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  1. Health Anxiety Tips
  2. Aargh Breast Cancer! White...stuff?
  3. Still a bit of worry
  4. Feeling scared again
  5. Head pains over 2 weeks
  6. Hard Lump Back of Neck
  7. Continuous facial / head rash & dry skin
  8. Every mouth symptom...
  9. Please Help
  10. Breast cancer fear once again
  11. does hyperkeratosis grow?
  12. Waiting for mammogram results
  13. Mini blackout ?
  14. Well, I ate fly tonight or smth
  15. Head pain
  16. Anxiety or something else? Curious if others have this problem
  17. Dr Google!
  18. Stove burner on all night?
  19. My history with health anxiety
  20. Positives Facts wanted
  21. Energy levels
  22. Left hand keeps going numb, getting worried?
  23. Mole removal wound not healing well
  24. Neck pain
  25. Trying REALLY hard not to worry about stomach pains...
  26. Does anybody get winded, breathless from talking?
  27. convinced about leukemia/ help anyone
  28. New day
  29. pain in back of head when I swallow
  30. Emet and scared of norovirus. Please help.
  31. Itching all over!
  32. Herpes from someone's hand?
  33. Cancer ?
  34. I have found proof that I definitely have it!
  35. Breathless and Pains when deep breathing
  36. Glaucoma fear
  37. feel cold and sick
  38. sharp spring in bed hurt my back?
  39. sharp spring in bed hurt my back?
  40. Brain tumor fear, again!!!
  41. Skin infection, need reassurance
  42. Need to fight this
  43. Need to calm down but can't...
  44. Medication question
  45. weird moles
  46. Please help a fellow ha sufferer
  47. Feel I need to get it all off my chest - feeling very low and depressed.
  48. about to get on a plane
  49. Health anxiety coming back
  50. First proper panic attack in years!
  51. Brought back down
  52. Is this normal?? Please respond...
  53. Terrified of kidney stone
  54. Anyone tried psychotherapy for ha
  55. It has happened again!
  56. Sensitive to sound and repeating what's been said in your head. HELP!
  57. has anyone gotten allergy tested?
  58. My mind does not allow me to relax
  59. No strength in voice - please help.
  60. bad mole habits
  61. It was acute sciatica still in pain and clammy worried about pancreatitis
  62. lower abdominal pain after walking
  63. What medication helps best with anxiety and sleep problems
  64. Please, please, please. Aortic Aneurysm Fear!!!
  65. In a Panic !
  66. Help
  67. worried I'm worrying my life away
  68. I've been diagnosed with costochondritis and i'm terrified.
  69. Lymph nodes concern
  70. Tingling twitching face?
  71. Hit the back of my head
  72. Flucloxcillan
  73. Anti-depressants question
  74. pain under right rib
  75. Dry socket.
  76. weird cluster headaches and other symptoms?
  77. Acting weird before sleep?
  78. I think I'm dying
  79. Trying to remain calm
  80. (sigh) Stabbing pain in right side of chest
  81. This scary breathing thing...
  82. How many times have you convinced yourself you're dying?
  83. Breaking the negative behaviours
  84. Sorry bit of reassurance needed
  85. Inhaled food
  86. Finally doing it
  87. HA out of control
  88. Lung worries!! Sorry for the panic!!
  89. So 3 weeks now of pain under left rib...
  90. Help, assaulted and facial fracture requiring general anesthesia, Terrified :(
  91. Sertraline causing panic and rapid heart?
  92. Weird bones and veins sticking out
  93. New and worrying
  94. ear ringing/buzzing
  95. Holidays
  96. Lymph Nodes again.
  97. Citalopram for Health Anxiety - Second Time
  98. Hot flashes, 36 yr old male
  99. Hormones maybe??
  100. random pains...
  101. White area side of tongue
  102. pain in lower right abdomen. assuming its appendicitis.
  103. I hoped I would never have to come back here...
  104. tongue cancer worry
  105. Worried egg stuck in fallopian tube
  106. Propranalol
  107. Bruise worry
  108. Stomach bug and inner ear virus doing the rounds here
  109. Seizure anxiety!
  110. Weakness
  111. stomach issues again
  112. Sick of symptoms.
  113. Tonsils with white spots-worried!
  114. Pregnancy blood test at the hospital
  115. sudden pain! help!
  116. Liver worries
  117. Urinary Retention Problem
  118. Convinced I have asthma or pulmonary hypertension
  119. Under tongue pain. Oral cancer fear :(
  120. Extreme fear of getting cancer taking over life
  121. Skin Cancer!
  122. Is this mostly just stress that is causing this pain?
  123. Absolutely terrified that I have pulmonary hypertension!
  124. Im back Again
  125. Anyone else had this virus?
  126. ringing and hissing in one ear
  127. What's the use
  128. brain tumor fear please please please help
  129. lump in neck
  130. getting older or should I be concerned ?
  131. Scratch on hard palate
  132. Intense throat worry ruins. It my life. Need perspective/reassurance.
  133. scary bruise
  134. As I fall asleep I stop breathing
  135. Anyone Else?
  136. Worried about my sunbed use - am I over-reacting?
  137. Heart attack panic!
  138. I can't cope :(
  139. can anxiety make you feel so unwell
  140. Itching all over the place.
  141. Oral symptoms - please help :(
  142. Bump on roof of mouth
  143. Low body temperature?
  144. Would a ct scan pick up a brain tumour
  145. Lump Behind Ear (Mastoid Bone)
  146. Kidneys?
  147. lightheadedness
  148. burning in throat
  149. lightheadedness
  150. Cramping and pain
  151. pain in back right side only
  152. How I turned my ALS fears into something positive
  153. sudden symptoms - ear and head
  154. Worried about tetnus and infection
  155. Concussion ??
  156. Feeling very fed up and can't help but feel anxious about stomach problems...
  157. Does anyone else prod their chest?
  158. I have tooth ache, but am not registered with a dentist. what should i do?
  159. Skin Biopsy
  160. Just pneumonia or lung cancer
  161. Cat Scratch
  162. Headaches Everyday
  163. please help me
  164. Trying my best to keep calm
  165. scared I have something sharp lodged in my throat/esophagus?
  166. 30 year old male always in good health that now fears every ache is something major g
  167. Extreme fear of schizophrenia (First post here)
  168. Feeling sick with rash! Help please.
  169. Terrible HA regarding my vision & how I've started to turn the corner...
  170. Light headedness but not feeling anxious
  171. Dreams of dying/prediction
  172. Recurring abscess
  173. Google is not your friend
  174. tiny black bits on toilet paper
  175. Worried about the continuous aching in my teeth. I am getting anxious, advice?
  176. Sore throat, horrible headache?
  177. gavicon causing "panic attack"
  178. Still Itching
  179. Why do we keep finding things?
  180. Heart worries AGAIN - new symptoms
  181. Mole concern
  182. So tired, like brain is half asleep
  183. Anyone been to a sleep clinic?
  184. just some reassurance please...😕
  185. First time 'poster', long time worrier!
  186. Headache Update-Neuro Appt
  187. Breast Lump - Very Scared
  188. Sepsis fear, help
  189. Small Skin Infection
  190. nail melanoma fear
  191. Swollen sore veins help!!
  192. Theres no way...
  193. I. Hate. Anxiety.
  194. Lymphoma!
  195. Lung Cancer worries
  196. Weird Feeling Around Left Rib Cage
  197. Seeking Advice and Thoughts on Situation
  198. Two MRIs with lesions, neck scan, bloods..obsessing over MS.
  199. Really worried about lump behind my ear
  200. Cough Symptom - Advice Appreciated.
  201. I can't believe my anxiety has returned again, i feel like rubbish.
  202. Nerve pain driving me crazy!
  203. Ear and eye problems
  204. headache week 5 and no better
  205. Here we go again... breast cancer fear...?
  206. Here we go again urine worries
  207. Worried that reflux will turn to cancer.
  208. Acid Reflux
  209. Worried about getting skin cancer
  210. Dvt or pe worry!!!
  211. Does anybody else here get sinus/mild congestion trouble with anxiety?
  212. Do you also freak out over non-health issues?
  213. Urine
  214. Dizzy after exercise?
  215. Very anxious about nodule on my son's leg
  216. Fear of cancer cells somewhere in my body
  217. Anxiety symptoms with no other problems
  218. My fortune cookie tonight
  219. Huge yellow bruise just appeared on my hand, PANICKING. Pic attached
  220. Daily Headaches
  221. SSRIs' and Male infertility
  222. anxiety is sky high and just need a friendly ear please
  223. Burning Pain in Forearm
  224. Just looking for reassurance. Anyone else had this...
  225. head.
  226. Really nervous and agitated
  227. extremely worried
  228. Back again
  229. Very worried...reactive arthritis or something else?
  230. melanoma? cancer?
  231. Anxiety web
  232. Lymph node worried help
  233. It's been a while
  234. Diabetes
  235. Anyone else feel like there losing the plot?
  236. Brain tumour and cancer worries back
  237. Bump on roof of mouth - turned out to be nothing
  238. Scared Skin Cancer!
  239. just had brain mri
  240. So scared! Shoulder pain convinced it's breast cancer still
  241. Sunburn - skin cancer anxiety
  242. Lymph Nodes
  243. Throat problems
  244. Back after all this time
  245. It's the little things. Was doing so well, now Oral Cancer
  246. Calcifications in my abdomen - cancer?
  247. How do I stop worrying about the tiniest of things?
  248. back again with worry
  249. Oral thrush diagnosis :( need help
  250. Allergies/Choking Fear