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  1. Lump in anus - can thombrosis be painless?
  2. Results.
  3. burning inner lip
  4. Nerve twitches and feeling urge to pee often
  5. breakdown.. please don't be mad at me.
  6. Going crazy, moles :(( Halo nevi??
  7. Lungs/Hoarseness
  8. CC fears won't go away
  9. meningitis
  10. Advice?
  11. Pins and needles on waking
  12. SADS and anxiety
  13. NHS Health Check
  14. absoloutly off my rocker
  15. Can't keep going to the Dr...
  16. Costochondritis
  17. Giving myself a snap to avoid thinking about her?
  18. Still scared after the ultrasound
  19. Worried about Past Head Injuries
  20. Toilet
  21. Oral cancer stages or everythings fine?
  22. Help I'm on hols
  23. Scared of losing my sight..
  24. Terrified I have lung cancer
  25. Really worried about these symptoms
  26. Eye Pain
  27. My son had nose bleed
  28. Teeth panic
  29. Reflux help please!
  30. sudden death adult syndrome
  31. Oral cancer forums, take a look at this guys response.
  32. Bleach and whitening toothpaste
  33. Useful technique for health anxiety
  34. How Is Your Anxiety Today?
  35. Pregnancy Scare??(TMI)
  36. Any thoughts on this heart feeling really appreciated!!
  37. Acid reflux killing me?
  38. 16, worried sick about medical conditions. HELP
  39. Things are going well in my life, HA is testing me
  40. Thyroid area pain...scared.
  41. Can't accept this is anxiety
  42. Belching all the time endoscopy clear
  43. Red streaks at back of throat
  44. MRI questions
  45. Worried about washing up
  46. Anyone else like me
  47. Question regarding low blood sugar
  48. Alopecia Fear
  49. Labryhthitis or something else?? Worried
  50. Loss of Balance? Please reply
  51. Is this normal?
  52. HELP
  53. A blip, from the dentist of all places
  54. has anyone had dvt or can help an insane lady!
  55. Continued breast cancer fears
  56. Popping sensation terrified.
  57. Definite 'bigger'/swollen lymph node...but nobody concerned except me?!
  58. Pressure in bridge of nose
  59. Ankle pain
  60. dental worries
  61. The Danger Triangle
  62. Tell me I am crazy!
  63. Exhausted
  64. Lack of smell...complications
  65. Accepting and ignoring an issue
  66. Waking Tired
  67. Food poisoning!!
  68. PAIN - a reply would help !!
  69. Really depressed and struggling to cope.
  70. Tonsil Stone Stuck Under Skin? Anyone else had this?
  71. Psychosomatic Eye Problems?
  72. Cheek/lip biting oral cancer irony? Last oral cancer post
  73. Fed up
  74. Splits up nose
  75. Pressure between shoulder blades
  76. Feline worms
  77. I can not take it anymore! The c fear has destroyed my life
  78. Is it normal to feel like this?
  79. Danger Triangle Fear - Scratched one pimple open today, accidentally
  80. Possible auditory hallucinations?
  81. Anyone else find their HA gets worse near big events?
  82. Hiv scare, please help!
  83. Carpal Tunnel?
  84. please reply anything helps SO DIZZY
  85. How do you guys deal with your health anxiety?
  86. wisdom tooth infection AND oral thrush within a few weeks
  87. A dry/scratchy/phlegmy throat.
  88. Weakness and Throat
  89. Child predicted my death!!!
  90. Discomfort in left side. Spleen and pancreas worries.
  91. M.s early symptoms
  92. bone cancer ? NEED HLEP ASAP
  93. What's wrong with me?!
  94. Bored with this ha
  95. Prophylactic Mastectomy please answer
  96. Feel painful lumps around abdomen.
  97. health anxiety
  98. Head hurts only when cough
  99. Concerned about lung cancer
  100. Feeling off
  101. Thinking about the c word, trying not to google.
  102. Fear Anaphylaxis
  103. Type 2 diabetes
  104. brain tumour fears
  105. Unreal Sensations/Feelings & Anxiety - My Story
  106. Morbid thoughts, can't accept the inevitable
  107. Sinus Infection or Allergies or just going nuts?
  108. accepting the doc / dentists words
  109. All Roads Lead to Cancer...
  110. Had colonoscopy today
  111. Pelvic pain in my head?
  112. Feel as if i have a lot to lose
  113. Can this be trolling
  114. Anxiety&the internet..a love/hate relationship
  115. Anxiety and Headache
  116. Blood test call back - low Lymphocytes
  117. Im falling to pieces cant take much more
  118. Scared
  119. Health anxiety creeping in over this, doctors app or ride it out?
  120. Low blood sugar anxiety is driving me insane. I need some words of encouragement :(
  121. Waiting to be diagnosed
  122. Thyroid Problems?
  123. And iam back again
  124. MS or stress?
  125. Scared I have a brain tumour?! :(
  126. Obsessed with looking at my eyes and hand
  127. Feeling different at certain times
  128. Sudden burst of body buzzing from the inside
  129. Pls help
  130. Inguinal ligament groin
  131. Worried About Cold/Flu Maybe?
  132. 'Tinkling' abdomen sounds?
  133. Tremors and shaking inside
  134. Urge to pee and peeing every couple hours
  135. New freckles/moles
  136. Dropping a bomb - awareness campaigns
  137. Paracetamol.
  138. Could you have a sinus infection even without your nose being totally congested?
  139. i am driving myself crazy
  140. Mouth ulcer
  141. Please help.....Losing my mind - Could my daughter have leukemia?!
  142. Exposure Therapy helpful?
  143. Fever
  144. Weird rash after sore throat?
  145. Extreme anxiety over current events (trigger warning)
  146. Wisdoms Worry
  147. vomiting
  148. Health anxiety and meningitis
  149. What is happening to me?
  150. health anxiety
  151. Please help me. Worry about my girlfriend.
  152. Asbestos concern
  153. Repeat Urine Test
  154. I just can't shake this headache anxiety!
  155. Dizziness even when not anxious
  156. Bronchitis- so worried
  157. Can't stop worrying about groin
  158. Kidney worries
  159. Lump in earlobe
  160. I can't sleep because of it.
  161. The Most Important Thing I Learnt About Anxiety
  162. Mucus in stool-sorry TMI
  163. SEPSIS?
  164. Broken capillaries around ribs
  165. Breast, chest and shoulder pain
  166. Is it possible to be fatigued/weakness/nervous feeling 24/7?
  167. Neck cracking = Stroke?
  168. Anxiety made a come back
  169. CRAZY anxiety after 3 CT Scans (Radiation and Cancer Risk)
  170. Freaking out!!!
  171. Failed visual field test
  172. TMI: Diarrhea
  173. Sinistus
  174. Health anxiety and pets.
  175. Took a funny turn and really scared
  176. Is it normal to feel supraclavicular lymph nodes?
  177. More lymphoma fears
  178. Do you guys have a lump between your chest?
  179. Husband will undergo coronary angiogram... very scared
  180. Had my neurology appointment today
  181. HIV/Herpes.
  182. Health anxiety very bad
  183. What could cause this
  184. Blood when I wipe after peeing
  185. Someone please help!
  186. Anyone actually feel ill with anxiety? Like needing to be in bed?
  187. having HA when you're a parent
  188. Prednisone Red Hot face?
  189. Please Help!!
  190. Desperate for an answer. Joint Pain
  191. Stomach Issues
  192. living each day in fear of head pains, can anyone help?
  193. Going mad..:(
  194. Anxiety in chest/tummy
  195. Can't believe I'm worrying about a bloodshot eye!
  196. Went to doctors about my supraclavicular node(right side)
  197. Off to the doctors for lump behind left leg
  198. Ultrasound results there and then or have had to wait?
  199. First post! Desperate for reassurance about ovarian cancer 😞
  200. Help? Rash?
  201. Should I be worried about other half...? Need advice!
  202. night sweats???
  203. Muscle twitches please help me!!
  204. Is it bad to take deep breathes while lying down with your shirt off??
  205. soap in my eye?
  206. So was doing well untill... wooden splinter in hand tetanus worries
  207. Scared of liver cancer
  208. Need some reassurance regarding health
  209. Freaking out so bad
  210. Am I dying??
  211. HA worse in the morning.......
  212. Why did this have to happen?
  213. Headache worries
  214. Are a doctor avoider or crave the appointments?
  215. Involuntary breath intakes
  216. Shoulder pain
  217. Neck and throat again...help
  218. So I did something stupid and now Convinced i have caused damage fit of rage
  219. Warm sensation on eyelid?
  220. Glands in armpit sore for over a month
  221. Can anxiety cause muscle cramps?
  222. Body perception? Can anxiety do this?
  223. campylobactor!!
  224. wierd tongue sensation- could it be anxiety
  225. Headache / tumour
  226. Worst decision of my 30 years. HIV scare
  227. Brain Tumor Fear again.
  228. Ears, face, brain?? So worried.
  229. How many of you have OCD as well as health anxiety?
  230. IBS, Anxiety, Blood on Toilet Paper
  231. Salmonella fear!
  232. Dr phobia
  233. Blood pressure panic! Helpa
  234. Help Dealing with Eye Floaters...
  235. A kind word would be greatly appreciated
  236. Tonsillar node bigger on one side...should I worry?
  237. Urination urgency
  238. Achy left arm - please reply
  239. Brain damage? Does it sound like I'm over reacting?
  240. Anyone else had this bottom tooth sort of in the middle of two hurts When i bite down
  241. Arms, Head numbness after waking up and body burning. Effects from medication?
  242. My Werner syndrome obsession is back
  243. Heart worries
  244. me again - visual hallucination
  245. Any advice would be appreciated
  246. Why does it smell?
  247. Terrible day
  248. Panic over something probably really silly.. tight jeans.. reassurance?
  249. I'm back and very sad :( MS / Burning skin
  250. Health anxiety caused by trauma?