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  1. Swollen Gland? Panic worry, obsession. Cancer?
  2. Update
  3. Please help me - so many symptoms and I am so scared
  4. Alcohol
  5. Hearing heart beat on one side of head and hand gone funny...
  6. health anxiety goes in cycles for me
  7. Late Period But Can't Be Pregnant
  8. Chest.
  9. Clicking under ribs?
  10. Fear of STD (Advices would be so good for me thanks)
  11. Crackling /popping sound in ears
  12. Lymph node question
  13. Bowel cancer?
  14. ALS Fear & HA
  15. not been on here for quite a while
  16. Chest discomfort
  17. asbestos worries
  18. Eye pressure
  19. Reading question?
  20. Help rationalizing this headache
  21. Groin pain - worried it's something serious
  22. oral cancer
  23. Muscle Twitching and Fear
  24. brain tumour worries
  25. bladder issues
  26. Nail line
  27. Please help I'm having such a bad time
  28. Tell Me About Your Therapy Experience
  29. Tinnitus
  30. Statistics question..
  31. Anxiety or Reflux or both??
  32. Sharp feeling on one side of throat
  33. Update and not doing well
  34. Here's to a better 2017...!
  35. Lasting jaw pain after dental work? Worried it's nerve related
  36. Lowest I've Ever Felt
  37. scared of appendicitis again!
  38. Happy New Year to some of you
  39. Refered jaw and chin pain?
  40. A few questions....
  41. Still worried about ALS (possible trigger)
  42. Sprodiac Fatal Insomnia. Help. Please read.
  43. Getting nervous
  44. knee swollen
  45. Daily Xanax? Anyone?
  46. Lump in throat felt more when lying down
  47. Throat cancer panic
  48. Been doing so well but now my mind is over powering me 😦
  49. No medication has worked so far, so now what? (Brugada Syndrome too)
  50. Unusual weight loss
  51. Aching arm
  52. Leg sensation really worried
  53. Anxiety and heart rate
  54. Not coping with constant health anxiety and now worried about parasites
  55. Muscle popping?
  56. Worried About Catching Cold/Flu
  57. Belching worries
  58. Pancreatic Cancer Scare
  59. asbestos
  60. Child says stomach hurts? Leukemia?
  61. -anxiety over injury
  62. Can't work it out
  63. Heart flutter/ palps
  64. Anxiety disorder symptom of Epilepsy?
  65. Starting a new job and moving with health anxiety/depression
  66. Sexual headache
  67. Stomach problems?
  68. Lymphoma Fears
  69. Do you think I'm okay????
  70. Echo results tomorrow :(
  71. Sex related health anxiety! Air embolism?
  72. What a difference a year makes!
  73. Struggling - but hoping to overcome this
  74. Googleholic Anonymous?
  75. Hairy cell leukemia?
  76. Weight loss with out trying!
  77. Help. Issues with sleeping :( please help me this is making my anxiety go crazy
  78. My chest just really hurt when I coughed?
  79. Feel like I want to cough it all up!!!
  80. Terrified of melanoma. "Severely" atypical mole. Please help. :(
  81. Please read: Tonsil cancer fears again over one tonsil that has got bigger
  82. Throat, cough, GERD
  83. anxiety and panic
  84. Worried about eyes
  85. Vibrating feeling inside left pulse? Googled and I'm freaking out right now
  86. Strange bump back of throat
  87. Lymph node panic
  88. Happier since going off FB and main stream media
  89. DVT?
  90. chest xray
  91. Numb tingles
  92. a bit hard to breath
  93. Anyone else have issues with what they intake?
  94. Anxiety increasing at the thought of my kids going back to school next week
  95. Changing IBS Symptoms - Rumbling stomach
  96. The 2017 health anxiety things I have worried about thread
  97. Happy New Year to ALL hypos, from Fleurdelis82 (AZ)!!!
  98. Shortness of breath...when is it anxiety and when not?
  99. Lower and middle back pain worried it's tumor
  100. Can swollen lymph node cause soreness?
  101. Please help heart worries
  102. My husband thinks he might have swallowed a razor blade
  103. Heart problems - really scared
  104. Struggling with my fears.
  105. Lymph nodes in neck - what is going on?
  106. Swollen Hands
  107. Is this M.E/CFS
  108. petachaie And itchy feet
  109. Health anxiety and brain tumours
  110. Rib pain and paranoid about cancer
  111. Rib pain and paranoid about cancer
  112. Smoker worried about tumor in left side of body.
  113. Mucus question
  114. Joint and Muscle Pain, Panicking about ALS? (Previously had Anxiety. My Story)
  115. Haemorrhage in my eye + somewhat swollen optic nerve
  116. Brain tumour anxiety triggered again today.
  117. Anyone feel like the boy that cried wolf?
  118. Leukemia
  119. Burning sensation
  120. I need some advice help about lady issues please! So I don't spiral
  121. Cheek pain
  122. How long can tension headaches last?
  123. Health worries filling up my head!!
  124. Extremely worried about my heart - any help appreciated
  125. Questions About Dermatologist
  126. Canned tuna on pizza tasted bitter
  127. Feel like corners of mouth are leaking
  128. Heart monitors--fit bits, apple watches...my path to anxiety I didn't expect
  129. Calmer.
  130. Dr Called....Absolutely Freaking Out!
  131. In pain & terrified of bowel/rectal cancer [TMI, toilet issues]
  132. Is breast cancer caused by gallstones
  133. Son has lump on knee
  134. So this is an interesting thought
  135. Update, derm follow-up went pretty well.
  136. Cat scratch and Tetanus fear
  137. Just another bump in the road....
  138. Mad Cow Disease!
  139. Does this sound like Gerd?
  140. Bowel fears again - ibs?
  141. New user - could it be anxiety?
  142. Scared that I might have leukemia/cancer.
  143. Undercooked eggs - Instant upset stomach!
  144. Lung.
  145. hooray for broken bone fears!
  146. vision symptoms help
  147. Not been on here for ages ha back re lump
  148. How can we make doctors listen to our concerns?
  149. Indigestion, bloated stomach, total mess
  150. brain zaps from xanax?
  151. Blood pressure spikes
  152. Tongue Cancer Concern
  153. Night sweats
  154. Convinced this is the end
  155. Little red/purple spots
  156. Blurred spot in vision
  157. Where are your groin nodes at exactly?
  158. Can"t cope anymore
  159. BWRT?
  160. Health Anxiety is Through the Roof!
  161. Worries about HIV
  162. Worried about my spine
  163. Lipoma ultrasound
  164. Leg Weakness Concerns
  165. So fed up
  166. Deep Vein Thrombosis worry
  167. Scared that my spleen has ruptured
  168. Why can't I beat this....
  169. Armpit nodes?
  170. Had to start new thread - leukemia? Freaking out
  171. panic please help - reasurrance needed
  172. Eye dr,never been appointment today
  173. My 4 year old complained of headache
  174. PVC and palpitations fear taking over
  175. Pinpoint red marks on my stomach...
  176. Acid Reflux
  177. Icy cold finger tips (diabetes?)
  178. Looking for some reassurance
  179. You our there Mr Mustard??
  180. Damn heart anxiety
  181. Extreme panic - ladies please help!!!
  182. Emg update
  183. Hantavirus Fears
  184. Crazy list of symptoms over the last few months :(
  185. headaches and brain mri
  186. Scared to take my medicine.
  187. Are lymph nodes the same on both sides?
  188. Ingrown hair near groin
  189. Chest pain and lymphoma
  190. one for the woman, nipples (sorry)
  191. Blood in stool?
  192. IBS? Or spleen?
  193. Stress related? Please help!
  194. Cardiologist update
  195. stabbing headache over eyebrow
  196. Leukemia? Scared.
  197. Spot on lip that won't heal
  198. Dvt??
  199. PLEASE HELP Can't calm down
  200. Diabetes fears
  201. Have to take deep breathes all the time? Physiological or anxiety?
  202. feeling really down :'( insomnia or anxiety. please help..
  203. Root Canal Next Week .. So SCARED!!
  204. Purple dot on skin
  205. Stomach problems
  206. How Long Does Anxiety Actually Last!?
  207. Should I stop worrying
  208. going to the doctor today- nervous
  209. Finally got the courage to test for HIV but I couldn't get tested...
  210. Can you check something with your vision with me?
  211. Ingrown Toenail? Anyone!?
  212. shortness of breath
  213. Feel Sick After Eating Sugar, Scared of Diabetes
  214. Lymph Node Biopsy...Waiting on Results
  215. Still struggling with ALS fears.
  216. My Boyfriend Is Bleeding So Much
  217. absolutely fed up of anxiety induced chest pain
  218. My (long) story -- HIV, testicular cancer, ALS, colon cancer and oral cancer
  219. I get anxiety everytime I have to pee scared of pushing too hard
  220. I'm pretty sure I have pancreatitis!!!
  221. Bruise worries!
  222. hoarse voice
  223. Rollercoaster.
  224. MS or not?
  225. Very worried about esophageal cancer
  226. Blurred vison for short amount of time after angry outburst.
  227. Vascular headaches
  228. Tonsil Cancer?
  229. Constant dizziness- I can't go on like this anymore... It's ruining my life....
  230. Ate uncooked chicken
  231. Update, biopsy results, mole benign
  232. Health Anxiety Relapse
  233. Anxiety attack and skipped beats- question
  234. Do you get dizzy with heart palps?
  235. Some Help Please
  236. Can't cope
  237. Hand Stiffness
  238. Freaking Out.
  239. Numbness in face
  240. Funny stomach or flank issues. Could it be colon cancer?
  241. I have heartburn tonight...worried it could be a heart attacking starting :(
  242. Chiropractor and stomach problems
  243. Anyone else got this winter lurgy? Starting to worry over it now
  244. Good old Dr Google. Why we shouldn't go near him!
  245. Stabbing headaches on left side of head
  246. New to forum-dental stuff
  247. Should not have looked at CT scan results !
  248. anyone out there like me?
  249. Coughing fits causing terrible anxiety attacks
  250. Quick question