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  1. Anxious by this horrible cold!
  2. For all the Health Worriers
  3. can piles/fissures cause dark blood too?
  4. about a random annoying lump on inside of upper lip
  5. Frightened that I'll become resistant to antibiotics?
  6. So scared of the c word..
  7. In pain and panicking. Shoulder blade pain anyone?
  8. Numbness in left hand
  9. help! seriously concerned!
  10. worried about symptoms
  11. ow do you handle feeling out of it and weird
  12. Back after a while
  13. How do you stop the what ifs?
  14. Sinus infection not responding to antibiotics?
  15. Weird cold symptoms - could it be a sign of something else?
  16. breast cancer worries now
  17. worried my arm might be broken
  18. Want to ask more about something on the Symptoms page
  19. Motivation = Missing
  20. Head/face/neck pain
  21. Really annoying cough
  22. Hit my temple :(
  23. Skin worries
  24. Pain in thigh
  25. First real panic attack tonight - out of nowhere
  26. lump in throat worries
  27. Causes of anxiety
  28. Constant Tingling/Numb Face for 2 weeks, anyone had this or similar?
  29. Dizziness
  30. Fatigue- virus?
  31. ALS fear just won't go away at all...brutal.
  32. This is taking over my life
  33. Please Help, fee like i am going to fall over or pass out
  34. Health anxiety and general anxiety at all time high :(
  35. Melanoma Fears!
  36. Afraid I swallowed glass
  37. Propanonol
  38. Index Finger Pain
  39. All of the things I currently fear
  40. Blood in stool ugh
  41. Anyone have anxiety at night or while you sleep?
  42. Night Sweats?
  43. really need help right now please
  44. shooting head pains
  45. Scared I have cystic fibrosis
  46. Anyone experience visual issues that eventually went away? Please help.
  47. frightened of having a panic attack away from home
  48. Lost Appetite
  49. help coughing up blood.
  50. Sinus-like pressure after workout- Help!
  51. Tiredness triggers anxiety
  52. Macular Degeneration fear growing.
  53. Is education a good thing or bad?
  54. I Can't Take This Anymore!
  55. Health Anxiety Fears - Tumor
  56. Something really strange happened last night - not sure if i was blacking out!
  57. Low ferritin :(
  58. asbestos worry
  59. Really scared
  60. Petrified it's melanoma can anyone reassure me?
  61. Hot, sweaty, very fast heart just from tidying the house
  62. Insomnia terrorfied it might be something deadly
  63. Twitch in face :(
  64. Sore area under chin back
  65. My mum vomited from her acid reflux need advice !!!
  66. feeling worse
  67. Has anyone had a Mouth Ulcer?
  68. WAITING FOR BIOPSY. Scared, please help
  69. head pangs seriously freaking me out :( please help
  70. Fuzzy head- lead legs- will this ever go!!!
  71. potassium overdosing?
  72. Dermoscope results back possible melanoma so scared.
  73. Dermatology Visit Skin Cancer Anxiety
  74. ALS Fear taking over my life
  75. Forearm blood clot
  76. Does Your Neck Pulse Always Match Your HeartBeat?
  77. How long do bruises take to go?
  78. Cure for addictive Googling
  79. niggles, aches ect
  80. ALS fears continue
  81. Advice or reassurance needed please
  82. Please help I'm desperate.
  83. I ate burnt rubber!
  84. New member here + stroke fear
  85. Randara- can you answer one last thing please?
  86. So I went to my doctor...
  87. Brain cancer fears again / spine problems.
  88. Annoyed and Confused Hypochondriac
  89. Advanced Testicular Cancer fear
  90. sore throat on one side
  91. Antidepressants and twitching
  92. Burning tongue, discomfort in abdomen groin and testicle
  93. Chest pains Pleurisy? Anxiety? Worse?
  94. dizzy
  95. heart attack fear
  96. Back again! Pancreatic cancer fears back
  97. Can we feel our glands under jaw?
  98. You are Strong!!!
  99. Lymph Node question.
  100. Back again with breast cancer fear
  101. question about diastolic blood pressure
  102. Why is it so hard to believe your doctor?
  103. Thigh pain
  104. How to come off Antidepressants without relapsing
  105. Heart worries caused by virus and palpitations
  106. Anyone else get this? (Stools)
  107. Need some advice about blood pressure
  108. Need some help !
  109. Now I feel like nothing can reassure me anymore.
  110. How do you control your crazies?
  111. Could I contract HIV this way?
  112. Molar pregnancy
  113. struggling tonight
  114. A whole year of this poo. Anyone else?
  115. Possible Melanoma!?
  116. bumps in mouth which change in size? any sinister?
  117. Phenergan medication
  118. Flu and Pneumonia Vaccines
  119. Finding it hard to cope
  120. Eating help please
  121. Fear of Doctors and suffering with possible UTI. Telephone consultaion possible?
  122. Has any one on here been referred to Let's Talk via the Nhs?
  123. Abnormal shaped bone behind ear seems like a lump?
  124. Echocardiogram
  125. Hereditary HA
  126. Brain fears...
  127. why cant i stop ?
  128. Constant twitch in lower lip :-(
  129. I think I am struggling and don't know what to do anymore!
  130. Something my therapist said
  131. Will my doctor just simply dismiss me?
  132. Anyone else feel this way?
  133. Not sure if i have health anxiety
  134. I keep finding new moles and it's basically freaking me out
  135. Last night was bad
  136. Pregnancy sickness
  137. Fear of blindness worsening
  138. Major anxiety triggered so fed up
  139. Stabbing again
  140. Chronic headaches and pregnant..
  141. Can optical illusions cause epilepsy? Terrified
  142. Anxiety and alcohol
  143. terrible HIV fear again
  144. High Blood sugar got tonsilitis and chest infection really anxious
  145. Nosebleed worry. Blood tests. Add Cpap.
  146. Weird Eye problem
  147. Do you ever worry about something you don't even think happened?
  148. My story
  149. I have decided on something.
  150. Anxiety over breast examination.
  151. Eating/swallowing cleaning spray
  152. One Foot Colder Than Other?
  153. So p****d off with myself
  154. Painful lump in armpit
  155. How to book counselling
  156. Did I tell the doctor everything? Obssessed with number of bowel movements
  157. So many symptoms..
  158. Legs are aching for no reason for days freaking out
  159. I'm scared I have heart disease.
  160. lump right side lower back
  161. Advice on changing antidepressant for HA
  162. Wish me Luck Going to an amusement park today
  163. citalopram for health anxiety?
  164. Pregnant and scared
  165. Worrying new sensation in my head
  166. Could this be due to anxitey ? Please help
  167. The anxiety is real.
  168. I googled !!!
  169. Leukemia? Celiacs?
  170. Stomach cramps/nausea
  171. Cholesterol
  172. Lymphoma
  173. Blood clot in thigh fear
  174. Was going so well
  175. Common cold and ringing in the ears
  176. Hunger-like discomfort
  177. I'm back and need some help
  178. Light headed/dizzy
  179. Why do I always think I am dying of something?
  180. Diarrhea, threw up, pale skin, feeling faint
  181. So sure there is something wrong
  182. Weird eye all of a sudden
  183. mouth ulcer / sore?
  184. pretty sure I have gum/oral cancer. only 16 years old!
  185. Breast Cancer fear again
  186. Strange lumps in mouth
  187. Can the stress from anxiety actually cause a stroke or heart attack?
  188. It's back!!!
  189. Armpit lump
  190. Eye beams/starburst
  191. Help please? Worried again
  192. Blood tests so frightened
  193. Erythema Migran
  194. Frightened to have Crp blood test
  195. High white blood cell count
  196. feel like im not here
  197. Low Vitamin D worries
  198. Got reassurance but anxiety came back!!!
  199. Pregnant women who use the internet for health concerns and interests!!
  200. Need help
  201. Headaches!
  202. Don't know what's wrong today.
  203. Have you ever had this
  204. Possible OCD/Anxiety causing right side sensory issues
  205. Sore Feeling All Over
  206. Small spot in head
  207. Still afraid of leukemia, help?
  208. Consistent Panic
  209. repeated anxiety symptoms
  210. Any located near Manchester, UK?
  211. Fear of endocarditis
  212. Obsessive
  213. Food Poisoning
  214. Mouth ulcer worry
  215. Ear ache :( having a vent
  216. Still worrying but doctors says its normal but still unsure
  217. Trying to cope with the flu or food poisoning
  218. Worried about my skin.
  219. First post, feeling scared
  220. I almost lost it today, but I pulled through!
  221. Tender spots on head intermittently?
  222. Sore throat, coughing up mucus and night sweats?
  223. Chances of follicular lymphoma in 22 year old
  224. Widespread pain and other symptoms
  225. Just got back from surgery
  226. Echocardiogram
  227. sweets
  228. Help with anxiety!
  229. worrying about cancer AGAIN please help
  230. Touched lead paint!
  231. Coughing!
  232. Gallbladder/Pancreas Question- Appreciate advice!!
  233. Dizziness?
  234. Worried after going to a Chiropractor today regarding Coccyx pain...
  235. Left arm pain and nausea really anxious
  236. Haven't been anxious for a while -- symptoms almost fully gone
  237. First Post in a Week, Quick Update.
  238. Weight loss due to anxiety
  239. Poised to google
  240. 2nd diagnosis confusion
  241. Can you burn your esophagus?
  242. Bleeding- So worried! Tmi
  243. How to measure a lymph node
  244. Pregnant and not coping at all
  245. The yeast infection that can kill you.
  246. Bronchoscopy
  247. Where are the people that are actually sick
  248. how long for blood results
  249. I'm Worried and Scared.
  250. constant ups and downs, anyone else?