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  1. First migraine....
  2. A new fear..Sarcoma
  3. Long time, back to square one...
  4. DVT ultrasound results, confused.
  5. What to expect at first counselling appointment nervous
  6. Lymphoma scare
  7. Thumb Twitching
  8. Why do we relapse?
  9. Chronic sore throat
  10. Please help, worries about lips and tongue
  11. I'm in a really bad panic tonight and I can't seem to get out of it
  12. dont wanna do this anymore
  13. Post coital bleeding :-(
  14. Cross with myself!!
  15. 30 years old, enlarged uterus but clear ultrasound, scared!!
  16. Please someone calm my heart fears :(
  17. Been awhile-not doing well at ALL
  18. Worried about injury from the bus - internal bleeding?
  19. Health anxiety and pregnant
  20. Worried about worrying
  21. Internal Bleeding in Neck
  22. Back again :(
  23. Stopping smoking advice
  24. Worried all the time
  25. Seriously worried
  26. Eyes
  27. No symptoms during holter test - now full of symptoms
  28. Hyperaware of body
  29. Socks Leaving Indentations Around Ankles?
  30. Whooshing in ear and BP worry.
  31. argh how do i stop this convinced im dying
  32. Dizzy Only When Walking Barefoot
  33. Worst Case Scenario
  34. sorry if ive offended anyone
  35. Pains in my back
  36. Acid reflux
  37. Worried about a mole
  38. Chronic sore throat
  39. Convinced I have lymphoma
  40. Bad night
  41. When every flicker of pain sends me into a panic... how can I cope?
  42. Can't sleep
  43. what is this?...lower back pain and whenever I walk im in agony
  44. Need to clear throat
  45. Second doctors appointment over lump again. Freaking out
  46. Chest Tightness/Pressure!
  47. Paranoid I have either Leukemia or HIV!
  48. Intense Health Anxiety about my kids
  49. Ovary pain
  50. Piles of Health Anxiety Yet Again (Gross TMI)
  51. Always fearing a disease.
  52. Catastrophising
  53. Cramping with loose stools with mucus
  54. Please can anyone advise
  55. Something positive for a change
  56. health anxiety taking over my life
  57. Anyone else have halos/starbursts & sensitivity to light?
  58. Fear of multiple cancers in general
  59. One thing after another
  60. Temple pain both sides,
  61. Can't be this
  62. One year of one thing after another.
  63. Cold symptoms, after how many days?
  64. Lymphoma concerns!!
  65. Blood pressure monitor causing blood clot?!
  66. Please help breast worry
  67. Help needed please
  68. My Health Anxiety Story
  69. scared of letting go
  70. Anxiety and blood pressure.?.
  71. Separating real symptoms from anxiety
  72. Aspirated food again
  73. still worried about cancer still no scan letter :(
  74. Scared I'll die by picking my nose
  75. Health anxiety
  76. Increased HR, night sweats
  77. Broke Galileo Thermometer and freaking out
  78. Tingling tip of nose
  79. Lyme Disease - need peace of mind
  80. So tired of all those fears.. Dizziness all the time
  81. worried about mole
  82. Anxiety meltdown with insomnia
  83. waiting on MRI results but no symptoms
  84. Feeling out of it
  85. Mrcp scan anyone
  86. Stars in Vision When Looking To The Side?
  87. Small lump on back right side of head
  88. Going in for a second opinion to make sure it is not lymphoma
  89. BP worries.
  90. abnormal ecg helpppp
  91. Moles!
  92. HIV Test booked - and freaking out!
  93. Has anyone had a dermatologist tell them a mole looked bad...
  94. just want to be normal.. now i've gone from ovarian cancer to cervical 😢
  95. Breast cancer fear getting better then worse
  96. Freaking out about abdominal pain
  97. back again with vision problems
  98. Teeth problems (HELP!!)
  99. I think I'm going crazy!!
  100. Pulsing in my Shin?
  101. HIV - 'undetectable viral load' ??
  102. Sudden loss of balance
  103. Now it's a hernia
  104. bruise question
  105. Colon cancer fear TMI
  106. Please help :( scared think I just had an electric shock
  107. Psychologist with health anxiety
  108. My anxiety
  109. Breast lump in thin female?
  110. choosing the best medication for health anxiey
  111. Pregnant (really embarrassed and scared)
  112. New dark mole on face
  113. cant deal with heart worries anymore
  114. Mole worries
  115. Ear ache without infection
  116. Eye vision anxiety
  117. The neck lump blues.
  118. Blocked nose after cold and it's really bothering me...any advice?
  119. Another White tongue spot :/
  120. Eaten a bit of cheese had a funny smell?
  121. Contact with the homeless
  122. Costochondritis or cancer?
  123. Do you worry about others too?
  124. Bump on tongue
  125. In a im in a total mess re brain tumour worries
  126. Swollen glands
  127. Spot on scalp, anyone else got this?
  128. Demanding tests but need your help please
  129. Stitch like pain under right rib. ibs?
  130. Worried about my Appendix :(
  131. Fear of tonsil/throat cancer taking over my life
  132. Feeling Yuk :(
  133. Side Effects of Psychosis medication
  134. Tender directly under my chin
  135. What is working for me in stopping this.
  136. HARD lymph node in neck
  137. Head injuries concerns
  138. Heartbeat in ear
  139. Worried About Lump/Bump in Abdomen
  140. anyone suffer heart worries?
  141. Skin Cancer worry spiraling out of control
  142. Does this sound like an ingrown toe nail?
  143. I feel certain that I will die today
  144. Decongestant causing headache
  145. Worried about mold and ill effects
  146. Does HA make you stupid?
  147. Common cold but symptoms feel worse than ever before
  148. Breast again
  149. Poking and prodding makes symptoms worse?
  150. Just start to feel better then WHAM
  151. Please help, so scared, tingling face/tongue/legs
  152. Really Worried About Right Abdomen Pain!!
  153. Dealing with physical anxiety symptoms, not the mental ones
  154. Acne and lymph nodes?
  155. Im back and worried again.
  156. Anxiety out of nowhere - how to mentally get on top of it
  157. Heart fears!! Or acid reflux?? Please help
  158. Waking with Palpitations
  159. Worried - not sure if just burned out from stress or I have a bug.
  160. dvt fears anyone advice?
  161. Question about upper quadrant tightness/hard
  162. can throwing up cause bruising across the chest?
  163. boney lump on head
  164. Concentrated area of tension on my back
  165. Am I going crazy?
  166. Lump on my sons leg
  167. Sudden and random tiredness...
  168. New medication, pantoprazole scared of effects...
  169. Does your anxiety get WAY worse with a cold/flu?
  170. feeling ill
  171. MRI results tomorrow, am I overanalysing?
  172. Cheek concerns
  173. Erectile Dysfunction
  174. Lymph Nodes again and again.
  175. Breast Cancer Awareness triggering HA :-(
  176. Moles causing melanoma anxiety
  177. Terrified of appendicitis/abdominal issues and hospital
  178. Red patch on hand skin cancer worries
  179. Wooshing pulse sound in left ear and anxiety venting
  180. Shooting pains and constant tingling/itching in limbs
  181. Freaking AGAIN
  182. Crackling in lungs but Dr not concerned?!
  183. Think I am breaking down
  184. please help me i cant take it anymore
  185. having a down day
  186. Huge health scare, collar bone lymph node!
  187. felt a big pop/click in my throat, freaked out?
  188. so scared - blood pressure
  189. Holding in a sneeze
  190. I hate this prison
  191. Health Anxiety - recovery IS possible/talking therapy query!
  192. Fell and banged head - scared to go to sleep- subdural haematoma
  193. Mole worry
  194. What's helping me at the moment
  195. "Firm" Lump in Neck
  196. Digestion / Indigestion / reflux
  197. Inflammatory Breast Cancer fear
  198. Heavy arm upon waking
  199. Worried in case the Consultant did it wrong....
  200. im so sure im going to die!
  201. flashes of light in vision
  202. Does anyone elses anxiety morph into different fears over time?
  203. Need some advice today, please!
  204. Eye problems: Need Reassurance
  205. IBS again?
  206. Advice on stopping fear of night sweats?
  207. Well I feel stupid! (Lymph node fear)
  208. Has anyone ever been right?
  209. My friends don't understand
  210. Nighttime is the worst
  211. does anyone actually know how to stop worrying?
  212. Upper Abdominal U/S and Cancer Fears
  213. Leukimia worry again
  214. Please please help...
  215. How to stop the automatic unhelpful thoughts
  216. Lightheaded when rubbing side of head
  217. Woke up and wasn't able to breathe?
  218. Now onto worrying about breast pain
  219. How to you keep /calm /sain why waiting for doctor appointment/tests/results
  220. Migraine and fatigue- help
  221. Irrational worries about being pregnant?
  222. Tense, Shaking and unable to relax - Anxiety symptoms?
  223. I am SO tired of worrying
  224. hands cramping... HELP!
  225. Does anyone feel like their body isn't balanced, like I'm dragging my left side
  226. Liquid Draining From Neck Down Throat?
  227. Prominent rib in breast
  228. On the edge
  229. Really need some help
  230. I am worrying to much now.
  231. Really need help/advice
  232. Advice please
  233. Help, painful shakey legs
  234. Goodbye for a while
  235. My Journey with Health Anxiety
  236. HPV/Genital warts.. question about my child :-( help please :'(
  237. Help me feel confident in taking Antibiotics
  238. Everything seems to be a sign of impending heart problems!
  239. Eye issue
  240. Taking Citroprolam and lately bladder feels full all the time and need to go
  241. Panicking about neck pressure/lump feeling
  242. up and down moods
  243. Sinus infection - anyone had one - experience, when did it heal?
  244. 'Background' health anxiety and bad dreams
  245. Seed stuck in throat - worse case scenario?
  246. my health anxiety
  247. Sharp stabbing
  248. Playing with the emotions
  249. Lansoprazole / GERD / Sleep pattern / Dunno what to do
  250. googleholic