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  1. Pneumonia diagnosed - scared now :-(
  2. Sleep problems
  3. blood clot worries
  4. Terrified I have Rheumatoid Arthritis - anyone else?
  5. Can HA/GAD trigger early menopause?
  6. Struggling again with some neurological symptoms 😞
  7. Son choked on bath water now I'm freaking out!
  8. Night shortness of breath-any ideas??
  9. acid reflux /sick can't sleep scared
  10. Cold/sick feeling symptoms with no cold?!
  11. Have I got a blood clot?!!
  12. HA resurfaced - help please
  13. Endoscopy v Omeprazole
  14. Lump on anus - lymph node?
  15. Twinge pain under left breast
  16. Head pressure, flashing lights- how much can HA cause anticipated symptoms?
  17. help please
  18. Getting better
  19. small freckles on lips
  20. Am I experiencing health anxiety?! PROPANOLOL, ANXIETY.
  21. Various stomach issues
  22. Cancer Anxiety
  23. I can't stop taking my blood sugar
  24. CIPRO side effects / general worries
  25. questions about palpitations/flutters
  26. I need to break free!!!
  27. viral meningitis , heart failure scared
  28. Scared of exercise / heart rate rising
  29. Terrified it's my pancreas
  30. Newbie-chest tightness days after panic attack
  31. Fasting blood test
  32. Anxiety over asthma symptoms and side effects from inhaler
  33. symtoms everyday for year +
  34. Freaking out!!!
  35. Anxiety tension headaches?
  36. Terrified I have throat cancer
  37. This is Hell
  38. Dyed hair with permenant dye and now panicking!
  39. Where do you draw the line?! Help
  40. New Here. Feeling sad
  41. Tips for calming yourself down in waiting room?
  42. HA Can Hit Anyone
  43. wish someone could put my mind at rest
  44. Shaky finger
  45. Still freaking out about HIV
  46. worried about pancrease cancer
  47. argh symtoms overload feel seriously scared !!
  48. heart attack symptoms
  49. Started drinking...
  50. So annoyed!!!
  51. super scared I have colon cancer
  52. asbestos worry
  53. asbestos worry
  54. weird stinging sensation in throat
  55. Why can't I trust the GP
  56. Why did I check?!
  57. so worried about buttock pain
  58. Please help...awaiting HIV test result and I'm so scared
  59. Lightheadedness and dizziness
  60. Dizziness brain cancer?
  61. Sharp chest pains / back pain
  62. Please help
  63. Strange pain at back of head
  64. what should the back of your throat look like?
  65. Biting tongue/clenching teeth in sleep?
  66. i have set my self some serious goals
  67. Health anxiety and going on holiday
  68. really worried about my mums test results
  69. this is so hard
  70. Petrified of my own body.
  71. at doctors office
  72. Lump in Thigh
  73. HIV phobia is back but i'm ok!
  74. Throat swelling/tightness
  75. Walked into pole
  76. Speech problems
  77. stomach in knots
  78. First post in years. Fearing all diseases plus needle phobia
  79. Labyrinthtus/viral inner ear infection or something far worse
  80. Is this Anxiety !!
  81. Teeth obssesion
  82. tonsillitis
  83. Banged my head- do I need to see a GP for concussion?
  84. happy over test results
  85. ha distorts everything
  86. Heart attack or anxiety?
  87. Hot/burning spot on leg
  88. White speck on nipple causing me to panic
  89. I have a cold AGAIN??!
  90. Awful als fear
  91. Fellow twitchers please help
  92. Woke up with heart racing- went dizzy
  93. Feeling sick. Something's wrong and I'm terrified
  94. Ms als fear
  95. pulled muscle in chest ?
  96. Presyncope (Almost Fainted?)
  97. Feeling bleak
  98. cbt
  99. aneurysm anxiety
  100. Can I make a Lymph Node bigger?
  101. rant about moles...
  102. Still having digestive problems
  103. What is this?
  104. Shortness of Breath....
  105. Blood clot & birth control..
  106. Waiting for mole biopsy results (and freaking out ofc)
  107. Fingers feet and face tingles help
  108. Dull/weak reflexes - should I be worried?
  109. Muscles spasms are so bad my vision is off
  110. crawling/cramping/pins and needles.. HELP IM FREAKING OUT!!
  111. Terrible foot symptoms - can this be anxiety?
  112. Steroid side effects? freaking out :(
  113. pins and needles type sensation. may crawling. SCARED
  114. Chest pain
  115. New Here
  116. Need advice
  117. Its Back Again...I Think
  118. Worried I could of some how caught hepatitis
  119. Interesting article on Health Anxiety
  120. Can't get back to sleep ..jolting breathing ...
  121. GP has frightened me :( lymphoma fears
  122. Is this statement true?
  123. red spots
  124. Indigestion/heartburn - Could this be cancer?
  125. Bowel cancer or IBS?
  126. Can't stop yawning?
  127. Hayfever!
  128. Scalloped Tongue? ALS FEAR - PLEASE HELP
  129. Holter monitor showed heart rate of 159
  130. Feel like I can never relax, I keep thinking I'm going to die (Hypochondriac)
  131. Does one-time earbud use cause tinnitus?
  132. help I'm scared
  133. 1 in 10000
  134. colon cancer? health anxiety is back...
  135. My doctor retired and I feel lost
  136. Annoyed at husband
  137. Breast pain - Very scared
  138. panicking repeat my bloods
  139. Now worried I coukd have colon cancer :(
  140. please ladies read my post :-(
  141. Ache in lower bum/leg
  143. Lymphoma major panic attack
  144. wish I could live in a bubble
  145. I need some advice please as I am at breakpoint
  146. Embarassing problem, Hemorrhoids?
  147. Anxiety and Weight Loss
  148. im so worried i may have leukemia
  149. fairly normal day turned into brain anyrsm fear
  150. Spider veins above eyes worry
  151. Liver hemangioma
  152. Head pains are scaring me!
  153. esophagus cancer worries
  154. Suddenly feel really down 😔 question for those that got better??
  155. Lymphoma fear- Swollen lymph nodes
  156. Head pains
  157. twitchy bottom lip anyone???
  158. GI question
  159. my stools were orange !!
  160. If it's not one disease.... it's another!
  161. twitchy...trying to fight the urge to Google.
  162. severe sudden pain someone please help
  163. blood blister on gum
  164. Worried :(
  165. Could a big sore red spot bring up a lymph node?
  166. Poor appetite is really starting to concern me :(
  167. Really stiff neck and lots of lymph nodes
  168. postnatal anxiety
  169. woken with heart attack symtoms
  170. scared about persistent pain in left collarbone
  171. Jaw pain HELP?!
  172. gall bladder removal - operation anxiety
  173. Am i showing signs of Lymphoma?
  174. Could my health be at risk from eating after this happened?
  175. i need help!
  176. pancreatic cancer worried
  177. don't want to go back to the emergency room
  178. Been diagnosed with likely mild discoid lupus
  179. Chronic chesty cough. Shortness of breath.
  180. SO worried about having a heart attack :(
  181. Fibromyalgia - What does it feel like?
  182. Scared...... IBS or Ovarian Cancer?
  183. Twitching
  184. help
  185. Please help trying not to google - stiffness, achiness, cracking joints
  186. I feel like giving up
  187. desperate need for help. :'(
  188. Cant cope anymore
  189. Just feel very hopeless and need someone to talk to
  190. Anxiety feel so twitchy
  191. So scared :-(
  192. help please
  193. HELP! Total airway blockage in certain postures?!
  194. Scared that I've had a seizure.
  195. strange mark
  196. blood clot in leg
  197. Some Friendly advice.....
  198. Ovarian Cancer Fear - Please Help!
  199. tongue question :-(
  200. dizziness and heart worry!
  201. Need encouragement please!
  202. Newcomer looking for support - General H/A
  203. last post about als please help I feel so hopeless
  204. I have recently began to get a comedown from weed, what could be the issue here?
  205. lump in throat
  206. How do you get help for real health issues?
  207. Melanoma fear back again
  208. Chest pain with exercise?
  209. here we go again
  210. In a mess here - sweating
  211. Bone Tumor?
  212. Terrified of leukaemia
  213. Not HA But Red Ears?
  214. Hep C/ HIV from a Razor at the Barber
  215. Chest pain, palpitations, SADS
  216. Salivary gland cancer??
  217. Swollen lymph nodes, pain ..... Not sure how much more I can take
  218. high health anxiety..5 doctors still fear misdiagnosed
  219. Lumps under chin
  220. Hellish few days. Absolutely desparate for help
  221. Anyone else as HA plagued as I am?!!!
  222. Eyesight
  223. How to ignore feeling unwell(?)
  224. Weird breathing:obsessive belching
  225. Carbon monoxide
  226. Worries about my mother, her heart is irregular.
  227. New here -- Terrible ALS Fear -- Long Post Thoughts Appreciated
  228. constant throbbing in head?
  229. Scared I'm going to die
  230. vision going dim at night
  231. my stupid ha brain
  232. My five year old
  233. Thinking styles
  234. Spasms/Twitching/Nerve pain
  235. Deviated septum surgery
  236. Panicking and frightened
  237. dizzy
  238. Appetite
  239. Stomach cancer
  240. Allergies / Cold? ... of course, I think I have leukemia
  241. Still achy lower back and leg 6 weeks :
  242. Morning nausea everyday
  243. Could you get HIV from someone handleing your food?
  244. help please
  245. Bright line in sight every time I blink
  246. What's the chances?!
  247. General advice for everyone struggling with health anxiety
  248. Blood Clot worries
  249. Should I be worried about this?
  250. New bout of HA: Recal cancer - possible TMI!