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  1. NUMBER 1 worry with health anxiety
  2. Close to wits end plz help
  3. Swollen right tonsil and scratchy throat
  4. Terrified the doctor was wrong (lymphoma)
  5. Am i having a break down??
  6. Why can't I believe my doctor ?
  7. So worried :(
  8. Tingling fingers
  9. Unanswered questions, minds in overdrive
  10. How do people deal with pain when they are anxious?
  11. I have a small <3mm freckle/mole that i just noticed on bottom of foot
  12. Visible pulse in both wrists
  13. Had Abdo/pelvic scan
  14. help I'm.back please
  15. Qu about HIV test
  16. Collar bone lymph nodes
  17. Twitching / General Muscle Discomfort
  18. Almost hairless patch in right underarm
  19. got AA battery acid on my skin, scared I ingested it?
  20. You get rid of one symptom then here comes another
  21. Work stress triggering chest tightness
  22. Fed up of worrying about every mole on my body lol
  23. Convinced i have lung cancer
  24. still worried about ovarian cancer
  25. Glasses prescription...opinions please
  26. Breathing problems and other small 'ticks' and advice with gp procedures
  27. Can't take this stupidity anymore
  28. Worried I have a spinal problem: HELP!!
  29. Enabling Vs Tough Love
  30. Scared
  31. Yet another post :( gastritis/ulcer/oesophagitis?
  32. Quick Question About Lymph Nodes
  33. Went to neurologist
  34. Feeling strange
  35. recovery! Anyone had any success?
  36. Just wanted to say thank you!
  37. Had sigmoidoscopy and found polyp - terrified!
  38. Help Freaking out!!!
  39. can it really be anxiety making me feel like this?
  40. breast cancer?
  41. Thyroid
  42. Afraid my brain is about to pop
  43. Question about stools - convinced I have pancreatitis
  44. Fed up of over obsessing !!!
  45. Dizziness and shortness of breath
  46. Health Anxiety?
  47. Floating and sinking feelings while in bed
  48. Diagnosed with alopecia :-(
  49. Relapse
  50. Constant shortness of breath
  51. Ear problems
  52. Chest pain/Sharp pain in throat- terrified of cancer
  53. had physio on back now feels so bruised
  54. Is it back again?
  55. I am scared...
  56. Who's been on a manuka honey for a while?
  57. Feel so low at the moment
  58. I'm sorry eyes!!
  59. Mind over matter
  60. Feeling so bad and scared
  61. Diabetes testing
  62. Feel like I'm going crazy
  63. Not sure if this is gastroenteritis or not
  64. Call back after test
  65. Question about Veins.
  66. One of those days...
  67. question for people with asthma and use a peakflow
  68. When support is most needed
  69. Pneumonia fear.
  70. Scared and alone
  71. feel like there was a sharp foreign object in my food? :/
  72. help
  73. anxiety physical symptoms
  74. Brain Tumour fear
  75. Blood Test result
  76. How do I get this thought out of my head!
  77. Hard lump forehead??
  78. Question for Asthma sufferers
  79. Has anyone ever had meningitis?
  80. Does anybody's head throb?? I don't think this is anxiety :(
  81. Bruising - very worried
  82. Sharp chest pain only lasting a few seconds
  83. Weak and tiredness
  84. Please help and reassure if you can 😀 health anxiety is taking over !
  85. Alone and scared
  86. Non stop anxiety about my heart, I'm so tired !
  87. Tongue twitching
  88. Unfitness?
  89. Out of Control whole body twitching...
  90. Fever not dropping after tylenol
  91. Top of head bump
  92. No appetite? anxiety?
  93. Leukaemia worried please read
  94. Help to stop checking.
  95. Too much Stress will bring about diseases
  96. Worried about a cut
  97. Stomach twitching, diarrhea after every meal.. HELP
  98. Short throbbing pain right side neck
  99. crazy new symptom
  100. come so far now feel hitting a brick wall
  101. One symptom then another?
  102. Starting Venlafaxine
  103. Rapid weight loss
  104. Biting inside of cheek
  105. How to trust doctors now ?!
  106. MRI Scans
  107. Stomach/Gall Bladder Troubles :(
  108. Brain tumours fears full force
  109. chest pain
  110. Big C Fear!!
  111. Worried sick to the point that I am shaking
  112. tonsil worry
  113. Tonsil hole worry
  114. Scared of smth neurological
  115. im crying and scared
  116. Sorry guys gross mucus question!
  117. twitching and foot pain
  118. Swallowing/throat question
  119. Follow up from ultrascan
  120. is it okay to mix propranolol and alcohol?
  121. I am very worried. I hate being scared.
  122. scared i have tonsil cancer
  123. One thing after another
  124. Swimming feeling and fireworks
  125. My breaking point...
  126. Lymph Node or Tissue?
  127. Adult Mono
  128. went to the doctors. (colon cancer fear)
  129. Freaking out over lightheadedness
  130. Malignant melanoma absolutely terrified
  131. SHIT!!!!!!
  132. Not reassured at all by my visit to the ER...
  133. Worn out
  134. And another worry -_-
  135. google gives me symptoms
  136. Been back to the Dr -Inhaler now
  137. worried about scabies! Advice please!
  138. lattisimus dorsi muscle thicker
  139. Spot inside cheek
  140. 3 weeks and still there
  141. Stomach Flu????
  142. 8yr old, tummy ache and feeling floor moving
  143. Loud voice inside my head woke me up
  144. Anxiety about bruises and leukaemia
  145. I'm so scared there's something wrong with my brain. Please help.
  146. Mild Concussion
  147. Please HELP !!
  148. HA is back :( big ranty post sorry :(
  149. Uncomfortable feeling when laying on right side
  150. Scared I have lung cancer
  151. Coping strategies while abroad...
  152. How am i going to beat this?
  153. horrible health anxiety attacks n worry this morning
  154. Small lumps under skin - HELP!!!
  155. Husband just said he's worried about me
  156. STD worries
  157. DVT fear
  158. Worried about a mole again...
  159. Eaten something dodgy?
  160. Is this normal???
  161. one tonsil larger
  162. Panicking at work ...
  163. Memory blanks
  164. Pain under right rib cage
  165. Random stomach and back pain
  166. White coat hypertension
  167. Sick of my life!
  168. Clicking noise on top of head
  169. Red dry mark on foot
  170. Hole in tonsil Just need a double confirm that's it's normal
  171. Back Again 😕
  172. Tender spots on head and scalp
  173. help please
  174. Have I developed asthma? Hard to breath!
  175. Sinus...Hot facial feeling
  176. Leg Cramping
  177. Struggling...
  178. An insight into HA from an expert...
  179. People dont help my anxiety lol
  180. I wanna beat my HA! just started meds, please help!
  181. Dr. Google making me second guess my doctors
  182. Flaky skin on scalp - latest irrational fear.
  183. skin cancer worries and fed up of bloody health anxiety!!!
  184. White dot on tongue
  185. Do you think I have HIV? What are the chances I have one?
  186. Hello Anxiety.. it's been a while
  187. Melanoma worries!!!
  188. Don't think I've ever felt so low can't stop crying
  189. Worm in the fruit
  190. Please help
  191. Coming along nicely but have a persisting symptom.
  192. Appendicitis phobia
  193. Irrational vs rational
  194. Hi I'm new here and so a little slow in navigating around
  195. Anyone else got these?
  196. Fear of Parkinsons
  197. 24/7 headaches feel sick can't eat
  198. I googled and now I regret it
  199. when people say the wrong thing to you
  200. Can anxiety cause all this?
  201. please help me lung cancer fear!!!
  202. New health anxiety
  203. Do shows like House MD worsen hypochondria?
  204. lung cancer, scared
  205. Atrial afibrilation or anxiety?
  206. twitching eyes and now my lips? Anyone else?
  207. Feel like a pyscho this morning
  208. missed heart beats freaking out
  209. Was doing so well and now I'm back (Lymphoma fear)
  210. Feel so angry
  211. Yes another lymph node question! New here
  212. Orgasm headaches
  213. Health Anxiety driving me crazy
  214. I dont know what to do anymore
  215. fear of cancer, freaking out
  216. Heart problem or acid reflux
  217. pain in arms and legs :( anyone else?!...
  218. Hypothyroidism?
  219. Small pea sized bump back of neck
  220. large tonsil worry
  221. Fissure
  222. My mum feels ill - made my Anxiety strike
  223. Tanning beds, sunbathing and skin cancer
  224. Can asthma cause breathlessness but no tight chest
  225. Urinating more than drinking
  226. Pain in right side of chest, sharp when sniffing hard
  227. Help me rationalize fear of MS, Parkinsons...
  228. Blood test without alcohol disinfectant..
  229. Very worried, think i have glandular fever
  230. Resting heart rate?
  231. Worried about sudden cardiac arrest?
  232. Ridiculously terrified
  233. freaking out a lil about body temp
  234. HIV negative test results... but still worried please help...
  235. now it's blood clots
  236. Sinus Remedy -Xylitol
  237. Feeling bloated in the evening
  238. Irrational fear of going bald
  239. left leg and arm feel weak
  240. Scared of Alzheimers
  241. Lumps in cheek & gums
  242. Had a laugh this morning
  243. Severe Health Anxiety - Please Help!
  244. Travelling around the world with health anxiety
  245. Moles
  246. Vibrating (twitching) sensation around sternum
  247. Mouth concerns
  248. Is this a fordyce spot? or......
  249. Scared of feeling this way.
  250. Sorry for the constant posts.