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  1. New bout of HA: Recal cancer - possible TMI!
  2. Back again...brain tumour HA
  3. Spot on neck
  4. Introducing myself and vitamin D deficiency
  5. Weird spasm in centre of chest after exercise
  6. werid spasm /thump in chest
  7. Muscle joint pain and stiffness.
  8. Witty Article - I'm an Internet Hypochondriac
  9. worried- my gum at the back feels swollen? :/
  10. Get fit
  11. Is HIV hard to transmit?
  12. Is bottled water bad for teeth?
  13. possible DVT
  14. The Inability To Be Happy .... What the hell is wrong in my head.....
  15. I'm waking up with headaches every morning...
  16. HA about citalopram ruining my brain
  17. ALS Anxiety - Long read, input appreciated -
  18. Help again :(
  19. Anxiety cause sore eyes?
  20. flat mole got a lot lighter -worried
  21. Bedtime problems. Help and reassure
  22. Googling symptoms has me a nervous wreck!
  23. swelling hands and burning up help !
  24. HA ruining my life
  25. worried about lump on rib
  26. Concentrating on breathing
  27. What is it?
  28. scared to go back to dentist
  29. Feel like I have a temperature, but I don't?
  30. cold feeling in my veins
  31. Nosebleed worry
  32. Lost
  33. In a relapse I can't find myself out of
  34. Terrified I have Pancreatic Cancer
  35. bad mid back pain hurts to take deep breathes
  36. Bleeding from anus
  37. I feel so unwell and don't know what to do
  38. Help! Frequent Urination?? :(
  39. Worried my sister's dying!?
  40. Freaked myself out :-(
  41. Hot spots in twitching?! Really worried, my twitching is becoming localized
  42. Some advice and help please?
  43. what does having a liver cyst mean?
  44. lrandom skin tags in mouth
  45. Pain around the throat area
  46. small movable lumps inside lower lip
  47. Help! So frightened. I have a gum infection and I reacted to the tablets, what to do?
  48. stomach sensation
  49. How to keep your sanity while waiting for test/biopsy result?
  50. Painful Lump In Front of Ear - Is It Dangerous?
  51. I've been awake all night!
  52. feel like I'm going mad and lost control !!!!!
  53. Numb Scalp
  54. Feeling hopeless
  55. still panicking over soft movable lump on rib
  56. skin cancer
  57. Jaw ache
  58. Panic setting in - swollen below index finger
  59. too scared too sleep again tonight
  60. can't sleep too scared
  61. A&E
  62. not in a good way
  63. arm feels weird
  64. brain tumor fear
  65. Sure something is very wrong.
  66. symptoms of ovarian cancer going out of mind please help
  67. scared of liver failure (or worse??)
  68. So I just saw the GP...
  69. Light headiness
  70. Blood tests- please help I'm really worried!
  71. Back pain and breathing
  72. Clarithromycin... Anxious !
  73. Going through a terrible time
  74. Pretty much at rock bottom again!
  75. Hand briefly paralyzed? Is this normal?
  76. White toe
  77. Bathroom anxiety
  78. CBT Advice please
  79. Testicular Cancer fear...help?
  80. Overthinking about eyes
  81. TMI gel like blood after passing stool
  82. god think I might die what too do
  83. help taken 4mg of dizapam now worried I'll die
  84. Scared Merina Coil embedded - terrified
  85. anyone else have a lipoma
  86. When should GP send me for tests for reflux?
  87. Son has a small lump, anyone help?
  88. Really terrified. When to go to a doctor.
  89. panciking that i could catch this?!
  90. Finger tip lines? Scared
  91. chest pain worries.
  92. Really starting to think im seriously ill
  93. One year later and fear of blood returns...
  94. itchy hot swollen feet after long walks scared
  95. hot ankles .... swollen ..... confused tunnel vision
  96. Help! In a massive panic over my elbow!
  97. Drank too much water today and worrying about water intoxication
  98. Scared to take medication
  99. Day 3 of Citalopram - Anxiety bad
  100. why cant i stop worrying over this lump i have
  101. What the hell is wrong with my stomach
  102. It's all happening at once - Deficiency? Advice
  103. Allergies or cold?
  104. Appetite is back stool is normal but still worried
  105. Dry mouth and speaking
  106. Doing so well with health anxiety till...
  107. Low iron...cancer???
  108. Right Temple Pain
  109. The most important rules of HA
  110. One symptom goes, another takes its place
  111. Surely I'm not the only one?
  112. pounding headache for days
  113. tiny black dot appeared on my nail cuticle
  114. pounding headache for days
  115. I just need some advice
  116. Not being able to sneeze
  117. Bedbug bites??
  118. HA 1 - 0 Shaun
  119. Some reassurance PLEASE
  120. Burning heel, scared of MS
  121. Bum ache and leg ache
  122. worried about abdominal lump.
  123. My heart stopped.... Well sort of
  124. Felt head rush or something while smoking.
  125. Felt head rush or something while smoking.
  126. 2 people in 6 months dying from sudden death that I know - I can't cope
  127. when fear takes hold
  128. Fast heart rate
  129. Health anxiety, lump in throat terrified its cancer
  130. chronic inflamed sinus.... scared I have cancer.
  131. Lymph Nodes Question/Rant Advice Much Appreciated!
  132. back too being scared too go too sleep
  133. Symptoms of HIV after 2/3 days? Awaiting results, long post/story
  134. Some rational advice please?
  135. Losing weight
  136. Anxious over my heart
  137. What causes us to be like this?
  138. Daughter chewing food excessively - worried
  139. Worried myself
  140. Think I've got tetanus, scared
  141. Bump under tongue??
  142. Things you had before HA but HA made you more aware
  143. feel so bad ..... can't eat or sleep ;!!!!!!!!
  144. ALS Fear
  145. Heightened sense of smell
  146. Abdomen always bloated...
  147. What is going on in athletes hearts?
  148. Tip for when you feel you can't breathe
  149. Not accepting doctor verdict/health anxiety
  150. oh nooooooo sore throat and head cold convinced I'm dying
  151. Another ALS fear
  152. Bruising.
  153. Mole on leg
  154. Meriva Coil Embedded in my uterus, terrified
  155. Endoscopy tomorrow and I'm freaking out
  156. Scared of brain tumor
  157. Is it possible to have a blood clot in front of your knee?
  158. Pressure on top of head & doomy feeling
  159. Lockjaw, HELP!!!!
  160. Feeling rough and anxiety going into overdrive
  161. General fear of death?
  162. Did citalopram help you with HA / fear of death?
  163. Had another tetanus booster only 7 years has passed now scared
  164. help help help
  165. ALS fear- now has moved to BULBAR onset - will this hell ever end?
  166. Sinusitis bloody nose?
  167. for women - periods and anxiety
  168. Trimethoprim 200mg prescribed for UTI how long before it work?
  169. worried about mid back pain
  170. someone help me so scarred no one listening family wise
  171. Trying to Convince Myself I Don't Have Cancer
  172. I have to have an ultrasound and i'm terrified i could have cancer
  173. Gastro doctor, GERD, and ultrasound
  174. ATYPICAL TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA, please read, I am in agony
  175. Liver disease?
  176. i fainted :-(
  177. ok still no change from last night been up 24 hours straight .....
  178. Urine infection and panicking
  179. chest again help
  180. Let's talk nutrition.
  181. Anyone with experience of a sebaceous cyst
  182. IBS? Ovarian Cancer? Pulled Muscle?
  183. New to the forum...current worry...ibc
  184. DVT or pe worries
  185. mid back pain over a year scared mummy
  186. Help please!!!:((((((
  187. Muscle or Lump in neck?
  188. Scared of going to the dr/blood pressure
  189. Could I contract something by the way a person handled my food?
  190. Constant muscle crawling/spasms
  191. bloody 111
  192. lump on jaw close to right ear
  193. doctors sent me for urgent chest xray but got too wait 48 hours freaking out
  194. Scared out of my mind that I have HIV
  195. Eyelid twitching... what's the longest someone's had it?
  196. high blood pressure and anxiety!
  197. Lumps and bumps and chest pain. The usual.
  198. help me again
  199. Womens issue. Being brave seeing the GP today.
  200. currently awaiting cbt apt 18th june just need some reassurance pls
  201. stare wall and blink!
  202. Sick of acid!
  203. starting too feel like im just mental and HA and OCD is just a excuse
  204. "Time to worry about something else.."- Says my neurologist
  205. Just so scared
  206. Dr said i don't have oc still worries please read
  207. can not shake the worry still
  208. Racing heart episodes. Please help
  209. Fish bone stuck in throat panic!!
  210. Please help need reassurance
  211. Flu like symptoms -Having a panic!
  212. Severe health anxiety
  213. Heart Anxiety.. still
  214. Various GI issues
  215. frightened I've got anayphalaxis
  216. Eye floaters
  217. How are you guys with alcohol?
  218. Anticipating/ fear of return of weird symptom
  219. Sore throat from acid reflux
  220. HIV WORRIES: Could this be a possible scenario?
  221. question for people with ibs/acid reflux
  222. Breathing issues AGAIN!!
  223. bump to the head
  224. daughter has glandular fever and really poorly
  225. Feeling really out of it.
  226. Should I be concerned?
  227. Scaring myself with shakiness and tired
  228. Does anyone get so nausteated they can't eat? For days/weeks?
  229. Worried about my mum - back pain
  230. Tingling sensation in feet?
  231. My body's gone haywire
  232. Shallow breathing after taking Magnesium
  233. Never had so many anxieties at once
  234. Don't know what's making me ill
  235. What's wrong With Me, So Miserable
  236. Tongue Worries - still... please help breaking down
  237. saliva... tongue... i hate anxiety
  238. I'm about at that giving up point guys..
  239. Relapse- Swallowing Issues!
  240. Lump in thigh
  241. infected finger
  242. Vagus nerve GI symptoms
  243. Concerned about Stomach Issues
  244. Any tips for dealing with HA?
  245. Keep going to fall asleep and my body just sends me into a big twitch. What the
  246. Strange feelings in head/headaches/pressure?
  247. Lymph node back of neck? Cyst? Tumor?!
  248. sudden head pain
  249. Neck muscle different sizes (image)
  250. Now it's possibly si joint going for xray??