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  1. Enlarged spleen?
  2. Ear Infection -> Meningitis?
  3. HIV worry
  4. Doc apps scheduled... nervous!
  5. Wanna hear something weird? (Coming over from anxietyzone)
  6. Bad H.A day - not sure if my worries are irrational or not?
  7. Blips during good times
  8. Schizophrenia???
  9. Is this even possible?
  10. Chest pain, think I'm dying :(
  11. Migraine aura, Brain tumor??
  12. Freaking out about stomach
  13. Trying to stay out of the anxiety trap today
  14. Still struggling
  15. Neck Pain/Ache Since Xmas
  16. Opticians
  17. Puffy / swollen eye... Any ideas?
  18. Tooth / Jaw problem..anxiety?
  19. head zap? Can't stop panicking
  20. How do you cope with the anxieties of getting older?
  21. Cant stop worrying
  22. Wobbly feeling when standing still!
  23. Please help feeling down
  24. To all my insomiacs please help.me. Starting to feel depressed :(
  25. Found lump under skin on torso
  26. cervical polyp removed
  27. HOT chicken juice in my eye
  28. Please help me...
  29. really scared I have liver disease
  30. Someone talk some sense into me , heart worry
  31. Is it a cramp or a heart attack waiting to happen?
  32. Learned something about my HA today,
  33. Tetanus question
  34. How many of you feel your anxiety has triggered benign conditions?
  35. CRP, ESR and cancer
  36. Really scared
  37. Update, work, anxiety and chamomile tea..
  38. Still worried
  39. Worried about seizures and video games
  40. Lymph nodes in jawline
  41. Do you over react when you have a cold or the flu?
  42. Please help
  43. Getting mole biopsy results tomorrow, so scared!!
  44. Back on the merry go round of heart worries
  45. Stent!
  46. Growing older .
  47. Diabetes or Hypochodria?
  48. Strange One This - Phantom Tastes?
  49. Holiday abroad for hen do - do I go?
  50. Help help help please help
  51. Fear of having MS
  52. swollen lymph nodes everywhere. questions.
  53. Swollen lymph node slightly gone down.
  54. Symptoms on one side only
  55. So i somehow lost all rationality.
  56. Does it ever end?
  57. In and out of Hospitals
  58. Pain in the back of neck,upper back
  59. Thyroid cysts
  60. Hard Lump Behind Ear
  61. Feeling like I'm about to collapse
  62. Submandibular glands are both swollen
  63. Bowel testing kit!????
  64. Ears & Doctor
  65. Drinking to get rid of the anxiety.
  66. Scared I have a DVT
  67. Isopropyl- HA back
  68. Skin Anxiety
  69. Strange occurence in bank. ALS?
  70. Just not right.
  71. This fear is taking over my life
  72. Help with anxiety and dealing with it. Driving myself insane!
  73. .....sigh.....
  74. Mole Biopsy Results Update!!!!
  75. All in my mind?
  76. looking for others thoughts
  77. Hit my head...
  78. Anyone else have visual snow in their peripheral vision???
  79. 4 months of so much& now dealing with insomnia. I feel like I just can't no more.
  80. More worries about lights and vision (particularly brake and traffic lights)
  81. Scared appointment tomorrow :(
  82. BPPV or crazy anxiety dizziness?
  83. Choking Health Anxiety
  84. Please, I need help.
  85. Halos with vibrating circles inside, around every streetlight
  86. Half a Year of Thinking I Beat Health Anxiety.Then I Get a Liver Cancer Worry.Help!
  87. still concerned about my lungs
  88. Worried about teenage son!!
  89. Bit of advice needed
  90. Should I see dermatologist about this?
  91. Neck at it again
  92. Does it get better/easier?
  93. Stomach pain
  94. Random throbbing feeling in chest scared of heart problems?
  95. Resting heart rate
  96. Pulse in stomach?
  97. Finding Acceptance
  98. hiv scared help
  99. Anxious for no reason?
  100. Please help! (Bloody sputum / phlegm)
  101. Biopsy.
  102. Worried about Rhabdomyolysis after work
  103. Lymph Nodes
  104. anxiety over lymph node checking
  105. Bone hard lump next to the mons pubis area.
  106. Anyone ever done testing for adrenal fatigue??
  107. Clear lump in mouth
  108. Ache type pain in ribs ! Scared of heart problems now
  109. Worried about side pain again.
  110. I Think All the Health Anxiety People Need to Print This One Out
  111. Is it in my head? Can't be
  112. sepsis
  113. Is light sleeping and dreaming all night part of anxiety or something more sinister?
  114. No appetite is this anxiety?
  115. Heart worries? Pain in left arm!
  116. Tired.
  117. Can't take no more think this is the end
  118. Please help me I'm so petrified
  119. Can Health Anxiety cause weight loss even when eating?!?!?
  120. Looking to talk to others about my health anxiety...
  121. Another Diabetes paranoia
  122. Brain aneurysm fear... Reassure/help please?
  123. Why won't my swollen lymph node go?
  124. Description of personal chest anxiety pains
  125. Underactive thyroid and shoulder swellings
  126. Annual Physical Now what
  127. Gum swollen?
  128. no sleep fed up anyone else have strange sleeping patterns
  129. Feeling like I'm suffocating
  130. New freckle or changed?
  131. Twitching still :(
  132. Many canker sores appearing
  133. Drool or night sweat?
  134. Struggling ....
  135. ALS fear
  136. Herbal supplement fears/IBS?
  137. Spider veins on breast
  138. Please help going out of my mind.
  139. Head lice advice
  140. Failure
  141. Underlying anxiety
  142. Dark flashes when moving eyes quickly in dark rolm
  143. Gay male with unexplained illness and HIV worries (long post)
  144. I think there's something wrong with my immune system.
  145. Left eye ache
  146. This is frightening me please help
  147. Scared a family member has cancer??
  148. New here
  149. Abdominal tenderness
  150. Mouth worries
  151. anxiety induced chest pain
  152. Just wanted to say
  153. Lil scared it could be serious
  154. Another cold! Not even a week after the first one!
  155. Gasoline in hair?
  156. Neck pain/pressure in head
  157. Itchy and worrying
  158. My MS fears again.
  159. How do you know when to go to GP or not?
  160. 1st time and so so worried.
  161. heart palpitations after eating
  162. Does this look like white spots on tonsils?
  163. Emmet and scared
  164. Heart palpiations. ..
  165. Having problems? Me too...does this sound familiar?
  166. Hello again - how is everyone feeling?
  167. Pancreatic cancer worries
  168. My HA journey. How about you?
  169. Stomach ache feeling
  170. It's been a while... mole issue
  171. Cheek blood blister
  172. Cut finger..Stitches?
  173. Still worried about seizures! Possible reassurance?
  174. How can you possibly calm down when cancer forums exist?
  175. Advice please.
  176. A member from a long time ago called RLR, I think
  177. Looking for reassurance
  178. Tremors/ shakiness
  179. when health anxiety took control over my life
  180. Sensative skin/ no signs of rash
  181. Saw dermatologist for spot on palm. Every more worried.
  182. Ovarian Cancer worries - advice?
  183. Dizzy and pressure in head, feel like I'm dying.
  184. Does anyone have fibromyalgia?
  185. Wisdom tooth
  186. Google.
  187. Can worrying about a certain illness create the symptoms of it?
  188. More than just neck pain?
  189. Spasms and Movement
  190. Anyone smoke marijuana for anxiety or insomnia
  191. Loss of appetite
  192. Pain in neck and chest when taking deep breath
  193. Pain in chest and shoulder??
  194. Feeling really weird
  195. Head, sinus, jaw and neck
  196. Back again 😖 TMJ?
  197. Are these lymph nodes or something else I'm feeling?
  198. Breast cancer worry please read
  199. Head Pain - Freaking out
  200. Anxiety blood pressure
  201. Abdominal cramps
  202. Fear of teeth falling out
  203. New here and really need honest opinions.
  204. Irrational brain bleed fear backed by symptoms. Need advice...
  205. Collar bone lymph node
  206. Weird spots on scalp - freaking out!
  207. question for ladies
  208. Anxiety and frequent urination
  209. Scared that my body can't fight off virus
  210. Really bad day
  211. Low iron
  212. Health Anxiety worsening with pregnancy :(
  213. terrifyed i have appendicitis
  214. Walking phobia and anxiety or really heart??
  215. Really panicking I think I was in a coma this morning
  216. New health anxiety
  217. i need help
  218. Lymph node question...worried sick.
  219. Internet-induced health anxiety - Cyberchondria?
  220. Eye floaters
  221. Freaking out about my husband's dreams
  222. Pink bridge of nose/flushing
  223. Noticing my heart beat and it's frustrating.
  224. Raised area on left side of chest where collarbone meets sternum
  225. Eye Pain in the morning
  226. Anxiety Zone refuge
  227. Help
  228. What is the root your health anxiety
  229. Tips for dealing with frequent urination
  230. Update, lymphoma and breast cancer scare
  231. Bumps in piercings... Worried of infection
  232. Popping ears ETD??? very worried
  233. Feeling so much better right now :)
  234. Patellar Dislocation Anxiety
  235. Headache for over a week. Is it all anxiety?
  236. Upper Abdominal Pain and Discomfort
  237. Had a bad night
  238. Lurker just wanted to offload
  239. numb feeling
  240. Food poisoning scare?
  241. i feel ill and nobody is listning to me. is it a food intolerance
  242. Phlegm.
  243. Blaming everything on Anxiety and unable to stop
  244. Lump in my soft palate
  245. Heart Palpation Anxiety.
  246. Entire body feels... dull and sensitive?
  247. Does obsessing about a symptom really worsen it?
  248. Long waiting list.
  249. Bad blood results
  250. Lump in throat, reflux, pains, scared of cancer