
  5. "Symptoms" you suspect are serious, but turned out to be kind of funnily wrong!
  6. 'extreme' weight loss
  7. Ears driving me mad - massive cancer fears AGAIN :(
  8. HOLD
  9. Winter weather effects
  10. Melanoma? Second opnion?
  11. Lypth nodes all over neck
  12. Head/Earaches
  13. New here, suffering badly with panic and fear of dying! Would love some support.
  14. Throat
  15. Skin cancer!? Picture! Please help
  16. Has anyone ever smoked weed?
  17. HA been acting up lately
  18. Skin marks
  19. panic
  20. The 'C' word!!!!! And others.........
  21. Meltdown over back pain
  22. Tight Scalp
  23. Lower left side pelvic pain
  24. weird flutters/palpitations in throat
  25. Can feel health anxiety coming back...
  26. Can stress/lack of activity cause heart skipping/extra heartbeat?
  27. Should I trust my doc?
  28. Ovarian cancer??
  29. Getting off omeprazole, worried about vitamin deficiency
  30. muscle spasm's breathing problem.and google
  31. chest pain NOW - So scared
  32. Sinus issues
  33. eyesight is defo worsening
  34. Tiny white lump/spot on gum - mouth cancer?
  35. Ribs and sore throat issue
  36. smoke/burning smell in nose!!
  37. "If I put the box back in the cupboard THAT way, I'll get cancer, so I'll turn it..."
  38. Insect bites - bleeding under the skin
  39. chest pains can anyone help?
  40. My H.A is becoming out of control/ have taken Cipro antibiotic
  41. keep smelling bacon!
  42. Please Help
  43. Was doing great now sudden severe anxiety
  44. Have you suffered with any other somatoform disorders other than HA?
  45. Heavy head
  46. Burning
  47. esr
  48. Why me anxiety?
  49. Swelling under right eye
  50. When you have symptoms people tell you "yeah get that checked out asap" for..
  51. First time post...itching and cancer
  52. Cheeks burning.
  53. Bombarded by media health advice
  54. Swelling and pain in calf and thigh
  55. Hi! Severe case of hypochondria here!
  56. Tingling in leg
  57. help ! tight ball feeling in throat feel my throats collapsing
  58. Scared of losing my memory
  59. Advice please re ENT Consultation
  60. Not sure how to feel after Doc appointment today
  61. major panic attack!
  62. chest pain, jaw pain and left arm pain.. all anxiety??
  63. Visiting the Dr. TOO much
  64. A Newbie needing some advice.
  65. Anxiety over iron pills...
  66. Can't stop thinking I have cancer. :(
  67. So you think our have Cancer?
  68. Cancer scared
  69. Please read this if you are struggling with your health anxiety...
  70. Please help, breaking down!
  71. Anxiety and sinus problems
  72. Anxiety and sinus problems
  73. Health anxiety taking over .... He
  74. Convinced myself im going blind :(
  75. Eye floaters.
  76. Chest pain on right side (heart?) that comes on, then goes, then comes back?
  77. Feeling of hunger
  78. signing out
  79. advice please...nervous and worried.
  80. Does it ever get better?
  81. Bowel question
  82. Outer thigh pain and leg pain
  83. Kind of HA related.
  84. Panicking thinking i have hiv
  85. relapse
  86. cough and metallic taste
  87. tight head mostly behind ears area no pain
  88. taste in mouth?
  89. Health Anxiety and Fear of Suicide
  90. Sinus cancer and CT scan, worried?!
  91. Inhaling mold from peach tree?
  92. Problem
  93. This worry keeps coming back
  94. HA Back :( C-word fears over tiredness and itchy skin!! Help!!
  95. How rare is mouth cancer for my age?
  96. Itchy Left Palm
  97. pcos & spotting
  98. clicking in bottom of head/top of neck
  99. Scared to go to a counsellor
  100. Scared of abdominal/digestive pain
  101. liver
  102. An Apology.....
  103. Someone, Somewhere - Please help :( Going out of my mind with Lymph Nodes!!!!!!
  104. Bad couple of days :(
  105. Can't focus on moving objects.
  106. Something in my throat???? Freaking out!
  107. Enlarged lymph nodes?
  108. Anal skin tags
  109. Need someone to talk to..
  110. Lymphoma/Throat Cancer/HIV scare
  111. Newbie member, massive health anxiety issues
  112. My heart feels thick/heavy help!
  113. Time to breathe and step forward
  114. Annnnnnd back to the mole
  115. Just dont know
  116. me again
  117. Been a while... nose-breathing problems :O
  118. tiny lump/ bigger lump than the other nipple lumpy bits?!
  119. I think I ate some potato that was rotten, feeling sick? :(
  120. First time poster - sometimes pee smells sweet?
  121. Obsessed with skin cancer and worried over mole/scab on scalp :(
  122. citalopram 10 mg
  123. Could it be hormonal
  124. Can we see Salivary glands on floor of mouth?
  125. problems
  126. Dentist Visit
  127. Bloating and diarrhoea but feel well?
  128. I've outdone myself today and had to laugh... and share
  129. Dizzy, vertigo and eye movements - 2 and a half years - I've had enough
  130. Too scared to exercise in case I drop dead!
  131. Toothache - worried about pain relief
  132. Breast Cancer & Ebola
  133. Panicking over Disease...thirteen years later
  134. MS scared
  135. Fear of going to bathroom
  136. How can you tell if it is anxiety or not
  137. anxious about flu symptoms! for god sake! :(
  138. rib tenderness
  139. Newby - Amoxicillin
  140. dentist cancer
  141. Sore tongue
  142. Tingling in upper lip area (moustache area if I had one!)
  143. I need reassurance or advice :(
  144. Freakiig out... Help
  145. How long does it take to calm down
  146. Fears over consequences of Vitamin D deficiency
  147. Can we get new moles as we get older?
  148. Convinced of having Melanoma and crying all day!
  149. Scared
  150. help
  151. advice please
  152. Back again :-(
  153. Will tablets clear fuzzy head.
  154. does anyone else freak about when the media launches a cancer campaign
  155. Belly button
  156. Anxious about ct scan?!
  157. bruising under eye
  158. Puncture wound from cat scratch- just when it was all okay...
  159. Tight chest. Scared.
  160. boob worry need advice
  161. Dip in scalp
  162. cold causing breathing problems ?
  163. menthol vapour rub on soles of feet harmful??
  164. Major health worries after dodgy bloods!
  165. Brain tumor ? I'm freaking out
  166. Awareness of something in throat
  167. weird lumpy tonsils
  168. Winded, dizzy from talking (3+ months)
  169. wil they see cancer when having a c section??
  170. Help just been stung by a wasp or bee
  171. Co-amoxiclav for kidney infection
  172. Avil antihistimine
  173. Please advise experiences
  174. havent felt right in over a year and very fed up
  175. worried about ALS
  176. Back pain comes and goes?
  177. Hot painful scalp
  178. Strained Oesophagus?
  179. tooth worry pushing me into a downward spiral
  180. Waiting for results, nervous!
  181. Heavy Stomach Feeling :(
  182. Dilated pupils
  183. Do I have health anxiety?
  184. eye wormy?
  185. positive story
  186. feel like I'm waiting for something to go wrong
  187. Constant worry is wearing me down!
  188. Itching!
  189. chest pains caused by a cough, whats normal?
  190. its never ending!! juts found swelling and got pain behind the knee!! dvt ahhhhh!!
  191. smacked side of head on car door. would you go to A&E
  192. Please convince me that my heart won't stop for no reason
  193. Feeling Tired All Day
  194. Feeling of food stuck in chest, lower throat and back
  195. I may have swallowed a tiny bit of glass? need some reassurance, Very worried?
  196. Health anxiety gone from feeling medical conditions to mental illnesses?
  197. Not feeling great - stupid HA
  198. Weird visual symptom.
  199. New here! Current worry: chest pains
  200. Ha taking over my life! Headaxhess!!!
  201. Dizzy Vertigo - Health anxiety or not? Need an answer or help...
  202. got drs later for my breast
  203. Head pain = tiredness or tiredness = head pain
  204. fear blood clot or cancer coughed up blood
  205. emetnaphobia worry? sickness bug??
  206. Scared of anal cancer or bowel cancer
  207. Snowboarding first time
  208. Alcohol and health anxiety - please read
  209. Felt like I didnt WANT to swallow, now it feels like I CANT swallow
  210. New Here - Intro and What's Up
  211. Different Breathing/Feeling Run Down/Exercise
  212. Sinus CT scan, scared!
  213. Today is my three year anniversary !
  214. Weird head rush
  215. Freaking out one sided face tingling. Please help?
  216. How to cope with a night away
  217. So tired of all of this
  218. Lost perspective, need some help - constantly gassy and soft stool
  219. Muscle spasm in throat
  220. hair dye phobia.
  221. lab results. Someone help me through this!
  222. are gallstones bad do they cause cancer?
  223. Lightheaded/dizzy sensation
  224. Shingles and guess what... c word fears again!
  225. horrible sensation while driving in snow leaving me anxious
  226. Worried about breathing
  227. how accurate are d dimers??
  228. Adverts
  229. Can't stop crying and panicking
  230. Sore armpit that comes and goes
  231. Blood in Urine.......... UTI or Worse
  232. Question re bruises
  233. Anxiety Worse after giving up smoking
  234. Producing lots of saliva, and feel like I'm swallowing mucus.
  235. dental phobia anyone....
  236. Worried after Blood Test results
  237. How long does your thrat hurt from anxiety
  238. asbestos fear.
  239. Does eating food that's burnt cause cancer
  240. Painful lymph nodes in groin
  241. Someone else's tissue
  242. Bad nights
  243. Blood Pressure: Extreme fear and fixation
  244. Tight band around the head headache
  245. Shoulder/back!!
  246. sat in tears leg is still hurting and slightly swollen
  247. TWITCHING!!!
  248. Hot flushes
  249. Pressure ontop of head!! Please help!
  250. Water Infection - Another Drs Appt Now Confused?!