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  1. Nearly had a full on panic attack over something...
  2. Is oral thrush serious? :(
  3. hi I'm back with some good news !!!
  4. Tight feeling around ribs
  5. Sore and gruff throat
  6. Brain Tumor MRI Results
  7. Swelling in one armpit please help!!!
  8. Constant Skin Cancer Fears
  9. feel like going drs again but i know they will say the same
  10. palps
  11. Does anyone else feel lymphnodes in their neck?
  12. Off balance
  13. Itchy skin on period
  14. Gallbladder.
  15. has anyone made full recovery or at least a good one
  16. I just know I'm ill
  17. Lump on back of neck mystery
  18. Inderal/Beta Blockers
  19. fear taking over
  20. signs everywhere
  21. What is life like after recovery?
  22. Lump above my Adams apple...
  23. Gerd/hiatal hernia
  24. Severe insomnia or fatal insomnia
  25. Lump on back of neck
  26. BAD anxiety over dad having to go into surgery tomorrow
  27. Worried about a Mole
  28. Any advice? Need to sort this out.
  29. More worry regarding colds/sore throat...
  30. Is it possible to contract Genital Herpes this way?
  31. Getting over ALS fear! But now constant twitching in fingers in right hand
  32. Dark mole. Can't cope with this.
  33. Mouth Ulcers - Oral Cancer Fear
  34. Bit of a weird one
  35. Black dot in mouth???
  36. sleep apnea, general breathlessness
  37. Pains under ribs on the left side
  38. what meds are considered the best for anxiety?
  39. what does an xray show ?
  40. Feeling sick after a dream.
  41. rib tenderness
  42. Doctor found a cyst in my sinuses
  43. Would a CT scan definitely show a sinus tumor?
  44. do I have bipolar??
  45. Insomnia, tough week. Ear infection or?
  46. took beta blocker after endoscopy...worried about overdose from sedative
  47. panicking. really really panicking
  48. hey guys guess what .... I have been diagnosed
  49. I am so afraid of dying that I can't enjoy living :(
  50. Terrified of a heart attack
  51. Big black circles in front of my eyes
  52. Hey guys im new hear, PLease help / reassure!
  53. Realisation!!
  54. So worried and mad at myself
  55. TBM - Dermatology Abbreviation Mole Under Toenail Biopsy.
  56. Worried I have colon cancer
  57. why do i keep freaking myself out
  58. feel so tired but still scared too sleep
  59. Can't breathe properly. Help!
  60. MRSA ??? Lots of spots on face 3 days after hospital
  61. Stressing over toilet seats - reassurance please
  62. Just Realised The Biggest Mistake I was Making
  63. Feeling a bit down in the dumps
  64. Strange heart beat?
  65. Really bad phobia of losing my teeth!!
  66. New to forum -> Looking for general reassurance + shoulder / arm discomfort
  67. Awful feelings and awful anxiety
  68. Intermittent tingling....fear of stroke
  69. Please help! Scared - vertical lines on fingertips
  70. Tummy/bleeding update
  71. Dizziness with shoulder tension
  72. Endoscopy
  73. Vision Issues
  74. Worried about back and neck
  75. Warm water feeling on foot?
  76. help please really scared
  77. Really struggling..
  78. Enlarged submandibular glands??
  79. unexplained ??? wind ... and no control of bladder
  80. Heart worries
  81. Hope you all have a GOOD day today :)
  82. List your 3 main worries today. It's good to talk!
  83. feeling of lack of oxygen
  84. Tarred with the anxiety lable
  85. tummy problems
  86. Pelvix/ lower back xray resuls
  87. pains in side.
  88. Possible HIV/ Hep C contraction?
  89. health anxiety causing eating anxiety and family problems
  90. Out of Control Pancreatic Cancer Fear
  91. Still freaking out about burning feet - anyone please?
  92. Raised Mole Paranoia
  93. Low B12 - Answer to my health anxiety
  94. sore nipple
  95. Moles again- trying not to google!!
  96. HPV and Throat cancer worries
  97. Feeling Hopeless and alone, again...
  98. Anxiety-Constant Blood Clot Worry
  99. piles or something worse?
  100. Anxiety effects or something more serious?
  101. so fed up of worrying over lumps and back pain
  102. Neck bubbling/fizzing
  103. keep feeling sick
  104. still scared about ovarian cancer please help
  105. Strange feeling in Muscle
  106. got myself worked up this morning over bowel movement
  107. Lymphoma/Leukaemia worries.... AGAIN!
  108. Ovarian cancer
  109. every day it's something new
  110. I feel like I'm losing my mind over my teeth!
  111. been doing so well but now relapse
  112. convinced I have pan can- the symptoms are too real
  113. scared blood poisoning
  114. Bad taste in mouth, exhaustion?
  115. Bad heart palpitation with heart beat sound in both ears
  116. Palpable lymph nodes (I know...)
  117. Tingling???
  118. what do you do?
  119. Health Fears Back
  120. Can any women help me please read this if you've suffered with thrush before thanks!
  121. Relationships?
  122. Freaking out over being ill
  123. Lung Cancer Inquiry
  124. stabbing pains in head
  125. Night sweats!! HIV or panic attack? Freaking out!!
  126. biopsy worry
  127. Thinking Something Might Be Wrong With Eyes (etc.)?
  128. head pressure or something
  129. So this is what I need to do..
  130. Hot Face is this anxiety?
  131. This is unrelated, but how do I deactivate my account?
  132. Anybody else? Bad taste in mouth?
  133. here we go again ....no sleep water infection taking amxocilluin
  134. Psychosomatic Anxiety Disorder!
  135. Worried about mouther cancer and stuff.
  136. Hiatal hernia/gerd
  137. go on holiday on monday i cant get excited due to worrying and googling
  138. short of breath and throat discomfort
  139. ITP, scarring and poor circulation, please help!!
  140. Worried about brain cancer
  141. Breast cancer fear
  142. New to forum
  143. trimethoprim
  144. Started sertraline
  145. loss of taste
  146. calming down techniques please heads gone wild
  147. waiting for an appointment?
  148. Side of knee pain - dvt fear
  149. If dogs can smell cancer...
  150. bowles
  151. Pressure on stomach, belching, tired, going the toilet alot
  152. Ear problems
  153. omg my nose
  154. Having a panic...... bladder/wee issues
  155. Made More Progress Im Last Two Weeks Than Last Two Years
  156. Pain around left eye, really scared
  157. Managed to convince myself I have appendicitis
  158. brain abscess
  159. MS or anxiety?
  160. Worried About Hard Palate
  161. Soft tissue sarcoma worries
  162. Throat cancer fear after quitting smoking.
  163. Dr told me everything is fine, still worried?
  164. Painful noticeable vein front of leg
  165. chickenpox?
  166. Eating bread on best before date
  167. for scary sake
  168. lipoma feel like
  169. throat issues.. acid and dysmotility
  170. Is this a sinus infection or something worse
  171. Wife has cramps but period ended last week
  172. Is there hope out there?
  173. Something ALWAYS hurts...
  174. Thought I was over this health anxiety.....
  175. help please really scared
  176. A picture of health
  177. Fear of blood clot
  178. Health anxiety - unsure where to turn
  179. Tiny pin size red dots on my thumb? (Help!)
  180. When Reality and Acceptance Checks In and you Realize you have Health Anxiety
  181. crackling?
  182. Just ended up in tears at walk in centre over what I thought was a UTI
  183. I have a bad cold now I'm starting too panic
  184. For those having a rough day..
  185. Always worried about sister?
  186. Anxiety/stress over lung cancer or heart attack
  187. HA ruining my entire life now - help
  188. Can anyone help to shed light on this?
  189. Is this a varicose vein?? Anxious!
  190. Trying to quit Cigarettes
  191. Mole- no more options
  192. Knot in my chest!
  193. Fluttering below breastbone
  194. Doctors results so scared!
  195. can anyone help put my mind at rest?
  196. Skin cancer worry, general worries, fed up of worrying
  197. nostril collapsing.....looks odd please help
  198. Pain in throat
  199. Trying to decide whether or not to go back to doctors.
  200. Lymphnodes worries
  201. cant cope .
  202. someone help me
  203. still can't shake the dread !!!
  204. Convinced :(
  205. Brain fog, forgetfulness
  206. Allergic reaction fear
  207. Could I get HIV this way?
  208. sick of health anxiety!
  209. Lol
  210. Could this pain be kidney related?
  211. Bleach making my lymph node swell??
  212. new.and losing the plot
  213. afraid doing things will cause diseases
  214. Should I change doctor?
  215. lumps and bumps
  216. What's this stitch like pain near my stomach on the left
  217. heart worries... again -_-
  218. Vision
  219. White coated tongue
  220. Freaking out bad!!!!
  221. Panicking
  222. Heartburn
  223. Advice please?
  224. Dry throat, Excess phlegm at back of throat, burping
  225. Having a filling done tomorrow and very nervous!
  226. swollen gland question
  227. Biopsy to have lump in mouth removed? Is this normal?
  228. Trouble swallowing?
  229. Day 11, sertraline
  230. Eye Woes
  231. Burning feet help!!!
  232. Excerise
  233. Major relapse with HA finding it hard to cope
  234. Waiting For The Next Round/Vertigo
  235. Can't cope with feeling please help me.
  236. Horrible stomach pain?
  237. appendicitis fear
  238. All the symptoms I have had from anxiety
  239. can't remember if I took my dose of propanolol...worried about overdosing/underdosing
  240. Scared I have stomach cancer
  241. constant acid reflux for 2 days!!
  242. Dry eyes
  243. old heart attack symtoms come back
  244. Diazepam opinions.
  245. GI symptoms/backache
  246. help me please.
  247. stomach anxiety :~(
  248. exercise to reduce anxiety?
  249. drinking
  250. Breast clinic referral